[Mod] Aging

From Elwiki
[Special Active: Bravery] [Mod]
Explode a magic sphere filled with a curse of aging midair.
  • Damage increased while awakened
  • Upon being attacked by an explosion, an  Enemy DebuffAgingEnemy DebuffAging debuff is applied for 15 seconds. (6 seconds in PvP)
  •  Enemy DebuffAgingEnemy DebuffAging:
    • Attack/Movement Speed decreased by 20%
    • All Attack Power decreased by 15%
    • Additional Damage decreased by 80%
Available for Memorize
  • This skill can be memorized by inputting the skill key during the Memorize Stance. (Stand still for 2 seconds while in MP recovery state)
  • Press V to activate the memorized skills in order.


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Oz Sorcerer 99 [Force] Aging (A)

Skill Information

Mode Damage (Magical)  Enemy DebuffAgingEnemy DebuffAging Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Normal Awakening Movement / Action Speed Decrease
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
Physical / Magical Attack Decrease
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
Additional Damage Stat Duration Curse Sphere Explosion
Curse Sphere Explosion Curse Sphere Explosion
PvE 101% 472% 138% 638% 40% 20% Set to 0 20 Seconds 1 9 300 MP 21 Seconds
PvP 18% 90% 25% 121% 8 Seconds

Skill Traits

Light AgingHeavy Aging
Attribute EffectMP UsageAttribute EffectCooldown
MP Usage decreased to 80%240 MPDamage increased to 144%
Cooldown increased to 120%
25.2 Seconds

Total Damage

  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.
ModeBaseOz's Power
RegularAwakening ModeRegularAwakening Mode

Related Skills

Tips and Details

  • Because you won't be able to use this skill without having Oz's Dream unlocked, the Skill Information lists the values that are already improved by the passive.
    • However, the in-game tooltip still displays its base values.
  • This version is much faster as the sphere explodes above you immediately, dealing damage in a circular radius, but it does less damage.
    • Due to the attack being centered on where you are, it is also much harder to consistently benefit from Awakened Will: Void Princess's effect while still dealing damage.


Date Changes
12/28/2017 02/07/2018
  • [Mod] Aging added.
01/04/2018 -
  • None
  •  Enemy DebuffAgingEnemy DebuffAging Debuff Duration decreased.
04/05/2018 04/18/2018
  • Curse Sphere damage increased.
  • Explosion damage decreased.
  • Damage decreased.
09/20/2018 10/11/2018
  • Invincibility frames increased.
01/04/2024 01/31/2024
  • Killing Blow (2) trait change to Heavy trait.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 에이징 Aging
Japan エイジング Aging
China (Simplified Chinese) 衰弱 Weaken
Germany Alterung Aging
Spain Envejecimiento Aging
France Vieillissement Aging
Italy Invecchiamento Aging
Poland Postarzenie Aging
United Kingdom Ageing
Brazil Ruína Ruin