Mechanic General

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Information: This article is currently under development. Please be patient while we're adding the finishing touches!



Korean Server North American Server
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Mechanic General
Character South Korea North America International Japan Taiwan China Europe
Elsword Yes No Yes
Aisha Yes No Yes
Rena Yes No Yes
Raven Yes No Yes
Eve Yes No Yes
Chung Yes No Yes
Ara Yes No Yes
Elesis Yes No Yes
Add Yes No Yes
Lu Yes No Yes
Ciel Yes No Yes
Rose Yes No Yes
Ain Yes No Yes
Laby Yes No Yes

Set List

Image Name Stats
[Mechanic General]
Mechanic General Hair

Costume Hair:
Physical Attack +30
Magical Attack +30
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20

Attack Speed +3%
Maximize +3%

Mechanic General Top Piece

Costume Top:
Physical Attack +30
Magical Attack +30
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20

HP Increase +1%
Damage Reduction +2%

Mechanic General Bottom Piece

Costume Bottom:
Physical Attack +30
Magical Attack +30
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20

HP Increase +1%
Additional Damage +2%

Mechanic General Gloves

Costume Gloves:
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +15
Magical Defense +15

Attack Speed +2%
Additional Damage +2%

Mechanic General Shoes

Costume Shoes:
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +15
Magical Defense +15

Critical +2%
HP Increase +1%

[Mechanic General]
Mechanic General Weapon

Costume Weapon:
Physical Attack +120
Magical Attack +120

Critical +3%
Attack Speed +3%

Mechanic General: Target Code

Face Accessory (Middle):
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20

Critical +2%
HP Increase +3%

Mechanic General: Wings Code

Accessory (Top Piece):
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20

Attack Speed +3%
Maximize +2%

Mechanic General: Field Code

Accessory (Bottom Piece):
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20

HP Increase +3%
Additional Damage +2%

Set Effects

Type [Mechanic General] [Mechanic General]
2 Piece Effect
  • Additional Damage +3%
  • Damage Reduction +3%
  • MP Recovery when attacking +4%
  • MP Recovery when attacked +4%
  • Additional Damage +3%
3 Piece Effect N/A
  • Attack Speed +3%
  • Critical Damage +7%
  • Upon attacking, 1% chance to summon Nano Machines for 10 sec. The nano machines will attack nearby enemies and heal allies. (Cooldown: 30 seconds) (Dungeon)
  • Upon attacking, 1% chance to summon Nano Machines for 10 sec. The nano machines will attack nearby enemies. (Cooldown: 30 seconds) (Match)
4 Piece Effect
  • Critical Chance +3%
  • Critical Damage +5%
  • HP Increase +7%
5 Piece Effect
  • MP Recovery when attacking +2%
  • MP Recovery when attacked +2%
  • Maximize +3%
  • Upon attacking, 3% chance to activate Overheat for 15 seconds (Critical Damage/Attack Speed increased by 5%, Cooldown: 30 seconds)

Related Items

Image Item Name Description
File:MGIB.png Ice Burner (Mechanic General) An Ice Burner with a chance to obtain costumes and accessories from the Shaviana Truffles set.
File:MGAddItem.png Oasis Drop A material item obtained after using an Ice Burner (Mechanic General) during its season. This is required to craft the Mechanic General: Target Code accessory.


Set Appearance

Elsword Aisha Rena Raven Eve
Chung Ara Elesis Add Lu
Ciel Rose Ain Laby Noah


Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 메카닉 제네럴 Mechanic General