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|role=Tunnel Supervisor
|role=Tunnel Supervisor
|village=[[Abandoned Deep-Sea Tunnel]], [[Abandoned Icerite Plant]], [[Titan's Grotto]]
|village=[[Abandoned Deep-Sea Tunnel]], [[Abandoned Icerite Plant]], [[Titan's Grotto]]

Revision as of 00:16, 10 May 2020

  • English
Tunnel Supervisor
Full Name
Tunnel Supervisor
Haha. As long as I witnessed the return of my lord before my dying breath, that was enough.

~ Winster



A servant of Aegirp and the White-Ghost Army, the supervisor of the Abandoned Deep-Sea Tunnel and leader of the rebel group of seeking to reclaim their land. He is a Nous, a species of human like demons with animal traits.


White-Ghost Dispute

A proud subordinate of the White-Ghost King Aegirp, Winster was loyal to his leader well and into the era where the Demon Realm began to descend into political chaos. In an attempt to evade being assassinated, Aegirp split her soul into fragments to be reassembled and entrusted the location of individual fragments to her loyal subordinates, Winster being one such. When it became known that the Garens under her rule had decided to rebel and subjugate the Nous, Winster took the remaining of his race and they fled to the location of his soul fragment, on the seafloor in Rigomor.

Settlement of Rigomor

Winster and his fellow Nous took refuge in the air pocked of Rigomor which was too home to the mysterious lab home to the ancient portal which Aegirp had discovered. The seafloor was quite barren and surviving was difficult, however they managed to create a valid source of power to run their operations and the form of the Icerite ore found in the region. After moving to Rigomor, Winster had a child, Haivan. Holding a grudge against the Garen that betrayed them, the Nous created the Icerite Plant in order to manufacture weapons to stage an attack on the surface and they created a tunnel to act as a bridge for when they needed to reach the surface. Unfortunately, they soon discovered that the extraction of energy from Icerite also created lethal toxins which lead to the permanent closure of the plant and shift to alternative methods to survive. With their main power source no longer being a viable option, Winster pushed for them to instead aim to revive their fallen lord and eventually found a Rigomor born Garen, Nichel, who would be willing to take on the role of Aegirp's vessel when she became strong enough.

Chapter 37: Unexpected Meeting

While closing on the tunnels to do routine inspections, Winster noticed lifeforms and was quick to realize that one of them was Steel Queen Luciela. While he was originally tempted to destroy the entire tunnel, he decided to seize the opportunity on the hopes to get the former Demon Lord on his side. He meets the El Search Party feigning ignorance of Luciela's identity, the group were wary of him until Laby mentions Winster's longtime friend Calonne. Winster tells them of the situation regarding the Garen and Nous as well as the betrayal of his lord.

Chapter 38: Deal for Return

Seeking to take their conversation elsewhere, Winster invites the El Search Party to his village, Add is reluctant to accept the offer and Elsword admits they need to prioritize returning to Elrios. The El Search Party contemplate concerns return to Elrios and Aisha asks Winster if he knew anything about the portals the Demons used to invade Elrios. While Winster knew not of the invasion, but offers to transport them to the surface if they hear their village plea. The group accepts and Winster takes they out of the tunnel with his submarine. The number of passengers exceeded the vehicles capacity and the ship failed to sail through the rough currents, forcing Winster to make an emergency landing in the Trosh's Nest. The local Trosh steal the engine of the vehicle and Winsters tasks the El Search Party to retrieve it, with the condition they do no harm to the Trosh, as he contacts the village.

When the El Search Party returned alongside his son Winster, they had retrieved the engine and kept true to Winter's conditions. Winster drops his facade and bows to Lu now that he feels he could trust her. Winster asks of Lu to aid them in the resurrection of Aegirp, to act as the vessel to contain her soul. Lu agrees, as Aegirp was the lord she had hoped to ally with. Winster reveals to them that the White-Ghost Army were capable of creating portals with the help of Dark El energy within Mystic Stones and the technology they had discovered but laments they do not have the resources in Rigomor. He and Laby mention the trading of Mystic Stones in North Fluone under Aegirp's reign. Add wonders if they had even a proto-type that would be of use to them, Winster admitted they do, though before any deal could be made, Eve requested to see the portal for herself. Nichel arrives to help them out, but Winsters tells her to inspect the Abandoned Icerite Plant ahead of them.

Chapter 39: Abandonded Icerite Plant

Winster takes everybody to the Abandoned Icerite Plant instructing them that they need to create a device which will grant them access to the laboratory where the portal is being held. Nichel meets up with them with news that the upper floors are infested with wildlife and Winster delegates everybody split up to fix up the plant. Winster, Chung, Lu, Ciel, Rose, Zero, and Ain go the bottom floor of the plant where they deal with the monsters who've taken nest in the area as they mine for icerite. Rose is curious about the creatures, Winster informing that they've adapted or mutated due to the icerite. As they mined, Lu expressed curiosity of their trade with North Fluone, wondering if any of the other lords knew of her pursuits. Winster believing not due to the portal being something that could be abused. Winster himself reveals that he was initially against the idea of trade as well due to an inherent hatred for Elrios born in demons, however Aegirp swayed his thinking.

Zero became curious about the plant itself, Winster reveals to them its original purpose, which was a weapon's manufacturing plant for their revenge against the Garen that betrayed them however tells them of the incident which lead him to close the plant. Learning of this Chung asks if anybody had entered their tunnel before, Winster noting a child long ago, however since, he's upgraded the tunnel's security with the icerite robots. He is thankful the El Search Party were friendly when they did appear, mentioning that he had recently heard Ran was working with the Garen. Chung asks if he knew anything of his father, but Winster knew not, but speculates he might be among the troops Ran has been shuffling around. Lu notices that he knew of recent events on the surface, causing Winster to inform them of a base they have established on the surface where they have Garen spies set, informing them of their prior ongoing plan to locate Aegirp's soul fragments and have Nichel act as the vessel, he mentions that Calonne as one privy to the location of a fragment. Winster remains hopeful that even with their current lack of information, he may see his lord again and is thankful for the El Search Party allying with them.

A giant Frost Hermit awakens, the rumblings queued everybody to gather in the underground of the plant where they faced off against the monster, Winster demanding they protect the machines. After the beast was defeated, Ara notices that Haivan was missing, Winster was worried his son may have been caught up in the attack but was thankful to learn he was alright and had gone to produce the key while the group were combating the Frost Hermit. Haivan suggests to his father to leave the rest to him and take Nichel back to the village as he leaves off to the laboratory, however Winster felt the occasion too important to no go himself as well.

Chapter 40: Another Deal

Winster leads the El Search Party to the laboratory where he is surprised to see his son atop the machine. Haivan uses the Mystic Stone Eve had brought to power up the Titan within the lab, Winster was in shock with what his son was doing. Haivan lectures them that the future must be taken into their own hands and his rejection of his father's plan to revive the White-Ghost King. In a dire situation the group need to stop Haivan, Winster providing Add with a communication device while he worked from the outside to help them infiltrate the Titan. Winster guides them in as they deal with the Titan from the inside, however in a desperate final act, Haivan causes the core to overload, suggesting they have to destroy it now. He also suggested to Add the possibility to using the portal now and preserve hope for another day, a decision Add held on as a last resort. Fortunately the group managed to stop the core from overloading, however they party was cut short when Berthe and his forces suddenly appeared.

Winster was desperate to tell his son to run away, but Haivan reveals that he was cooperating with Berthe and gave over Aegirp's soul fragment and the portal technology to secure his place as the White-Ghost Army's head portal technician. Winster was appalled by his son's decision and blamed Berthe for what he did to his son. Winster expressed his hatred toward Bethe, being the one to betray their lord. Elsword attempted to take on Berthe but the demon had become more powerful since they last met, having absorbed one of Aegirp's soul fragments on top of the El Search Party's fatigued status. With their option limited, Winster and Add decided on their last resort. After Add gathered the party beside the portal, Winster activated it. As the El Search Party floated into the light, Winster apologized to them for his decision and hopes that they keep their promise.

After the El Search Party disappear into the light, Nichel attempted to go against Berthe. Winster attempts to stop her but she is quickly pushed aside by Berthe. Haivan suggests to leave them be and leave, but Berthe orders that Winster too be taken. Captured by the demons, Winster is taken by Berthe to the demon capital.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 윈스터 Winster

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other