Story/Chapter 30

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  • English

Chapter 30: Henir's Passage

After returning to the capital, they decide to investigate the Debrian Laboratory, with the help of the newest ally Rose and Zero, who came from a different dimension. However, a conversation, initially thought to be argument causes Lu to separate from Ain and the search party, although Lu reveals she's worried about Ain. She returns just in time to save Ain from disappearing due to the energy, albeit having to fight the monster that sprouted.

[Village] Like the Wind
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Wind Master story quest

Rena seems to have ties with Master Ventus.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ventus: Hmm, so that's how Elrianode was awakened, huh? I'm not sure I should be impressed or... As I've suspected... it was Solace and Henir's Order that caused the Great Explosion.
  • Aisha: By the way, why are you here, Master Ventus?
  • Ventus: Me? I woke up before Elrianode did.
  • Aisha: Before?! Didn't the Masters wake up with Elrianode?
  • Ventus: Well, I had Lincy and Rena~
  • Ara: ... I'm sorry, but that doesn't explain anything...
  • Rena: No way... I had no idea it was Master Ventus...
  • Aisha: Rena, do you know anything about it?
  • Rena: I helped Lincy once when she said there's someone that she must save. It was even before I met you guys, so I forgot all about it.
  • Aisha: Ah, that's how you met him...
  • Ventus: Yep, thanks to you, I woke up long before Elrianode did. Thank you so much, Rena... Ow, Lincy. N, no, I was just thanking her, seriously.
  • Aisha: Sigh... He would have been a really cool Master if he just kept his mouth shut...
  • Chung: Elesis!
  • Elesis: Ah, you're back!
  • Chung: Ah, um... Can I have a word with you?
  • Elesis: What for...? Ah... (That's right, Ventus is here... Talking about Solace might make things awkward... So, what happened?)
  • Chung: (Master Solace was already gone when I got there, I didn't see him. I think he headed back to Elysion.)
  • Ventus: What? Solace was here?
  • Chung: Gah! How did you hear me?
  • Ventus: Huhu, did you really think you could talk in secret near a Wind Spirit? You're so silly! It's a pity that I couldn't see Solace while he was in Elrianode. Let me know when he visits next time. It'd be good to see an old face again.
  • Chung: But... Um...
  • Ventus: What's with that face?
  • Chung: ... We learned a bit about what had happened. Aren't you mad at Master Solace?... We don't wan to put Master Solace on the spot...
  • Ventus: Me? Why would I? I'm not mad at Solace.
  • Chung: ... Really?
  • Ventus: Of course not, I don't think you should give up on something you cherish for the duties of being a Master. If it was the only choice he had, then I understand. Oh, but don't tell Denif that I just said that.
  • Rena: Haha... Well... You are one free soul.
  • Chung: Then let's head back to the El Tower for now. The monsters were rushing in, so I couldn't even tell him about the underground passage.
  • Ventus: The underground passage...? What's that?
  • Chung: I'll tell you when we get there!
  • Ain: ...... (... Did the passage connected to the core truly cause Elrianode to fuse with the Henir energy?... Since the world was initially made using the Henir energy, the passage may not be the cause. Does Henir lead everything to extinction...? Then... What would become of me? I have already received Henir's scar from my own doing....... I'm thinking too much, time to snap out of it.)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Debrian Laboratory 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Like the Wind story quest

With the help of Rose, the El Search Party has found the entrance to the underground of the Elrian Palace. They enter inside to find the passage said to be connected to the core of Henir.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Denif: Ventus? Is that really you?!
  • Ventus: It's been a long time, Denif. Huhu, let me give you a warm hug.
  • Denif: I'll pass, it's good to see that you're still the same. But why are you with the El Search Party?
  • Ventus: It's complicated, I actually woke up earlier than Elrianode. Like around 2 years.
  • Denif: Earlier than Elrianode? How was that even possible?
  • Ventus: I had Lincy. Since she wasn't sealed away like us Masters, she gathered the needed power to awaken me. Which happened to be Rena, and she helped me restore my powers. It's all thanks to Rena. Thank you, Rena. I'll repay you with...
  • Rena: No, it's okay. I'm ready okay...
  • Denif: I don't know how many times I've told you this, Ventus, but please behave like a Master. So, how did you end up with the El Search Party?
  • Ventus: Right, I was going to tell you that. I thought Henir's Order had something to do with the Great Explosion. So, I started to search for the sealed Elrianode. So, I started to search for the sealed Elrianode to track them down. While I was tracking down Elrianode, I encountered a suspicious group of people that I suspected to be Henir's Order and shadowed them for a long time. When Elrianode suddenly reappeared, they became active, as I expected. I followed them all the way to the Sanctum. I met the El Search Party there, but I wouldn't have helped them if I didn't recognized Rena. You know I don't trust easily, right? Huhu.
  • Ara: Master Ventus retrieved the relic that we lost.
  • Denif: Is that so? Let me take a look.... You did good, Ventus. Hm... but this 'relic' seems like an ordinary stone. Why would the Order want this...
  • Ventus: This IS something special, Denif. Check the bottom of the stone.
  • Denif: The bottom...? There's something written here... Ancient language, again?
  • Aisha: Let me read them! The light of the world... From one... omnipotence... Mm...? What does it mean? I think parts of them are missing... I think we need another stone to understand it fully.
  • Denif: You mean, we'll need another one to make it whole?
  • Ventus: Probably.
  • Denif: Hm, then where would the other half be?
  • Ventus: ... That's what we need to figure out. It seemed like they spent quite a long time finding this relic. If my guesses are correct, this and the other relic should contain something that would solve this mystery.
  • Chung: Ah, Master Denif, Mr. Glave mentioned something important.
  • Denif: Something important? What's that?
  • Eve: That there is a passage to the core of Henir under the Elrian Palace.
  • Ventus: Under the palace...?
  • Denif: Ah, right. You mean the secret passage under the palace, right? Speaking of, I actually have someone that can help you.
  • Chung: Who would that be?
  • Rose: Master Denif, I didn't find anyone suspicious around the passage.
  • Rena: Huh?... Who is that?
  • Denif: Ah, just in time. Let me introduce you to her and her little companion. This is Rose and Zero, they are from another dimension.
  • Aisha: Another dimension...? Wait, you mean a different world? Somewhere other than Elrios?
  • Rose: Greetings, it is good to finally meet you, I'm Rose. I'm a member of the Royal Guards of Empyrean and was dispatched here for the investigation on the unusual changes in my dimension affected by Elrios. And this is Zero, my comrade.
  • Zero: Ahem, I'm the great AI that controls all of Empyrean defense and...
  • Rose: He's just a navigator. It is truly a pleasure to meet you all.
  • Zero: Hey!! Don't cut me off!!
  • Rena: Haha... You two get along quite well... Nice to meet you.
  • Elsword: Welcome! It's always good to have more allies!
  • Elesis: If the unusual changes in Elrios have affected your dimension... does that mean Elrios is in bigger trouble than we thought?
  • Rose: I'm not sure yet. We're trying to compare the data on Elrios analyzed in Empyrean to find the cause.
  • Zero: We actually have a lot of data on Elrianode even the ones during the ancient Elrian Kingdom! Although, it's kind of hard to identify the cause due to so many things changing.
  • Aisha: If you have the data on the ancient Elrian Kingdom, then we can definitely locate the underground passage!
  • Rose: If you're talking about the secret underground passage, we've already found it. We just finished checking if there were anyone suspicious around it.
  • Elsword: Whoa, how did you find it?
  • Rose: Zero has the data on the components of the stone that was used exclusively for building the ancient palace. We compared the data and searched for the entrance in the area where similar components were found.
  • Add: Hmpf, the newcomers know how to use their brains.
  • Raven: Good, then let's leave the relic from the Sanctum with Master Denif and investigate the underground passage.
  • Ain: (The passage under the Elrian Palace...... to the core of Henir...)
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rose: This is the entrance to the underground passage of the palace.
  • Eve: Be careful, I am reading a spike of powerful Henir energy.
  • Raven: We would have never thought it would be behind a building in the city outskirts... We would have been stuck here for hours if we tried to find it on our own. Thanks, Rose.
  • Rose: No problem, we'll never know what's inside, so let's stick together.
  • Zero: But it's strange that there are no guards outside. That usually means...
  • Elsword: Maybe they don't know where the entrance is yet?
  • Ara: Mm... Or they are gathering inside...?
  • Elesis: Or they have gotten whatever they were looking for and left already...
  • Chung: ... Whatever the case, there is a possibility of an ambush.
  • Rena: ... Eh? Ain, you don't look very well. Are you feeling sick?
  • Ain: N, No, I'm fine, don't mind me. Let's go inside.
  • Lu: (... Ain, you...)

  • Aisha: Ugh... So dark.
  • Chung: Everybody, watch your step.

  • Elesis: Those are... the Henir mutated monsters that we saw in the Sanctum...! I guess they found this place before us.
  • Rose: Henir's Order was originally founded within by the researchers of the Seven Tower. They probably already knew about the passage.
  • Rena: What? Henir's Order was originally founded within the Seven Tower?
  • Add: If they knew about this place, then they probably looked for this place as soon as Elrianode was awakened.
  • Lu: ......
  • Ciel: (... Mm? Lu? What is she looking at? There's nothing in that corner.)
  • Eve: The Henir energy is getting stronger as we go deeper inside.
  • Zero: Hey, everyone be careful. The Henir energy won't affect us unless there's a special medium, but anything that's already been affected can pop out from anywhere.
  • Ain: (Henir is the name of another dignified ancience god... I know that the power of Henir itself is not bad, but... Why am I feeling more sluggish and delirious as time passed...?... Is the scar from the past reacting to something?)
  • Lu: ...... Ain, be careful. I think you are being affected by the Henir energy.
  • Ain: ... Why do you think that?
  • Lu: Your power became more clouded than when I met you the other day. Your face also shows it.
  • Ain: ...... (Why is this bothering me so much...? It wasn't like this in Elysion... The mission... the El Search Party... the accident... I feel like everything is getting mixed and clouding my mind.)
  • Lu: So, I think it'd be better for you to not go any further.
  • Ain: ...!! What? Are you telling me to back out of this investigation?
  • Rena: ... H, hey...
  • Lu: That's not what I'm saying. I'm just worried about you...!
  • Ain: It's nothing for a demon to worry about. Please mind your own business.
  • Elesis: W, Wait, Ain...!
  • Lu: ... I was just...! You...! Fine, do as you please, see if I care!
  • Ciel: ...?! Lu?!
  • Aisha: Huh?! Lu! Where are you going!!!
  • Elsword: Lu!!!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Debrian Laboratory 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Debrian Laboratory 1 story quest

The El Search Party split into two and continues their journey after a clash of differences.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Ain: ......
  • Elsword: ...... Ain, that was too harsh.
  • Ain: ......
  • Elsword: I'll go get them and catch up. You guys go first.
  • Elesis: Huh?! Elsword, you too?! Elsword, wait! We should not be separated!
  • Raven: Elsword!! Lu! Ciel!
  • Ara: ... I, I'll go get them!
  • Chung: What?! Wait, Ara, don't!
  • Rena: What just happened...?
  • Ain: ......
  • Rose: What out, Nasods are approaching.
  • Add: How annoying, Dynamo, activate battle mode in full power!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Eve: Be careful, there are a lot of Nasods on the move. The Henir energy is affecting the energy waves of the rea and it's difficult to get a proper reading.
  • Rose: Elsword, Lu, Ciel... and Ara... Those four have derailed from the Party. We haven't fully scanned this place, I'm worried that there would be unseen danger ahead.
  • Zero: Shouldn't we go after them and regroup?
  • Elesis: Elsword said he'll bring them back... We should just believe in him and go on ahead.
  • Ain: ...
  • Elesis: Ain, don't worry about it too much. Elsword will talk to Lu and bring her back. If something goes wrong, we can fix it and move on.
  • Ain: Can we...? (Demons are irregular beings that were not created by the Goddess Ishmael... The hostility towards them is not by my own will. If so, it should no longer matter to me. But why was I angered? It wasn't like me.... Is this also the influence of Henir?)
  • Aisha: Sigh, Elsword and Lu, those two reckless dummies. I hope there's nothing dangerous on their path.
  • Eve: I don't sense any strong energy waves at their general direction. It shouldn't be dangerous.
  • Rena: Phew, that's good to hear. Shall we get moving then?
  • Add: Tsk... This wouldn't have been easy even if everyone worked together, and now they're making this mess? How annoying.
  • Ain: ... I'm sorry, it's all my fault.
  • Rena: Don't say that, Ain. It's going to be okay. Elsword will bring them back in no time.
  • Ain: But I've disappointed Elsword...
  • Rena: No, you didn't. He trusts you, that's why he is going to bring back Lu. You can apologize to her then.
  • Ain: ... That's probably a good idea.
  • Rena: (... Ain doesn't look too well. I tink that's why he snapped at Lu as well.... Is it because of the Henir energy?)

  • Ciel: Lu...! Hold on!! Stop for a second! Lu, I know you're upset, but it's too dangerous to split from the group. Let's just go back.
  • Lu: Mm? What are you talking about, Ciel? I'm...
  • Elsword: Lu...!
  • Ciel: ... Huh?
  • Elsword: Lu!! Wait!!
  • Lu: Wait, why is Elsword here?
  • Ara: Lu!!! Please wait for me!!
  • Ciel: Huh? Ara, too?
  • Elsword: Pant... pant... Lu, I'm sorry about Ain. I apologize on his behalf. Let's just go back.
  • Lu: ... You came all the way here just to say that? You're a silly kid.
  • Ciel: Huh? Wait, Lu! That's a dead end...
  • Elsword: Ciel, talk her out of it. It's too dangerous for us to be alone!
  • Ciel: I think so, too... But if Lu has made up her mind, I need to support her. Sorry, Elsword.
  • Ara: We'll set things straight. Let's go back, Lu, please!!
  • Lu: ...... You're all misunderstanding the situation. I'm not here because of Ain's outburst.
  • Elsword: Huh? Then why...
  • Lu: There are some engraved letters only demons can see in this direction. There must be something hidden here.
  • Ciel: (... Is that why she's been staring at the direction?)
  • Lu: And, of course, I wasn't thrilled to hear something like that. But, I'm already used to being hated because of the fact that I'm a demon, so you don't need to worry about that.
  • Elsword: ... Lu...
  • Ara: ... Lu....
  • Lu: But something's bothering me about Ain. I came here to see if there's any clue here that may have caused Ain's current state.
  • Elsword: (Oh, Lu... was worried about Ain all along.)
  • Ciel: Everyone, watch out! A monster ahead...!
  • Elsword: Tsk, monsters are everywhere...
  • Ara: It looks like a Patrol type Nasod. It doesn't seem like there's an important facility around here, why is it here?

  • Lu: Look, there are some engraved letters.
  • Ciel: ... Mm? That's just a plain wall, Lu.
  • Lu: Hold on a second. Mm... I see. The instructions to unlock the secret wall is written here.
  • Elsword: Are those letters demonic...?
  • Ara: Ah, a door appeared as Lu touched the wall...!

  • Elsword: This is...!
  • Lu: Hohoho, I knew it. There was a secret chamber. Shall we go inside?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Hidden Chamber
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Debrian Laboratory 2 story quest

Lu, Ciel, Elsword, and Ara have found a suspicious chamber and start looking into every corner.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: Whoa, a chamber in a place like this...?
  • Ara: Cough, cough, it's dusty... ugh... a, achoo!!
  • Ciel: Looking at all the dust, I'm guessing this place has been deserted for a long time... Unlike outside, it hasn't had any recent visitors.
  • Lu: Unless they are able to read demonic letters, they wouldn't know a place like this was hiding here.
  • Elsword: Then, the one who created this chamber wanted to keep it hidden?
  • Lu: I wouldn't know for sure. But, if a researcher of the palace used demonic letters to hide something, it means they didn't want to be found easily.
  • Elsword: Perhaps there was a demon among the researchers?!
  • Ciel: Or it could just be a Debrian who knew about the demonic letters.
  • Lu: It's too early to tell. Let's keep looking.... Hm...
  • Elsword: What's wrong? Is something bothering you?
  • Lu: The existence of the demon realm is a taboo in Elrios, and it should have been the same when the palace was still booming with people... If that's the case, they must have shut the door against anyone that's knowledgeable in the demon realm.
  • Elsword: Yeah, probably... But what about it?
  • Lu: Isn't it strange that they secretly accepted someone who was knowledgeable in demonic letters into their research?
  • Ciel: Probably it was someone that couldn't be replaced? Or that researcher could have kept it a secret that they knew demonic letters...
  • Lu: Yes, that's a possibility. But there's another possibility.
  • Ara: ... You mean they needed someone that could decipher demonic letters...?
  • Lu: Yes, that's right, Ara.
  • Ara: Why? Why did they need to decipher demonic letters...?
  • Lu: That's what I'm wondering. Henir, I understand, but what does the demon realm have to do with any of this...?
  • Elsword: Lu, this chamber is completely empty except for the desk at that corner.... Huh? What's this? Lu, there's something similar to the Seed of Life laying on the floor. But... it looks a little different.
  • Ciel: Glave did tell us that the seed had been tinkered with... This one might be the one before that happened.
  • Elsword: But why is it here?
  • Ara: Everyone, there's a book on the desk. Oh, it looks like a journal... and it's written in demonic letters, too.
  • Lu: Give it here. I'll take a look............. Hm. Just as I thought. What does it say? It looks like this chamber was hidden by a Debrian who knew demonic letters.
  • Ciel: Really? What did that Debrian research with demonic letters?!
  • Lu: "The light and darkness of the world come from one omnipotence." ...... The Primal El...... and...... Oh my...
  • Elsword: What is it, Lu? I'm dying of curiosity.
  • Lu: I don't think it's the right place to talk about it. We can discuss this when we meet up with everyone. Hm? Something's written on the back.......... The autor had been experimenting on the passage and came in contact with the ones related to Henir's Order. It says everything written here is what the author heard from them.
  • Ara: Henir's Order... already had influence on the palace back then...
  • Lu: As time passed, the author realized how dangerous their plan was. They suggested experimenting with a monstrous object on the passage that could possibly lead to the world's destruction, and that object was...
  • Ciel: ... The Seed of Life?
  • Lu: Yes, the technology contained within the seed, to be exact. A device that uses the creation power of the El energy to amplify the power of Henir.
  • Elsword: The El energy...? But doesn't this seed activate by devouring people?
  • Lu: If the legend is correct, every being in the world was created by Elria. Though it would no be as much as the Elrians, every human would have a certain amount of the El energy. This journal also mentions the nature of the power of Henir as well.... These people must have researched on the power coming from Henir's Passage for a very long time....... Just like I thought, Ain's abnormal symptoms may have been caused by the power of Henir.
  • Ara: Is there anything we can do to remedy that, Lu?
  • Lu: Well... I've read it till the end, but it doesn't say anything about that... Ah, Ciel, you said you found the seed earlier? Let me take a look.
  • Ciel: Huh? This...? Here you go. What are you going to do with it...?
  • Lu: Huhu, this seed might come in handy. We've looked everywhere, let's go back!
  • Ara: Huh, the entrance...
  • Ciel: Uh oh, the Nasod Patrols somehow made it all the way here.
  • Elsword: Hmpf, what a nuisance. Get lost! We're busy!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
A Little Step
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the The Hidden Chamber story quest

Ain's condition is getting worse. The one who shows up in a life threatening crisis is...

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Chung: Is everyone okay? The monsters are swarming us all of a sudden.
  • Eve: I sense the strong power of Henir from the Nasod Patrols
  • Elesis: Have the Nasods transformed under the influence of the power of Henir in the same way the humans we saw transformed into monsters?
  • Rose: I guess transforming beings with the power of Henir is their trick.
  • Add: Damn it, is it possible for us to be infested by it, too?
  • Rena: ......
  • Ain: ......
  • Rena: (Oh no, Ain... It looks he's getting worse... If we keep going deeper, he may be affected by the greater power of Henir.)
  • Raven: ...... Ain, you'd better go back up. It looks like this place is too much for you.
  • Ain: It's fine, I can handle it. We can keep going.
  • Raven: This isn't just about you. If anything happens to you here, you will put everyone else in danger as well.
  • Ain: ...... (I can't let that happen. Keeping the El Search Party from harm is my new mission and reason for existence. If I don't do anything here, I'll be...)
  • Raven: ... Okay, but just don't overdo it....... And please apologize to Lu when she comes back.
  • Ain: ......
  • Chung: ... Um, I'm sure Ain didn't mean it.
  • Rena: ... Chung?
  • Chung: I sometimes feel the same way. I've been with Lu for a long time, and I know she is not evil, but...... But...
  • Rena: ... Chung...
  • Chung: Even though I know it, it's not easy to pretend as if nothing has happened. The person I love is suffering from demons as we speak.
  • Ain: ......
  • Chung: ... I'm sure Ain must have had some bad experience with demons. Maybe he can't help it. So don't try to push him too...
  • Raven: I understand, Chung. But if it is justified to hate demons just because they do humans harm, it is also justified to hate humans because we harm each other as well.
  • Chung: ......
  • Ain: ......
  • Raven: When humans have a hatred for other humans, they start to classify them, like nobles, soldiers... and friends. It is easy to find an excuse to hate someone if you try. I was also full of hatred and vengeance against those who caused harm, and to be honest, I haven't fully gotten over it yet, either.
  • Rena: ... Raven...
  • Raven: That's why, even now, I'm fighting against the resentment and hatred in me. I'm also trying to accept the hatred others have against me. Overcoming hatred isn't about being understanding to the ones you hate, rather, it's for you. It is so that you don't miss out on what's important due to being blind with revenge.
  • Ain: (It's... for me...?)
  • Chung: ...... I'm sorry, Raven.... I shouldn't have...
  • Raven: It's okay, Chung. I know you're kept that inside of you all this time because of Lu and Ara. It must have been hard.
  • Chung: ......
  • Raven: Chung... and Ain. It doesn't have to be immediate, but try to overcome it little by little, for your sake.
  • Chung: ... I'll give it a try.
  • Ain: ...... I will also......... Kugh...!
  • Rena: Ain?! What's wrong?!
  • Aisha: What's happening? Ain looks blurred...!! Why...?!
  • Eve: I sense the strong Henir energy. It seems he's been exposed to the power for too long.
  • Rena: We can't delay it any longer! Let's move Ain to the entrance!!
  • Ain: (... Why... isn't my body getting restored...? Am I... disappearing...? Devoured by the power of Henir...? I guess... I can't exist outside the influence of gods and the mission that they gave...?... I can't... disappear now... I didn't even get to apologize to her yet...)
  • Lu: Hey!! Step aside!!
  • Chung: Huh...?! That voice!
  • Elesis: Lu?!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Lu: Set him down and move away from him!
  • Rena: Lu?! Where have you been?!
  • Lu: I'll tell you later.... As I expected, you became more clouded than before, I knew this would happen.
  • Aisha: Wait, that object you're putting on Ain's body, isn't that the Seed of Life?! Lu, what are you doing?!
  • Ain: Pant... pant... What... are you doing...?
  • Lu: Ain, listen carefully. The Henir energy is filling your body because you're called for it.
  • Ain: ... I don't... understand...
  • Lu: Also, you lost control of your power because you accepted the destructive nature of the power of Henir.
  • Ain: ......
  • Lu: But as you know, Elria used Henir's Chaos as a material, right? That's because as dangerous as the power of Henir is, it also has endless potential. That potential outweighs the risk. That's why you need to change the way you accept this power, Ain.
  • Ain: ... It's... impossible in my current state...
  • Lu: I know, that's why I'll use this seed to help you. First, the seed will absorb the power of Henir, and then it will sprout. I'll use the seed to pull the power of Henir out of you.
  • Elesis: What?! Wait, that's too dangerous! What if it fails...?
  • Aisha: But... but there's no other way...!
  • Ain: ... I'll do it.
  • Rena: ... Ain?
  • Ain: ... I'll... trust you...
  • Lu: Good, don't lose control of your power. Or you may lose your life.
  • Ain: Don't worry, ... I know that better than anyone.
  • Lu: Let's begin.

  • Ain: ... Kugh...!
  • Elsword: Whoa, something just got sucked into the orb!!
  • Ciel: ...! Lu! Be careful!
  • Lu: Kyaaaa!! Ciel, what are you doing?! Why did you kick the seed?! You almost kicked off my hand with it!

  • Chung: Ah...! Look over there...!
  • Aisha: ...?! Huh? The seed has turned into a monster!
  • Lu: What?! It shouldn't sprout without any El energy!
  • Elsword: Let's get rid of it!
  • Add: It's my data, I'll handle it!

  • Elesis: ... Phew, it's done.
  • Elsword: Is Ain okay?
  • Aisha: It seems he's back to normal. He looks better now.
  • Ain: ......
  • Lu: He made it
  • Ciel: Lu, didn't you say a monster won't sprout without the El energy? What happened?
  • Lu: Part of Ain's power may have been absorbed by the seed. I'm not sure why, but I guess the power of El inside Ain's body has been pulling that of Henir. (But I don't expect it to be at the level where it gave the seed the power of creation...) ... There's definitely something about you, Ain. Right?
  • Ain: ......
  • Lu: I'm not going to force you to tell me, but it'd be better for you to be more selective in accepting the power of Henir from now on.
  • Ain: ... Thank you, I feel like my mind has been cleared.... And I'm sorry....... That I got mad at you.
  • Aisha: (Ain's seriously offering an apology?!)
  • Lu: I did not expect you to say that. What's gotten into you?
  • Ciel: (Lu, he's apologizing. Don't be mean.)
  • Ain: I... was going to apologize from the beginning. (It's just that I lost cnotrol, and the darkest emotion from inside stopped me from saying it.)

  • Raven: (Overcoming hatred isn't about being understanding to the ones you hate, rather, it's for you. It is so that you don't miss out on what's important due to being blind with revenge.)

  • Ain: (He's right... The hatred engraved in my subconscious is something that I must fight on my own.... Not for the sake of a mere emissary with a mission, but for the sake of 'Ain'.)
  • Lu: It's fine, It can't be helped if you feel uncomfortable with me for whenever has happened to you. But I've never thought that I should side with demons simply because I'm a demon. If anything like that happens, I'll fight alongside all of you. You all are my comrades, after all.
  • Ara: Lu...
  • Lu: So, if the only reason that you feel uncomfortable with me is because I'm a demon, think of me as Luciela, not a demon.
  • Chung: ......
  • Ain: ...... Okay. I'll try, Miss Demon.
  • Lu: Kyaaa!! You are still calling me a demon...!! You never learn!!!
  • Ciel: ... I told you, Lu, calling you a demon when you are a demon is not an insult...
  • Elsword: Hehe, then you two are good, right? No more fights?
  • Lu: ... Grrr...
  • Ain: No promises...
  • Rena: Hehe, what a relief.
  • Elesis: Well then, you became friends again, and everyone's here, shall we keep going?
  • Aisha: ... But there's one problem, Elesis.
  • Elesis: Which is?
  • Aisha: ... We can't go any further. This is the last chamber.
  • Elesis: You're right... Is this really the last cham... Ahhh! What?! The ground is splitting open!
  • Rena: Let's get down. Everyone, be careful!

  • Rena: Oh my... I have never imagined there would be an area this big underground...
  • Add: Based on the structure, it looks like it's for compressing and processing the energy coming from the passage to make it into an energy source.
  • Eve: The Henir energy is overwhelming in here. I think the energy control sonsole over there seems to be in front of Henir's Passage.
  • Raven: A control console... Do you think we can stop the Henir energy from flowing using the device?
  • Eve: It may be hard to block it completely, but it's possible to minimize it. But we need to get closer to the electronic system.
  • Rumble Rumble Rumble
  • Elesis: !! ... What's that..!!
  • Aisha: What is that giant Nasod?!
  • Rose: That must be the Nasod Patrol for this place! It's gigantic...!!
  • Add: Hmpf, the Nasods we've encountered about must have been prototypes created to build this one. To think such a machine was hidden here...
  • Nasod Carrier: Invaders in First Class Quarantine Area - Activate Remote Defense Mode.
  • Elsword: What out, everyone!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Light, Shadow and One Omnipotence
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the A Little Step story quest

The Party has defeated the Nasod Carrier that was guarding the passage. But it isn't long after the truths behind unveil one by one.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rena: Damn, I'm barely making a dent! How did they make this type of Nasod?
  • Raven: I can't believe it was made such a long time ago. How advanced as their research...?
  • Elesis: If they were able to build something this advanced in secrecy, they might have something that's already surpassing this one.
  • Zero: Let's block the passage. Anyone know how to work this control console?
  • Eve: I can connect to the unit. Changing the setting.
  • Zero: Wow, it's amazing that you can remote control Nasods.
  • Eve: Well, I'm the Queen of Nasods. They are all my siblings. It's just that they are misused...
  • Chung: ... Ah. Rose, how long have you known Master Denif? It seems that he really trusts you.
  • Rose: Actually, I've only been in Elrianode for a short moment. I guess he trusts me because of the symbol of the El Lady that she gave me.
  • Elesis: The El Lady sent you here?
  • Rose: That's right. For as long as the power of El reached the Elrios continent, the El Lady seemed to have been able to watch me.
  • Elesis: (Thought it was a little suspicious that she's from a different dimension... there should be a good reason if the El Lady guided her.)
  • Add: (Hm... That bucket named Zero... looks to be made with materials unavailable in Elrios. It would be fun to dismantle it... Kukuku...)
  • Zero: (Hm, why is that punk kid staring at me and grinning? What a creep!)

  • Eve: Changing the control option is complete. The emission of the Henir energy has been minimized.
  • Elesis: Great job, Eve! It'll ease down for a while.
  • Eve: The existing level of energy emission was at its max. It seems a decent amount of energy has already been extracted.
  • Rena: Assuming that they got this place up and running as soon as Elrianode was awakened... They may have used the energy for quite a lot of different purposes.
  • Raven: It'll go far beyond what we saw in the Sanctum or Elrianode City. A counterattack may have already started somewhere.
  • Aisha: But their purpose is unclear. It'll be impossible for us to track them down or understand their objective.
  • Lu: ...... I think I know what they are trying to do.
  • Rena: What? How?!
  • Elesis: Have you... found something when you split up from the group?
  • Elsword: Yeah, apparently she went that way to look into it in the first place.
  • Rena: I see... So what did you find, Lu?
  • Lu: "The light and darkness of the world come from one omnipotence"
  • Aisha: Um.. sounds familiar...? The light and darkness... Aha!!! Isn't it the incomplete phrase that I was trying to figure out? The one written on the relic...
  • Lu: It's the phrase engraved on the Primal El.
  • Chung: The Primal... El?
  • Elsword: I remember the hooded man mentioned it, too.
  • Ciel: So what is this Primal El, Lu?
  • Lu: It's written that it's a fragment collected from the El when it was in the most pure and complete state before the Great Explosion.
  • Rena: Collected from the El when it was the most complete? But the El energy from the relic is so weak.
  • Lu: Probably because it's sealed. They may have dismantled the complete fragment and stashed it somewhere deep inside the ruins.
  • Chung: ... Why would they dismantle a complete fragment?
  • Lu: It was too perfect that it became dangerous. The author says that the complete fragment released an unimaginable level of power.
  • Aisha: Then the rest would be written on the other fragment? Where would that be? And what is this fragment?
  • Lu: That's... the thing.
  • Ciel: ... What is it? You're so serious, Lu.
  • Lu: What would you say... if the other fragment is the Dark El?
  • Rena: The Dark El? Come on, there are so many of those in Elrios.
  • Lu: Those in Elrios are compounds of El fragments and demonic energy. I'm not talking about those fake ones.
  • Chung: Wait, you mean there is a real one?
  • Lu: If the researcher that wrote this is correct, the Dark El was born with the El as its shadow.
  • Add: (...... The shadow of... the El?)
  • Elesis: ... The shadow... then the place where the Dark El was born is..
  • Lu: ... Yes, what you're thinking is right. The shadow world of Elrios is... The demon realm.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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