Story/Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Prophetic Mission

[Village] Stop the Demon Descent
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

A great calamity coming down upon Elrios. They must stop Ignia and the summoning of the Demon God.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Lu: Demon God SUlt...? It actually exists...? Is this somehow related to the disappearance of the Demon King...?
  • Ara: A god of demons? Is it truly possible to summon a god?
  • Lu: Demon God SUlt is only known through legends. No one knows if they actually exist or if they can be summoned. I don't think it's possible...
  • Rena: A legendary being...? But surely they won't carry out the plan if they're not certain of it...?
  • Lu: I suspect the Demon God is not the main goal.
  • Chung: ... What do you mean?
  • Lu: There's a great barrier between Elrios and the Demon Realm. As such, a demons lose a great deal of their power when they come over to Elrios. The stronger they are, the more price they pay.
  • Lu: But if you use energy enough to summon a god, and a dimension rift to null the barrier... Even if the Demon God doesn't exist, a being just as powerful could respond.
  • Lu: At that point, does it matter whether the one to appear beyond the rift is the actual Demon God or not?
  • Raven: Whatever responds, Elrios would...
  • Chung: Elrios would face a calamity worse than anything we have faced before...!
  • Edel: Then, then this is no longer just a problem for Lanox!
  • Edel: We need to inform the other villages at once! Sebastian! Haa, gasp, cough...
  • Gloria: Edel! Calm down. You must stay calm.
  • Edel: How, how can I stay calm? You two must evacuate! I will send a message to Sander right away... and then... and then what do I do? Pant... pant...
  • Elsword: It's alright. You just inform the other villages, Edel. We'll stop the Demon God.
  • Edel: That's not as easy as you say...! Do you even know anything about the Demon God?!
  • Elsword: Nope. It does sound dangerous, though.
  • Edel: You're not acting like someone who understands!
  • Elsword: Haha, I guess not. But it's really straight forward, isn't it?
  • Elesis: If we don't stop the Demon God, the world will be in danger. But it won't be easy. We could lose our lives.
  • Elesis: Each one of us will have decide for ourselves if we wish to fight. I'm going.
  • Ara: I have already made up my mind when I left home. Only thing left is moving forward!
  • Chung: Me too. As the Guardian, I will protect Elrios from demons' reach.
  • Lu: Hoho, my goal is to retrieve my throne. I will not let anything get in my way. Not even the Demon God.
  • Ciel: Well... If the Demon God actaully appears, it doesn't matter whether we run or fight, does it? Then I would rather fight with Lu, than run away like a coward.
  • Rena: Oooh, Ciel, are you trying to provoke the rest of us? Anyone who runs is a rotten coward? I can't run after hearing a challenge like that!
  • Add: Ha, as if a lousy provocation like that actually works. Demon God... interesting! I should be able to collect good data...
  • Raven: I agree. We've come this far. Turning away now is an action of a coward.
  • Elsword: It sounds like everyone is deciding based on what's cool, now.
  • Aisha: Oh yeah? That's fine. The genius girl magician is ready to take down anything! A Demon God's revival? Here I come!
  • Eve: The prosperity of the Nasod race... Before I achieve that goal, I will not allow anything to lay waste to Elrios.
  • Edel: Sigh... I thought so when I first met you... But you truly are a group of reckless, stubborn individuals.
  • Edel: I will evacuate the villagers, since there will be no next time if you fail... I must think about the people I am responsible for.
  • Edel: ... But I wish you luck. Please come back alive.
  • Edel: Tell Ignia, that idiot to return safely, or I'll never forgive her.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Darkmoon: ... Uh, did it work...? I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly...
  • Chung: Thank you, Priestesses. I wasn't sure what we'd do without the heatproof suit, but with your blessing we can head to Volcanic Lands without worry.
  • Elsword: If it weren't for the blessing, I wonder what we would have done.
  • Rena: ... Everyone each carry Add's Dynamo?
  • Add: You wish! Also there's too many of you.
  • Darkmoon: Huhu, I'm glad I was able to help.
  • Ara: Once this is over, will you also be evacuating Lanox?
  • Gloria: No. We will wait here for you, Ignia, and Artea to return. We also had a message for you.
  • Raven: A message?
  • Darkmoon: ... We... We met up in Lanox... After the Moon El was taken, trying to figure out what the demons are after and if there's any way to stop them.
  • Gloria: We tried to protect the El and the prophecy the best we can... but we were powerless. We couldn't do anything on our own...
  • Aisha: Don't blame yourself. They're demons. We all had our losses.
  • Gloria: Thank you for your comforting words. But you are all amazing. And... seeing you made us realize what we've been doing wrong all this time.
  • Darkmoon: We tried so hard to solve everything on our own. We are the El Priestesses... The one with the hidden mission to protect the El and the prophecy...
  • Darkmoon: But the El is a gift bestowed to us all... Therefore, we need everyone's help to protect the El.
  • Gloria: I think we forgot along the way... Because we were so fixated on hiding the prophecy.
  • Darkmoon: ... Please return safely. When you do... we will tell you about the prophecy.
  • Ara: Yes! We will defeat the Demon God and return with our heads held high.
  • Ifritan: ... Give this to Ignia.
  • Eve: A metal hairpin... How should we hand it to her?
  • Ifritan: Ignia is likely in a hard place. She might not believe you. But if she sees that, she will know I sent it.
  • Eve: ... I see. I will make sure she gets it.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Secret Dungeon Entry Permit x5 N/A
ED 0 [Ariel] Advanced HP Potion x30 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Facing the Demon God
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Stop the Demon Descent story quest

After hearing everyone's feelings, Ignia finally makes a decision. Then, the one that stopped the Demon God that rose from the rift of earth was...

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Artea: ...
  • Ignia: ... You... How did you get here without a heatproof suit?
  • Raven: Is that person in restraints the Earth Priestess?
  • Ignia: Wait, stop! I warned you!
  • (CRRR...)
  • Elsword: Alright. We're not going to force anything. We just want to talk.
  • Ignia: About what?
  • Chung: Ignia. Scar is planning on summoning the Demon God to this land using the power of Earth and Fire.
  • Chung: If we don't stop him, Elrios will fall to ruins in his hands!
  • Ignia: What? Not... the prophecy?
  • Ciel: Yes. If he wanted the prophecy, he wouldn't have kept Gloria and Darkmoon separately. Scar only needed you and the Earth Priestess all along.
  • Aisha: So let's go save her. If we leave her like that, we're only making it easier for the demons.
  • Ignia: But... but Scar... he will hurt Artea... I'm not doing this because I want to!
  • Add: You still don't get it, do you? If you don't want to, stand back and get out of our way.
  • Ignia: I can't just do that!! You make it sound so easy, when you don't even care... This is a matter of life and death for us! What if I do as you say and I endanger Artea?
  • Ignia: You think I didn't turn to run away? Scar will find us no matter where we run. I have to listen if I want them to be safe!
  • Rena: ... Ignia must be overwhelmed. Let's not pressure her.
  • Ara: Ignia. Do you know how we made it this far without a heatproof suit?
  • Ara: Gloria and Darkmoon believed in us, and blessed us with a protection spell.
  • Ignia: They... did?
  • Ara: Yes. They said after everything, they will tell us about the prophecy. Sasha and Anduran did as well.
  • Eve: Please take this. Ifritan told me to give it to you. That you will likely be in a hard place, so to do our best to persuade you.
  • Elesis: Edel is worried too. She said she'll never forgive you if you don't return safely.
  • Ignia: ... That's dumb. Is she saying she'll forgive me if I do return safely? She can never say anything straightforward.
  • Ignia: ...
  • (CRRRR...)
  • Ciel: ... This place is no longer safe. Once we fight our conversation, we should take the Priestesses somewhere safer.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Lu: I do not know all your troubles... but I can tell you've gone through a lot of hardship. You can let go of some of your burden now. I will gladly take some off your shoulders.
  • Elsword: Scar, Demon God, it doesn't matter. No matter what enemy we face, we will try our best to protect you. I promise!
  • Ignia: ...
  • (RUMBLE...)
  • (... RUMBLE...!! CRASH!!!)
  • Chung: The cave is collapsing! The Priestess!
  • Elsword: Ignia! You have to get out! Come on!
  • Aisha: No Elsword, if you go now, you'll be in danger, too!
  • Elsword: Let me go! There are still two people there...!
  • (CRASH!!)
  • Rena: Ah...
  • Chung: Priestess...
  • Add: ... Were we too late? ... Tsk.
  • Artea: ... You're not too late...!
  • Chung: Earth Priestess! You're awake!
  • Ignia: ... I'm sorry, Artea. I...
  • Artea: Thank you, Ignia. I'm still safe because you protected me.
  • Ignia: ...
  • Ignia: Hey, you really mean what you say, right? You promise?
  • Elsword: That we'll protect you? Of course!
  • Artea: Thank you for your assistance, everyone. But we haven't got much time. The Earth's Rift has already begun, and if we don't stop Scar now, there will be no next time.
  • Artea: I still have some power, so I will open the path for you. Please stop the Demon God...!
  • Elesis: Artea! I have something to ask. While you were in captivity... did you try to send me some kind of message?
  • Artea: Hm? No, Elesis. I was not in a place to send out messages.
  • Elesis: Is that so... ... Alright. Thanks for confirming.
  • Artea: No problem. Ignia and I will follow you shortly.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • (CRRR... CRASH!)
  • Elesis: Ack, damn it... That Scar... A Commander, he said? He's definitely no ordinary demon...!
  • Aisha: We barely managed to stop him with everyone working together... Didn't you say demons become weaker when they come over to Elrios? How strong is he originally then?
  • Rena: What about the Demon God? Did we manage to stop the summoning ritual? I can't see anything because of the heat...
  • Scar: It's too late... All the preparations are complete. The Demon God will show his presence in this Land...!
  • Ara: Stand back! The rift is opening wider!
  • (CRACRACRACK--!!!!)
  • Artea: Ah, the wind pressure...! What is happening to the rift?
  • Ignia: An enormous hand is coming out from the rift... Is that the Demon God?!
  • Rena: Just the hand... and it feel like this? What can we do...
  • Lu: The summoning is not complete so now's our chance! I will go! Ciel, bind!
  • (CHIIIING-!!)
  • Ciel: I got it! Did it work?!
  • (CREAAAK... CREAAK...)
  • Chung: It won't last long... Everyone, come this way! I will protect you!!
  • (CREAAAK... KLANG!!!!)
  • Ara: Ahh... It's no use...!
  • Raven: A shockwave this strong for breaking free... Chung! Are you alright? Can you withstand it?!
  • Chung: I... will! Everyone prepare for the next move! Hurry!
  • Elsword: The Nephilim from Velder doesn't even compare... And it's not even fully summoned yet...!
  • Add: Power immeasurable... This is way beyond our capacity...
  • Eve: Aisha! Can you use a mass teleportation spell? If we rely on Chung any longer...!
  • Aisha: I can... But I need time to prepare for a group of this size!
  • ???: ... Primordial demon. Your presence is not permitted in this land.
  • ???: Return. Back where you came from...
  • Ara: A ring of light is tightening around the Demon God... It's working!
  • Rena: Was Elesis always capable of doing that?
  • Elsword: I don't know, Rena... I never saw her do that before...
  • Ciel: The Demon God is collecting demonic energy in its hands. Do not let your guard down!
  • Aisha: Gaaaah...! There's no other option! I'll cast a barrier around us! I'm not sure it will withstand a direct hit... But let's do this!
  • (CRRR... BOOM!)
  • ???: ... You are attempting to spread demonic energy in Elrios. This will be your final struggle...
  • (SHHIIINN-!!)
  • ???: ...
  • Elsword: Sis, what...
  • ???: ... I... who escaped the restraints of the El... You will...
  • ???: ...
  • Elsword: Sis!! Are you alright?!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 34,567,200 Secret Dungeon Entry Permit x5 N/A
ED 4,790,600 [Ariel] Advanced MP Potion x30 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Savior of Lanox
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Facing the Demon God story quest

What did the El Lady that possessed Elesis mean by her words?

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 File:Blessed Enhacment Stone.png Blessed Enhancement Stone x10 N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Meeting of the Priestesses
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Savior of Lanox story quest

A prophecy from a long time ago... The six Priestesses share their story.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 [Ariel] Refined Magic Stone x10 N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0


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