[Mod] Blaze Step

From Elwiki
[Special Active: Bravery] [Mod]
Activates magical power to surround your body in flames for 10 seconds.
Enemies hit by [Initial Flame] will receive additional damage and hitstun.
Movement Speed decreases while [Blazing Flame] is active.
Available for Memorize
  • This skill can be memorized by inputting the skill key during the Memorize Stance. (Stand still for 2 seconds while in MP recovery state)
  • Press V to activate the memorized skills in order.


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Aether Sage 99 [Force] Blaze Step (A)

Skill Information

LMode Damage (Magical)  Self BuffFlame ReincarnateSelf BuffFlame Reincarnate Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Initial Flame Blazing Flame Movement Speed Decrease
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
Duration Initial Flame Blazing Flame
PvE 1334% 437% 50% 10 Seconds 1 31 300 MP 25 Seconds
PvP 456% 150%

Skill Traits

Enhanced Blaze StepUseful Blaze Step
Attribute EffectAttribute EffectMax Hits
Critical Hit Rate increased to 100%
Damage decreased to 80%
Max Hits increased
Damage decreased to 70%
Initial Flame: 1
Blazing Flame: 58

Total Damage

  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.
 : Damage values may not be reflected in Free Training.
NormalEnhanced (Trait)Useful

Related Skills

Tips and Details

  • The skill deals an unlisted initial hit to any surrounding enemies upon cast, dealing 76% Magical Damage.
  • This version of Blaze Step lasts twice as long, making it much more versatile and reliable for clearing large rooms. In return, however, it lowers your movement speed as opposed to increasing it, forcing you to make smart use of Teleport to get around.
    • As with the normal version, the Useful trait cuts into the initial flame hit's damage quite a bit, though this can be mitigated by simply waiting a little bit until you continue teleporting to allow the blazing flame to deal some damage when using it to clear.
  • This skill's Blazing Flame damage step will report wrong in Free Training due to a known bug, dealing one less hit with no trait selected.


Date Changes
11/30/2017 12/20/2017
  • [Mod] Blaze Step added.
12/14/2017 -
  • Now cancels skill effect when using a mount.
01/11/2018 01/24/2018
  • Flame Continuous Hits damage increased.
  • Flame Initial Hit damage decreased.
02/22/2018 04/18/2018
  • Burning Fire damage increased.
  • Initial Fire damage decreased.
  • Damage increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 블레이즈 스텝 Blaze Step
Japan ブレイズステップ Blaze Step
Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 烈焰之輪 Flame Wheel
China (Simplified Chinese) 焦土 Scorched Earth
Germany Flammenschritt Blaze Step
Spain Zancada de llamas Blaze Step
France Aura flamboyante Blazing Aura
Italy Passo Infuocato Blaze Step
Poland Ognisty Krok Blaze Step
United Kingdom Flamewalker
Brazil Passo Incendiario Blaze Step