Odyssey (Stage 3)

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Revision as of 16:12, 29 August 2022 by Ritsu (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "==[\s]*?Requirements[\s]*?==([\s\S]+)colortable-(.*?)"\n[\s]*?([\s\S]+)<br>[\s]*?==[\s]*?Skill Information[\s]*?==\n{\| cellspacing(.*?)center"\n" to "== Requirements ==$1colortable-$2" $3<br> == Skill Information == {| cellspacing$4center" class="colortable-$2" ")
[Master Skill Stage 3]
Shoot the arrow imbued with the beginning of an adventure. The symbols imbued with the power of spirits remain as epics where the arrows pass.
The symbol explodes with the arrow containing the Echo of Sincerity.
Master Skill is unaffected by skill enhance effects except Master-only effects.


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Prophetess : Master Class 99 Master Skill Stage 3 Quest

Skill Information

Mode Damage (Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Arrow of Beginning Epic Echoing Arrow Explosion Arrow of Beginning Epic Echoing Arrow Explosion
PvE 3422% 949% 2052% 2754% ? ? ? ? 300 MP 43 Seconds
PvP 482% 132% 289% 388%

Total Damage

Tips and Details


Date Changes
07/07/2022 -
  • Odyssey added.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 오디세이 Odyssey