Symmetric Identity (Stage 1)

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Revision as of 16:11, 29 August 2022 by Ritsu (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "==[\s]*?Requirements[\s]*?==([\s\S]+)colortable-(.*?)"\n[\s]*?([\s\S]+)<br>[\s]*?==[\s]*?Skill Information[\s]*?==\n{\| cellspacing(.*?)center"\n" to "== Requirements ==$1colortable-$2" $3<br> == Skill Information == {| cellspacing$4center" class="colortable-$2" ")
File:Symmetric Identity Stage1.png [Master Skill Stage 1]
Summon an alter ego that acts the same and ravage enemies. Burst an energy by intersecting with each other.
Master Skill is unaffected by skill enhance effects except Master-only effects.


Class Level Required
Doom Bringer : Master Class 99

Skill Information

Mode Shockwave (Magical) MP Usage Cooldown
PvE 6197% 100 MP 29 Seconds
PvP 1028%

Tips and Details


  • Alter Ego was a concept originally created by Adrian. Add develops his unique combat Alter Ego under the tutelage of him.


Date Changes
02/13/2020 -
  • Symmetric Identity added.
02/27/2020 03/25/2020
  • Damage increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 시메트릭 아이덴티티 Symmetric Identity
France Identité symétrique Symmetric Identity