Cargo Airship

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Revision as of 10:33, 25 January 2011 by Ginseng (talk | contribs)

Transportation Process

The Elsword team has entered a ship that was being loaded with these Rich Ores.... Where will the ship lead them?


Efficient Nasod Miner: Similar to the Original Nasod Miner, but is now stronger.
Nasod Driller SD-2: Similar to the Original Nasod Driller, but is now stronger.
Nasod Healer: A Nasod Gear that can only heal its allies.
Bullet-firing Hornet: A robot Hornet with the same animation as the Hornets in Ruben... except that it fires bullets from its abdomen.
Efficient Nasod Driller SD-2: A slightly larger version of the Nasod Driller SD-2, but has a blue-white paintjob and is obviously stronger.


Futuristic Steam Vent: Similar to the Steam Vents in Elder, but looks more futuristic.

Boss, Wally No.9 1st Form

Hopefully the last the Wally Series....
A Giant Blue Coloured Robot which looks very heavily armoured and sturdy.


Horizontal Thrust: Propels itself with jetpacks causing moderate damage but crazy push-back if you are psychotic enough to stand in his way.
Punch: Yes, he just punches you but gives substantial push-back.
Fire Missles: Wally straightens himself along the x-axis and fires a set of 3 missles along each side. 3 flying diagonally upwards/downwards one flying straight at the middle.
Thruster explosion: Wally aims his thrusters at the ground and fires... dealing rather substantial damage.
Transform: Once you kill Wally, the whole area explodes to reveal... Wally no.9's inner form.

Overall Strategy: Hes simple. Just see past his spam and try to combo him until he dies and goes into his inner form.

Boss, Wally No.9 2nd Form

Looks like I was wrong....
A lightweight looking Nasod soldier, with extremely flexible limbs, one eye, and two lightsabers connect to his hands called "Blade Hands".


Activate Super Armour: Wally can activate super armour as an when he likes.
Fire eye laser: Wally can spend half his mana bar to unleash laser from his eye, which immediately knocks you down.
Blade hand spin combo: Wally spins his blade hand and attacks, chaining quick, consecutive combos.
Sideways attack: Wally straightens himself along the X-axis and spreads his arms, then spins the blade hands, injuring those near him.
Blader Combo: At full mana bar, Wally can unleash a lethal frenzy of blade attacks, smash you to the ground, propelling you upwards by reaction force, then unleash his laser attack which can hit you up to 4 times. Similar to Another Code's skill, "Dimension Link Blader".

Overall Strategy: Hes harder then his first form, but hes not that hard. Just be aware of his MP bar, his Blader Combo is very quick and can do a good amount of damage to you. Also be aware of when he activates his super armor by his AI- It may be a good chance to unleash your attacks without flinches.

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