[Mod] G-96 Pressure Grenade

From Elwiki
[Special Active: Strength] [Mod]
Throw many G-96 Pressure Grenades at once. Grenades will explode upon impact.
Pressure Grenade
  • Enemies hit will be inflicted with  Enemy DebuffBurnEnemy DebuffBurn.
  • Can also be activated midair.
Over Strike
  • Upon activating Over Strike, skill attack power increases.


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Minerva 99 [Force] G-96 Pressure Grenade (A)

Skill Information

Mode Damage per Grenade (Magical)  Enemy DebuffBurnEnemy DebuffBurn Duration Grenade Count MP Usage Cooldown
Pressure Grenade Throw Pressure Grenade
PvE 40% 597% 5 Seconds 9 200 MP 15 Seconds
PvP 16% 238%

Skill Traits

Heavy G-96 Pressure GrenadeCritical G-96 Pressure Grenade
Attribute EffectCooldownAttribute EffectMP Usage
Damage increased to 144%
Cooldown increased to 120%
18 SecondsMP Usage increased to 120%
Skill will ignore 50% defense (25% defense in PvP)
240 MP

Extra Information

Total Damage

  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.
ModeBaseQuarter Master/Key of Proof Used midair
NormalOver StrikeNormalOver Strike
Per GrenadeMaxPer GrenadeMaxPer GrenadeMaxPer GrenadeMaxPer GrenadeMaxPer GrenadeMaxPer GrenadeMaxPer GrenadeMax
  • Damage calculations assume 0 hits of Pressure Grenade Throw.


Affected By Action Speed

Related Skills

Tips and Details

  • If used against Gate of Darkness, it is very likely that the grenades get reflected just like when they hit a wall, dealing little to no damage.
  • The grenades will explode at roughly the same height as cast, unlike the regular version in which the grenades explode upon contact with the ground.


Date Changes
02/08/2018 03/07/2018
  • [Mod] G-96 Pressure Grenade added.
02/22/2018 04/18/2018
  • Pressure Grenade damage increased.
  • Pressure Grenade Throw damage decreased.
  • Pressure Grenade damage increased.
  • Pressure Grenade Throw damage decreased.
08/01/2019 08/28/2019
  • Changed so hit occurs certain time after throwing.
  • Damage decreased.
  • Pressure Grenade Throw changed to magical damage.
  • Gigantic trait changed to Empowered.
09/11/2019 09/25/2019
  • Hit timing adjusted.
05/27/2021 06/23/2021
  • Empowered trait changed to Heavy.
  • Light trait changed to Critical.
08/04/2022 -
  • Fixed being able to change firing direction at high Action Speed.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea G-96 열압력유탄 G-96 Pressure Grenade
China (Simplified Chinese) G-96热压手雷 G-96 Heat Shrink Grenade
Germany G-96 Hitzegranate G-96 Heat Grenade
Spain Granada térmica G-96 G-96 Heat Grenade
France Grenade chauffante G-96 G-96 Heat Grenade
Italy G-96 Granata ardente G-96 Heat Grenade
Poland Rozżarzony Granat G-96 G-96 Heated Grenade
United Kingdom G-96 Heat Grenade
Brazil Granada Pressurizada G-96 G-96 Pressure Grenade