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Chapter 14: The Secret Truth

  • Ch.14 #1: Click! Clack!
  • Barren Sander, "Any Difficulty"
  • Find the Wind Priestess (Barren Sander, "Any Difficulty")
  • Waldo (Barren Sander, "Any Difficulty") 0/1
Description: The Trocks have invaded us on a large scale. This is bad! The Wind Priestess is coming to town for peace talks and we can't have her be in danger. Go to Barren Sander to investigate the situation.
  • Elsword
Quest accepted dialogue:
Emirate: Hey!! Adventurers!! Something terrible has happened in the village. Would you please help us? What? The Trocks are invading our village! The Wind Priestess is about to arrive and we are under attack by the Trocks!!
Elsword: Trocks?
Emirate: Those desert monsters that live just outside of Sander! We see them near the village every now and then, but nor a full-scale attack like this before...Did the Trocks know the Wind Priestess was coming? We have to protect her at all costs.
Quest cleared dialogue:
Emirate: What?! The Wind Priestess was kidnapped by the Trocks? Why would the Trocks take the Wind Priestess? Where did they take her to?
Elsword: Well...she was snatched by a woman-like creature with wings?
Emirate: Wait a minute? A woman with wings, are you referring to a Harpy? So those Harpies and Trocks were in on this? That's very strange...I don't have a good feeling about this...

|-| Raven=

Quest accepted dialogue:
Emirate: Hey!! Adventurers!! Something terrible has happened in the village. Would you please help us? What? The Trocks are invading our village! The Wind Priestess is about to arrive and we are under attack by the Trocks!!
Raven: Trocks?
Emirate: Those desert monsters that live just outside of Sander! We see them near the village every now and then, but nor a full-scale attack like this before...Did the Trocks know the Wind Priestess was coming? We have to protect her at all costs.
Quest cleared dialogue:
Emirate: What?! The Wind Priestess was kidnapped by the Trocks? Why would the Trocks take the Wind Priestess? Where did they take her to?
Raven: be looked like a creature with wings that kidnapped the Priestess.
Emirate: Wait a minute? A woman with wings, are you referring to a Harpy? So those Harpies and Trocks were in on this? That's very strange...I don't have a good feeling about this...

|-| Elesis=

Quest accepted dialogue:
Emirate: Hey!! Adventurers!! Something terrible has happened in the village. Would you please help us? What? The Trocks are invading our village! The Wind Priestess is about to arrive and we are under attack by the Trocks!!
Elesis: Trocks?
Emirate: Those desert monsters that live just outside of Sander! We see them near the village every now and then, but nor a full-scale attack like this before...Did the Trocks know the Wind Priestess was coming? We have to protect her at all costs.
Quest cleared dialogue:
Emirate: What?! The Wind Priestess was kidnapped by the Trocks? Why would the Trocks take the Wind Priestess? Where did they take her to?
Elesis: Hmm.. the monsters that kidnapped the Priestess have wings. I've seen them before... what were they called?
Emirate: Wait a minute? A woman with wings, are you referring to a Harpy? So those Harpies and Trocks were in on this? That's very strange...I don't have a good feeling about this...
ED: 602100
EXP: 367530
Items: Armor Enhancement Stone Lv. 5 x15, Armor Enhancement Stone Lv. 6 x2, +0 Advanced Hamel Explorer Gloves

  • Ch.14 #2: He Who Knows!
  • Barren Sander, "Hard or Higher"
  • Defeat Rocky Trock (Barren Sander, "Hard") 0/10
Description: The priestess has been kidnapped! The Trocks and Harpies seem to be involved in her disappearance...let's go ask Granny Vapor if she can give us any information. Let's interrogate the Leader of Trocks in Barren Sander and find out!!!
Quest accepted dialogue:
Emirate: I suggest we talk to Granny Vapor the Alchemist about this matter! Granny Vapor is the oldest person in Sander Village, so she can probably give us good advice...By the way, could you do me another favor? Can you capture the Chief of the Trocks? With the skills you showed me, I'm sure you'll have no problems. There's no use talking to these peons!! The Chief would probably know. We can get more information from him...
Quest cleared dialogue:
Emirate: Is it as amazing as they say it is? Say hello!! This is Sander Village's Alchemist, Vapor!! She specializes in researching Sander Village's wind and water.
Emirate: (Although Vapor may look young, she is the oldest person in Sander Village. Treat her with respect...I'll tell you more later.)
Vapor: Are you the little ones Emirate spoke of? They seem to have strong fighting skills...but let's find out if they know anything.
Emirate: Does Granny Vapor understand what the Trocks are saying? That's incredible!
Vapor: Then what should we do?
ED: 602100
EXP: 367530

  • Ch.14 #3: Horrified Grandma
  • Barren Sander, "Hard or Higher"
  • Mysterious Magical Pattern (Buggy Trock, Barren Sander, "Hard") 0/1
Description: Granny Vapor is suspicious about Trocks using magic. She's asking us to find any Trocks with a Magical Amulet Necklace. Let's try to find some Trocks that fit the description in Barren Sander.
Quest accepted dialogue:
Emirate: Is it possible to scare them off?
Vapor: Huhuhu...There is a reason why I have survived this long!! Wait a minute...huuhu...huhu...drag him in here!! Ok...Let's start again! Why did you invade Sander Village?
Baryon:!! Trock!! Trock!!
Emirate: What do you think? Granny Vapor? Can you tell us what happened?
Vapor: Granny Vapor?! If you call me Granny one more time, I'll turn you into a child too!! Hmm...Trock's...Now that they have great power, they are confident to think they can conquer Sander. Not sure if they know about Priestess...but I don't think they are
Emirate: Hmm...fishy...Ah, I had almost forgotten...According to the guards, some Trocks have magical amulets engraved on them...and others can use magic...
Vapor: Hmm...Trock's performing magic? I'm curious to know what the pattern looks like...can you draw the patterns? Even better...if it could be a Trock that uses magic.
Quest cleared dialogue:
Emirate: Granny Vapor...No...wait Big Sister Vapor!! This is the pattern. Do you recognize it?
Vapor: Let's see...with forget things...Hmm...this is the first time I've seen this pattern...magic I've never seen before...I wonder where the Trocks got this?
ED: 602100
EXP: 367530
Items: Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv. 5 x15, Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv. 6

  • Ch.14 #4: Dislodge!
  • Barren Sander, "Very Hard"
  • Defeat Trocks (Trock Race, Barren Sander, "Very Hard") 0/50
  • Waldo (Waldo, Barren Sander, "Very Hard") 0/1
Description: We need to let the Caluso Tribe know that the priestess has been kidnapped. If they find out that the priestess was kidnapped while she was visiting Sander, there might be a risk of bad relations and it may cause war!
Quest accepted dialogue:
Emirate: According to the adventurers, not only do they have magical powers but they've increased in size...
Vapor: Got bigger in size? You mean their bodies grew?
Emirate: Yes...looks like that...the Chief Trock, grew bigger and stronger as well...There seems to be a magical device on his stomach...and plus it seems the harpies kidnapped the Wind Priestess.
Vapor: Really? A physical enhancement magic item? Physical enhancement hard to perform...also the spell is complicated...How did the Trocks become so powerful? Even the harpies...something fishy is going on...Emirate! We need to dispatch a messenger to the Caluso Tribal Village to let them know the Wind Priestess has been kidnapped! If the Caluso Tribe thinks the Wind Priestess was kidnapped in Sander Village, there could be a hige misunderstanding...We need to tell them the truth!
Emirate: But...there are too many violent Trocks if we dispatch a messenger...Adventurer! Once again I ask for your assistance. While we send a messenger to Caluso Tribal Village, can you drive back the Trocks in the outskirts of Sander Village?
Quest cleared dialogue:
Emirate: You all did a good job. Now the Trocks are defeated and we can dispatch our messenger now. I hope the Caluso Tribe does not come to any misunderstandings...
Vapor: Let's look for the Priestess now! You said she kidnapped by Harpy?
Emirate: If that's the case...then the first placve to investigate would be...
ED: 654600
EXP: 403190
Item: +0 Advanced Hamel Explorer Shoes

  • Ch.14 #5: Nest Hunting
  • Garpai Rock, "Any Difficulty"
  • Steel Wind Kelaino: Kelaino (Garpai Rock, "Any Difficulty")
Description: The priestess was kidnapped by the leader of the Harpies, Kelaino. We need to find and rescue the priestess from the windy zone Garpai Rock.
Quest accepted dialogue:
Emirate: Garpai Rock...We need to go there and investigate...I heard the Wind Priestess was kidnapped by a Harpy with giant golden wings. According to the adventurers, they have colorful ornaments...
Vapor: Hmm...Kelaino herself has a strong presence and pride.
Emirate: Kel...aino? They all have similar names...
Vapor: Steel Wing Kelaino...Strongest Harpy of Garpai Rock...She's the leader of the Harpies...Harpies...I can't believe they have joined forces with Trocks...What is going on?
Emirate: Please go to Garpai Rock where the harpy named Kelaino lives. We need your help adventurer. Please find the Priestess. We are worried about the rock and ridged terrain of Garpai Rock...
Quest cleared dialogue:
Emirate: What do you think? Did you find the whereabouts of the Priestess? We need to find her as soon as possible...
Elsword/Raven: Yes we know...but we can't find her...
Emirate: Hmm...this is a really big problem...
ED: 654600
EXP: 403190
Item: Armor Enhancement Stone Lv. 6 x10

  • Ch.14 #6: Promises of the Past
  • Garpai Rock, "Hard or Higher"
  • Defeat Kelaino (Garpai Rock, "Hard") 0/1
Description: Considering the area of Garpai Rock, it may be impossible to pick up the trail. Granny Vapor wants us to find the Symbol of Promise from Kelaino who resides in Garpai Rock. The task may be difficult but there's no time to waste. We must proceed.
Quest accepted dialogue:
Emirate: Granny Vapor, there are no traces of the Priestess at Garpai Rock. What could've happened?
Vapor: Could they have moved her to another area? It might be too late...Then there's no other way, then can you show this to Kelaino and bring her back here? If she saw this, Kelaino would...
Emirate: Steel Wing Kelaino? What is this for?
Vapor: Before you came, Harpy feathers were sold at an expensive price...
Emirate: Harpy feathers are a top-notch product...
Vapor: Indeed...Harpies are hunted just for their feathers...This angered the harpies and they actually attacked the village and towns...from then it was decided that harpy feathers were to be a banned item...With the ban on hunting harpies for feathers...Kelaino also agreed to stop attacking our village. This is the Symbol of Promise...with this...Kelaino should come to compromise.
Quest cleared dialogue:
Vapor: Thank you for coming! Kelaino, you haven't changed one bit...
Kelaino: You bold humans!! You have the audacity to show that symbol to me...Trusting humans was a mistake!!
Vapor: Breaking a promise! What is she talking about?
ED: 654600
EXP: 403190
Item: +0 Advanced Hamel Explorer Top Piece

  • Ch.14 #7: Dangerous! Back up!
  • Garpai Rock, "Hard or Higher"
  • Aello (Garpai Rock, "Hard") 0/1
  • Okypete (Garpai Rock, "Hard") 0/1
Description: We're not sure why, but the harpies are very hostile towards the residents of Sander Village. A messenger from Sander Village that is sent to Caluso Village is in trouble. We need to stop the harpies from harming the messenger in Garpai Rock.
Quest accepted dialogue:
Kelaino: You humans! Didn't you promise to not hunt harpies!? We recently found a dead harpy whose body was brutally stripped of its feathers. You humans are still hunting us for feathers!
Emirate: Nonsense!! For the past 3 years, harpy feathers have not been traded in Sander. I cross my heart...that is the truth.
Kelaino: Rubbish...human foot prints were found near the harpy corpse. Also...the winds are's all your fault. We will never be deceived again. Now no human will pass through Garpai alive. Aello and Okypete will rip you to pieces.
Emirate: I...can't believe it...Oh no...the messenger should be passing through Garpai by now...
Vapor: Calm down rookie! Go to Garpai Rock and defeat Aello and Okypete! It won't be difficult to find the Gold and Dark Twin harpies! Emirate we need to talk!
Quest cleared dialogue:
  • Elsword
Emirate: I swear...there have been no harpy feathers here. Granny Vapor, as you know, harpy feathers are not only prohibited but everything going in and out of the village is checked. Harpy feathers have never had a chance to come in this village.
Vapor: Really? Unless someone wants to frame us and lure the harpies into being their ally. And the story about the winds...Do you have any idea?
Emirate: I've never heard about that...Hmm...the power of the winds...Ah, welcome adventurer! Where is the messenger? Is he safe?!
Elsword: Don't worry! He's a little hurt but fine...However he couldn't get past Garpai Rock.
Emirate: That's a relief...The news of the Priestess should've been delivered to the Caluso Tribe.
Vapor: Obviously someone is trying to make Sander and the harpies fight each other...I don't exactly know why...and what is the relationship with the power of winds...

|-| Raven=

Emirate: I swear...there have been no harpy feathers here. Granny Vapor, as you know, harpy feathers are not only prohibited but everything going in and out of the village is checked. Harpy feathers have never had a chance to come in this village.
Vapor: Really? Unless someone wants to frame us and lure the harpies into being their ally. And the story about the winds...Do you have any idea?
Emirate: I've never heard about that...Hmm...the power of the winds...Ah, welcome adventurer! Where is the messenger? Is he safe?!
Raven: He's injured but alive. The messenger couldn't get past Garpai Rock...This is serious...
Emirate: That's a relief...The news of the Priestess should've been delivered to the Caluso Tribe.
Vapor: Obviously someone is trying to make Sander and the harpies fight each other...I don't exactly know why...and what is the relationship with the power of winds...

|-| Elesis=

Emirate: I swear...there have been no harpy feathers here. Granny Vapor, as you know, harpy feathers are not only prohibited but everything going in and out of the village is checked. Harpy feathers have never had a chance to come in this village.
Vapor: Really? Unless someone wants to frame us and lure the harpies into being their ally. And the story about the winds...Do you have any idea?
Emirate: I've never heard about that...Hmm...the power of the winds...Ah, welcome adventurer! Where is the messenger? Is he safe?!
Elesis: No worries, I'm hurt a little bit but I'm okay... But the messenger wasn't able get through Garpai Rock
Emirate: That's a relief...The news of the Priestess should've been delivered to the Caluso Tribe.
Vapor: Obviously someone is trying to make Sander and the harpies fight each other...I don't exactly know why...and what is the relationship with the power of winds...
ED: 654600
EXP: 403190
Item: Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv. 6 x5

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