G-18C Freezing Grenade

From Elwiki
[Special Active: Strength]
Throw a maximum of 4 G-18C Freezing Grenades that explode upon contact.
Freezing Grenade
  • Enemies hit will be inflicted with a  Enemy DebuffExtreme ColdnessEnemy DebuffExtreme Coldness state.
  • Able to install in intervals of 0.5 seconds.
  • Can also be activated midair.
Over Strike
  • Upon activating Over Strike, skill attack power increases.
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Damage is increased by 1.2 times.


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Valkyrie 30 Intermediate Training Skill Quest

Skill Information

Mode Damage (Magical)  Enemy DebuffExtreme ColdnessEnemy DebuffExtreme Coldness
MP Usage Grenade Throw
Freezing Grenade Throw Freezing Grenade
PvE 50% 614% 1 Second 4 200 MP 0.5 Seconds 14 Seconds
PvP 19% 227%
PvE 60% 737% 1 Second 4 200 MP 0.5 Seconds 14 Seconds
PvP 22% 274%

Skill Traits

Light G-18C Freezing GrenadeKilling Blow (1) G-18C Freezing Grenade
Attribute EffectMP UsageAttribute EffectDuration
MP Usage decreased to 80%160 MPSkill effect's duration increased to 150%1.5 Seconds

Extra Information

Total Damage

  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.
ModeBaseQuarter Master/Key of Proof Used midair
NormalOver StrikeNormalOver Strike
  • Average assumes 0 Freezing Grenade Throw hits and 4 Freezing Grenade hits.


Affected By Action Speed

Related Skills

Tips and Details

  • Since the 0.5s throwing cooldown is not shared between Grenade skills, interchanging throws between this and G-96 Pressure Grenade is more efficient than using either on their own.
    • This is later fixed with the Awakened Will: Freyja passive which allows you to throw all loaded grenades while ignoring throwing cooldown with no further downsides.
  • If well-timed, grenades can explode upon impact with any enemy when you are about to be attacked, even with projectiles like Shadow Defender's Shadow Spear. However, this explosion's damage won't appear (also won't be count in Free Training) and won't cancel their melee attacks or projectiles.
  • Additional Grenade Throws can be interrupted.
  • Bug: with a high Action Speed buff, such as the one from Pet Encouragement, one can throw another series of grenades after the last grenade is fired without waiting the cooldown out.



Date Changes
02/18/2016 07/13/2016
  • G-18C Freezing Grenade added.
  • Grenade Cooldown decreased.
  • Tooltip improved.
01/12/2017 01/24/2017
  • Damage decreased.
03/16/2017 -
  • Fixed issue where can be used unlimited when attack speed is high.
04/27/2017 05/10/2017
  • Freeze Grenade damage increased.
  • Damage decreased.
06/15/2017 06/28/2017
  • Fixed issue where can activate "Upon using Strength Skill, Strength Skill's Damage for 10 seconds +*% (5 Stacks)" effect when using the skill on the ground after loaded.
07/27/2017 08/09/2017
  • Freeze Grenade damage increased.
11/02/2017 11/15/2017
  • Freeze Grenade damage decreased.
02/22/2018 04/18/2018
  • Damage decreased.
  • Freezing Grenade Throw damage decreased.
  • Freezing Grenade damage increased.
08/01/2019 08/28/2019
  • Freezing Grenade Throw Damage changed to magical.
  • Light trait effectiveness increased.
10/08/2020 11/04/2020
  • Fixed the last grenade not hitting enemy when using all loaded grenades with high Action Speed.
08/04/2022 -
  • Fixed being able to change firing direction at high Action Speed.
08/03/2023 08/30/2023

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea G-18C 빙결류탄 G-18C Freezing Grenade
China (Simplified Chinese) G-18C冰冻手雷 G-18C Freezing Grenade
Germany G-18C Eisgranate G-18C Ice Grenade
Spain Granada de hielo G-18C G-18C Ice Grenade
France Grenade de glace G-18C G-18C Ice Grenade
Italy G-18C Granata glaciale G-18C Ice Grenade
Poland Lodowy Granat G-18C G-18C Ice Grenade
United Kingdom G-18C Ice Grenade
Brazil Granada Congelante G-18C G-18C Freezing Grenade