Underground Prison

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Underground Prison

Underground prison built deep inside a tunnel. There are warning lights between never-ending cells.

Underground prison built deep inside a tunnel. There are warning lights between never-ending cells.
Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Dungeon Layout
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Monster Image Monster Description Monster Moves
Lord's Keep Guard - A guard carrying a torch who will call upon reinforcements when spotting an intruder.
  • Battle Horn: If a player enters the area lit by his torch, he will call upon reinforcements to fill the room and attack.
  • Transform: When their HP drops below 50% the soldier will transform into a Beast Soldier (Leopard).


  • If players are not detected by any of the guards, they are able to progress to the next segment without having to fight anybody.
Lord's Keep Spearman - A soldier who wields a spear and shield.
  • Block: The soldier are able defend against oncoming attack with their shield.
  • Charge Stab: Charge forwards then stab. The charge will not deal damage and the stab does multiple hits.
  • Triple Stab: Stab three times.
  • Transform: When their HP drops below 50% the soldier will transform into a Beast Soldier (Leopard).
    • The transformation will be canceled if the soldier is defeated.
Lord's Keep Crossbowmen - A soldier who wields a crossbow.
  • Double Shot: Ready his crossbow and fire two arrows.
  • Power Shot: Ready his crossbow and charge one powerful arrow.
  • Transform: When their HP drops below 50% the soldier will transform into a Beast Soldier (Dog).
    • The transformation will be canceled if the soldier is defeated.
Lord's Keep Swordsman - A large soldier wielding a large sword.
  • Slash: Perform an overhead slash.
  • Power Slash: Raise their sword in the air and perform a more powerful slash.
  • Transform: When their HP drops below 50% the soldier will transform into a Beast Soldier (Leopard).
    • The transformation will be canceled if the soldier is defeated.
Beast Soldier (Leopard): - The true form of one of the soldiers. A leopard demon.
  • Claw Combo: Perform a three slash combo with their claws, two slashes forwards and the final slash all around them.
  • Ram: Get on all fours and quickly rush forwards at high speeds.
Beast Soldier (Dog): - The true form of one of the soldiers. A wolf demon wielding a crossbow.
  • Double Shot: Ready their crossbow and fire two arrows.
  • Swipe Shot: Perform a round swipe with their claws before back-stepping to fire an arrow.
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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
Head Jailer Deborah - A powerful wolf demon and the head jailer.
  • Arrow Rain: Fire arrows up into the air and they will rain down in front of her.
  • Swipe Shot: Perform a round swipe with their claws before back-stepping to fire an arrow.
  • Onslaught: Deborah will jump in and out of the background and foreground as she slashes through targets. The areas she targets will be indicated by a target icon.


  • Mao: It's really dark in here... Wait, a light? Someone's coming this way!
  • Laby: Oh! There's a crevice here! Let's hide so we don't get discovered!

Spotted by Lord's Keep Guard:

  • Laby: Oops! Found me!

  • Laby: Wah! It's so bright! There's so many fluffies!
  • Mao: Tsk... We have no other choice but to face them head on!
  • By avoiding the torchlight of the Lord's Keep Guards, you can effectively skip through the first three rooms of the dungeon without having to fight any enemies.
Date Changes
12/06/2018 01/03/2019
  • Underground Prison added.
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 지하감옥 Underground Dungeon
France Cachots Dungeons

  • Laby
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous