Story/Side Story/Elsword/vi: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 20:35, 4 May 2022

Resolution 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Hoàn thành 5 dungeon trong level range. (ngoại trừ Ruben / Henir / Ereda)

Một thay đổi bất ngờ mà cả cậu bé lẫn cô bé không hề mong đợi.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Những tiếng hét của cậu bé vang vọng trong một cánh đồng hoang vu vắng vẻ. Cậu chỉ tập trung vào việc vung thanh kiếm của mình ngay cả khi ánh mặt trời gay gắt chiếu rọi xuống.
  • Elsword: "Chín mươi tám, chín mươi chín ..."
  • Cậu cuối cùng cũng gục ngã sau khi hét lên đến một trăm rồi lau mồ hôi trên trán. Đã một tuần kể từ khi cậu có khả năng gia tăng tầm vung kiếm đến mức tối đa như bây giờ, nhưng cậu cũng chỉ có thể vung được một trăm cú. Cậu cầm lấy một cái chai nước gần đó trong khi xoa bóp tay mình.
  • Elsword: (Vẫn chưa đủ…..! Vẫn còn rất lâu nữa, đến khi tôi có thể được như…..chị gái….và cha.)
  • Cậu nhớ lại những bước kiếm nhẹ nhàng và khắc kỉ do tập luyện của chị gái mình. Chị gái của cậu nổi tiếng đến mức bạn không thể tìm thấy bất cứ ai trong vương quốc mà không biết tên cô. Mặc dù tuổi còn trẻ, cô đã hoàn thành khóa học cho Nhóm Tìm kiếm El trong thời gian ngắn nhất với sức mạnh vượt trội và kỹ năng của mình. Cô ấy có một tương lai tươi sáng để trở thành "Kị sĩ hoàng gia"...
  • Elesis: Elsword! Elsword!!! Đến giờ ăn rồi!!
  • Một giọng vui vẻ gọi tên của cậu bé cất lên từ khá xa. Cậu nắm lấy thanh kiếm rồi đứng dậy và quay đầu về phía tiếng nói.
  • Elsword: Vâng, thưa chị!
  • Cô gái với mái tóc màu đỏ giống như cậu đang vẫy tay. Cậu thở dài khi đi về phía cô gái.
  • Elesis: Chuyện gì vậy? Có chuyện gì đã xảy ra thế?
  • Elsword: Huh? K...Không có gì đâu ạ….
  • Cậu mỉm cười lúng túng trong khi giấu đôi tay sau lưng. Cô gái nhìn vào tay em trai mình đang run rẩy trong giây lát, và rồi mở miệng cười.
  • Elesis: Bữa trưa hôm nay là món thịt quý hiếm mà trưởng thôn đưa cho chúng ta.
  • Elsword: Thịt gì thế ạ?
  • Elesis: Umm….. Chị quên rồi….
  • Cô gái gãi đầu như thể cô đã lấy làm ngạc nhiên sau đó đặt tay lên đỉnh đầu của cậu trong khi mỉm cười tươi.
  • Elesis: Ừm ... cũng không quan trọng lắm phải không? Em nên ăn nhiều. Em sẽ lớn nhanh hơn theo cách đó!
  • Elsword: Thôi đi ạ!! Em biết mà.
  • Boy escaped the girl's hand then entered the house. He laid his sword on the corner then went to sit at the old looking meal table. There was a whole piece of unrecognizable and slightly burnt meat on top of the table.
  • Elsword: (Big sis…. Are you telling me to eat this….?)
  • When the boy had barely managed to slice the portion of the meat, the girl also sat directly across from the boy. There were three seats in the meal table but the third seat remained empty.
  • Elesis: It might have got burnt a bit.
  • Elsword: It doesn't look like little…..
  • Boy replied while munching. It still didn't taste too bad.
  • Elsword: I don't think you should cook big sis.
  • Elesis: Is that a thing to say to your big sister who worked so hard to prepare this?
  • Girl bonked boy's head lightly so it wouldn't hurt then looked straightly at the boy's face while putting a thin slice of meat into her mouth. After their father had left to join the kingdom, only ones left in the house were girl and her younger brother. Thanks to their father's request, villagers were helping the siblings out with their livelihood. But the vacant space they felt from their father's departure was still too large.
  • Elesis: (Maybe I should help him with his sword practice tomorrow….)
  • While the girl was deep in thought, sound of someone knocking was heard from outside the door. Girl stopped the boy who was trying to stand up then carefully opened the door.
  • Elsword: Big sis, what is it?
  • Girl received a small letter from a person outside the door then started reading the letter while not answering the boy's question.
  • Elsword: Big sis? What is it about?
  • Elesis: …..It's a message from father. It's a request for reinforcements from the Velder army.
  • Boy unknowingly dropped the knife he was holding at the girls words. Knife made a loud noise as it rolled on the floor.
  • Elesis: I have to go right now, Elsword.
  • Girl glanced at the boy's surprised expression for only a moment then started to busily move around the house.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 File:Pendulum of Memories.png Pendulum of Memories (7 Days) N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Resolution 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

Though the boy tries to persuade the girl, he fails to do so.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: Let me go too, big sis!
  • Boy shouted as he stood in front of the girl to block her. Girl seemed to stop for a moment then walked past the boy as she sighed.
  • Elesis: No, Elsword. Do you even know what kind of place that is?
  • Girl shut her mouth as she packed some clothes inside a small bag. But boy didn't give up and walked up to the girl then stopped her hand from packing.
  • Elsword: I also know what kind of place it is! Father is fighting the enemy for our kingdom right? I'll also fight together and help father and big sis! I can do it too!
  • Girl listened quietly to the boy's words then delved into her thoughts for a moment. But in the end, she answered while shaking her head.
  • Elesis: Elsword… it's still too early….for you to go to that kind of place.
  • Elsword: T….that's not true! I know I can fight well! Here, look! I haven't skipped sword practice even for a day!
  • Boy was about to raise his sword but lowered his hand when the girl's answered right after.
  • Elesis: Promise me, Elsword. That you'll stay here and protect our home and village until father and I come back.
  • Elesis: I'll also promise you, that I'll come back home for sure… with father.
  • Boy stood still without any words for a while. He then nodded slightly and answered as if he was muttering.
  • Elsword: …Okay.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Resolution 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The girl leaves home, leaving the boy all alone.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • The girl finished her preparations by putting a couple small breads and completely filled water bottles lying on the sideboard inside her bag. The boy wordlessly sat in the meal table and watched the girl as she packed.
  • Elesis: Elsword… You are plenty stro…
  • Sound of knocking came from outside even before the girl finished her words. The girl opened and closed her mouth couple more times trying to finish her words but she gave up in the end and opened the door. A solider delivered the letter to the girl who was waiting as he kept impatiently tapping the ground with his feet.
  • Soldier: Sir Elkashu… No, your father is waiting. Let's go now if you're ready.
  • Girl nodded as she picked up her sword lying near the door. Boy still didn't say anything. This made the girl worried and she couldn't easily move her step.
  • Elesis: Elsword… I'll be going.
  • Boy nodded twice. Girl looked straightly at the boy's appearance for a while then smiled brightly as she said her farewell.
  • Elesis: You'll certainly have become much stronger when we meet again. To the point where I won't even be a match for you.
  • At the girl's words, boy smiled and waved his hand as if it couldn't be helped.
  • Elsword: Come back safely, big sis.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Resolution 4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The boy sees an image of his father in the girl's back as she walks away.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • House was quiet. Boy dropped on the bed and closed his eyes.
  • Elsword: (I'm alone now…)
  • It felt like a strange emotion was rising up from the corner of his mind. Loneliness, fear, sadness, helplessness…. All the emotions got mixed up and made the boy waver. Boy covered his face with both of his hands and recalled image of the girl's back as she was leaving the house. The girl's back somehow looked similar to their father. Just like the girl, their father also left the house suddenly without any prior notice.
  • Elsword: (I didn't know at the time that I won't be able to see dad for so long. I was just smiling because dad with his sword on his back looked so radiant.)
  • Boy recalled himself holding the girl's hand and smiling brightly while waving his hand to his departing father. Big Sis at that time for some reason grabbed my hand strongly with a stiff expression, boy smiled slightly as he murmured.
  • Elsword: (Does Big Sis remember that time too…..?)
  • The girl's last appearance was still vivid in the boy's eyes as if she was standing in front of him right now. Boy opened his eyes and stared at the girl's terrible cooking for a while then wordlessly got up and headed to the meal table. Boy took bite out of a piece of meat without hesitation as he thought.
  • Elsword: (Big Sis's expression at that time…. She must have had the same thoughts as me right now.)
  • Boy wordlessly sat for a long time while looking at the shut door.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Resolution 5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The boy realizes that he is weak.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: Mmm…..
  • Sunlight was so bright that boy pulled up the bed sheet and sought more sleep. But he sighed then got up after 10 minutes because he was unable to sleep. Boy greeted the morning alone today again.
  • Elsword: Ouch… Who put this here?
  • Boy frowned after bumping his toe on a cup that was lying on the floor and held up the cup annoyingly. The house was an unorganized mess. When he was with his father, he cleaned the house together with the girl due to his father's scolding. And during the days when only the girl and boy were in the house, they would put off cleaning until someone was hurt just like today then clean everything together. And now after he was alone….
  • Elsword: (…. It's too bothersome.)
  • Everything was just bothersome.
  • Elsword: (What should I do to spend the day today…..?)
  • Everyday had been so long for the boy before. But both days and nights felt like they were twice as longer recently.
  • Elsword: (I'm not particularly hungry…. Maybe I should take a stroll….)
  • Boy stretched his arms then grabbed bread randomly lying on the table and went out of the house.
  • Elsword: (What a nice weather…. Perfect day for training.)
  • Boy munched on the bread as he headed to the empty field at back of the village where he used to swing sword at.
  • Elsword: (… For it to feel so unfamiliar because I didn't come for couple days…)
  • Boy patted the roughly made training dummy then sat down.
  • Elsword: (Dad… big sis… They are both fighting bravely in the battlefield…. But why am I here?)
  • Boy sunk his face into his knees then closed his eyes.
  • Elsword: (Because I'm weak…. That's why I was left behind. I wasn't of help to…. both dad… and big sis.)
  • Father was one of the best knights in the kingdom and the girl was highly desired talent by the kingdom who was called by everyone as a 'genius' who completed the El Search Party course in shortest time ever. Boy had always followed after two of their shadows. And during that time, his admiration towards the two kept getting bigger.
  • Elsword: (If I had bit more power… I can be of help to dad and big sis…)
  • Boy who was murmuring the word power suddenly looked up towards the sky then got up as if he was mesmerized by something. He then went back the road he came.
  • Elsword: I'm an idiot….! Every moment I spend like this…. is separating me from dad and big sis even further…!
  • Boy quickly ran back to the house. In the corner of the house, there was boy's sword covered in dust leaning on the wall same as it had been on the day when the girl left. Boy quietly raised his sword then dashed out of the house again.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Resolution 6
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The boy makes a resolution to acquire the strength needed to protect everyone.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: Hundred thirty eight… hundred forty nine…
  • Again and again, boy swung his sword carefully until he shouted up to hundred fifty then put his sword down. The sword he hasn't swung for a while didn't feel too heavy like before.
  • Elsword: (Let's become stronger. Then I can catch up to those two.)
  • Boy instantly emptied a water bottle then grabbed his sword again.
  • Elsword: (I have to become stronger for when dad and big sis come back. To do that…)
  • After collecting his breath, boy started swinging his sword in a different stance. Boy's sword accurately stuck the wooden training dummy's head and body.
  • Elsword: (There's no other way but to train… I'll become stronger. Then… I'll become strength to those two this time.)
  • Boy's sword skillfully grazed by the training dummy's neck. Training dummy's neck instantly got cut and rolled on the floor.
  • Elsword: (I'll obtain power to protect dad and big sis… and everyone else!)
  • Boy shouted loudly as he withdrew his sword then looked at the training dummy's head rolling on the floor and grinned.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Resolution 7
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

Each day, the boy trains himself to become stronger.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Boy neatly folded the bed sheet then looked around the house. Cleaning for table, bed, room… finished. Ventilation… finished. Boy counted down the house's condition with his fingers then nodded. He then grabbed four breads and two water bottles from on top of the table.
  • Elsword: Alright! Time to go!
  • Boy exited the house with light footsteps then merrily greeted the villagers he saw as he headed to the usual open field.
  • Elsword: Good, today…. I'll work on a way to break the enemy's balance.
  • Boy stretched his arms as he looked around the open field. There were broken trees and shattered stones with deep sword marks scattered all over the field.
  • Elsword: Hmm… If I swing widely once first then spin around to swing downwards…
  • Boy moved his body almost at the same time he spoke. It didn't look like his move went the way he wanted but the boy's face was filled with a smile.
  • Elesis: (You'll certainly have become much stronger when we meet again.)
  • Boy energetically swung his sword while recalling the girl's words.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 File:Pendulum of Memories.png Pendulum of Memories N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0