Magician Training Dungeon

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Magician Training Dungeon


Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
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Monster Image Monster Description Monster Moves
Little Soldier - A small knife-wielding soldier. Careful, don't get stabbed by it!
  • Dagger Combo: A quick short dagger combo.
  • Air Slash: Slash targets while jumping.
Big Soldier - A big soldier that uses its metal gauntlets to punch you.
  • Leaping Undercut: Jumps in the air and punches the ground.
  • Punch Combo: A two punch combo.
  • Uppercut: Moves forward and delivers and uppercut sending player flying.
Crossbow Soldier - As small as the Little Soldier, the sneaky Crossbow Soldier can use its crossbow to shoot you from a distance.


  • Crossbow Shot: Reads themselves then fire a single arrow from their crossbow.

In Bunker:

  • Crossbow Shot: Reads themselves then fire a single arrow from their crossbow.
Bunker - A bunker can protect soldiers inside it. Be careful of Crossbow Soldiers in the bunkers when destroying them!


Wally's Guardian - A powerful knight that attacks you with its huge sword.
  • Kick: Kick you with his foot.
  • Heavy Slash: Prepares in super armor then performs a single overhead slash.


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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
Parallel World Speka - Speka from parallel world, has intense love and affection for darkness.
  • Increased Mana Regeneration: Like all NPCs, Speka benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
  • Awakening: Speka can activate Awakening under 50% HP.
  • Mana Shield: Speka summons a shield that reduces damage.
  • Teleport: Speka instantly moves a certain distance to another location.
  • Circle Flame: Speka summons four fireballs that rotate around her.
  • Mana Steal: Speka casts a blue magic circle that siphons the MP of nearby opponents.
  • Petite Angkor - Time Bomb: Speka summons 'Angkor', a black and white bat, that will fly in a straight line from the direction of the summon, until it either flies off the map or finds a victim; once attached, it will bite the victim for a few seconds, then explode. Anger can be shaken off by rapidly toggling left and right.
  • Petit Angkor - Heavy Stone: Speka summons a giant version of Angkor that stays still in place for several seconds. When a player makes contact with Heavy Doll Angkor, it will latch onto the player, biting the victim for several seconds before exploding. Anger can be shaken off by rapidly toggling left and right.
  • Hell Stone: Speka summons a stone monster from hell that rapidly spins and damages opponents.
  • Dark Cloud: Speka spreads a dark gas where she stands, which lingers and deals continuous hits.
  • Phantom Breathing - Dark Fall: Speka summons Anger to spew a noxious black energy on opponents trapped in front of her.
  • Plasma Cutter: Speka reaches out and creates several laser beams that travel across the map, continuously damaging anyone they touch.
  • Struggle: If Speka's HP is below 30%, she will unleash a mighty sword aura that manifests itself as a colorless aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Resurrect: If a player could not defeat Lowe after Speka is died, then Speka will resurrect with 20% of HP.
Parallel World Noah - Noah from parallel world. Don't let Noah's heavy armor deceive you. She is an Elemental Master in disguise!
  • Increased Mana Regeneration: Like all NPCs, Noah benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
  • Awakening: Noah can activate Awakening under 50% HP.
  • Mana Shield: Noah summons a shield that reduces damage.
  • Freezing Point Investigation: Noah's fireballs are now replaced with Ice Balls, which will inflict frostbite upon targets on contact.
  • Teleport: Noah instantly moves a certain distance to another location.
  • Circle Flame: Noah summons three iceballs that rotate around her, casting frostbite when hit due to Freezing Point Investigation.
  • Iceberg: Noah strikes the ground in front of her, transforming her opponent into a frozen statue.
  • Magic Missile: Noah summons a glowing missile that automatically targets opponents.
  • Blizzard Shower: Noah summons fifteen ice shards that fall diagonally from the air, freezing any opponents that they come in contact with.
  • Frost Step: Noah spins and casts a spell that causes snowflakes to constantly rise from her feet.
  • Struggle: If Noah's HP is below 30%, she will unleash a mighty sword aura that manifests itself as a colorless aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Resurrect: If a player could not defeat Edan after Noah is died, then Noah will resurrect with 20% of HP.


Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea - Magician Training Dungeon

  • Other
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~22
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Miscellaneous