
From Elwiki
Maximize is increased.
Attack using Nasod Arms become faster, allowing double attack on certain commands. When Giga Drive - Limiter buff and Bloody Accel buff activates at the same time, an additional buff activates.
Command Attack
  • Commands that activate double attack: ,
  • When  Self BuffSword OverdriveSelf BuffSword Overdrive and  Self BuffBloody WeaponSelf BuffBloody Weapon activate at the same time, activate  Self BuffOverpowerSelf BuffOverpower buff.
  • Critical Damage increased during  Self BuffOverpowerSelf BuffOverpower buff.


Class Level Required
Furious Blade 99

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Maximize Increase Double Attack Chance Increase
This effect is additive
to your current stats. 

(On Certain Command Attack Use)
 Self BuffOverpowerSelf BuffOverpower
Critical Damage Increase
This effect is additive
to your current stats. 
1 99 15% 15% 20% 30 Seconds
1 99 15% 15% 20% 30 Seconds

Affected Commands

Sword Taker Furious Blade

Tips and Details

  • The  Self BuffOverpowerSelf BuffOverpower buff will only activate when either the  Self BuffBloody WeaponSelf BuffBloody Weapon or  Self BuffSword OverdriveSelf BuffSword Overdrive buff is obtained while the other is active.
    • This means that after using one of the two required skills, you technically have 30 seconds (20 seconds in PvP) to activate the other one.
  • The  Self BuffOverpowerSelf BuffOverpower buff duration is independent of the  Self BuffSword OverdriveSelf BuffSword Overdrive and  Self BuffBloody WeaponSelf BuffBloody Weapon buff durations.


Date Changes
11/30/2017 12/20/2017
  • Overpower added.
08/23/2018 09/06/2018
  • Overpower buff will now activate when Bloody Accel or Sword Overdrive buff are renewed.
09/20/2018 10/11/2018
  • Critical Damage Increase increased.
  • Duration increased.
  • Max Possible Damage increased.
01/04/2024 01/31/2024
  • Max possible damage feature is removed.
  • Maximize Increase effect added.
03/14/2024 03/27/2024
  • None
  • Maximize Increase increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 기선 제압 Intimidation
Japan 先制攻撃 Preemptive Strike
Germany Einschüchterung Intimidation
Spain Intimidación Intimidation
France Intimidation
Italy Intimidazione Intimidation
Poland Zastraszenie Intimidation
United Kingdom Intimidation