Story/Chapter 53: Difference between revisions

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*{{StoryIcon|Lib}} '''Noah:''' ''I've only heard part of what happened at Senace, but I heard it was a vicious, atrocious fight.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lib}} '''Noah:''' ''I've only heard part of what happened at Senace, but I heard it was a vicious, atrocious fight.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''Ran... was in a position to know those things...''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''Ran... was in a position to know those things...''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''I heard, when the Moon El fell on our family's grounds, the Haan family that was once a small family on the country side went through a drastic change.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''I heard, when the Moon El fell on our family's grounds, the Haan family that was once a small family on the country side went through a drastic change.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''However, I have never actually witnessed the Moon El in real life.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''However, I have never actually witnessed the Moon El in real life.''

Revision as of 07:36, 7 March 2022

  • English
53:Shadow Earl's Castle

Chapter 53: Shadow Earl's Castle

The Way to Ran's Castle
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Lead to the Shadow Earl story quest

The El Search Party headed towards Ran's Castle. Ara talks about Aren and the Haan family's past.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Laby: Let's see... We're almo, yaaawn, almost there. Ran's castle is right in front of us.
  • Add: Stop yawning.
  • Laby: But Laby's so tired. We were so busy running all over last night.
  • Raven: It's understandable. There wasn't much fighting, but we did move around quite a bit.
  • Elesis: We mostly had fun... I just didn't think playing around would be so exhausting. E, yawn, even training wouldn't be as tiring.
  • Rena: We can't face our enemy exhausted. Let's rest here.
  • ... ... ... ...
  • Add: Hey, magician. Take a look at this.
  • Add: It's the Magician's rabbit doll. It stopped reacting for a while now, can you take a look?
  • Add: I don't see any machinery, so it must have something to do with magic. How do I activate it again?
  • Aisha: When did you get this? What experiment are you planning this time... Give it to me.
  • Aisha: Hm... The reason why it stopped is because we're no longer within the Magician's dominion. It should start moving if I imbue magic. What do you need it for?
  • Add: I need to hear the rest of what it was talking about. Can you do that?
  • Aisha: Just what did you...? Ah, I don't think that's possible. That's a separate magic from mobilizing this doll, and it's probably a lot more complicated.
  • Aisha: It's also demon magic... It's going to take a long time even to analyze it.
  • Add: Tsk, if it can't be done now, then forget it.
  • Aisha: Really? How unusual. Normally, you'd go off on your own to experiment. Is this urgent?
  • Add: ... Not necessarily.
  • Laby: Hey, so Dream Demons used to be enemies, but are not anymore, right? What if Ran is like that too?
  • Laby: If Ran became good, then can we not fight him anymore?
  • Elsword: ... I guess?
  • Elesis: What do you mean, I guess. This is not some trivial matter, like Phorus playing bandits. It's not something you can just forgive because he changed his mind.
  • Rena: Besides, our main purpose is not revenge or punishment. Protecting Elrios is our priority!
  • Rena: Whatever Ran is thinking, our goal is to make sure he doesn't even dare attempt invading Elrios again. If he's already like that, we need to check to be sure.
  • Ciel: Is that likely to happen though? I don't think someone who attacked his superior to gain power is going to give up that easily.
  • Raven: This is a strange situation. No matter what, when we see him, we'll have to see through to the end.
  • Raven: This is all contrary... but we can't dismiss the possibility that the Dream Demons read the entire situation wrong. Ran could have dissolved the army because he no longer found the tactical need to keep them.
  • Elesis: Hahaha! True, the Dream Demons do seem more interested in playing than anything.
  • Rena: Also... We have other reasons to face Ran. There are people we need to save.
  • Chung: .......
  • Noah: Um... How did Ran know of Elrios's situation and invade?
  • Noah: I've only heard part of what happened at Senace, but I heard it was a vicious, atrocious fight.
  • Ara: Ran... was in a position to know those things...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ara: I heard, when the Moon El fell on our family's grounds, the Haan family that was once a small family on the country side went through a drastic change.
  • Ara: However, I have never actually witnessed the Moon El in real life.
  • Noah: (The Moon El...)
  • Ara: Back then, I merely thought it was a precious treasure, one so precious you would not show to just anyone.
  • Ara: But when my brother left to become the Guard Captain, after I happily sent him off, I heard the whispers.
  • Ara: That's when I learned my brother's advancement wasn't only something to be happy about.
  • Aisha: I did... wonder about that, actually...
  • Elsword: What...?
  • Aisha: Ara said the eldest son of her family has been the Royal Guard Captain for generations. But... a Guard Captain is not actually that high of a position.
  • Ain: Ms. Magician... That's kind of harsh.
  • Aisha: Ain! You know I didn't mean it like that!
  • Aisha: What I mean is, it's not such a grand honor that it's seen as a step up for the eldest son of a noble.
  • Raven: Yes. I you need a position to interact with other families and prove loyalty to the kingdom, there should be better positions closer to the palace.
  • Raven: In Velder, even a commoner can become a Guard Captain. I do not know the situation in Northern Empire, but I doubt it's any different.
  • Chung: Oh, it's not like that in Senace, but I understand what you mean.
  • Elsword: Really? This is complicated... Is the position you get that important?
  • Aisha: Sigh, you have so much more to learn. When it comes to matters like this, even picking up a needle from the ground holds some kind of political meaning.
  • Ara: While the Northern Empire is ruled by the Emperor, the robles of the capital also hold a lot of power.
  • Ara: When the Haan family gained an exorbitant amount of power in the form of the Moon El, we suddenly found ourselves scrutinized by both sides.
  • Noah: ... A hostage.
  • Ciel: A Royal Guard Captain? Isn't that too good a position for a hostage?
  • Ara: I do not know for certain... But I believe the royal family wished to make the Haan family the leader of a new group of nobles that will be more favorable to the Emperor.
  • Rose: And the nobles of the capital had the exact opposite idea.
  • Raven: They probably didn't like a small family village from a remote region suddenly gaining so much prestige. Never mind the threat the family posed to their foundation and position.
  • Elesis: ... Elsword, do you understand what they're saying?
  • Elsword: Not a single thing.
  • Elesis: Yeah, we should stick to swinging swords.
  • Ara: Huhu... My brother Aren, the eldest, did not want to leave. Of course, things didn't turn out the way he wanted.
  • Ara: Even after he left for the capital, I kept sending letters. To me, he sent stories of the capital, of new experiences, and asking about my day, but...
  • Ara: To my father he sent letters... asking... pleading for action from the family.
  • Ara: As expected, all my brother's requests were ignored. All the letters were burnt without even opening them.
  • Ara: I could not bear to tell him that. So I told my brother everything will be fine... a cheap consolation telling him we'll endure this together.
  • Ara: Time passed, and by brother stopped sending letters... When we got used to not hearing from him, that's when it all happened.
  • Ara: ... I'm not trying to defend his action.
  • Ara: But I understand, as someone who grew up with him, and as someone who watched him closely, how he came to make that choice.
  • Ara: Please believe me. If... If Aren can't come back... Then I...
  • Lu: Stop making hasty assumptions. I know more than anyone how those from the Red Demon Territory use others.
  • Lu: They twist even the purest hopes and desires to use for themselves.
  • Chung: I understand that even when you know someone believes in you, you can find yourself in a situation where you can't rely on them.
  • Chung: ... My father... would have never met Ran on his own... if I weren't the hostage.
  • Chung: So... Don't worry about us, and believe in your family. We don't know what will happen until it does.
  • Ara: .......

  • Rena: Uuuuh! Was that the door? It's giving me the shivers.
  • Add: Do you not understand the meaning of quiet?
  • Elsword: Hey! It's not my fault Ran didn't take care of his front door.
  • Rose: It's severely rusted. Almost to the point of corrosion... It's likely nobody used it for a very long time...
  • Elesis: Don't say that! He must be here. Maybe... he uses a doghole or something.
  • Rena: Yeah, I don't think so. Let's go further in for now.
  • (CREEAAK!)
  • Add: Ack, mind the door!
  • Ain: With that noise, even the Dream Demons would know we're entering Ran's manor from their village.
  • Elsword: I opened slowly...
  • Rena: ... It's still quiet. I thought something would show up by now.
  • (STEP, STEP, STEP....)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Meeting the Shadow Earl Again
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the The Way to Ran's Castle story quest




Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Meeting the Shadow Earl Again story quest




Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Beyond the Limit
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Reminiscence story quest




Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Truth be Told
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Beyond the Limit story quest




Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0


General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other