
From Elwiki
Hide inside the mirror to run away from danger.
Can be used while being attacked and can select the direction of teleportation with arrow keys.
Final Enhanced Skill
  • MP Usage is decreased by 20%.


Class Level Required
Laby 15

Skill Information

Mode MP Usage Cooldown
PvE 50 MP 30 Seconds
PvP 180 Seconds
PvE 40 MP 30 Seconds
PvP 180 Seconds
  • PvP cooldown is fixed and cannot be reduced.

Skill Traits

Light Andromeda!Regenerating (1) Andromeda!
Attribute EffectMP UsageAttribute EffectMP Recovery
MP Usage decreased to 80%40 MP
Final Enhanced Skill
32 MP
50% chance of regaining 100% of the MP Usage50 MP
Final Enhanced Skill
40 MP

Tips and Details

  • While the skill allows you to escape both hitstun and knockdown, you have no invincibility or super armor when exiting the mirror, so a large enough attack or other enemies can still hit you during the exit animation.
  • As with any other skill, any suction effects (such as unawakened Generate Black Hole), even if they induce hitstun (such as Final Strike) will prevent you from using this skill at all.
  • You cannot escape from Hyperactive skills.
  • You can warp in any direction when escaping an attack, including up or down. Holding while already on the ground will cause you to warp very slightly forward instead, allowing you to catch unsuspecting opponents from behind.


Date Changes
12/06/2018 01/03/2019
  • Andromeda! added.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 안드로메다! Andromeda!
Japan アンドロメダ Andromeda
France Andromède ! Andromeda!