Burnt Forest's Secret Space

From Elwiki

This is an Event Map celebrating Chiliarch and Royal Guard's release.

Burnt Forest's Secret Space

The Strongest Duo appears in a hidden part of the forest and waits for the adventurer who dares to challenge them.

Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Entry Requirements
  • Must be Level 10 or higher.
  • Have a Strongest Duo Challenge Ticket in your inventory.
{{ {{
  • One of the following Epic NPCs duos from a Parallel World appears randomly: Speka / Lowe, Amelia / Apple, Lime / Penensio, Noah / Edan, Valak / Code: 00.
Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
Parallel World Speka - Speka from parallel world, has intense love and affection for darkness.
  • Increased Mana Regeneration: Like all NPCs, Speka benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
  • Awakening: Speka can activate Awakening under 50% HP.
  • Mana Shield: Speka summons a shield that reduces damage.
  • Teleport: Speka instantly moves a certain distance to another location.
  • Circle Flame: Speka summons four fireballs that rotate around her.
  • Mana Steal: Speka casts a blue magic circle that siphons the MP of nearby opponents.
  • Petite Angkor - Time Bomb: Speka summons 'Angkor', a black and white bat, that will fly in a straight line from the direction of the summon, until it either flies off the map or finds a victim; once attached, it will bite the victim for a few seconds, then explode. Anger can be shaken off by rapidly toggling left and right.
  • Petit Angkor - Heavy Stone: Speka summons a giant version of Angkor that stays still in place for several seconds. When a player makes contact with Heavy Doll Angkor, it will latch onto the player, biting the victim for several seconds before exploding. Anger can be shaken off by rapidly toggling left and right.
  • Hell Stone: Speka summons a stone monster from hell that rapidly spins and damages opponents.
  • Dark Cloud: Speka spreads a dark gas where she stands, which lingers and deals continuous hits.
  • Phantom Breathing - Dark Fall: Speka summons Anger to spew a noxious black energy on opponents trapped in front of her.
  • Plasma Cutter: Speka reaches out and creates several laser beams that travel across the map, continuously damaging anyone they touch.
  • Struggle: If Speka's HP is below 30%, she will unleash a mighty sword aura that manifests itself as a colorless aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Resurrect: If a player could not defeat Lowe after Speka is died, then Speka will resurrect with 20% of HP.
Parallel World Lowe - Lowe from parallel world, he perfected the skill 'Mega Slash' and passed it down to his descendants.
  • Increased Mana Regeneration: Like all NPCs, Lowe benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
  • Counter Chance: When Lowe falls down, he can tap X to sweep his sword in a broad sweeping motion that does not knock down.
  • Counter Attack: Lowe readies his sword as a shield for a counterattack, launching his opponent into the air upon successful contact.
  • Kick: Lowe side-kicks his opponent, reducing their KD.
  • Armor Break: Lowe bashes his enemy with the hilt of his sword, breaking their armor and nullifying their Physical Defense.
  • Rolling Smash: Lowe launches himself forward while swinging his sword around him 360 Degrees, ending it with a heavy smash onto the ground flinging all enemies into the air.
  • Heavy Landing: Lowe launches himself into the air, flying in a parabolic motion. He then performs a heavy landing that launches all enemies at the spot he lands.
  • Mega Slash: Lowe slashes his enemy with a charged sword attack dealing heavy damage.
  • Fatal Fury: Lowe strikes his enemy 5 times with a charged sword attack and then ends it with a swing, knocking enemies off their feet.
  • Armageddon Blade: Lowe's sword transcends its physical limits with a powerful aura that increases the overall range of his attacks for a period of time.
  • Struggle: If Lowe's HP is below 30%, he will unleash a mighty sword aura that manifests itself as a colorless aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Resurrect: If a player could not defeat Speka after Lowe is died, then Lowe will resurrect with 20% of HP.
Parallel World Amelia - Amelia from parallel world, she can subdue an enemy from a long distance without getting hurt.
  • Increased Mana Regeneration: Like all NPCs, Amelia benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
  • Awakening: Amelia can activate Awakening under 50% HP.
  • Wide Range Shooting: Amelia readies herself in Siege stance, throwing a volley of arrows.
  • Backflip Shot: Amelia backflips into the air, shooting three arrows at an angle downwards.
  • Reflective Kick: Amelia performs a stationary somersault, launching opponents in the air.
  • Humming Wind: Amelia shoots a concentrated wind sphere into the ground, blowing away opponents in her radius.
  • Aero Strafe: Amelia jumps backwards into the air, shooting a gigantic green arrow at a 45 degree angle downwards that explodes upon contact with the ground.
  • Wind Wall: Amelia casts a wind vortex in front of her that sucks in opponents until its duration ends.
  • Guided Arrow: Amelia shoots three homing arrows that each hit up to four times.
  • Aero Tornado: Amelia backflips into the air and shoots a giant wind-sphere 45 degrees downwards that deals heavy damage to any victim inside it.
  • Struggle: If Amelia's HP is below 30%, she will unleash a mighty sword aura that manifests itself as a colorless aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Resurrect: If a player could not defeat Apple after Amelia is died, then Amelia will resurrect with 20% of HP.
Parallel World Apple - Apple from parallel world, the Ancient Nasod Princess that has been asleep for centuries but was awakened by King Nasod.
  • Increased Mana Regeneration: Like all NPCs, Apple benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
  • Awakening: Apple can activate Awakening under 50% HP.
  • Mana Conversion: Apple points her fingers upwards, replenishing her MP.
  • Charon Guard: Apple calls on Charon who prevents opponents from attacking her from behind by generating a barrier which knocks them away should they come into contact with it.
  • Spitfire: Apple summons Persephone to discharge pink lightning in a large range around her, stunning anyone caught in her loop.
  • Mega Electron Ball: Justice: Apple shoots a powerful Electron Ball in front of her.
  • Assault Spear - Buster: Apple summons Charon and Persephone to hurl a gigantic spear at the ground, exploding upon impact.
  • Space Wrench: Apple summons Charon to cast a horizontal shockwave that drags opponents through the air.
  • Heaven's Fist - Pressure: Apple summons a giant Nasod Fist from the air, smashing all opponents with gigantic force and stunning them.
  • Electronic Field: Apple summons Persephone to cast an electrical magic sphere, continuously damaging enemies caught within it, with a bursting finisher as the final blow.
  • Struggle: If Apple's HP is below 30%, she will unleash a mighty sword aura that manifests itself as a colorless aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Resurrect: If a player could not defeat Amelia after Apple is died, then Apple will resurrect with 20% of HP.
Parallel World Lime - Lime from parallel world, she can summon the wind spirit to strengthen her bow if she is in a tight situation.
  • Increased Mana Regeneration: Like all NPCs, Lime benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
  • Awakening: Lime can activate Awakening under 50% HP.
  • Nature's Affinity: Lime has Friendship with Nature permanently activated.
  • Reflective Kick: Lime performs a stationary somersault, launching opponents in the air.
  • Hook Shot: Lime steps backwards, shooting a strong arrow that pulls opponents towards her.
  • Backflip Shot: Lime backflips into the air, shooting three arrows at an angle downwards.
  • Nature's Force: Lime illuminates her feet with a green aura which greatly increases her physical attack damage while decreasing her knockdown rate for a limited amount of time.
  • Slide Double Kick: Lime slides under the opponent and makes two backward kicks, with the second kick sending the opponent flying into the air.
  • Airelinna - Nymph: Lime summons the spirit of the Forest, "The Flaring Fairy", with the spirit creating a circular aura that continuously Heals the entire party and increases their Attack, Movement, and Jump Speed.
  • Sharp Fall: Lime plummets downwards and stomp on the ground, causing a large radial shock field that Stuns opponents.
  • Struggle: If Lime's HP is below 30%, she will unleash a mighty sword aura that manifests itself as a colorless aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Resurrect: If a player could not defeat Penensio after Lime is died, then Lime will resurrect with 20% of HP.
Parallel World Penensio - Penensio from parallel world, a skilled Rune Slayer who can summon and combine elemental magic with his runes in order to inflict status effects on his victims and constantly pressure them.
  • Increased Mana Regeneration: Like all NPCs, Penensio benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
  • Counter Chance: When Penensio falls down, he can tap X to sweep his sword in a broad sweeping motion that does not knock down.
  • Roar: Penensio unleashes a mighty sword aura that manifests itself as a colorless aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Explosive Fist: Penensio punches his opponent, planting a fiery explosion in his victim that detonates as he pulls back.
  • Fire Rune: Penensio summons a large fiery rune that persists on the field for about 10 seconds.
  • Ice Rune: Penensio summons a large ice-elemental rune that persists on the field for about 10 seconds.
  • Barrier Rune: Penensio summons a large light-elemental rune that persists on the field for about 10 seconds.
  • Counter Attack: Penensio readies his sword as a shield for a counterattack, launching his opponent into the air upon successful contact.
  • Kick: Penensio side-kicks his opponent, reducing their KD.
  • Splash Explosion: Penensio summons a rune in front of him, and then explodes it, launching enemies into the air.
  • Luna Blade: Penensio summons a giant magical blade above him, crashing it down.
  • Storm Blade: Penensio summons a swarm of rotating blades around him, continuously dealing heavy damage to anyone caught in the attack.
  • Struggle: If Penensio's HP is below 30%, he will unleash a mighty sword aura that manifests itself as a colorless aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Resurrect: If a player could not defeat Lime after Penensio is died, then Penensio will resurrect with 20% of HP.
Parallel World Noah - Noah from parallel world. Don't let Noah's heavy armor deceive you. She is an Elemental Master in disguise!
  • Increased Mana Regeneration: Like all NPCs, Noah benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
  • Awakening: Noah can activate Awakening under 50% HP.
  • Mana Shield: Noah summons a shield that reduces damage.
  • Freezing Point Investigation:Noah's fireballs are now replaced with Ice Balls, which will inflict frostbite upon targets on contact.
  • Teleport: Noah instantly moves a certain distance to another location.
  • Circle Flame: Noah summons three iceballs that rotate around her, casting frostbite when hit due to Freezing Point Investigation.
  • Iceberg: Noah strikes the ground in front of her, transforming her opponent into a frozen statue.
  • Magic Missile: Noah summons a glowing missile that automatically targets opponents.
  • Blizzard Shower: Noah summons fifteen ice shards that fall diagonally from the air, freezing any opponents that they come in contact with.
  • Frost Step: Noah spins and casts a spell that causes snowflakes to constantly rise from her feet.
  • Struggle: If Noah's HP is below 30%, she will unleash a mighty sword aura that manifests itself as a colorless aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Resurrect: If a player could not defeat Edan after Noah is died, then Noah will resurrect with 20% of HP.
Parallel World Edan - Edam from parallel world, he uses a powerful bloody sword that is one of a kind
  • Increased Mana Regeneration: Like all NPCs, Edan benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
  • Roar: Edan unleashes a mighty roar that manifests itself as a blue aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Awakening: Edan can activate Awakening under 50% HP.
  • Counter Chance: When Edan falls down, he can tap X to sweep his sword in a broad sweeping motion that does not knock down.
  • Bloody Accel: Edan has a permanent Bloody Accel buff.
  • Evacuation!: Edan has a 99% chance of automatically activating Shadow Strafe when hit from behind.
  • Shadow Piercing: Edan lunges forward with a Shadow Step, dealing heavy damage to anyone he pierces.
  • Cut Tendon: Edan does a low slash aimed at one of the opponent's tendons causing the enemy to Bleed, steadily draining their health while preventing them from running.
  • Berserker Blade: Edan swings his sword in a downwards arc at a short range.
  • Wolf Fang: Edan does a short leap forwards to tackle his opponent with his claw. On contact with a target, Edan will use the opponent to propel himself into the air and swoop downwards causing two crescents from his blade to attack the target, dealing more physical damage.
  • Shockwave - Divider: Edan slashes his sword with a forceful aura to send a sonic shockwave downward at a 135-degree angle that travels in that direction until it goes off-screen.
  • Struggle: If Edan's HP is below 30%, he will unleash a mighty sword aura that manifests itself as a colorless aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Resurrect: If a player could not defeat Noah after Edan is died, then Edan will resurrect with 20% of HP.
Parallel World Valak - Valak from parallel world, his armor can be damaged but his claw can still tear enemies apart.
  • Increased Mana Regeneration: Like all NPCs, Valak benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
  • Roar: Valak unleashes a mighty roar that manifests itself as a blue aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Awakening: Valak can activate Awakening under 50% HP.
  • Scar of Pain: Valak's basic attacks and actives ignore 100% of the target's defense.
  • Counter Chance: When Valak falls down, he can tap X to sweep his sword in a broad sweeping motion that does not knockdown.
  • Subliminal Rage: Valak can activate awakening repeatedly.
  • Weapon Crash: Valak crushes his opponent's weapon with his claw, reducing their damage by 70%.
  • Shadow Piercing: Valak lunges forward with a Shadow Step, dealing heavy damage to anyone he pierces.
  • Ground Impact: Valak smashes the ground with his claw, creating a small quake that launches opponents into the air.
  • Charged Bolt - Hedgehog: Valak surrounds himself with a black sphere that sends out piercing black needles all around him.
  • Valkyrie's Javelin: Valak jumps into the air, summoning a number of black javelins that crash onto the ground and explode.
  • Wild Charge: Valak unleashes a devastatingly strong punch.
  • Nuclear: Valak summons a Nuclear Missile in front of him, creating a giant mushroom cloud that obliterates everything caught in it.
  • Struggle: If Valak's HP is below 30%, he will unleash a mighty sword aura that manifests itself as a colorless aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Resurrect: If a player could not defeat Code: 00 after Valak is died, then Valak will resurrect with 20% of HP.
Parallel World Code: 00 - Q-Proto_00 from parallel world, she is known as one of the most powerful Ancient Nasod Prototype Drones. She failed to develop normal human senses
  • Increased Mana Regeneration: Like all NPCs, Code: 00 benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
  • Roar: Code: 00 unleashes a mighty roar that manifests itself as a blue aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Permanent Awakening: Code: 00 is under a constant state of awakening from the very start of the match.
  • Queen's Throne: Code: 00 constantly has Queen's Throne activated by default.
  • Cloaking: Code: 00 becomes invisible for 4.5 seconds.
  • Metal Dust Aura: Code: 00 summons a number of metal fragments that swirl around her, doing constant DOT damage.
  • Mega Electron Ball: Justice: Code: 00 shoots a gigantic Electron Ball.
  • Spear Burst: Code: 00 rises in the air slightly, summoning a volley of dozens of spears to protrude from the ground all around her.
  • Hornet Sting - Explosion: Code: 00 shoots an extremely fast missile that travels straight forward and explodes.
  • Atomic Blaster - Plasma Gun: Code: 00 pulls out a machine gun and fires it repeatedly in an upwards arc.
  • Iron Scraps: Code :00 releases a flurry of minature stingers in a circular radius all around her.
  • Junk Break: Code: 00 summons a giant drill that burrows into the enemy, dealing heavy damage.
  • Generate Black Hole: Code: 00 summons an ancient piece of Nasod Technology that generates a Black Hole, sucking all opponents in while dealing massive magic damage.

-Struggle: If Code: 00's HP is below 30%, she will unleash a mighty sword aura that manifests itself as a colorless aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
-Resurrect: If a player could not defeat Valak after Code: 00 is died, then Code: 00 will resurrect with 20% of HP. }}

  • Elsword: ???
  • Aisha: ???
  • Rena: ???
  • Raven: ???
  • Eve:Silly. See how probable it is for you to win. Don't these creatures of this era have that intelligence?
  • Chung:Is it really true that we cannot beat them with our strength!?
  • Ara: ???
  • Elesis:What? Are these two? I think I gave it my all to fight them.
  • Add: ???
  • Lu:Hu hu hu arrogant. What a load, how dare they stand in my way!
  • Ciel:That was some good cooperative playstyle. Althought I do not want to admit it..
Image Item Name How to Obtain Effect
Strongest Duo Cloth Piece Obtained by clearing the dungeon, as a daily mail reward, and by purchasing Strongest Duo Packages from the Item Mall. Collect as many of these as you can and see what items you can trade it for through Ariel.
Strongest Duo Cube Clear this dungeon. Yields 1 reward at random from the following list: Luriel's Additional Damage Magic Stone
Luriel's Action Speed Magic Stone
Luriel's Critical Magic Stone
Luriel's Magic Stone of Destruction
Luriel's Magic Stone of Explosion
Luriel's Magic Stone of Quickness
Sage's Magic Stone
Luto's Vision (Permanent) Cube Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Strongest Duo Cloth Piece x35
Open to obtain a permanent Luto's Faint Illusion costume suit for your current character.
Luto's Trace (Permanent) Cube Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Strongest Duo Cloth Piece x60
Open to obtain a permanent Luto's Traces costume suit for your current character.
  • If a party includes Lu/Ciel, then 1 additional Strongest Duo Cube is given.
  • When Valak is defeated, 1 additional Strongest Duo Cube is given.
  • NA Event Detail

  • Other
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~22
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Miscellaneous