Harmony Festival Rest Stop

From Elwiki
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Harmony Festival Rest Stop →Wherever you were before entering Bonfire Site


Harmony Festival. When the El Energy is Cycled and All Beings are at Rest.
Harmony Festival Rest Stop
Harmony Festival
Activation Time: 1 minute
Drop Rate +50%, Physical/Magical Power +3% (Dungeon), Adaptation +2%
Duration: 30 minutes
Harmony Festival Rest Stop - li_festival001
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Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 모닥불 쉼터 Bonfire Shelter
China (Simplified Chinese) 篝火休息处 Bonfire Rest Area
North America Bonfire Site (between September 13, 2017 and September 26, 2017)
Germany Rastplatz des Lagerfeuers Campfire Rest Area
Spain Área de descanso del fuego de campamento Campfire Rest Area
France Aire de repos du feu de camp Campfire Rest Area
Italy Piazzola di Sosta del Falò Bonfire Rest Area
Poland Ostoja Ogniska Bonfire Shelter
United Kingdom Camp Fire Rest Area
  • Other
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~22
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Miscellaneous