Main Page

Current Server Information
  • North America/INT
  • Europe


Time Remaining:
Current server time:
(Resets at 00:00)
Henir Challenge (07/10/2024 ~ 07/17/2024)

1. Dekal
Mini Boss Monster
Head Hunter
not recommended.
2. Scar
Boss Monster
Head Hunter
Boss Monster
Head Hunter
Boss Monster
Head Hunter
Boss Monster
Head Hunter
Boss Monster
Head Hunter


Game Information
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~20
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous
Server Updates
KR Server Updates NA Server Updates EU Server Updates

Server Maintenance Date:
18 July 2024
Server Maintenance Time:
06:00 ~ 10:30 KST (GMT+9)

Patch Content:

  • El Search Party Synergy - Lithia
  • Season Pass (Season 8)
  • The End of Combat Power Scaling
  • Buff UI Further Improvements

Event Progress:

  • Hyper Punch Master (July 18, 2024 ~ September 12, 2024)
  • Senior, Please Clear the Raid! (July 18, 2024 ~ September 12, 2024)
  • Obtain +11 Vestige of Soul (July 18, 2024 ~ September 12, 2024)

Update Details:

Latest Balance Patches:

Server Maintenance Date:
17 July 2024
Server Maintenance Time:
0:00 ~ 3:00 AM PDT

Patch Content:

  • New Lithia Mod Skills

Event Progress:

  • Raven’s Summer Camp Event (July 17, 2024 ~ August 13, 2024)

Update Details:
[Patch Notes]

Latest Balance Patches:

Server Update Date:
03 July, 2024
[Lithia Release Event]

Content and Event Updates:

  • Lithia release

[More details]

Latest Balance Patches:

Featured Content


Patch Dates Content External Links
South Korea North America
October 12, 2023 October 18, 2023 Event Dungeon: Protect the Rose Mansion! KOG Games
November 09, 2023 December 06, 2023 Secret Dungeon: Deep-Sea Passage: Emergency Crisis
Chung, Elesis, LuCiel Rebalance patch
KOG Games
December 07, 2023 January 03, 2024 New character: Lithia
Lithia's 1st path: Poten Finder, Mighty Miner, Gembliss
KOG Games
January 04, 2024 January 31, 2024 Aisha, Raven, Ain Balance Patch
Blacksmith and Upgrading pity(KR: 18/1/2024, NA:31/1/2024)
February 01, 2024 February 28, 2024 Lithia's 2nd path: Fortune Finder, Greedy Wonder, Avarice KOG Games
February 29, 2024 March 27, 2024 Elsword, Rena, Ara, Add Balance Patch Babel
March 28, 2024 April 24, 2024 Lithia's 3rd path: Path Finder, Rima Clavis, Achlys Nexon
April 25, 2024 May 22, 2024 Eve, Rose, Laby, Noah Balance Patch Babel
May 23, 2024 June 19, 2024 Lithia's 4th path: Trick Finder, Cynical Sneer, Mischief KOGGames
June 20th, 2024 July 17, 2024 New Mod Skills for Gembliss, Avarice, Achlys, Mischief Video Preview


  • Lithia 4th Path
  • Lithia 3rd Path
Updates Roadmap

  • KR
  • NA
  • July 04th, 2024
    • Summer Improvements (Account-wide Titles, Buff UI Improvements), PvP Changes and Balance
  • July 18th, 2024
    • Pet extraction Item
  • August 1st, 2024
    • New region dungeons/New armor set
  • August 14th, 2024
    • New Raid
*Update schedule and contents may be subject to change.
How you can help!

Here are several ways to contribute to Elwiki. Please add them; your help is appreciated <3
(If you add the information requested, please remove it from this list, thank you)

Please remember to specify which server you are referring to when adding skill information.

  • Provide the damage (in % form) of any basic combos for any job that lacks them.
  • Provide story quest numbers, names, requirements, and dialogues.
  • Add images for any allies/mobs/minibosses/obstacles/bosses that are missing from dungeon pages.
  • Using the Alternate Languages template, please help us record the various skill names from all servers. If the skill name that you are adding is identical to the title of the page, please do not add them.
  • Update skill pages' Total Damage sections that use full mathematical formulas with variables and the helping template to make them easily maintainable.
  • Add videos of any skill without one on their page yet or replace broken videos with working ones.
  • Correct any grammar / spelling errors that you may come across.
General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media