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[Laby] Chapter 8: Sage of Fluone

Arrive at Elrianode
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the I Know You story quest
  • Achieve Lv. 99

Laby makes it out of the barrier.
Bellonde finds her and hurries towards the El Tower in hopes of healing her injuries.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Laby: Ugh... Where is this... Outside...? Good ting... We must have made it outside, Nisha...
  • Bellonde: Laby?!
  • Laby: Ah, it's the real teacher...
  • Bellonde: You're hurt...! What happened in there?!
  • Laby: Laby's ok, it's going to be ok.
  • Bellonde: It's not ok. You're seriously injured! We need a healer... Let's go to the El Tower, please, hold on Laby...!

  • Bellonde: Help! We need a healer immediately!!
  • Sasha: How did an outsider come all the way here...
  • Anduran: That girl looks very hurt!
  • Denif: ! You're...
  • Bellonde: Teacher... Please... I beg of you... Laby... Someone important to me was injured within Henir's Barrier. I'm not worried about her injuries... But I'm worried about the secondary effects from Henir's energy... So, please...
  • Denif: Calm down, we need you to explain the situation as calmly as you can. Darkmoon, will you take a look at her injuries?
  • Darkmoon: ... Yes, understood.
  • Gloria: I will go get the bed ready!
  • Artea: Thank you Gloria, now we'll take her from here.
  • Bellonde: ... Are you...
  • Artea: Oh, I am the Earth Priestess, Artea. This is the Moon Priestess, Darkmoon. The Moon El has the power to heal and restore. Darkmoon is especially talented, so the girl should soon recover.
  • Bellonde: ... Thank you. I'll leave Laby in your care.
  • Denif: Did you compose yourself? It's been a long time. We have much to discuss... But first, I am glad you've finally come.
  • Bellonde: Ah... Were they...
  • Denif: Yes, they are the current El Priestesses. Their presence show us that the priestesses 500 years ago have continued with their duties even after we have been asleep... Including your sister, Earth Priestess Verdel.
  • Bellonde: ...... Pardon my manners, I wasn't in the proper state of mind to greet anyone... It's been a while, teacher... I mean, Master Denif. I, Bellonde Gaia, have come to resume my duties as Earth Master.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 File:Blessed Enhacment Stone.png Blessed Enhancement Stone x 10 N/A
ED 2,911,100 Advanced Magic Stone x 10 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Entering El Tower
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Arrive at Elrianode story quest

Something has changed with Spring of Memory. Laby opens her eyes and sees unfamiliar faces who introduce themselves as the El Priestesses.
Laby learns that Bellonde is with the sage and goes to find him.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Laby: Uuuuh... Uh?
  • Darkmoon: Are you awake?
  • Gloria: Are you alright? How do you feel?
  • Laby: Mmm... Alright! Laby feels ok! Perfect! Um... Who are you? Teacher said we were going to El Tower...
  • Sasha: Don't worry, you're in the right place. We are the priestesses guarding the El Tower.
  • Darkmoon: You were horribly injured... You should rest...
  • Laby: It's ok, Laby is tough! Laby's really fine! Um, did you see Laby's teacher though? He's really tall, and really strong!

  • Artea: Teacher...? Oh, you mean Master Gaia.
  • Laby: Gaia? That's not right, teacher's name is Bellonde!
  • Artea: Bellonde Gaia is the name of the man who you were with. He is one of the El Masters that protected the El Lady.
  • Anduran: He was really worried for you! We're all glad you look ok!
  • Sasha: Master Gaia is currently conversing with Master Denif. He'll be here as soon as that conversation is over.
  • Laby: El? Master? Laby's never head about them before...
  • Artea: I see... He must have kept everything related to the El to himself. Do you have any questions, then? I will try to answer to the best of my abilities.
  • Anduran: After all, you're someone important to Master Gaia!
  • Laby: Really? Thank you! In that case, who is Denif?
  • Artea: Master Denif is the Water El Master. He is very wise, and holds a lot of knowledge.
  • Anduran: Oh, come to think about it, didn't Master Gaia call Master Denif, teacher? I wonder if Master Denif taught Master Gaia how to control the power of El.
  • Laby: Teacher's teacher!! So Denif is the sage that teacher was talking aobut! I want to go see! I'll ask teacher directly! Let's go, Nisha!
  • Gloria: Wait, Laby...!!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Denif: So the one you've brought here... Hm?
  • Laby: Teacher!!
  • Gaia: Laby! Are you healed already?
  • Laby: ...!
  • Gaia: Laby?
  • Laby: Whooooa!! Is this morning? It is!! Teacher! This is it! What Laby saw in the forest before meeting teacher! Third morning! The light that allowed Laby to finally leave the forest!
  • Gaia: What? But this is...
  • Denif: Forest? Morning? What do you mean?
  • Gaia: Oh, you see... I met Laby at the Black Forest. She said she was trapped there for a very long time.
  • Laby: Yeah. Laby lived there for a really really long time! Before seeing the morning!
  • Denif: Did you say... Black Forest? The Black Forest has a high concentration of demonic energy, enough to be commonly known as the origin of monsters. She can't be an average human being if you met here there... I'm sure you're aware...
  • Gaia: ... Yes, I'm well aware. That's why I couldn't just leave her there.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 File:ElrianodeTop.png Elrianode Top Piece N/A
ED 2,911,100 El Tear Fragment Cube (Top Piece) N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Three Mornings
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Entering El Tower story quest

The energy of the restored El was weaker than Laby remembered, but it was definitely 'Morning'.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Denif: Is that so... I understand. I'm sure you have your reasons.
  • Laby: Do you want to know why teacher brought Laby here?
  • Denif: Yes, do you have the answer?
  • Laby: The reason why teacher brought Laby here is..... Bam ba baam!! Because teacher's teacher is going to tell Laby what Laby is!!
  • Denif: ... Hm?
  • Gaia: Ha, ha... I'll explain, Master Denif.
  • Laby: Denif? Then are you teacher's teacher, and the sage that knows who Laby is?
  • Denif: I do not know who you are, but I have taught Gaia briefly in the past.
  • Laby: Oooh!! Denif! Nice to meet you! I'm Laby!
  • Gaia: L, Laby... It's good that you're friendly, but perhaps you should show some respect...
  • Laby: Respect? How do you do that?
  • Gaia: Hm... Call him Master Denif...?
  • Laby: Ohh, ok. So Master Denif doesn't know who Laby is? Why not?
  • Gaia: Uh... That' not exactly what I mean...
  • Denif: This is fine. That's not the important part. Let's return to the topic at hand. This is the first time you and I met. I do not know anything about you, so it's inevitable that I do not know who you are. If I had more information, perhaps I could come up with something...
  • Laby: You need to know about Laby? So when Laby was...
  • Denif: ... Not all at the same time. We can take it more slowly. There's something I wanted to ask you, anyway. Since the priestesses are coming this way, let us include them in our conversation.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Gloria: Ahhh... You're so fast, Laby...
  • Denif: Gloria, did Darkmoon finish healing her?
  • Gloria: Well, when you say finish...
  • Gaia: What do you mean? Is she not healed yet?
  • Gloria: No... She had no injuries.
  • Darkmoon: ... By the time I tried to heal her, most of her injuries were gone. She barely needed healing.
  • Gaia: I knew Laby healed quickly... But the injuries looked so severe...
  • Laby: See? Laby told you! Laby is tough, so Laby gets better quickly!
  • Denif: Gaia, it seems you already knew about her healing capabilities, am I correct?
  • Gaia: Yes... I saw minor injuries healing in an instant. Laby stayed in the Black Forest for a long time without being influenced by demonic energy... Perhpas that has something to do with her healing capabilities.
  • Denif: She wasn't influence by the demonic energy from the Black Forest? I would like to know why you were in the Black Forest, but we can talk about that later. Your name is Laby? You called the El, 'morning,' when you entered. I'd like to ask what you meant by that.
  • Laby: It was always night where Laby was, but there were three mornings!
  • Denif: Night? Are talking about the Black Forest? Why were you living in the Black Forest?
  • Laby: Laby's not sure... Laby was always there. Whenever Laby tried to leave, Laby would hear a voice telling Laby not to leave. When Laby heard that voice, Laby didn't want to leave anymore. Since Laby didn't' know what was outside the forest, Laby just stayed.
  • Denif: Mind magic? I heard that was the demons's specialty... Then can you tell me what you mean by 'morning'? Is that how you were finally able to leave the forest?
  • Laby: Uh huh! Every morning was special! They all shined with blue light, but they all felt different. First morning, it felt like the nice, soft feeling that was with Laby in the forest went away! Laby tried to follow it, but then Laby heard the voice again, and had to stay... Oh! Come to think about it, that's when there was more of that demonic energy teacher talked about.
  • Artea: Master Denif... Is this...?
  • Denif: Hm, let's allow her to finish.
  • Laby: Second morning was fun! The ground was moving going all tutatatata!! It was always quiet in the forest, so everything was so exciting!! But when everything was over... the blue energy in the forest was almost gone, so it felt really lonely... Even that felt a bit different than before, but when third morning came, everything changed!! The nice, soft feeling before first morning came back! And after that light, Laby didn't hear the voice anymore!
  • Gaia: So that's what happened...
  • Laby: And this is the morning that Laby saw! It looks a lot weaker than before, but Laby knows!
  • Denif: Three mornings...? Could it be?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 File:ElrianodeBottom.png Elrianode Bottom Piece N/A
ED 2,911,100 El Tear Fragment Cube (Bottom Piece) N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Boy and the El
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Three Mornings story quest

Laby's Morning, three incidents involving the El, and Elsword...
It's clear now, how Laby was able to leave the Black Forest.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Denif: If we assume 'morning' is El's light, there's only one possible explanation. It has to have been a significant event in order to have impacted the Black Forest. And there were only 3 occasions when the El was significantly altered.
  • Sasha: The first morning must have been the end of the Nasod War, when the power of El deteriorated.
  • Artea: Then the second morning must be the El Explosion, 500 years ago. A massive earthquake had divided the lands, and the power of the El was at its weakest.
  • Darkmoon: Then the third, must be... The El restoration.
  • Anduran: But... to have lived since before the El became unstable... that's so long ago...
  • Laby: But Laby did stay really long in the forest. If the time Laby spent traveling is like a cup of water, then the time Laby spent in the forest is like all the water from the sea!
  • Denif: There are not that many beings that could have lived that long, but it's not impossible. Considering that Laby lived in the Black Forest until now, it actually makes sense that she's a being with an extraordinarily long life and abilities.
  • Gloria: So you weren't able to leave the forest until after El's restoration?
  • Laby: Uh huh! Before third morning, Laby was not able to leave at all!
  • Sasha: If Laby was in the forest since before the El was unstable... Why wasn't she able to leave in the very beginning, when the El was at its fullest potential?
  • Anduran: Perhaps there's a difference between the newly restored El, and the El before the explosion...
  • Artea: Or perhaps it's the added variable when the El was restored.
  • Denif: That's a possibility. Since Elsword was involved in restoring the El...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Gaia: Elsword... Do you mean the young swordsman from the El Search Party?
  • Denif: Yes, the boy decided to sacrifice himself to restore the El, and was almost absorbed into the El. If it weren't for his friends, Elsword would have become one with the El and completely disappeared.
  • Gaia: Unbelievable... Is it truly possible for someone other than the El Laby to impact the El that much?
  • Denif: I am not quite certain how he was able to do what he did. I only suspect he's an Elrian with never before seen potential, or a being close to the El, not unlike the El Lady.
  • Laby: Then... Was Laby able to leave the forest because Elsword restored the El?
  • Denif: It seems that way.
  • Laby: Ooohh! Laby wants to meet him! Maybe he knows who Laby is!
  • Denif: Hm... It's possible, but now likely. He doesn't even seem to be aware of his own potential...
  • Laby: Huh? He doesn't know who he is? Doesn't he have a name? Wait! But you said his name is Elsword!
  • Denif: It is possible to know one's name, without being aware of one's identity. For example, you go by the name, Laby, but you are still unaware of what you are. One's fundamental being is not something that other people decide, or something that can change just because one wishes it to.
  • Laby: Mm... Laby doesn't really understand Master Denif...
  • Gaia: Laby, when yo heard someone call me Gaia, did you think I was someone different from the Bellonde that you knew?
  • Laby: Eh?! No! Teacher is teacher! And teacher is Bellonde!
  • Gaia: Yes, that's what Master Denif was talking about. Even if your name changes, you are you, because who you are, is still the same.
  • Denif: ... Looks like you have been taking your role as a teacher seriously.
  • Gaia: Haha... It's only because I had a good teacher, that I could be one for her.
  • Laby: Laby understands now! So Elsword is similar to Laby right? Then is he trying to figure out who he is too?
  • Denif: Not exactly. He is very aware of his goals and what kind of person he wants to become. But... We just suspect that he maybe special in some other way, in ways that he himself is not aware of. Now, let's stop talking about someone who isn't even here. Instead, can you tell me what that is? It seems different from the Nasod that the El Search Party had...
  • Laby: Oh! This is Nisha! Nisha is...... Laby's friend!
  • Denif: ... You are very good at avoiding the answer without lying. I take it, you're not prepared to answer yet.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 File:ElrianodeGloves.png Elrianode Gloves N/A
ED 2,911,100 El Tear Fragment Cube (Gloves) N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Pain that Remains
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the The Boy and the El story quest

Laby talks about the demon she met in Northern Empire.
Gloria pales.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Denif: The restoration of the El... Black Forest... And a girl who is not effected by demonic energy...... Certainly she's not an ordinary girl... It's likely she's not human.
  • Darkmoon: Um...
  • Gloria: Oh, do you have something to say, Darkmoon?
  • Darkmoon: ... Maybe she's a demon? She was fine in an environment where there was a lot of demonic energy... And she feels similar to those demon commanders that kidnapped us...
  • Laby: Oh! Calonne thought Laby might be a demon too! Um... He said lower demons go... berserk? When they receive a lot of demonic energy, but Laby was fine after this bad guy tried to use his... So he said Laby might be a higher demon...
  • Anduran: But if you were, you wouldn't have come all the way here, right?
  • Laby: Yeah! Colonne said Laby didn't have any demonic energy to be a demon.
  • Denif: Higher demons and lower demons? Who is Calonne? He seems very knowledgeable about demons.
  • Laby: Mmhm! That's because Calonne is a demon. He's really good at baking!
  • Sasha: ...!
  • Artea: Laby, where did you meet this demon?
  • Laby: Huh? Um... Mao said Northern Empire...?
  • Anduran: I thought the El Search Party god rid of all the demons when they took care of all the demon commanders... But maybe there are more in Elrios than we thought...
  • Gloria: Demons in Northern Empire...
  • Darkmoon: ... Sister?
  • Gloria: I see... So they are still there...
  • Laby: Um... Does everyone hat demons? Laby knows that demons were really bad, but Calonne is not like that!
  • Gloria: ... I still remember when Darkmoon asked me for help. Although demons took the Moon El, she was still trying to fulfill her duties as the Moon Priestess. In order to get the El back... She came all the way to Lanox, where we promised to meet. Demons tried to kidnap us. Artea and Ignia were forced to assist them.
  • Artea: Gloria...
  • Gloria: Even after Darkmoon came to Elrianode, she kept blaming herself for the misfortune that fell on Ara's village. Even if he's nice... That doesn't excuse him from the pain demons have caused us... I still can't forgive them...
  • Darkmoon: Sister...
  • Laby: ......
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Sasha: ... But you still believe in Lu, right?
  • Gloria: ...! Well, but she's...
  • Sasha: I was also kidnapped by Ran. My part of the prophecy was almost stolen by him. Hamel will never forget the pain demons have brought to us. But just like Rod Ross, a despicable human that tried to hand over his city to demons... I believe the demons that invaded Hamel are the ones specifically at fault. What's important is not whether they are human or demon, but what kind of action they take. Humans, demons, we all have our values that we act in accordance to.
  • Gloria: ... Sasha...
  • Sasha: So please, don't deny any future friendship because of your pains in the past...
  • Laby: ...!
  • Sasha: Do not be sad, I always feel happy when I see you smile.
  • Gloria: ...... Thank you... I need to hear that. I... Must have been on edge since Ignia passed out... I'm sorry, Laby. I was out of line.
  • Laby: Uuuhh... It's not Gloria's fault! It's because someone bullied everyone first, right? You come to Laby if there's anyone like that again! Laby will beat them into a pulp!
  • Gloria: Haha, yes, will do.
  • Laby: Also...
  • Gloria: Yes?
  • Laby: Calonne... You didn't meet him yet, but he's really nice, so don't hate him, ok? If you tell him about all the mean demons, Laby knows he'll be angry with you.
  • Gloria: ... I see. If it's someone you trust, I think I can trust him too.
  • Laby: Really? Yay! Calonne is really nice, you know. He even made Laby some honeyed peach! They're really cood!
  • Anduran: Oh! I'm sure he's wonderful! Someone who cooks delicious food is not capable of being bad!
  • Denif: I don't believe those necessarily correlate... In any case, since demons took the Moon El from the Moon Temple at Fahrmann, it doesn't surprise me that there are still demons in Northern Empire... But it's interesting that he was amicable to you.
  • Laby: Calonne and other demons looked like they didn't like each other. Calonne refused when they tried to make him do something bad.
  • Gaia: And internal conflict among demons?
  • Denif: That is a possibility. Their plans were thwarted multiple times by the El Search Party. I heard that things have settled down but... In either case, it's good news for us.
  • Laby: The El Search Party fought with demons too?
  • Denif: The reason why they came to Elrianode was to learn what the demons were doing to prevent them. We received a lot of help when Elrianode was first restored, but now is not the time to discuss. You must be tired going through the barrier. Why don't you both take a rest?
  • Laby: Huh? Laby is ok, though.
  • Gaia: Thank you for your consideration, Master Denif. Come along, Laby. Even if all your injuries are healed, there's probably some fatigue left over. If you don't rest, you might not be able to to move tomorrow.
  • Artea: He's right. You should rest some more.
  • Laby: Mmm... If you say so...
  • Anduran: Oh! Then let me cook for you! Anduran's special vegetable dish! It's really good!
  • Darkmoon: Though... Ignia said it was... Interesting...
  • Anduran: You tease me! It's only because Ignia likes spicy food! Come, come! Let's go eat!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 File:ElrianodeShoes.png Elrianode Shoes N/A
ED 2,911,100 El Tear Fragment Cube (Shoes) N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

[Laby] Chapter 9: Answer to Belief

Worrying Fire
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Pain that Remains story quest

Clues of who she is have been gathered, but still no answer.
Laby talks to Ignia, who reveals her concerns.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Laby: Haaaa... Laby thought sage would know who Laby is right away!! But looks like it's not that easy... But Laby heard a lot! Maybe Laby will know who Laby is after talking a lot, like this?
  • Nisha: (......)
  • Laby: Maybe if I told them who you are... They might have known more about who Laby is... But Master Denif is right! Laby wasn't ready. Laby's not sure what to do with you yet! It's... Kind of like what Sasha said. Because it hurt before, Laby was denying all future friendships. Even though Laby could become closer with Nisha, Laby was running away, because it's scary. Even if everyone lives with sadness... Laby is still scared...... Laby's still not sure. Do you need sadness to be happy? Haaaaaa...
  • Ignia: Hey! Why the long face?
  • Laby: Eh?!
  • Ignia: I've never seen you around before! You must be the quest that came earlier today!
  • Laby: Who are you? Do you know Laby?
  • Ignia: Haha, I'm the Fire Priestess Ignia! Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier. I wasn't feeling well, you see.
  • Laby: Hi, Ignia! I'm Laby! Oh! They said someone named Ignia was passed out. Is that you?
  • Ignia: They said that? I hope they didn't make it sound too bad...
  • Laby: It IS you! They said you were hurt! Are you ok?
  • Ignia: It's really not that bad. Thanks for the concern, though. So... Laby? I heard the basics from others. You want to know who you are? Why are you out here by yourself, then? Aren't you tired?
  • Laby: Laby had something to think about! And Laby's not alone! Nisha is here, too!
  • Ignia: Oh, so this is the strange mirror that everyone was talking about! Looks like it doesn't reflect anything. So... You had something to think about? You're a little different from what I heard. Anduran said you were more... bright. And lively.
  • Laby: Laby's not ALWAYS lively...
  • Ignia: Haha! It's fine! Everyone has something they worry about! In fact, that's why I'm here.
  • Laby: Ignia has a problem too? What is it?
  • Ignia: Hm... Where should I begin? Don't be shocked but...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ignia: I used to help demons in the past.
  • Laby: What? Laby too!
  • Ignia: What? Why would you?
  • Laby: Eh?! That's bad? But Ignia did it too! And Calonne is really nice!
  • Ignia: Haha! Well, I guess it's ok if he was a nice demon, but the demon I helped, Scar, was a real bad guy who threatened others and used them.
  • Laby: Ehh... But why did Ignia help him if he's so bad?
  • Ignia: I had something to protect. Well... It was really that, or something else, which... wasn't really that great of a choice either. So, how much do you know about the Fire El? Did you know that it's really hard to find the right priestess, because they easily get swallowed up by their power?
  • Laby: Nope! But Laby does now! So Ignia must be really great, right?
  • Ignia: Well, I guess so! Nobody really needed me when I was growing up, so I was really happy when the baby elder told me I was needed. I thought... That was my purpose in life.
  • Laby: Purpose... In life...
  • Ignia: It was really hard, handling the Fire El, but it was worth it. Think about it! It's to protect world peace! Who wouldn't think it's important? When I got used to fire energy and became stronger, I firmly believed in my own strengths and my duties. It's a power that makes up part of this world! I thought I could do anything.... It wasn't long until I realized that I was becoming arrogant with pride. But when I realized that, Gloria and Darkmoon were already captured.
  • Laby: (So this is what Gloria was talking about earlier...)
  • Ignia: So I decided to assist Scar, on the condition that Gloria and Darkmoon would be kept safe... I almost led the El Search Party, no all of Elrios into danger. Isn't it weird? I, who was happy to keep the world a safer place, did something that endangered the world.
  • Laby: But...! You were just trying to protect them!
  • Ignia: Yeah. That's what everyone said. They accepted me, a traitor, telling me it's ok as long as we stay together from now on. That's why I tried so hard after I arrived here. Although the Fire Master is still missing, I thought I should do my best to stabilize the fire energy. But... I pased out! Haha!
  • Laby: Whaat?!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Meaning of Tears
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Worrying Fire story quest

While taking to Ignia, Laby remembers what Bellonde told her.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Ignia: Haha! I got the scolding of my life time! The fire energy inside the El became all messed up, so everyone really had a hard time. I heard that the balance between the El and Henir's energy was also disturbed so the Wind Barrier also became unstable. I can't face Master Ventus, who believed in us to keep balance while he's gone... Or Master Denif who worked on balancing out the energy in my place.
  • Laby: ......
  • Ignia: Everyone said it was ok this time, too. But that really wasn't the point. I was so angry at myself and all my shortcomings.
  • Laby: So what did you do?
  • Ignia: I don't know what to do yet! I first thought it was because I wasn't good enough... That I was just troubling everyone... But now, being a Fire Priestess is really important to me. I don't want to give up. So I was just trying to think of ways to become stronger.
  • Laby: So did you find an answer?
  • Ignia: I didn't know what to do, but looking at you makes me think.
  • Laby: Huh? Looking at Laby?
  • Ignia: Because Fire Priestesses are rare, I didn't really get a chance to learn from the Fire Priestess before me, but... Since Master Gaia came back with you, I get the feeling the Fire Master might return soon as well? Haha, really. It's just a random hunch though. As the Fire Master, he must be really good at controlling fire energy, right? So if I learn how to control fire energy from him... I should be able to become stronger.
  • Laby: It's amazing that Ignia is always thinking hard about your worries. Your mind is really tough! ... Laby just ignored everything that hurt and forgot about it...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ignia: Is that what you're worried about?
  • Laby: Uh huh. Laby promised Laby wasn't going to ignore it anymore... But just knowing doesn't change anything, so Laby was wondering what to do now.
  • Ignia: There were times I wanted to run away too, because it was hard. If it were just me, I would have given up. But if it weren't for all those difficult times, I wouldn't have made it here, thinking about what I should do to make things better tomorrow. All those times you spend struggling and sad isn't meaningless. Those times you spend struggling, will eventually make you stronger.
  • Laby: ...!
  • Bellonde: ... I told what my sister told me to heart. Nothing is meaningless. It might be those precious small moments that allowed you to arrive at your goal in the end.
  • Laby: ... There's nothing that's meaningless...
  • Ignia: Yeah! Like... A teacher!
  • Laby: Teacher... Something that's needed for Laby to reach the goal...! That's it! It's not just about time! You have to fill those times with many things to make it meaningful!
  • Ignia: Huh? Time? Meaning?
  • Laby: You can't just fill up time with something you like, you have to fill them with something painful too! If everything is the same, that's the same as being still. You have to learn a lot of things and feel something new in order to move ahead! Everything it Laby's teacher! Thanks, Ignia! Now Laby is less scared of sadness. Laby can be brave to accept sadness, now.
  • Ignia: Is that so? I'm not sure what you're talking about, but that's good.
  • Laby: So, Laby will let Ignia know first! Actually, Nisha is...

  • Ignia: ... I just wanted to say hello, but we ended up talking for awhile. I wonder if Darkmoon will be upset I was out? So... Laby? It's a bit hard to believe what she told me... But she didn't seem like she was lying. I wonder why? I want to believe her, even though we just met. I ended up telling her my whole life story! She was really interested. Haha. I can't wait to hear what everyone thinks of her tomorrow.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Linked Belief
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Meaning of Tears story quest

Although startled by her sudden revelation, the masters and priestesses listen to Laby.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Gaia: Nisha... Is your sadness?
  • Laby: Uh huh! Nisha is Laby's sadness.
  • Denif: ...
  • Sasha: Is she... being metaphoric?
  • Laby: Mm... It's ok, Laby understands... It's hard to believe! Ignia had a hard time too.
  • Ignia: Hahaha, I told you I believe you now, didn't I?
  • Denif: Ignia, is there a legitimate reason that made you believe what she said?
  • Ignia: Well... When you say legitimate... I just didn't think Laby had any reason to lie. Plus, you can see she's really serious about finding out who she is...
  • Denif: It's intuitive... I understand your reasoning, but it's hard to believe he words without proof.
  • Laby: It's ok if you don't believe Laby now! Laby never saw anyone like Laby and Nisha either, and it's really hard to explain because Laby doesn't really understand what Nisha is. But... Laby is telling the truth, so please listen. And if you find anyone similar to Laby, let Laby know!
  • Gaia: Laby...
  • Gloria: ... I want to hear her story. I believe in Laby!
  • Anduran: Me too! We have nothing to lose! And... I get the feeling that Laby won't lie, either!
  • Artea: It's always better to have more information. We can decide later whether it sounds legitimate. Isn't that right, Master Denif?
  • Denif: ... I understand. We will listen. We can decide afterwards whether or not to believe her.
  • Laby: Hehee! Thanks everyone!
  • Gaia: ... Laby, does this have anything to do with how you acted during our journey? When you avoided answering about your friend, or that time you weren't sure how to act when the passengers were crying in fear...
  • Laby: Uh huh! Because Nisha had all the memories about sadness, Laby didn't understand what adness was when Laby was with teacher.
  • Gaia: ... I see. I don't really understand right now, but you were always quite special. Tell us, Laby. What happened to you in the forest?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Laby: ... So that's when Nisha started to follow Laby around all the time.
  • Darkmoon: Oh... So your friend was...
  • Laby: Laby just realized that Nisha is Laby's sadness. It wasn't until Laby was going through the barrier with teacher that Laby understood.
  • Gaia: What happened in the barrier? You were seriously injured...
  • Laby: All the sad memories in Nisha came out when Laby was going through the barrier. When Laby faced all the sad memories, that's when Laby realized... No, not realize... Laby accepted what Laby always knew. Laby always ran away to forget sadness, and Nisha appeared to take sadness away from laby. It was really painful, but if Laby didn't face all those sad memories, Laby still wouldn't know what Nisha is. So, Laby is glad it happened.
  • Ignia: Wow, you really thought hard about this, didn't you?
  • Denif: If you knew what Nisha was, why did you act like you didn't know? Why are you telling us now?
  • Laby: Mm... Well, Laby wasn't sure what to do with Nisha. It was hard to explain... Laby said Laby wouldn't ignore Nisha, but it was still scary to feel sadness. Even now, Laby's not sure Laby can face sadness... But somebody told Laby that sadness is something everyone feels, and you can become stronger by facing it! So... Laby thinks it will be ok now.
  • Ignia: ... I'm happy for you.
  • Laby: Hehee, it's thanks to Ignia! Anyway, Laby was really really sad, and something happened and now Laby is separated from sadness!
  • Denif: Honestly, it's still hard to accept your story. Emotions growing faint or losing emotion is a common enough phenomenon among humans, but I have never heard of an instance in which an emotion had become a separate entity. But we do not know what you are yet, and not understanding the situation is not a good enough reason to claim it false.
  • Laby: Does that mean... You believe Laby?
  • Denif: From what I have seen so far, I agree with others that you truly wish to learn about who you are. Lying will only hinder our efforts to finding out the truth. Therefore, I merely concluded that you have no reason to lie.
  • Laby: Hehee. Laby still doesn't understand Master Denif, but you accept Laby's story, right? That's enough! Laby knows Laby's story is hard to believe, so Laby is really, really happy! Thanks everyone for believing in Laby!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Power to Link Dimensions
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Linked Belief story quest

Denif explains why Laby might have been familiar with Henir Barrier by explaining different theories that surrounded the Black Forest.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Denif: But... That still doesn't tell us about what you are... A being that can separate with its emotion? It could be, the connection between your body and emotion is weak, or you, yourself have separated from the original to become an independent entity, much like your sadness have separated from you. So you've seen an apparition in the barrier that allowed you to realize your sadness... Gaia, have you experienced something similar?
  • Gaia: No. I didn't see any apparition. Only a dark, deep path.
  • Denif: Henir's energy is that of chaos and destruction. It is difficult to predict what happens within its realm, and often those predictions are meaningless.
  • Laby: Um, so... That Henir's barrier... Laby thought about it, but... Something feels really familiar! Even though Laby never saw Henir before!
  • Gaia: It's familiar? You said that before we entered the barrier... Was there something similar in Northern Empire?
  • Laby: Not really... It's not how it looks that's familiar, but... The energy... It's like Laby knew the energy for a very long time.
  • Denif: ... Black Forest... The forest always posed a threat even before the foundation of the Elrian Kingdom. Though there were many expeditions sent to the forest, no one was able to exterminate the monsters completely. Even though people suspected the monsters' nest was somewhere deep in the forest, they were unable to head deeper. Instead, they found themselves lost, circling around the edge of the forest.
  • Laby: Oh! Laby knows about this! It's because of the one that makes human noise, right?
  • Denif: There is a monster that imitates human voices, but it's actually the forest itself that holds a maze-like quality. Once it was decided that it's impossible to get rid of the Black Forest, they built a temple there, to prevent monsters from attacking nearby villages. Now, my point is, there were many theories surrounding the forest at the time, one of which, theorizing that there's a portal deep within the forest that is connected to a monsters' nest.
  • Laby: Portal...?
  • Ignia: What is it, Laby? Do you remember something?
  • Laby: Huh? N, no... Laby doesn't member seeing anything like that. But since the forest is really really big, maybe it was somewhere else!
  • Denif: Hm... That theory was considered a wild one even back then, but considering the recent events, I believe it holds some merit. The portal, could be Henir's rift, linked to the Demon Realm.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Laby: Henir's Rift?
  • Denif: If you've come through the rift from the Demon Realm, it explains why you are somewhat immune to demonic energy and why you are familiar with Henir's energy.
  • Gaia: Isn't that... quite a jump in logic? Sure, the demons recently invaded Elrios, but it's not that easy to move between the Demon Realm and Elrios...... Henir's Rift... You're talking of the Order's...
  • Denif: Currently, there are two known energies that are able to link between dimensions. One is the poewr of El, the other is Henir's energy. We know it's possible, since the Order summoned monsters in the middle of Elrianode using Henir's energy.
  • Laby: But you said there were two energies. Why do you think the portal is made of Henir's energy?
  • Artea: ... That's because there's a possibility that the whole purpose of the El is to prevent demons from invading Elrios.
  • Gaia: What...?!
  • Artea: Considering how many demons were able to invade Elrios as soon as they got a hold of an El shard, the Demon Realm may be closer to Elrios than we thought. However even with the power of El, we never knew the Demon Realm existed... And we suspect that's because the El itself rejects the Demon Realm.
  • Gaia: But even if the Demon Realm and Elrios are close, that doesn't mean the two are linked through Henir's energy!
  • Denif: It is already linked.
  • Gaia: ...!!
  • Denif: The El Search Party is in the Demon Realm to help restore the El and learn of the Order's plan even at this moment. I haven't noticed, when we were initially sending them over to the Demon Realm, but when we opened the seal again, I felt it. It was Henir's energy that flowed through the open seal.
  • Laby: The El Search Party? Then Elsword too...
  • Sasha: Since we have precedence, it's feasible that there's a similar portal elsewhere.
  • Gaia: Master Denif, was it truly necessary to send the El Search Party to the Demon Realm? I'm not saying they aren't trustworthy, they already helped you multiple times after all, but... It feels like we are unloading what should be our responsibilities, unto them.
  • Darkmoon: ... They are not completely uninvolved in the situation... Elsword's sister, Elesis, is the next El Lady...
  • Gaia: Oh... That is...
  • Artea: If we do not restore the El completely to its stabilized state, the El will require another sacrifice. Of course, we will do our best if it even comes to that, but...
  • Anduran: Our power is not enough. We will all need to do much more than we have done before in order to prevent any future sacrifice. Right, Master Denif?
  • Denif: Mm. So the conclusion we made was that we need the 'Dark El' which is likely located in the Demon Realm......
  • Laby: (Huh? Is he watching Laby?)
  • Denif: When Elrianode was just restored, Henir's Order invaded to seize the El.
  • Gaia: So they struck again...!
  • Laby: Their commander fused a Dark El shard with Primordial El to transform into a monster with immense capabilities. Thankfully, we were able to protect the El Tower with the help from the El Search Party. That's when we learned the existence of the Dark El. Right now, Elrianode cannot expect any assistance. There's no Royal Guard, no Seven Tower. It will be difficult for the El Masters to leave El Tower to take matters into our own hand... But we will not burden the El Search Party with everything. Our work here will be as important as finding the new energy.
  • Gaia: ... I understand. This time, we will protect it.
  • Artea: It's important that we keep a balance to keep the El stable, so it's best if you don't push yourself too hard, lest you pass out.
  • Ignia: Sorry! Sorry... I won't do it again...
  • Denif: Good, looks like everyone is well aware of their own duties. We should be prepared, since we don't know when Henir's Order might attack again.
  • Laby: Oh! Master Denif! If Elsword went to the Demon Realm, what portal did he use?
  • Gaia: I was curious as well, a seal? What do you mean?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Fire and Flame
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Power to Link Dimensions story quest

The Wind Master and Fire Master appear beneath the Giant El.
Rosso does not react positively to Ignia's presence.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • VOOOM--
  • Sasha: Master Denif... The spirit stone...
  • Denif: Right on time. It's better you see for yourself. Everyone, gather here. Gaia, assist me.
  • Gaia: Yes... What exactly are we doing?
  • Denif: Now that they've arrived, we should open the way through the seal.
  • Gaia: Arrived?
  • Laby: Who's coming?

  • Gaia: W, wait... Why are you coming out of that?! No, first of all, why is that thing under the El... I mean, is that the seal? Please, would somebody just explain?
  • Ventus: Haha, hey, Junior! You look taller since last time we met!
  • Denif: I'm glad you're safe, Ventus. And...... Welcome back, Rosso.
  • Rosso: ... I'm back, Old Man.
  • Gaia: Master Rosso, what happened? Your injuries...
  • Ventus: Haha, it's his fault for falling asleep somewhere random.
  • Rosso: I'll make you sleep for eternity...
  • Ventus: My, so violent! Did I say something wrong? Kids these days, this is how he treats me, even though I protected him with my life in Henir's Realm...
  • Gaia: Henir's Realm?
  • Ventus: Yes, Henir's Realm. I did suspect before I went in, but beyond the seal if Henir's Realm. It's seemingly endless. There's even an organism consisted of chaos.
  • Denif: As we suspected. Henir's energy was powerful enough to leak through the seal. It's no surprise that it's all Henir's Realm beyond the seal.
  • Ventus: Well, it was fine going, but coming back, it was a bit harder since the creatures were more vicious. Probably because they're not too keen on having intruders.
  • Denif: ... Then it could be even more dangerous when the El Search Party returns.
  • Ventus: Hm? Is that how it works? Oh well. First, I think we should celebrate that all the Masters at the final El Master's meeting are all here!
  • Anduran: Haha... I'm glad you're back, Master Ventus.
  • Artea: Greeting, Fire Master, we are this generation's El priestesses.
  • Rosso: Priestesses...? Is there a fire priestess as well?
  • Ignia: Oh, that's me! I mean... I am the current Fire Priestess, Ignia!
  • Rosso: You're mad.
  • Ignia: Excuse me?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ventus: Hey, Rosso.
  • Rosso: What were you thinking? Do you not understand what fire energy does? It's not something you can just control.
  • Laby: Heeyyy!! Don't be mean!
  • Ignia: Ah... Hahaha... I may not be as experienced as you, Fire Master, but I do try my best as the Fire Priestess...
  • Rosso: You do not have enough power and your body is weak. Don't waste your time here, and leave...!
  • Denif: That's enough, Rosso. I understand what you are trying to say, but...
  • Ignia: Grr, are you done?! Hey, you think being the Fire Master gives you the right to just stroll in late, and then tell me what to do?
  • Laby: Uuuahh! Ig, Ignia... Calm...
  • Ignia: Does the great mighty Fire Master even understand how hard it was? If it weren't for me, there would be no one here to stabilize the fire energy!!
  • Rosso: ... Don't gloat, you don't even have that much power... Now that I'm here, you don't need to do anything! Got that? You can go home or something!
  • Ignia: Don't tell me what to do! I'm not your underling! Hmph! You're not even as tall as I am.
  • Rosso: What did you say?!
  • Artea: ... Shall we... Intervene?
  • Denif: Haa... Gaia.
  • Gaia: Now now, Master Rosso, you must be irritated because of your injuries. Why don't we talk after you've calmed down!
  • Rosso: Hey! Tiny! Let me down! I'm not going until I'm done with her!
  • Gaia: Haha, this reminds me of the old days. You seem tired, you should go and rest.
  • Rosso: Don't think this is over!! Hey!! Do you heard me?!

  • Gloria: They're gone...
  • Laby: He was really like a fire...
  • Ventus: Whew! Yup, that's Rosso alright. But I didn't expect Miss Fire Priestess here, to retort like that!
  • Ignia: Grrr... What kind of...! Haa...
  • Ventus: Hey, what's wrong now, where's all that spunk you had just a moment ago?
  • Ignia: I can't help it... I was waiting for this moment, meeting the Fire Master for the first time... To ruin it like this...
  • Ventus: Ruin it? You couldn't have done it better!
  • Ignia: Uhh... Are you teasing me?
  • Ventus: I'll tell you a secret. Rosso? He's so focused on his own ideas, that he doesn't see anything else. So it's most effective if you confront him head on with honesty. He gets startled, because he never expects it. Just like fire, right? If you approach timidly, you will be swallowed. If you're going to fight, you need to be explosive!
  • Ignia: Did you just admit you orchestrated the fight? (sigh) I wonder if the first Fire Priestess also argued with him like I did.
  • Ventus: Not at all! She was very good at ignoring everything he said unless it was important. She would smile and nod, only to do whatever she wanted. Rosso would always rage, then give up.
  • Ignia: So I did something wrong...
  • Denif: No I agree with Ventus. You did well. Many people don't know how to act when confronted with Rosso's fiery personality. Darkmoon, will you look into Rosso's injuries?
  • Darkmoon: ... Yes, I'll do my best.
  • Denif: I entrust you with him.
  • Laby: Oh! Laby will go, too!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Fire and Flame story quest

Laby followed Rosso to help Ignia, but Rosso seems irritated in her presence.
When Rosso reveals more about himself than he intended, he looks at Laby in distrust.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Gaia: Thank you, Darkmoon, it seems we're always in your care.
  • Darkmoon: It's nothing... I'm much happier helping others than when I had to hide to protect the El...
  • Laby: Darkmoon is Amazing! Great! Nice!
  • Rosso: If you're done healing, stop disturbing me and leave.
  • Laby: Why do you have to talk like that? Even to Ignia!
  • Gaia: Laby, Master Rosso was always...
  • Rosso: That's what I want to say. What are you doing here? You don't look like a priestess.
  • Gaia: Oh, this is Laby. She came here with me from Velder...
  • Laby: Laby asked first!! Ignia tried really hard! It was really mean how you talked like that!
  • Rosso: You should mind your own business, if you don't know what you're talking about. Fire energy cannot be handled by anyone. It's best for her to give up now.
  • Gaia: Haa...
  • Laby: So you should teach her how!
  • Rosso: ... Why should I?
  • Laby: Because Ignia was waiting for you! Ignia said her goal was to be a good priestess! She wanted to learn from you, to become better!
  • Rosso: I see you have already decided before you even met me.
  • Laby: Isn't it better to do it together than doing it alone? It's really hard right? Laby knows Ignia would do her best...
  • Rosso: That's why I don't want her. It's different if it were her... But if she continues the way she did, she will burn all her life, her energy. Besides... I don't want any one else sacrificed for this...... Wait, why am I telling you this?
  • Laby: You're the one who told Laby...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rosso: Hey, so you brought this? Do you even know what she is?
  • Gaia: I met Laby at the Black Forest. She wanted to know who she is, so I've brought her to Elrianode.
  • Rosso: So she's not even related to the El. Old Man is going senile, leaving someone like her here...
  • Gaia: M, Master Rosso! Please, watch your words.... Laby helped me personally. She's not someone that will bring harm to us.
  • Rosso: She's really good at letting our guard down. How do you know this won't harm us? She could be a spy from the Order, here to glean information. You were always soft, but I almost let my guard down, and it's odd that Old Man, that complete rationalist, is just letting her, an outsider, stay here. What are you? Why did you come here?
  • Laby: Were you even listening to teacher? Laby is here to find out who Laby is!
  • Rosso: Teacher?
  • Gaia: I... Well, that's how it is.
  • Rosso: You must be doing a splendid job.... Ha?
  • Gaia: Master Rosso?
  • Rosso: I see, so this is why Old Man let her stay.
  • Laby: Ohhh! Do you remember something? You were in the Demon Realm, right? Did you see someone like Laby?
  • Rosso: I have to information to give to a stranger.
  • Laby: Mrrr!! Laby doesn't know either!!
  • Rosso: That's more the reason not to. How can I trust someone who doesn't even know who they are? Begone. I'm only letting you go because of Tiny here, but if you ever come near me again...
  • Gaia: Please, Master Rosso. I ask of you as well.
  • Rosso: ... I can't believe this. Do you think I'm just letting her be, because I can't kill her?
  • Gaia: I believe she is trustworthy. Laby helped no only me, but countless others on our way here. If it weren't for her, I may not have made it here.
  • Rosso: ...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Energy of the Demon Realm
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Guard story quest

Everyone asks Rosso for information.
Who Laby is, is now even more of a mystery.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Darkmoon: ... Laby told us that she was able to leave the forest when the El was restored.
  • Gaia: Darkmoon?
  • Darkmoon: Since Henir's Order vehemently denies the importance of the El, I don't think they would have made anything that would be influenced by the El... So I don't think Laby has anything to do with the Order... I was able to learn what my sister was thinking all this time thanks to Laby, so please... If you know anything, let her know.
  • Laby: Darkmooon...
  • Rosso: ...... Haa...... She's probably from the Demon Realm.
  • Gaia: What?!
  • Laby: Huh?!
  • Rosso: What's with that response? I'm going to rest now, go away.
  • Laby: Wait, wait! So Laby is a demon? But everyone said Laby doesn't have any demonic energy! Aren't demons supposed to have demonic energy?
  • Rosso: ... Be quiet. Yes, normal demons have demonic energy.
  • Laby: Can you feel demonic energy from Laby? Uh... Master Denif said Laby might be from the Demon Realm but...
  • Rosso: Old Man? I'm surprised he caught on, when he never even his tail in the Demon Realm... So Denif didn't keep you here just because of Tiny. He must have felt the odd energy inside your body. It's not something you find in Elrios, so he probably thought it was best to keep an eye on you.
  • Laby: Master Denif...?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Laby: What's Laby's odd energy? Are you talking about demonic energy?
  • Rosso: Actually, it's an energy that's likely from the Demon Realm. Since those in Elrios don't come in contact with the Demon Realm, it stands to reason that you are somehow related to the Demon Realm. Even though what you have is not demonic energy, it's an energy within the Demon Realm nonetheless. It's not noticeable unless one's been to the Demon Realm, though.
  • Laby: Demon Realm energy similar to demonic energy...!! Then what IS Laby? Demon? Human?
  • Rosso: Didn't I just explain... haa... I don't know for sure, I only recognized your energy because it's similar to the energy nearby where I was sleeping. I never saw anything like you. That's why I thought you were one of the Order's experiments.
  • Laby: Maybe... Laby was really made by this Order?
  • Rosso: Hey!! Don't you dare!! Now that I've given you information, you can't ever side with the Order! I'll kill you otherwise!
  • Gaia: So... Laby holds energy from the Demon Realm, but is different from other demons?
  • Rosso: Humans call any being with the energy from the Demon Realm, demons. In that sense, she is one. No matter how different, or how similar she is to other demons, she has something similar to demonic energy. But... It's not pure demonic energy... So maybe she's an offspring of a demon and some other being... Or she was created artificially. If I still had the Crimson Eye, I would have been able to learn more, but this is as much as I can figure out at this moment.
  • Laby: What is that! It's even more confusing now!
  • Rosso: Is that how you thank someone who told you everything they know? I'll have you know, nobody else here would have figured that out!
  • Laby: But...! Uaah... Alright... Thanks...
  • Rosso: I don't know why I expected a sincere thanks. Hey, Tiny...
  • Gaia: Ah, Master Rosso, thank you for your assistance. Even though it was unexpected.
  • Rosso: Don't get me wrong. I told you so you would be on your guard.
  • Gaia: ...!
  • Rosso: If something happens to Elrianode because of her, it will be your fault. Remember that.
  • Gaia: ... That will not happen. I won't let that happen.
  • Rosso: ... Now you're acting like Long Ears... Just don't regret it later...
  • Gaia: Thank you for the concern. I will take your words to heart.
  • Rosso: I did not...! Haa... Whatever. Do whatever you want.

  • Laby: Um... Darkmoon. Thank you for earlier, but uh...
  • Darkmoon: So we still don't know what you are... We failed you...
  • Laby: What are you talking about! If it weren't for Darkmoon, Laby wouldn't have even known there's some odd energy inside Laby!
  • Darkmoon: Don't worry, Laby.
  • Laby: Huh?
  • Darkmoon: We won't start avoiding you just because you are a demon, or closely related to the Demon Realm.
  • Laby: ... Really?
  • Darkmoon: As Sasha reminded us, we already know a demon who helped us. Even if you are a demon... I know you would still help us, right?
  • Laby: Of course! Thanks for believing in Laby!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

[Laby] Chapter 10: You and I Are One

Wind's Advice
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Energy of the Demon Realm story quest

When Laby thinks about who she is and what to do with Nisha,
Wind comes to give her advice.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Laby: Mm... Even though Rosso told Laby a lot... Laby still doesn't know who Laby is... What is this Demon Realm energy that Laby has? Laby didn't even know something like that existed! Is that why Laby was not affected by demonic energy? ... Then should Laby go to the Demon Realm to find out more about who Laby is? But...
  • Nisha: (...)
  • Laby: ... Yeah. Laby should know what to do with Nisha first. Laby promised not to ignore Nisha. And Ignia said sadness is not bad. Since Nisha is a part of Laby, Nisha must come from Laby. That means Laby should become one with Nisha like how it was in the beginning... But... Laby doesn't want to do that...
  • Ventus: Hello, what are you doing here?
  • Laby: Huh? You're the one who came from below the El! Um... Your name is...
  • Ventus: Oh, did I not introduce myself? I'm Ventus, this is my partner Lincy. What's your name?
  • Laby: Hello Ventus, Lincy! I'm Laby! And this is Nisha! How did you Poof! here? Laby didn't know you were here until you talked to Laby!
  • Ventus: Haha, I AM the Wind Master. I can come and go as I please.
  • Laby: Wind Master... Then is Ventus close with wind?
  • Ventus: Hmm, well... What do you think?
  • Laby: Eh? Umm... You're a master because you're close, right?
  • Ventus: Haha, true. Why do you ask little lady? Are you interested in becoming an El Master? It will be great if you... Owowow Lincy! I told you it's not like that!
  • Laby: No... Laby's just not sure how to accept something that's not Laby. Did Ventus ever feel like you were becoming one with the wind?
  • Ventus: Of course! Even now.
  • Laby: Then did Ventus accept the wind? How? When Ventus accept the wind, does the wind become Ventus?
  • Ventus: Yes... And no. I accepted the wind, but the wind cannot be me. The wind is only wind because it exists as wind.
  • Laby: Wind is... wind? Ventus talks differently from teacher, really confusing.
  • Ventus: Hmm, I think he gives you the answers too readily. I think at your age, it's more meaningful when you come to the answer yourself. But I suppose it might be too hard. I'll give you a hint. The wind and I, we're like Lincy and me.
  • Laby: Uuugh... Now it's more confusing... Ventus and Lincy? Like... Partner? What is a partner?
  • Ventus: Ah, ah, I gave you all the hints you need. Think carefully, young lady. If nothing comes up, maybe you should move around. Gaia always starts training when he's stuck. Since you're his student, maybe his method would work. If you're interested, I know a good place for training. How about it?
  • Laby: If it's how teacher thinks, it will work for Laby too! Where can Laby train?
  • Ventus: Here in Elrianode, there's a place that ancient Elrians used to go to test themselves and overcome their limitations. In order to overcome your limitations, you first need to know what they are, right? Maybe the answer you're seeking can be found there.
  • Laby: Ok! Staying still and thinking is not like Laby anyway! Thanks, Ventus! Laby will go find the answer!

  • Ventus: And she's gone! Kids these days are really impatient.
  • Lincy: Didn't you think that girl was suspicious, Soren? Why are you helping her?
  • Ventus: Hm? Maybe I wanted to act like a proper old-timer, helping out my colleague's student?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Laby: Whoa... That wasn't a tree! It's just a really long rock! It's really deep! Really Big! But you can't see the sky! It's cool! It's like the forest, but nothing icky! Ventus said people test here. To overcome limits, know more about yourself...... So many things happened. Laby came all the way here to find out more about Laby. Will this place teach Laby who Laby is?
  • Nisha: (......)
  • Laby: Yeah. Laby also needs to decide how to accept Nisha. It will be great if we find all the answers here, right Nisha?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
What is Feared
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Wind's Advice story quest

When time flows equally, Laby finally steps forward towards the answer that she seeks.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Mao: Gramps! Do you think Laby arrived?
  • Calonne: As long as she didn't lose the compass, I'm sure she arrived safe and sound.
  • Mao: Ugh... We don't know that! The compass could have broken!
  • Calonne: Broken? Impossible! I invented that compass.
  • Mao: Yeah, yeah ok. Anyway, how much honeyed peach are you making?
  • Calonne: Since Laby enjoyed them so much... It's better to have more than run out when she comes, don't you think?
  • Mao: That's true! ... I wonder what Laby is doing right now...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Laby: There's more monsters inside! This will be good training! But it doesn't feel like it's giving Laby any answers... Maybe Laby is taking this too fast?
  • ???: ...
  • Laby: Was that...?!
  • ???: ...
  • Laby: Voice?! From the forest?? Who are you? Are you trying to stop Laby from leaving again?!
  • Nisha: (...)
  • Laby: Nisha? ...... You're right. It's a little different from that voice. Laby was... scared. Laby thought Laby will be left all alone again.... You're right. You're here. And we'll always be together. And this time, if Laby doesn't come back, teacher will come look for Laby! But Ventus didn't say anything about a ghost... Maybe this place is trying to tell Laby something?
  • ???: Accept, in your own way.
  • Laby: Accept? In Laby's way? What's Laby's way? Who are you?
  • ???: Do not hesitate.
  • Laby: Laby is... Hesitating?
  • Nisha: (......)
  • Laby: ... Yeah. Laby understands what the voice is saying... Why Laby decided to accept Nisha, but didn't want to become one. What Laby is hesitating.
  • ???: What you're afraid of...
  • Laby: What Laby is afraid of...
  • ???: What I'm afraid of...
  • Laby: Laby doesn't want to lose Nisha.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Teachers and Friends
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the What is Feared story quest

Everyone finally found their goal.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Gaia: I'm sorry I'm late, Master Denif.
  • Denif: It's fine. Have you settled in?
  • Gaia: Yes, thank you.... I wish to know everything that has happened.
  • Denif: Ah, yes. We didn't finish our conversation because of the girl. Hm... Where should I start... Do you remember Henir's rift created during the El Explosion?
  • Gaia: Of course, but I remember it wasn't quite like this.
  • Denif: Yes, during our last meeting, we decided to find the large El Shards spread across Elrios and imbue an element to each El Shard befitting the environment in which the El Shard is in.
  • Gaia: Yes, as I understand, I fell asleep within the El as soon as I had done my part.
  • Denif: Gaia, I did not fall asleep right away.
  • Gaia: I'm sorry? What did you...
  • Denif: Back then, Elrianode was very unstable due to fissures of Henir that appeared during the El's Explosion. I decided it was not safe to leave Elrianode in such a state.
  • Gaia: The bishop of Velder told me that Elrainode suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It that somehow related?
  • Denif: Yes. After I created the Water El, I came back to Elrianode to seal the city. Even though it was in ruins due to the explosion, Elrianode was the capital of the Elrian Kingdom, where the El was located. I sealed the city to prevent information that could be useful to Henir's Order from falling into their hands. And to prevent fissures of Henir from negatively impacting the other regions of Elrios. I heard Henir's Order went into hiatus after the El Explosion, so the decison to seal the city was the right one in the end.
  • Gaia: Master Denif, that's not what I wanted to heard about.... Why am I just learning about this? Why didn't we all work to seal the city together?
  • Denif: ... We only had one chance to get this right. But even though we were all proficient in controlling El's energy, none of us had created elemental El shards before. I did not want to risk the masters trying to save their strengths to help seal Elrainode, only to fail our main task. Calm yourself, you were not the only person who did not know. I only hinted Ventus in the case the situation goes awry.
  • Gaia: But... This was not your decison to make. I was also an El Master, someone you should have been able to rely on.
  • Denif: Did you already forget who it was that orchestrated the explosion 500 years ago?
  • Gaia: ...!
  • Denif: The best way to prevent treachery is not to rust anyone with your back. Whether they are an ally or a foe.... I have told others that the El Masters were sealed along with Elrianode. It was to make it seem all the El Masters were nearby, in case there were enemies listening into our conversations. I thought it was best to be careful since a member of Henir's Order was among us in the past... but now that most of us are here, it's no longer a necessary precaution.
  • Gaia: Master Denif... I...
  • Denif: Are you disappointed because I did not believe in your back then?
  • Gaia: ......... Yes. But... At the same time, I understand your decision.
  • Denif: ......
  • Gaia: Logically speaking, you were the best candidate to seal this city. I don't think anything would have changed even if I knew of the plan. But... That just means I have to become someone you can trust.
  • Denif: ... You really...
  • Gaia: If you could not believe me in the past, then I can prove myself from now on. Someone your can trust so you won't have to make that kind of decision, ever again. I know you think I am still a young boy, but I have chosen this path because I wanted to. I wish to protect the things that are right, with my very own hands. I will not look back. I will become stronger. So please don't shoulder all the responsibilities to yourself, teacher. We are no longer fighting alone.
  • Denif: ... You've become more reliable. I guess humans grow even when their time has paused. You were always kind. Ventus and I live much longer than normal humans, so we are accustomed to the passing of time, but I thought these 500 years would impact you significantly. I imagined, to someone whose life is so short, that returning here would be like chaining yourself. But I thought wrong. You have returned to this city, newly determined.
  • Gaia: Master Denif...
  • Denif: It must have been a difficult decision for you. I'm glad you came back.
  • Gaia: If I have come back here alone after I woke up. I might have been the same inexperienced Master you knew. But there was someone who reminded me of my resolution on the way, and gave me courage to change.
  • Denif: ... Is it the girl?
  • Gaia: I met her in front of my sister's grave. I'd like to think that my sister has sent me a guide, knowing I would be lost.
  • Denif: Her grave... Is that why you were at the Black Forest?
  • Gaia: I heard it was her decision. They said, she could not stand the idea of resting in peace when her brother might never wake in order to save Elrios.
  • Denif: I did not realize you have gone to pay respect. I apologize if I spoke out of line.
  • Gaia: I know you were only concerned for me. It's been a while since someone was worried about me, so it's nice. Recently I was the one doing the worrying.
  • Denif: That's how it feels to have a student. You learn from your student as you teach.\
  • Gaia: Yes. I look forward to talking to her when she comes back.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Laby: Laby was wondering... What happens to you, when Laby accepts you, Nisha?
  • Nisha: (......)
  • Laby: Maybe others don't understand, but Laby knows you also think. You have your own emotions. We've already separated to become 'Laby' and 'Nisha' but if we join together as one again...... Maybe we'll become someone that's not Laby, not Nisha, but someone else. That's what Laby is scared about.
  • Nisha: (......)
  • Laby: Laby doesn't want to lose you, Nisha. You were always by Laby's side. It's not fair that you suddenly become part of Laby. Maybe Laby is being selfish, but Laby wants you to stay as 'Nisha'!
  • Nisha: (.....)
  • Laby: Please teach Laby your sadness. Then Laby can teach you all the emotions Laby feels! We don't have to go back to the beginning, we're amazing even as we are right now! Laby understanding Nisha, and Nisha understanding Laby... That's how Laby will accept Nisha!

  • Darkmoon: ... Ignia, how do you feel?
  • Ignia: Much better, thanks to you! I'm all good now!
  • Artea: Have you talked to Master Rosso yet? You ended on a bad note...
  • Ignia: Ugh... Please don't remind me... I'm still thinking about what to do...
  • Gloria: Though with Master Rosso around, it looks like you don't have to push yourself as hard! I'm glad!
  • Ignia: That's true... He doesn't look like he's doing anything, but everything seems much easier...
  • Anduran: Master Ventus, too! He may seem like he's just loitering around, but he actually does his part! They are the El Masters, after all!
  • Sasha: Now that the barrier has stabilized, Henir's energy should also be contained. It's a relief.
  • Anduran: It wasn't easy... But we're doing well, aren't we?
  • Ignia: We shouldn't settle! The El Search Party is still fighting as we speak!
  • Artea: Yes, you're right. But in order to progress, you should make peace with Master Rosso, don't you think?
  • Ignia: Ugh... Artea... You really don't... Oh! It's Laby!
  • Gloria: Laby! Are you done training?
  • Laby: Uh huh! It was very good!
  • Artea: You look satisfied.
  • Laby: Laby is done worrying now because Laby decided! Artea, where is teacher?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Teachers and Friends story quest

It's time to part.
Let's let Gaia know what you have learned.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Gaia: Laby! You're back.
  • Laby: Yup! And teacher looks great in your new clothes!
  • Gaia: Haha, thank you. I'm glad you are safe. How was it? Did you learn anything new?
  • Laby: Mm... It didn't tell Laby what Laby is. But Laby was able to find something that was even more important, so training like teacher was a great choice! Laby will go on a journey to find who Laby is with Nisha!
  • Gaia: Huh? But... I thought you were going to accept Nisha? I thought that meant...
  • Laby: Laby decided after thinking really hard. Nisha doesn't have to be Laby for Laby to understand! And Nisha understands Laby as well! We will spend more time together to become even closer! That's how Laby will accept Nisha!
  • Gaia: I see. If you are happy with your decision, I am satisfied.
  • Laby: Laby is going to look for the voice that trapped Laby in the forest. And Laby is going to ask why they left Laby in the forest...... And ask who they are. After that, Laby and Nisha can go look for what our goal is!
  • Laby: Laby... Alright. I believe in you.
  • Gaia: Then I guess this will be your graduation.
  • Laby: Hehee, teacher! Laby was able to learn many new things and come all the way here because Laby met teacher! Thank you for everything, Bellonde!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

[Dungeon] Entering the Demon Realm

[Dungeon] Entering Varnimyr
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Achieve Level 99

Clear the quest to enter Demon Realm - Varnimyr.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
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