Operation: Hedgehog Delivery!

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  • English

Operation: Hedgehog Delivery!

Harvest Hedgehogs, process them to fulfill orders, and deliver as many as possible!

Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Entry Requirements

Do one of the following:

  • Use a free daily Event Dungeon entry.

How to Play

Gain points by delivering packaged hedgehogs. Observe the order requests on the top right of the screen, then pick, clothed, and package two hedgehogs together before dropping them off in the delivery machine.

While playing, all players are transformed into Farmer Hedgehogs. Press Z to interact or pick up objects. Press X to toss away any currently held objects onto the field. Press C to quickly dash a short distance.

Delivering a correct package will grant 100 points, delivery an incorrect package will cause you to lose 20 points.

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Obstacles Image Obstacles Description
Hedgehog Ready to Harvest (Red) - A red hedgehog ready to be plucked out of the ground. Interact with the crop to obtain a hedgehog.
Hedgehog Ready to Harvest (Blue) - A blue hedgehog ready to be plucked out of the ground. Interact with the crop to obtain a hedgehog.
Straw Hat Processing Machine - A machine designed to put straw hats on hedgehogs. Interact with the machine while in the possession of a hedgehog in order to put a straw hat of its corresponding color onto it.
Hood Hog Processing Machine - A machine designed to wrap bandanas around the hedgehogs. Interact with the machine while in the possession of a hedgehog in order to give them a bandana of their corresponding color onto it.
Packing Machine - A machine designed to package hedgehogs for delivery. Interact with the machine while in possession of a clothed hedgehog to place them into the machine. Once two hedgehogs have been inserted, a package ready to be delivered will be spit out. The order in which the hedgehogs are put into the machine does not matter.
Delivery Machine - The delivery depot for packaged hedgehogs. Interact with the machine while in possession of a package to delivery the cargo. 100 points will be granted for a successful delivery, 20 points will be deducted for an incorrect delivery.
Sprinklers - Water sprinklers that will occasionally activate, either launching players into the air, or providing them with temporary super armor.
Conveyor Belt - A conveyor belt making the upper most path between the two islands. The conveyor belt will continuously to rightward.
Moving Platform - A wooden platform moving back on forth which making the center path between the two islands.
Pitfall - Falling off the map will kill the player, temporarily putting them out of the game before respawning them back on the map based on where they'd fallen. Anything the player was carrying when they fall is also lost.


Image Item Name How to Obtain Effect
Harvested Hedgehog Obtained by playing the dungeon. Used to exchange for event items at Ariel.
Flatbed Hedgehog Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Harvested Hedgehog x15
Used to decorate the El House.
Box Hedgehog Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Harvested Hedgehog x15
Used to decorate the El House.
Egg Seller Hedgehog Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Harvested Hedgehog x15
Used to decorate the El House.
Farmer Hedgehog Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Harvested Hedgehog x15
Used to decorate the El House.
Fence Hedgehog Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Harvested Hedgehog x15
Used to decorate the El House.
Hedgehog Field Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Harvested Hedgehog x15
Used to decorate the El House.
Bonfire Hedgehog Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Harvested Hedgehog x15
Used to decorate the El House.
Fertile Soil Tile Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Harvested Hedgehog x15
Used to decorate the El House.
Large Hedgehog Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Harvested Hedgehog x40
Used to decorate the El House.
Farm Flooring Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Harvested Hedgehog x20
Used to decorate the El House floor.
Farm Wallpaper Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Harvested Hedgehog x15
Used to decorate the El House walls.
Farmer Phoru Portrait (30 Days) Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Harvested Hedgehog x3 (Exchange Limit: 4)
Use to change your character's portrait.
Phoru 'Wanna Get Plucked?' Sticker Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Harvested Hedgehog x10
Use to obtain the sticker.
Date Changes
09/26/2024 11/06/2024
  • Operation: Hedgehog Delivery! added.
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 헤지호그 납품 대작전! Operation: Hedgehog Delivery!

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