[Mod] Ignition Crow - Incinerator

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Revision as of 17:14, 5 May 2022 by ED Senne (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "!! Level Required !! Base Skill" to "!! Level Required !! Skill Requirement")
[Special Active: Strength]

Shoot flaming crows which flies to surrounding areas. The crows will explode to deal damage and inflicts a burn on whoever it touches. (Can also be activated in midair)
  • Uses HP to increase.
  • Activate by repeated presses of the skill key.
  • Attack power +5% for 10 seconds.


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Nova Imperator 99 Ignition Crow - Incinerator

Skill Information

Mode Damage (Magical) Incineration Duration Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Flaming Crows Explosion Incineration  Enemy DebuffBurnEnemy DebuffBurn Normal Overheat Flaming Crows Explosion Incineration
Normal Overheat Normal Overheat
PvE 1487% 2761% 3838% 50% ?? Seconds 10 Seconds 15 Seconds 1 1 9 14 200 MP 15 Seconds
PvP 508% 944% 1312%

Skill Traits

Absorbing Ignition Crow - Incinerator Empowered Ignition Crow - Incinerator
Attribute Effect Attribute Effect
MP Gain of the skill increased to 140% Damage increased to 120%

Total Damage

Mode Base
Normal Overheat
Normal Empowered Normal Empowered
PvE 4,698% 5,637.6% 6,025% 7,230%
PvP 1,902% 2,282.4% 2,520% 3,024%

Related Skills

File:VCTrans5.png Flames of Victory
Forbidden Secret Manual (II) is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Power of Transcendence Skill Quest or Item Mall.


Date Changes
08/09/2018 08/22/2018
  • [Mod] Ignition Crow - Incinerator added.
07/02/2020 07/29/2020
  • Casting speed increased by 40%.
  • Explosion no longer launches enemies away.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 이그니션 크로우 - 인시네레이션 Ignition Crow - Incineration
Japan イグニッションクロウ - インシノレーション Ignition Crow - Incineration
China (Simplified Chinese) 烈焰乌鸦 - 焚化 Flame Crow - Incineration
Germany Glühender Schrei - Einäscherung Burning Scream - Cremation
Spain Grito Ardoroso - Cremación Burning Scream - Cremation
France Cri fervent : incinération Burning Scream : Incineration
Italy Urlo Rovente - Cremazione Burning Scream - Cremation
Poland Rozżażony Krzyk - Spopielenie Burning Scream - Incineration
United Kingdom Blistering Scream - Incinerator
Brazil Corvo Incendiário - Incinerador Ignition Crow - Incinerator