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|QuestName=Need to Learn
|Requirement=* Complete the '''Trouble at the Port''' story quest
|Objectives=* Defeat '''Moliter''' in [[East Lurensia Port|East Port Lurensia]]
|Objectives=击败莫利特 (在罗兰西亚东部-‘[[East Lurensia Port/zh-hans|罗兰西亚东部港口]]’登场) 0/1
|Description= <font color=blue>Something has changed with Spring of Memory.</font> Bellonde worries about Laby, who can't seem to focus after the monsters. A vicious monster reveals itself.
|Description= <font color=blue>*记忆之泉好像发生了变化。</font><br>看到海岸边的怪物后,娜薇显得非常尴尬。但出现在担心娜薇的博伦德免签的,是凶恶的怪兽。
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''Laby, focus!''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''娜薇,醒醒!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Huh? Oh, Ohhhh!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''嗯?啊,啊啊啊!''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''That could have been dangerous. What were you thinking?''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''刚才太危险了。你在想什么啊?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Uhh... Sorry, Laby feels all weird...''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''呜呜,抱歉,总觉得变得拖拖拉拉的了……''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''Don't push yourself too hard. It looks like we took care of most of them, so rest here.''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''不要勉强自己。大部分怪物都已经被清理掉了,暂时休息一下吧。''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Eh...? Bellonde. The small squiggly things are joining together!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''啊……?博伦德,那些小小的家伙们聚成一团了!''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''What? We didn't hear anything about...! Is that why he was claiming that the monster was vicious?! Laby! Stand back!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''什么?没听说过会发生这种变化……!难道他们说的凶残是指这个?!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Uaahh?!''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''娜薇!离开那里!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''哇?!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Owie... That hurts!! Really! What if Laby was hurt bad!! We need to teach that guy a lesson before we can go meet the sage! Nisha, ready?!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''啊呀呀……好疼!!如果娜薇受了中上,那可如何是好啊?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''一定要教训那家伙,只有这样才能乘船去见贤者!妮莎,准备好了吧?!''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''Laby! Are you alright? You're not hurt, are you?''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''娜薇!你没事吧?受伤的地方怎么样?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Uh huh! Laby is fine! Laby is really tough!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''嗯,完全没事!娜薇身体很结实的!''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''Oh... All you're injuries are already healing! It didn't look like it would heal this fast from afar...''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''这是……伤口几乎完全愈合了?从远处看的时候,并不像是能如此迅速地愈合的伤口啊……''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Huh? Is being tough... weird?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''嗯?身体结实……很奇怪吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''...... No, it's nothing. I'm just proud of you for not crying, since it looks like it would have hurt a lot. Nisha looks stronger than before too.''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''……''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''I see! Hehee! You're right! Laby and Nisha are both great!''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''不,没什么。刚才伤得不轻,现在却充满活力的样子,很厉害。妮莎似乎也比我第一次见的时候更强了。''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''当然!呼呼,娜薇和妮莎都很厉害的!没错!''
*{{StoryIcon|Port Resident}} '''码头居民:''' ''Thanks to ye, we can now use th' ports safely.''
*{{StoryIcon|Port Resident}} '''码头居民:''' ''多亏你们,现在可以放心使用港口了,真是谢谢你们。''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''It was no trouble. Then can we depart soon?''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''不客气。现在可以出海了吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Port Resident}} '''码头居民:''' ''Sure! We jus' need to fix 'em up real quick an' they'll be settin' sail in no time! I'll work as soon as we get 'em materials ready!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Port Resident}} '''码头居民:''' ''修理好损坏的部位,就可以直接出海了。等材料送达后,我马上就去修理。''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Yay! Does that mean we can go meet the sage now?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''哇!那么可以见到贤者了吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''Haha, we'll need to wait a bit longer. More importantly... We need some rest. Although your legs are all healed up, you can need to be careful for a while. Come to think of it, Laby, where did you learn how to fight? Did somebody teach you?''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''嗯~还需要等一会。''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Flight? Hm, Laby just do whatever Laby wants!''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''而且……最好还是先休息一下吧。腿上的伤虽然刚刚已经愈合了,但过多活动的话还是有危险的。''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''Whatever she wants? It seemed like she had some kind of structure to it though...''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''然后,娜薇,你学习过如何战斗吗?是谁教你的?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Bellonde?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''战斗?嗯,只是随着娜薇的想法随便去战斗的啊?''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''Laby, would you like to learn a little about fighting? If you have basic training, you might no get hurt as often.''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''随便?尽管很粗糙,但看起来就像是知道战斗的方法一样……''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Learn? From Bellonde?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''博伦德?''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''I've never taught someone else, but I can teach you what I know. How it that?''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''娜薇,你不考虑学习一下战斗的知识吗?如果大号基础,就不会再类似于刚才的那种攻击中受伤。''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Then Bellonde will be Laby's teacher?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''学习?跟博伦德?''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''Hm? Oh, it seems that way.''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''虽然我没教过别人,不过用我锁知道的来告诉你,应该没有问题,怎么样?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Yeah! Then teach Laby! Laby wants to learn!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''那么博伦德就是娜薇的师傅了?!''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''Alright. It may not take too long, but let's word hard together.''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''嗯?啊啊,算是……吧。''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Yes, teacher!! Yay! Now Laby has a teacher too!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''是吗!?那教教我吧!我要学!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''Haha, I guess she really wanted a teacher...''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''好,虽然时间不会太长,不过一起努力吧?''
|ED= 61,200
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''好的师傅!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''好开心!娜薇也有师傅了~!''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''哈哈,她只是因为有了师傅而开心吗……''
|ED= 183,600
|EXP= 46,783
|EXP= 46,783
|CImage1=[[File:Special 500050.png]]
|CImage1=[[File:Special 500050.png]]
|CReward1=[Cobo] Wild Pocket Phoru (Fetch Aura 15 Days Included.) x1
|CReward1=[科宝]宠物:野生迷你噗鲁 x1

Revision as of 15:23, 29 August 2021




[娜薇]EP.2 大海,船与师傅


任务需求 任务 描述



  • 娜薇: 博伦德!我们现在要去见的那个贤者是个什么样的人?
  • 博伦德: 嗯……从基本的处事方式乃至魔法,全都是她传授给我的……换句话说,就像是我的师傅一样。
  • 娜薇: 师傅?传授?
  • 博伦德: 嗯,是我的师傅……现在想起来,那段时光真是很平和。
  • 娜薇: 哇啊!!博伦德,看那边!看到蓝色的大地了!!而且还闻到了一股从来没有闻到过的味道!
  • 博伦德: 啊,好像快到了。那片蓝色的大地被称为‘大海’,是一块填满水的巨大沟壑。而我们,要跨过那片大海。
  • 娜薇: 那里全都是睡?装有那么多水的沟壑我还是第一次见!想快点过去看看!
  • 博伦德: 好啊,还有很长一段路要走,加快一点速度吧?
  • 娜薇: 嗯!娜薇能跑得非常快!来和娜薇比比看吧!

  • 博伦德: 呼,娜薇,你跑得真快?就算跑得那么快,也完全看不出半点疲惫的感觉。
  • 娜薇: 嘿嘿,是娜薇更快一点!还没有人能赢过娜薇呢,菠萝你也挺不错的嘛~
  • 博伦德: 哈哈,我们到了。这里是罗兰西亚东部港口。因为新建不久,所以人来人往。
  • 娜薇: 哇,这里人好多啊!大家都很开心的样子,热热闹闹的!
  • 博伦德: 嗯,听说这里发生过战争。不过比起忧虑,在他们脸上更多的是充满活力的表情,真是太好了。
  • 博伦德: 啊,打扰一下,我们想要乘船。
  • 码头居民: 嗯?第一次见到两位呢,欢迎。是初次来我们村子吗?
  • 博伦德: 是的,我们从有些远的地方赶来。我听说过这里之前发生过很大的事情……看起来村子的气氛好像还不错?
  • 码头居民: 别提了。几年前那些凶恶的魔族们入侵后,狠狠地蹂躏了这片土地。那时我还以为我们死定了呢。
  • 娜薇: 魔族?果然像博伦德所说,都是些坏家伙呢。
  • 码头居民: 幸亏叫艾尔搜查队的那群人击退了魔族,才能首付拜德。我们扫清了那时残余的敌人,一起努力重建了村子。
  • 博伦德: 把魔族们……
  • 博伦德: 英雄总会在危急时刻现身,艾尔搜查队……幸亏有他们在。
  • 娜薇: 哇!!博伦德,看那个!白色的石头走来走去!
  • 博伦德: 那个……从钢铁制成的身体里能够感受到隐约的艾尔气息,难道是纳斯德吗?
  • 娜薇: 纳斯德?那是什么?
  • 博伦德: 那是以艾尔能量为动力运转的机器。听说历史上它们曾一度因为过度发展而造成灾难,但现在却光明正大地在村子里走来走去……
  • 码头居民: 不要担心,它们不会造成那样的危险。从厄泰拉赶来的圆头圆脑的朋友们为我们制作了这些机器,真是帮了大忙呢。多亏了他们,重建才会如此迅速。
  • 码头居民: 不过他们走了之后,村子里的孩子们都开始每句话的句尾加上‘砰砰’的后缀,真让人头大……
  • 博伦德: 竟然有使用纳斯德技术的人……真令人惊奇。而且居民们居然还接受了这些技术。
  • 码头居民: 是吗?现在已经都习惯了。反正多亏了这种技术,航行变得更加顺利了,不用再像以前那样绕过哈梅尔,而是能够直接抵达拉诺斯了。
  • 码头居民: 听说波鲁安也因为魔族而陷入过混乱,不过好像现在全部都收拾干净了,他们也会开始通过港口与我们进行贸易。
  • 娜薇: 波鲁安!!我们要到那里去!可以让娜薇和博伦德乘船吗?砰!
  • 码头居民: 那个……很抱歉现在才说这种话,事实上出海可能有些困难,因为出了点问题……呃。
  • 博伦德: 问题?
  • 码头居民: 本来这里是要建造个港口的,但因为和魔族作战而中断了施工,之后又被怪物们当成了据点。
  • 码头居民: 我们向首都青丘国出兵讨伐,可是大部分王国军队都被派去清扫残余的魔族,所以支援要晚些才能到。
  • 博伦德: 清理完怪物之前很难开船航行……所以很难说什么时候才能出海。
  • 娜薇: 那个,只要赶跑刚才说的那些怪物就能乘船吗?
  • 码头居民: 一旦港口被清理干净,只要天气允许的话,出海没有任何问题!
  • 娜薇: 那么娜薇来解决他们!这样就能让我们乘船了吗?
  • 码头居民: 嗯?虽然听说过艾尔搜查队有许多年轻人……你也像他们那样强吗?
  • 娜薇: 别担心!娜薇很厉害的!
  • 博伦德: 只是怪物问题的话,我们应该能解决。能让我们去看看情况吗?
  • 码头居民: 只要能解决当前的情况,无论是谁都可以,不过……那些家伙和看起来不一样,十分凶狠,千万不要掉以轻心!
  • 博伦德: 凶狠?尽管它们离村子很近,但这里的气氛却还是很平静……看来它们是不主动招惹就不会造成太大危险的怪物。娜薇,你愿意帮我吗?
  • 娜薇: 是娜薇先提出赶跑它们的哦?所以博伦德要帮助娜薇!
  • 博伦德: 哈哈哈,听起来的确如此。
  • 博伦德: 那就由我来带你前往怪物出没的地方吧?
  • 娜薇: 好啊~!赶快出发吧!博伦德!
  • 博伦德: 这个……就是凶残的怪物吗?
  • 莫利: ……
  • 娜薇: 博伦德!看这里!这孩子好可爱~圆滚滚软乎乎的!
  • 博伦德: 呼,看起来并不像说的那样凶残……为什么他要那么警告我们了呢?
  • 博伦德: 但是我们的确听说有人因此受害,所以绝对不能大意。尽管对它们有点抱歉……
  • 娜薇: 哦哦,这个孩子好像之前和我一起玩的孩子!
  • 博伦德: 一起玩?除了妮莎还有其他朋友吗?
  • 娜薇: 嗯?
  • 博伦德: 那次你不是说妮莎是唯一一个待在你身边的孩子吗?
  • 娜薇: ……
  • 博伦德: 娜薇?
  • 娜薇: 这……
  • 娜薇: 那,那边那个家伙!你在吃什么啊?!看我来教训你了哦!
  • 博伦德: 娜薇!?不要这么草率地跑过去……!
  • 博伦德: 她的反应好奇怪……是我多心了吗?
  • 妮莎: (……)
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 110,700 中级锁甲武器宝箱 x 1
EXP 46,783
AP 0
任务需求 任务 描述


击败莫利特 (在罗兰西亚东部-‘罗兰西亚东部港口’登场) 0/1


  • 博伦德: 娜薇,醒醒!
  • 娜薇: 嗯?啊,啊啊啊!
  • 博伦德: 刚才太危险了。你在想什么啊?
  • 娜薇: 呜呜,抱歉,总觉得变得拖拖拉拉的了……
  • 博伦德: 不要勉强自己。大部分怪物都已经被清理掉了,暂时休息一下吧。
  • 娜薇: 啊……?博伦德,那些小小的家伙们聚成一团了!
  • 博伦德: 什么?没听说过会发生这种变化……!难道他们说的凶残是指这个?!
  • 博伦德: 娜薇!离开那里!!
  • 娜薇: 哇?!
  • 咳哇啊?!
  • 娜薇: 啊呀呀……好疼!!如果娜薇受了中上,那可如何是好啊?
  • 娜薇: 一定要教训那家伙,只有这样才能乘船去见贤者!妮莎,准备好了吧?!

  • 博伦德: 娜薇!你没事吧?受伤的地方怎么样?
  • 娜薇: 嗯,完全没事!娜薇身体很结实的!
  • 博伦德: 这是……伤口几乎完全愈合了?从远处看的时候,并不像是能如此迅速地愈合的伤口啊……
  • 娜薇: 嗯?身体结实……很奇怪吗?
  • 博伦德: ……
  • 博伦德: 不,没什么。刚才伤得不轻,现在却充满活力的样子,很厉害。妮莎似乎也比我第一次见的时候更强了。
  • 娜薇: 当然!呼呼,娜薇和妮莎都很厉害的!没错!
  • 码头居民: 多亏你们,现在可以放心使用港口了,真是谢谢你们。
  • 博伦德: 不客气。现在可以出海了吗?
  • 码头居民: 修理好损坏的部位,就可以直接出海了。等材料送达后,我马上就去修理。
  • 娜薇: 哇!那么可以见到贤者了吗?
  • 博伦德: 嗯~还需要等一会。
  • 博伦德: 而且……最好还是先休息一下吧。腿上的伤虽然刚刚已经愈合了,但过多活动的话还是有危险的。
  • 博伦德: 然后,娜薇,你学习过如何战斗吗?是谁教你的?
  • 娜薇: 战斗?嗯,只是随着娜薇的想法随便去战斗的啊?
  • 博伦德: 随便?尽管很粗糙,但看起来就像是知道战斗的方法一样……
  • 娜薇: 博伦德?
  • 博伦德: 娜薇,你不考虑学习一下战斗的知识吗?如果大号基础,就不会再类似于刚才的那种攻击中受伤。
  • 娜薇: 学习?跟博伦德?
  • 博伦德: 虽然我没教过别人,不过用我锁知道的来告诉你,应该没有问题,怎么样?
  • 娜薇: 那么博伦德就是娜薇的师傅了?!
  • 博伦德: 嗯?啊啊,算是……吧。
  • 娜薇: 是吗!?那教教我吧!我要学!!
  • 博伦德: 好,虽然时间不会太长,不过一起努力吧?
  • 娜薇: 好的师傅!
  • 娜薇: 好开心!娜薇也有师傅了~!
  • 博伦德: 哈哈,她只是因为有了师傅而开心吗……
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 183,600 [科宝]宠物:野生迷你噗鲁 x1
EXP 46,783
AP 0
The Ship Does Not Stop
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Need to Learn story quest

Bellonde tells Laby a story of his past to help her with her boredom.
About when the story ended, a group of monsters climbed on the ship and started to endanger the passengers. Let's defeat the monsters and protect the people.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Buuuuuuaaang
  • 娜薇: Whoooaaa!! It's moving!! Teacher! Look!! This ship is so biiig!! But it's walking on water!! The port is so small now!! It was the size of a tree, but not it's the size of a fruit!! Whoa!! The sea is so blue!! It's like it's one with the sky!! The sky looks like it's a big water puddle too!!

  • 娜薇: Laby's booored. There's nothing to see but water...
  • 博伦德: Ugh...
  • 娜薇: Teacher! Are you sick? Do you need Laby's help?
  • 博伦德: N, no. It's fine... Nothing I can't handle... ugh... Uh... I can never get used to this feeling. Is it just me? Or is the ship really turbulent? ... Laby, how do you feel?
  • 娜薇: Good! Laby is well! But I guess teacher is really weak!
  • 博伦德: Haha... I'm glad you're ok. I was worried you might have sea sickness as well.
  • 娜薇: But teacher! Are we there yet? Laby doesn't want to be here any more. It's so boring.
  • 博伦德: Ah, I'm sorry. We still have a lot more to go before we arrive.
  • 娜薇: Still? Haaaa... Since we're just staying still, it feels like the forest again. Laby doesn't like this...
  • 博伦德: ...... Laby, when I first got on a ship, I was like you. It was boring and hard. I also begged if we could go any faster.
  • 娜薇: Hehee! Just like Laby! So, did they go faster?
  • 博伦德: Unfortunately, they told me it wasn't possible. But my sister told me this, when she was how upset I was. This ship may look like it's no moving, but it's always moving towards it's goal. Every moment, it's moving closer, even if it's only by a little. Even though it may seem boring now, but once you arrive and look back, you would know that it was these small moments that allowed you to cross the great ocean in the end.... I took what my sister told me to heart. Nothing is meaningless. Right now, when we're crossing the sea, and all those time you're spend in the forest... It might be those precious small moments that allowed you to arrive at your goal in the end.
  • 娜薇: Laby's... goal...? Mmm, Laby doesn't understand. What about you, teacher? Do you have a goal?
  • 博伦德: Me? I......... I've been taught that my powers are to help other people. I grew up with the lesson in mind, and I always tried to reflect that in my actions.... Even now, I feel the same. As far as my body and my power allows it, I will protect the people and keep peace in these lands. That is my goal. That is my wish, Laby.
  • 娜薇: Ooooooh!! Amazing!! That's so cool!
  • 博伦德: La, Laby, please... when you jump like that... ugh... I feel sick...
  • 娜薇: Oh... Laby's body is tough! But looks like teacher only had a tough mind! Having a tough mind is so cool! Laby wants to do this too! Goal! Laby's goal is... Goal is...! Ngrrrrrr...
  • 博伦德: Haha... You don't need to find one right now. You are learning and experiencing new things everyday. One day, you would know what your goal is going to be. And you do have a goal. Or did you forget why we are on this ship?
  • 娜薇: That's right!! Laby's goal is to learn who Laby is! So Laby is gonna wait, even though it's a little boring! Laby will think about what to ask teacher's teacher, then we'll arrive in no time! Right?
  • 博伦德: Yes, we'll arrive in no time. Come to think about it, did I tell you where we're going? We're going to 'Elrianode', an ancient city that recently reappeared.
  • 娜薇: Elrianode...! Ok, Laby will remember that!

  • Sailor: We're under attack!!! Monsters!!
  • 博伦德: Monsters? There shouldn't be any monsters en route...
  • 娜薇: Teacher! There's bunch of weirdos climbing on the ship! As many as hair on Laby's head! Thos weirdos! They're breaking everything on the ship!! Can Laby go teach them a lesson?
  • 博伦德: Go ahead, don't let them on the ship!!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • 博伦德: Captain! Why are there monsters en route to Lanox? Didn't you check the locations of the monsters when selecting the route?
  • Captain: Uhh... Well, you see... This was the fastest route... It should have been fine if we just passed by quietly... I didn't know monsters would appear!!
  • 博伦德: Do you think that makes a viable excuse? What were you thinking, selecting a route without considering the safety of your passengers?!
  • BAAM!!
  • 娜薇: Uuuahhh!!!
  • 博伦德: Laby!! Damn it... They're just coming and coming...! You better prepare yourself to be held accountable after this. Right now, please act responsibly for the safety of your crew and everyone on board!
  • 娜薇: Owie... Teacher! Are you ok? The ship when BOOM!! all of a sudden!
  • 博伦德: I'm fine. More importantly, we need to get all the passengers to safety. Laby! You should hide somewhere safe as well!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 104,203 Intermediate Shining Weapon Cube x 1 N/A
ED 89,200 Intermediate Shining Armor Cube x 1 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Planned Trap
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the The Ship Does Not Stop story quest

Bellonde is worried about Laby, who will be fighting on the ship for the first time, but Laby reassures him with her firm conviction.
Resolved, the two decide to protect the ship together.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • 娜薇: Why? Laby can fight! Laby taught them a lesson earlier!
  • 博伦德: Ah... I was just so focused on getting everyone to safety... Moreover, you're not used to battle on board yet. Nevermind the fact that you were injured at the dock... You've just got a hold of the basic techniques. It's too early for you to fight in a situation like this. Let me handle this and...
  • 娜薇: But your face is all blue! Laby doesn't want teacher to be the only one hurt!
  • 博伦德: I'm fine. Remember what I said earlier? I have power. And with this power, I want to protect everyone. That includes you.
  • 娜薇: If that's all, Laby doesn't want to be safe! Teacher, Laby is healthy and strong! So, if teacher wants to protect everyone, then Laby just needs to protect you, teacher! Cause... Teacher gave Laby a name, and taught Laby how to fight, and helped Laby all this time!! So now, Laby wants to help you! Believe Laby!
  • 博伦德: Laby... Hahaha, of course. I'll do as you say. But Laby, make sure you stay by my side, alright?
  • 娜薇: Ok!! Nisha, you stay by Laby's side too!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • 博伦德: Haaa... I thought they would be more persistent, but they're as fast to run away as they are to attack.
  • 娜薇: That's all because Laby went 'OOOIIIII!!!
  • 博伦德: Yes, well done, Laby. Even though it was a difficult battle, you did good. Looks like the ship is also in good condition...
  • 娜薇: Ah! It's cold!!
  • 博伦德: Hm? What's wrong?
  • 娜薇: Something dropped from the sky... Like water...
  • 博伦德: Water...?
  • Captain: This can't be...! The sky is...!! Lo, Look over there! The clouds are moving ominously. The waves are much higher than before...!
  • 娜薇: Wooah! The wind is so cool! It feels like Laby can fly away!
  • Captain: It looks like a storm is headed this way...!
  • 娜薇: Strom?
  • 博伦德: No...!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 104,203 [Cobo] Whole Grain Bread x 20 N/A
ED 120,500 [Cobo] Spirit Tea x 20 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
In the Storm
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Planned Trap story quest

The ship is in the middle of the storm when a giant monster appears.
Laby and Bellonde decide to use the cannons to protect the ship.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • 娜薇: The sea is moving a lot! The ship is also jumping up and down!
  • 博伦德: This isn't good! Captain! We need to turn the ship right away!
  • Captain: We can't! We're already in the midst of the storm! If we try to turn now, the ship will shatter in to a million pieces!
  • 博伦德: I can't believe we didn't notice anything until now...! Was the attack earlier, merely a distraction?
  • SLAM--!!
  • 娜薇: Uaaaah!! Ooooh... Thanks Nisha. Laby would have SLAM! on the floor without you. Anyway, it looks like something just bumped with the ship... Eh? Laby never saw these vines before. It's slimy and icky!
  • Sailor: C, captain! The monster... The Leap Octopus appeared!!
  • Captain: Wh, wh, wha, What?!!!
  • 娜薇: Leap Octopus? Is that the name of this slimy vine?
  • Captain: Th, th, that's not a vine! That's the leg of the giant sea monster, Leap Octopus!! Uuuh... This ship is over! We're all going to die!!
  • 娜薇: This ship is over? How are we going to die?
  • 博伦德: It's too early to give up! There are still people on this ship!
  • Captain: Wha, what do you mean? Don't tell me you're going to fight that monster?
  • 博伦德: That's what we'll have to do. But... since the monster would start rampaging when we attack...... We should use the cannons to knock it out immediately.
  • Captain: Fight the monster?! You're insane!!
  • 博伦德: It's to protect this ship. Please, give us permission to use the cannons.
  • Captain: Uuuhh...... I, I understand. I will ready the cannons right away... But will this be enough to save the ship...?
  • 博伦德: It has to be enough. We will make sure of it...! Laby, can you fight? It's a bit sudden, but it's time for another lesson.
  • 娜薇: Lesson? OK! Laby is always ready!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Boom! Boom!!
  • Kuahh...!
  • 博伦德: Now is our chance. Let's push it off the ship while it's down!
  • 娜薇: Umph! Go away! You can't rid because you're too heavy!
  • Passenger: Uuhh... Please, please save us...
  • 娜薇: Huh? It's alright! Laby will save you!
  • Passenger: We're all done for!! We're all going to die!!
  • Passenger: Wah... Mommy...
  • Nisha: (......)
  • 娜薇: ...? Why... why are they acting like that? Laby, teacher, even Captain is trying our best, but they're all just screaming! They're weird!
  • 博伦德: Ah... Even though we're all trying our best, there's an ongoing storm and a giant monster... Not to mention the sound of cannons firing... It's understandable that they're all scared.
  • 娜薇: Scared...? Understandable?
  • 博伦德: Yes. Normally, people don't come across this many monsters at once. They must feel restless and scared. But it looks like you're not scared at all, Laby. Maybe you're more brave because you grew up in the forest.
  • 娜薇: ...... Mm. Laby's not sure. (Everyone looks... angry...? Laby knows what scared feels like, but this seems a little different.... Just watching them makes Laby feel weird too. Like something is empty inside. Laby thinks this is scarier than the monster. If Laby takes care of what people are afraid of, will they some back to normal? Then... Laby won't have to feel this empty anymore.) Laby will save you! So everyone stop making that face!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 259,073 Intermediate Hydro Weapon Cube N/A
ED 154,900 Ocean Eyepatch x 1 N/A
EP 0 Mochi's Ear x 1 N/A
AP 0
What Must be Protected
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the In the Storm story quest

Something has changed with Spring of Memory. Bellonde decides to use his final resort.
Laby faces the monster by herself to protect Bellonde.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • 娜薇: UAAAAAHH--!!
  • 博伦德: Laby!
  • 娜薇: Oooh... That could have hurt, but Laby's ok now!
  • 博伦德: I didn't think it will come to it's senses so quickly... (kugh)
  • Captain: We have an emergency...! The monster created a giant hole at the bottom of the ship!!!
  • 娜薇: A hole?! You meanie octopus.... Um... What happens if there's a hole?
  • Captain: Isn't it obvious? The ship will sink with all the water coming in through the hole!!!
  • 娜薇: What?! That's really, really bad!!
  • 博伦德: There are monsters still remaining... and with the ship damaged... There's no other way.
  • Captain: O, oi, don't tell me you're giving up now? We were...!
  • 博伦德: Don't get me wrong, I haven't given up yet. I haven't gotten all my powers back yet, so I wnted to avoid this as much as possible...
  • 娜薇: Teacher?
  • 博伦德: Laby, I have a request.
  • 娜薇: What is it? Anything Laby can do!
  • 博伦德: You understand what's happening, right? The ship is about to sink, and the monsters will attack us again any moment. I will try my best to keep the ship from sinking, but if I do that, I can't concentrate on battle. So Laby, could you take care of the monsters while I support this ship?
  • 娜薇: ... Well...... Yeah! Of course! Just leave it to Laby!
  • 博伦德: Thank you... I'm glad you're here.
  • 娜薇: Laby is really happy teacher believes in Laby! Don't worry! Laby will take care of everything!

  • 博伦德: ......
  • 娜薇: Uaaah... It feels nice and warm near teacher now. Huh? It feels similar to the place Laby met teacher for the first time!
  • 娜薇: Oiii!!! Stop bullying the ship!! You better stop getting in teacher's way, your shiny head!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • 娜薇: Hehee, Laby's won! You can't win against Laby even if you have 100 legs! Is teacher not done yet? So slow! ... Huh?
  • D-Ddddddd...
  • 娜薇: Uuaah?! The ship is rising!! Are they making another hole to the ship?! Eh? Nonono the ground is rising! That never happened before?
  • 博伦德: Ha... Ha...
  • 娜薇: Teacher?! Are you ok?! What's this? Did teacher do this?
  • 博伦德: Ha... Laby, I'm glad you're safe. I couldn't think of a way to stop the boat from leaking... So I... brought the ground up from the bottom of the ocean. Now that the monsters are gone... and the ship won't sink... If we can just do the repairs now... It will all be fine.
  • 娜薇: Uuuuahh!!! Amazing!! But teacher looks sick...
  • 博伦德: Don't worry about me. Anyways, you fought all by yourself, right? Well done.
  • 娜薇: Hehee, Laby did good, Nisha did good, and Teacher did good too!
  • 博伦德: Yes, yes, you're right. Haaa... I'm still feeling a bit dizzy. Now, let's get people to start the repai... hm? Another leg...?! Laby! Move!!
  • 娜薇: Uuaah! Teacher!!!
  • 博伦德: Laby!!
  • 娜薇: Haa! Cough,cough!
  • 博伦德: Laby!! No... I have to... I have to... stay conscious... Protect...
  • 娜薇: Uuh... Tea... cher... Need to, need to get back on the ship...! Uh... Breathe... Nishaaa...
  • Splash
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 259,073 Magic Stone x 10 N/A
ED 191,900 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

General Guides
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  • Laby
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Noah
  • Lithia
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  • Laby
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Noah
  • Lithia
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