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Full Name
Dynamo Nasod, Pengalihan Aliran Listrik
16 (Base) > 18 (1st Job) > 19 (2nd Job)
Voice Actors
정재헌 Jeong Jae-heon
木村 良平 Kimura Ryōhei
Tim Kreuer
Juan Antonio Soler
File:Bresil Flag.png Vagner Fagundes
Release Date
19 December 2013
June 25, 2014
25 June 2014
File:Flag-tw.png 03 July 2014
23 July 2014
File:Europeanunion.png 30 July 2014
File:Bresil Flag.png 03 December 2014
Heheh.... hukum di dunia ini... aku harus memutuskannya!



Tetap setia pada konsep menjadi montir, Add sepenuhnya menggunakan senjata mekanik nya Nasod Dynamo , untuk membantu dia dalam pertempuran. Dinamo itu tidak hanya menyebabkan kerusakan fisik kepada target, tetapi juga mampu menembakkan sengatan listrik sebagai cara menyebabkan kerusakan magis. Sebagai alternatif serangan jarak jauh, dinamo nya juga dapat dikonfigurasi untuk membentuk meriam listrik dengan cara yang sama. Add mampu memanipulasi listrik untuk menembakkan meriam listrik dengan baik menggunakan tangan atau menendang ledakan meriam listrik yang kuat. Hal ini memungkinkan gaya serangan untuk bebas transisi antara serangan jarak jauh dan dekat. Aspek lain dari Add adalah bahwa beberapa keterampilan memiliki konsep 'Magnetism', yang memungkinkan berbagai serangan homing sebagai kompensasi memiliki HP dan nilai-nilai pertahanan fisik yang lemah.

Kemampuan Spesial

Artikel Utama: Dynamo Point System
Bukannya memiliki awakening yang normal, Add mendapat akses ke Dynamo Konfigurasi Mode. Sistem DP memungkinkan dia untuk masuk dan keluar dari awakening setiap kali dia lihat cocok. Mempertahankan keseimbangan Dynamo Mutasi Poin dan gauge DP adalah apa yang membuat Add berbeda dari karakter lain.

Latar Belakang

'Add' adalah keturunan dari keluarga yang meneliti Nasods. Seluruh keluarganya telah dimusnahkan setelah ditangkap untuk meneliti rahasia terlarang dari Nasods. Ia dijual sebagai budak dan saat melarikan diri, Add jatuh ke dalam Perpustakaan Kuno dan terjebak sendiri. Untungnya, ada pasokan makanan untuk mempertahankan dirinya serta sejumlah besar buku tentang Nasods. Add menghabiskan waktunya membacanya dan menunggu pada hari dia bisa melarikan diri. Dengan pengetahuan yang luas, Add akhirnya menemukan Nasod Dynamo menggunakan bagian-bagian dari rusak dari Nasod yang ditemukan di dalam perpustakaan. Menggunakan kekuatan senjatanya, ia melarikan diri dari perpustakaan runtuh. Namun, pengisolasian terjebak sendiri begitu lama meninggalkan Add gila bersama dengan obsesi untuk menemukan kode Nasod langka. Saat bepergian untuk mencari lebih banyak skematik Nasod, Add mendapati bahwa ras itu tidak ada lagi di dunia ini. Perpustakaan di mana Add telah tinggal dalam waktu terdistorsi , dan mengirimnya ke batas waktu jauh ke masa depan. Oleh karena itu, Add awalnya berusaha untuk menemukan cara untuk kembali ke masa lalu. Itu sampai ia menemukan jejak 'orang itu' dari Raja Nasod yang rusak.

First Job Advancement

Add's three job paths.

Add is required to be Lv15 to begin his first class advancement.


  1. Defeat Boss: William in 2-4 twice on any difficulty.
  2. Defeat Nasod Banthus in 2-3 on hard or higher.
  3. Talk to the alchemist Echo in Elder.
  4. Collect Cleaning Tools from Little Soldier in 2-5.

After completing the Tracer quest chain, Add can decide between advancing as a Psychic Tracer, an Arc Tracer, or a Time Tracer.

Click job names below to see what must be done after advancing to Tracer.
Psychic Tracer Arc Tracer Time Tracer

Skill Tree

Skills Passives

Level 1
Level 5
Level 10
Level 15

Level 20
  • Skill Traits unlocked at Level 20.
  • Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 1st job class.


Combo Description Damage Dungeon Modifier
Hits twice with electrical shocks, pushes targets forward with a frequency hit and blasts them upwards.
  • After job change, the last Z will trigger the option for DP combos providing that Add is in DP mode.

Physical Damage 100%
Physical Damage 135%
Physical Damage 50% x2
Physical Damage 135%

1.25 x2

Hits twice with electrical shocks, pushes targets forward with a frequency hit and turns them around with a twirl without knocking down.
  • After job change, the last X will trigger the option for DP combos providing that Add is in DP mode.

Physical Damage 100%
Physical Damage 135%
Physical Damage 50% x2
Physical Damage 150%

1.25 x2

Hits twice with electrical shocks, lifts targets and fires a electrical blast that knocks them away.
  • After job change, the last X will trigger the option for DP combos providing that Add is in DP mode.

Physical Damage 100%
Physical Damage 135%
Magical Damage 135% x2
Magical Damage 135% (3 MP)

1 x2

The Dynamos form a energy cannon allowing Add to kick 3 electrical blasts and knock away targets.
  • The second X will follow the path
  • After job change, the last X will trigger the option for DP combos providing that Add is in DP mode.
  • 12/26/2013 KR: Command speed becomes slightly faster.

Magical Damage 175% (2 MP)
Magical Damage 175% (2 MP)
Magical Damage 225% (3 MP)


~ Kicks 2 electrical blasts, dashes in with a frequency hit and gives targets a continuous electric shock by holding down Z.
  • After job change, the last Z will trigger the option for DP combos providing that Add is in DP mode.

Magical Damage 175% (2 MP)
Magical Damage 175% (2 MP)
Physical Damage 50% x2
Magical Damage 135% x2~9 (Each hit use 1 MP)
Magical Damage 50%

1.25 x2
1 x2~9

Uses dynamos to create a high frequency which continuously damages targets.

Physical Damage 100%


Jumps and twirls dynamos around him, knocking down targets.

Magical Damage 70% x3

1 x3

Pushes targets forward with a frequency hit and lifts targets, then blast them away.
  • After job change, the last Z will trigger the option for DP combos providing that Add is in DP mode.

Physical Damage 50% x4
Magical Damage 200%
Physical Damage 400%

1.25 x4

Dashes forward with a frequency hit while teleporting behind targets, then pulls back slightly and blast them away.
  • After job change, the last X will trigger the option for DP combos providing that Add is in DP mode.

Magical Damage 150%
Physical Damage 200%
Physical Damage 400%


Triple particle blasts in the air without knocking down.

Magical Damage 120%
Magical Damage 120%
Magical Damage 120%


[HOLD] Single frequency hit that lets Add spin around in the air, kick a blast shot and bounce himself backward. Holding down X charges for a bigger shot.
  • After job change, the last X will trigger the option for DP combos providing that Add is in DP mode.

Magical Damage 70% x3
Magical Damage 175.6%~350% (3 MP)


Air Float

Add while afloat.

Dengan menekan , Add akan dapat berdiri di atas dinamo, membiarkan dia tetap bertahan selama yang dia inginkan. MP akan habis sementara mengapung dan tingkat di mana ia menghabiskannya akan meningkat dari waktu ke waktu. Sementara mengapung, Add mampu mengeksekusi lompatan ganda dengan menekan lagi.

Air Dash

Add's flight.

Unlike the other characters, Add's air dash is different. When Add air dashes, instead going downwards, he will 'fly' forward.

In order to use Air Dash:

  • Dash off a platform
  • Dash after using Air Float
  • Jump, then dash
  • Dash and press twice.

By pressing again while 'flying', Add can execute another forward jump, providing more coverage.

Uncounterable Attacks

Unlike the other characters, Add and his advancement's attacks cannot be countered with the exception of his attack that require MP.







  • Like Elesis, Add is not actually part of the El Search Party. Rather, he follows them in secret to study Eve and find an opportunity to capture her.
    • However, in Ancient Waterway, Add ends up saving Eve from Victor, resulting in his acceptance into the El Search Party. After joining, Add observes Eve as a member of the party.
  • For helping Vanessa of Velder, Add was lent a building which he made into his personal Nasod research laboratory.
    • According to dungeon aftermath quotes, Add does not officially confront the El Search Party until after Southern Gate where Eve confronts him in his Nasod research lab in Velder. However, Add was unable to take Eve due to the search party's protection.
  • Although the rumors predicted Add to have a last name being Kim, this has been confirmed to be incorrect.
  • Unlike the other characters, Add is mentally unstable due to witnessing the death of his family and spending his childhood in isolation.
    • When advancing to Time Tracer, Add made it his goal to travel back to his original time to prevent his family's death.
  • Shown from his backstory comic and quotes, Add has an obsession with Eve as she is the queen of the Nasods and is also the only sentient one.
  • Add chases after Wally after finding traces of Nasods in Wally's Castle. He manages to catch up to Wally during Cargo Airship and saves him after he was thrown off the ship by Raven.
    • After Cargo Airship, Add partners up with Wally in order to search for the Altera Core.
      • But Add betrays Wally when he finds Eve in the Altera Core. Add spares Wally's life but destroys Wally's escape vehicle before he leaves to track Eve.
        • Although, technically it was Wally that betrayed Add first. They were supposed to contact each other when one of them found the Altera Core, but when Add finally arrived at the Altera core, Wally was already there decoding the Core's information.
    • It is revealed in his in-game dialogue that Add gave blueprints of the Nasod Inspector to Wally in exchange for the whereabouts of the Nasod Core.
  • Add holds a grudge against Elsword for destroying the Altera Core that he worked so hard to find.
  • Add is the first male character to have naturally higher magical attack rather than physical.
  • According to game developers, Add is conceptually designed to be a pair character to Eve, who they refer to as the most popular character in the game.
    • This is shown as Add's concept wears mostly white, has white hair and uses floating Nasod weapons like Eve.
    • Being Eve's pair character, Add's name could be a biblical reference to the story of Adam and Eve.
  • Add has been linked many times, by fans of both the game and the To Aru franchise, to the character Accelerator.
  • Add likes sweet foods, especially chocolate.
  • Add is afraid of ghosts as seen in his dungeon clear dialogues from Underground Chapel.
  • Add seems to be a clean person as he loathes getting his clothes dirty. He also seems to dislike becoming sweaty, as he complains and wishes to install a cooling system in the dungeon Dragon Nest.
  • Interestingly, if you use Dynamo Configuration or Install skills, Add's Japanese voice files will say "Drive", unlike the original Korean voice files where he would say "Dynamo".
  • Similar to Chung, Add vocalizes the names of his Special Actives more loudly when in Dynamo Configuration mode, his own version of Awakening.
  • Depending on his job path, Add's motives for fighting differ slightly.
    • In Lunatic Psyker's path, Add fights the demons in order to understand the Nasod Armor better and to perfect it.
    • In Mastermind's path, Add fights the demons to keep enhancing the Nasod Dynamo's AI .
    • In Diabolic Esper's path, Add fights the demons to complete his time travel formula and go back to the past to see his family again.

Elsword (Knight)

Sword Knight

Magic Knight

Sheath Knight

Lord Knight

Rune Slayer

Infinity Sword

Knight Emperor

Rune Master

Aisha (Magician)

High Magician

Dark Magician

Battle Magician

Elemental Master

Void Princess

Dimension Witch

Aether Sage

Oz Sorcerer

Rena (Ranger)

Combat Ranger

Sniping Ranger

Trapping Ranger

Wind Sneaker

Grand Archer

Night Watcher



Raven (Taker)

Sword Taker

Over Taker

Weapon Taker

Blade Master

Reckless Fist

Veteran Commander

Furious Blade

Rage Hearts

Nova Imperator
Eve (Nasod)

Code: Exotic

Code: Architecture

Code: Electra

Code: Nemesis

Code: Empress

Code: Battle Seraph

Code: Ultimate

Code: Esencia

Code: Sariel
Chung (Guardian)

Fury Guardian

Shooting Guardian/id
Shooting Guardian

Shelling Guardian

Iron Paladin

Deadly Chaser

Tactical Trooper

Comet Crusader

Fatal Phantom

Ara (Little Xia)

Little Hsien

Little Devil

Little Specter

Sakra Devanam

Yama Raja




Elesis (Free Knight)

Saber Knight

Pyro Knight

Dark Knight

Grand Master

Blazing Heart

Crimson Avenger

Empire Sword

Flame Lord

Bloody Queen
Add (Tracer)

Psychic Tracer

Arc Tracer

Time Tracer

Lunatic Psyker


Diabolic Esper

Doom Bringer


Mad Paradox
Lu/Ciel (Demons)


Royal Guard







Rose (Gunner)

Heavy Barrel



Metal Heart

Storm Trooper

Crimson Rose



Tempest Burster

Black Massacre


Prime Operator
Ain (God's Agent)

Lofty: Executor

Lofty: Anpassen

Lofty: Wanderer

Arme Thaumaturgy

Erbluhen Emotion




Laby (Mysterious Child)

Sparky Child

Twinkle Child

Rusty Child

Rumble Pumn

Shining Romantica


Eternity Winner

Radiant Soul

Nisha Labyrinth

Second Revenger (12/17/2020)



Silent Shadow (12/17/2020)



Liberator (12/17/2020)

