Story/Noah Chapter 4

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  • English

[Noah] Chapter 4: Regret, and Determination

For some reason, just before being defeated, Noah gets returned to the beginning of the time, to when he woke up. He begins to feel despair, and wants to find out Clamor's real intentions.

Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Broken Trust story quest

Noah opens his eyes again inside the temple. Though he saves Yuria, he cannot stop the despair that he begins to feel.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Noah: ....... Gasp. Ugh, ahh... Where...? The temple...? Why am I here again...? What happened? I was at Rosso's manor... The monsters... no, it wasn't the monsters. Someone attacked... Clamor took the hit...!
  • Clamor: .......
  • Noah: ...Oh, I see. This time... Clamor... went back to the state before the seal was removed... Everything that I did, no longer happened... Haha... It's even worse than before. If it's going to be like this, just take my memory away. At least then, it won't hurt as much... No, if I just never wake up... I... How much longer until...
  • (SHUFFLE...)
  • Noah: ...There's no time to lie around like this. I need to go save Yuria. She would have lost her staff by now. Once I meet Yuria, I'll ask her to remove the seal on... On... Clamor... And then what? What... do I want to do after I meet him again...?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Yuria: Waaah... Thanks! I thought I was really... done... for...? Hey, are you alright? Why are you crying?
  • Noah: .......
  • Yuria: Are you hurt? It doesn't look like it... Oh, don't cry.
  • Noah: I don't know. I don't know why Clamor did it. I don't think he was trying to trick me...
  • Yuria: Huh...?
  • Noah: I shouldn't have met anyone. It was better alone. It wasn't complicated like this, when I was focusing on revenging my brother. It's too late... Even though everything went back in time, I can't do it. The meeting, the bond we had, I can't remove it from my memory! I should have known that anything I do is doomed from the start... I was overconfident I could change things, only to regret it again and...
  • Yuria: Phew... Cheer up. I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but... is there any way I can help?
  • Noah: No... You will forget about me soon. Just like before.
  • Yuria: Huh?
  • Noah: Meeting me, talking to me, anything you do with me will soon have no meaning. No matter what I do, nothing change. No matter how much I struggle, this moment will repeat endlessly, like clockwork! I'm sick of it. I just want to take a break.
  • Yuria: .......

  • Yuria: Hey, um...
  • Noah: .......
  • Yuria: I don't really know what's going on... and, talking to me might not be in your best interest... But I still want to help cheer you up.
  • Noah: .......
  • Yuria: You said I'm going to forget everything, right? Then why don't you use this chance to just, vent everything that's on your mind? So um... First off... Why did you fight with your friend?
  • Noah: ...It's not... I was the only one angry. I think Clamor just listened.
  • Yuria: I don't know why you were angry at your friend, but did your friend just listen because he acknowledged it was his fault?
  • Noah: ... I don't know. I don't think it was Clamor who did it. His animosity towards the Order seems genuine. I know, he's right... It's not the right time period. But... I, I for one, can't say everything's fine because it's all in the past...
  • Yuria: (The Order?) Um, so, you don't think your friend did anything wrong... right? Then why are you still hesitant?
  • Noah: But what if he did? What if Clamor did all those things? I don't know how I could handle that if that were the case...
  • Yuria: Hm... How complicated. Are you still worried because you think he's not trustworthy? What kind of person is he?
  • Noah: ...A magician. He said he's a scholar who invents magical items.
  • Yuria: ...That's, uh, it? What else?
  • Noah: What... else? Do I need anything else?
  • Yuria: Hm, well, where he was born, his likes and dislikes, his hobby, his life time goal... You know, things like that, that helps you understand what kind of person he is?
  • Noah: I... don't know. I never asked. (...It feels strange.)
  • Yuria: Huh? You're friends though, right? You weren't curious?
  • Noah: No. Not once... (Am I feeling guilty? Why? Because I don't know about Clamor?)
  • Yuria: Oh, uh... There are people like that, too! Haha, I'm a bit nosy. I ask a lot of questions until I'm satisfied. When I'm close to someone, I want to know them, so I ask. Then I wonder about something else... and it goes on! You don't have to know each other well to be friends, but when you know more, you can do more, you know?
  • Noah: Like what?
  • Yuria: Hm... If you know what they like, you can give them a surprise gift. If you know what they don't like, you can avoid that topic... Something like that!
  • Noah: I wasn't like that. ...Though I think Clamor was.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 936448 Intermediate HP Potion x 20 N/A
ED 648100 Intermediate MP Potion x 20 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Door of Regret
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Return story quest

He wants to learn more about Clamor to make up his mind. Remembering a passage he read at the lab, Noah decides to head deeper into the temple.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Yuria: Mmm... I can't explain it as well as my sister... But! Your concern is basically 'I want to trust him but I don't know!', right?
  • Noah: ...I think so.
  • Yuria: Then instead of trusting him, why don't you just trust yourself?
  • Noah: ... I don't get it. Isn't that the same thing?
  • Yuria: Not at all! If you trust yourself, it means you're taking full responsibility. You are choosing for yourself. If you want to trust him, you believe. If you don't, you don't. If you start worrying, it will never end. It just ends up holding you back. In this kind of situation, you should just do what your heart tells you to.
  • Noah: Do what my heart tells me... What if I mess up everything?
  • Yuria: Aww, no need to make up your mind already. I'm not sure if I'm qualified to give you advice, since I'm just a kid myself, but I imagine it's like walking down a path. You're on the wrong path? Then you just turn back and find another way. The world is not going to fall apart just because you made a wrong turn. And from my experience, even moments when I thought 'I should have...' or 'I don't think this is my path', turned out fine in the end! So forget everything and think about what you want to do. Are you going to close your eyes and take a leap of faith? Or just leave it be?
  • Noah: I.... I... I want to know more about Clamor. What he did, what he was thinking... and how he responded to what happened. So I can trust with all my heart. But... I'm still uncertain. If the one thing I feared most turned out to be true... then... What... am I supposed to do now that everything's back to how it was in the beginning?
  • Noah: ...found a door to the past that could potentially be used for experiment...'
  • Clamor: I see. It only reflects the past of the user...
  • Noah: Oh... The door! With that, I can...!
  • Yuria: Did you remember something? Are you decided now?
  • Noah: I think so. I'll go immediately. Oh right! Here!
  • Yuria: Huh? Oh! My staff! Where did you find it? Huh...? Wait, did I tell you that I've lost my staff...?
  • Noah: There's no time to explain! You should hurry to camp for now. It's going to be hectic because of the temple's curse. The Landars are in danger! Moonflowers are effective. I'll follow you right away, so wait for me there!
  • Yuria: Huh? Hold on...!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Door: .......
  • Noah: Pant, pant. I found it. This is the door that sends you to the past you regret most... This has to be the one... with the guard statue.
  • Door: .......
  • ???: ... ... ... ... (Wow... babies are so small. Hello, Noah.)
  • Noah: Huh? Who's there?
  • ???: ... ... ... ... (My name is Harque. I'm your brother. We'll have lots of fun together.)
  • Noah: This voice... ...No. I can't get any closer. I'll get caught by the voice I miss too much...
  • Door: .......
  • Noah: Sigh... Clamor. ....... I... I don't really know much about you. I thought we talked a lot... But now that I look back, it was you who always asked me questions, and I just answered. Even when I did talk, it wasn't to ask about you. The only thing that was important to me was the Order. ...But I shouldn't have been like that. All this time, you were being considerate, but I didn't even notice. In fact, I think I complained a lot. Maybe I haven't changed since I was a whiny boy, always relying on my brother to do everything for me. ... I think I'm doing this all out of order, but I want to know. Just... what kind of person you are. That way, I'll know where my heart should take me.
  • Door: ......!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 936448 Intermediate War Champion Weapon Cube x1 N/A
ED 721500 Intermediate War Champion Armor Cube x1 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Past, Seven Tower
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Door of Regret story quest

Beyond the door, past the voice he missed so much, was Seven Tower, 1,000 years ago.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • (... ... ... ...)
  • Noah: Where... is this? It's so bright...
  • Tired Student: What time was our first class, again?
  • Student with a Book: We'll be late if we don't hurry.
  • Noah: Where am I...? This is completely different from the temple I was in just now. A place unfamiliar to me... Did I manage to travel to Clamor's past, using the relic?
  • Student with a Book: Who's that kid?
  • Noah: Ugh... They're staring at me... Though, from what we've read about the relic, I guess it makes sense that they notice me even though I'm an outsider. Even if they're not real, all this staring is bothering me... I should go look for Clamor right away. ...Wait, Clamor... What does Clamor look like?
  • Talkative Student: Did you hear? Headmaster Landar is going to leave soon.
  • Dazing Student: Why? Is he going to another tower?
  • Talkative Student: No, he's going to leave Seven Tower, entirely!
  • Insolent Student: What? Hm... I guess it makes sense, though. Seven Tower hasn't been the same since Debrians came.
  • Talkative Student: All the Elves left Elrianode as well. Once Landar leaves, Debrians are really going to take over this place.
  • Dazing Student: Elves? There's still one left though, isn't there?
  • Insolent Student: What, you consider that half-breed a true Elf? How generous.
  • Talkative Student: Isn't it obvious why he's still here? I'd say they didn't let him join.
  • Insolent Student: Ahh. If only he left. Then there would be a place open on the seventh floor.
  • Talkative Student: And you think you can take that place at your level? Haha fat chance.
  • Insolent Student: It's not like he's any special. If I were a half-Elf like he is, I would have an army of spirits under my command.
  • Noah: ...Distasteful.
  • ???: .......
  • Talkative Student: Yikes, how long was he standing there? He's never found outside his room.
  • Dazing Student: Do you think he heard what we said?
  • Insolent Student: If he's a 'real' Elf, sure.
  • ???: ....... ...It's always ones without brains that go off with their mouths. Maybe I'd take you more seriously if you were actually competent.
  • Insolent Student: What? You...!
  • Dazing Student: Hey, let it go. You'll end up suspended again.
  • Noah: ...! This voice... Clamor? Clamor! Wait!
  • (GRAB-)
  • Seven Tower Guard: Who are you? How did you get in here?
  • Noah: Huh? I'm... I'm here looking for someone...
  • Seven Tower Guard: Who let you in? We don't allow just anyone to enter this place.
  • Noah: (Ahh, I'll end up being kicked out of the tower at this rate.) Ha!
  • Seven Tower Guard: Ugh! Intruder! Get him!
  • Noah: (Where did he go?)
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Noah: Pant, pant... What do I do? I lost him. But they said Clamor is on the seventh floor. I should be able to find him as long as I know which floor I'm at...
  • Seven Tower Guard: Get him!
  • Noah: Pant, pant, but I need to lose the guards first. Where can I hide...?
  • (GRAB)
  • ???: Shhh, This way.
  • Noah: !
  • (SLAM)
  • ???: .......
  • Noah: .......
  • ???: ...Are they gone? Tsk, are they trying to terrify the kid? Why would they pull out something like that?
  • Noah: Clamor?
  • Clamor: Hm? Do you know me? Oh, I think I saw you downstairs.
  • Noah: (...So this is what he looks like. He looks to be around the same age as... Harque.)
  • Clamor: Kid. How did you get here?
  • Noah: What? I mean, excuse me?
  • Clamor: Why are you here at Seven Tower.
  • Noah: Uh... I was looking for someone... (...As expected. He doesn't recognize me. How do I explain? Would he... believe me if I do?)
  • Clamor: Looking? For who?
  • Noah: ...Um... I'm not sure.
  • Clamor: What?
  • Noah: I don't really know him... So I'm here to learn more.
  • Clamor: Sigh... So you just barged in here without even knowing anything?
  • Noah: ...Uh... I know it seems suspicious...
  • Clamor: ... Hey, you don't have to be scared... Are you sure the person you're looking for is here?
  • Noah: Yes.
  • Clamor: Did you get permission to come here? Your parents are probably worried about you.
  • Noah: ... I have no home to return to.
  • Clamor: ...Ah... Errmm... ...Hey, kid? Scholars of the Tower move floors or even leave to a different tower depending on what they do. The person you're looking for may not even be here anymore. And this place only open to the public on certain days. They bother you a lot if you don't get permission beforehand. But... If you really don't have a place to be. You can stay here for a while.
  • Noah: Really? I can do that?
  • Clamor: Yes. But you have to be quiet. There's a no pet policy, but maybe humans can be an exception.
  • Noah: I will. Where are we, anyway?
  • Clamor: My lab.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 3494648 Intermediate Titanium Weapon Cube x1 N/A
ED 797300 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Past, Seven Tower story quest

Clamor from the past does not remember Noah. But Noah can easily recognize him.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 3594648 Advanced HP Potion x 20 N/A
ED 875700 Advanced MP Potion x 20 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
What He Wanted to Know
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Clamor story quest

Noah finally learns how Clamor truly felt. Though he knows it's impossible to change the past, Noah stands in the way of the man who's trying to harm Clamor.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 3594648 Intermediate Explorer Weapon Cube x1 N/A
ED 956600 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
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  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other