Story/Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: The Dark Flame Sun

Elsword and the gang finally manage to infiltrate Solace's Fortress and secure its entrance with Adrian and Herbaon's help. However, they still have no clue what Solace is planning with the El Lady. Meanwhile, Elesis's headache spells continue to get worse and the voices calling out to Elsword gets clearer as they get closer to Solace. What discovery awaits the El Search Party?

Fortress Entry
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] What's Happened So Far story quest

Adrian explains to the El Search Party about Solace's Fortress. Afterwards, he leaves Herbaon in command in order to go back to slumber. The Party continues on their way into Solace's Fortress with Elysion allies.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Elsword: We have to hurry... We're wasting time while Solace is...! Tell me, how do I get to Solace's Fortress?
  • Adrian: There's a secret entrance. One that Solace knows nothing about.. He probably still thinks I'm asleep... so he wouldn't be expecting me to tell you about this passage.
  • Add: That's good to hear.
  • Adrian: You know that Solace is gathering and bringing Diceon, right? Be careful. His army is strong because it's using Diceon energy. It won't be easy to reach the El Lady.
  • Eve: I don't think he gathered Diceon to simply increase his army. There must have been another motive.
  • Adrian: Yes, although he never revealed it to me.. I'm certain his plan involves the El Lady.
  • Herbaon: Father! I, too, for Elsword and Eve.. Allow me to help them!
  • Adrian: Yes, you should. I will enter hibernation again soon. Herbaon, help in attacking the fortress. I hereby entrust the command of all Nasods in Elysion to assist you. Please help me atone for my mistakes.
  • Herbaon: Yes, father! This time I will be of help... for father... and Elysion!
  • Elsword: Are you guys ready? Now, finally... We'll be heading to Solace's Fortress.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elesis: Aaah..! This is Solace's army...
  • Elsword: Such overwhelming power...!
  • Eve: Continuing to fight here will only make it worse. It'd be best to retreat.
  • Elesis: ...
  • Elsword: Sis? You okay? You don't look so well..
  • Elesis: Ah, yeah. I'm okay, Elsword. (Ack, my headaches have gotten worse since I've been in the Fortress.. And on top of that, my memories... are hazy. What's going on?)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 9,474,520 File:Blessed Enhacment Stone.png Blessed Enhancement Stone x10 N/A
ED 3,232,400 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Secure Passage
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Fortress Entry story quest
  • Talk to Durenda

Solace's army made of Diceon had shown a different level of attack power than previous enemies. The El Search Party purposely attack place where Solace's army is less concentrated in order to break through for allies to pass. However, things aren't going as they planned, so the Party visit back to come up with effective battle strategies.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Eve: Sure enough.. The combined strength of Diceon energy and Solace's power is beyond one's imagination.
  • Add: If I use use the strength of Diceon... the efficiency will increase that much? Kugh.. Amazing!
  • Raven: To utilize Herbaon's Nasod army, we need to push through the front lines and take control of the battle.
  • Chung: So our objective has been decided. We'll target all firepower towards the entrance of the Fortress and secure entry!
  • Rena: Everyone, let's go! Solace is up ahead!
  • Chung: Entry has been secure... but based on the overwhelming strength of Solace's army, they could recapture it.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Durenda: Is that why you visited me? You're lucky. Phobos..
  • Aisha: Kyaaaaah!!!!
  • Durenda: All of a sudden this yelling! How careless..!
  • Ara: I'm sorry..! So... about Phobos... Who exactly are you talking about?
  • Durenda: Ha? He's right before your eyes! Can't you see this beautiful noble appearance? Sigh... you guys don't know how to recognize magnificence.
  • Ciel: They were talking about the sword... in their hand...
  • Durenda: What did you say? This isn't just a sword. It's Phobos, the God of Victory.
  • Lu: Aw... Okay, what did Phobos say?
  • Durenda: How generous, he's asked to help you guys.

  • Durenda: Securing entry was a wise choice. Our army needs to secure passage to the battlefield before we do anything.
  • Raven: Chung, your cannon really helped! Nice work!
  • Chung: I- I'm flattered!
  • Durenda: Good, let's occupy the area inside the Fortress one by one.. Don't be careless. An underground Fortress means there will be traps and surprises.
  • Add: Hmph, and your highness appears.

  • Elsword: Kugh... What's with these guys...?!
  • Raven: (Pant)... (Pant)... I don't know, I've never seen those guys before.
  • Eve: It's an uninterpretable code. It's a Nasod, but... it's a completely different type of existence.
  • Aisha: The Nasods just stopped working... What in the El is going on?!
  • Ara: Now... What should we do..?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 1,709,040 N/A N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Lost Birds
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Unit Relocation story quest
  • Talk to Theodore

After a fierce battle, the Party succeed in advancing further, but cannot continue to withstand Solace's attacks. The village's accessory merchant approaches the group and says there is a suspicious device inside the fortress. He asks the Party to find his Nasod birds in exchange for the exact location of the device. The group finds Nasod birds fallen inside the fortress and bring them to the accessory merchant. The merchant explains about the location and details of the Diceon energy device.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Elsword: ... How are we supposed to right these guys...
  • Theodore: Worrying about it won't solve the problem. It's okay, don't rush into it.
  • Ara: Who... are you?
  • Theodore: Haha, have you guys guys explored the village yet? I've been watching you guys this whole time.
  • Elsword: You've been watching us..?
  • Theodore: Yeah, I was thinking on making a deal with you all!
  • Aisha: Do we look like we have the time to make a deal in this situation?
  • Theodore: Listen, I can send these Nasod Birds to collect information and stories. I've gathered a lot of information. I'm probably the first one to know about your arrival and the fight you had with the village entrance statues.
  • Ara: You're right! How did you know?
  • Theodore: The Nasod Birds I send off... I'm able to hear and see everything through them. So what I'm trying to say is... I need you guys to find the lost Nasod Birds inside Solace's Fortress.
  • Add: Hoh...? .... Alight, be we have one condition, too.
  • Chung: (Add?! We shouldn't be wasting time, right?)
  • Add: (Be quiet, fool. If we can just use him to our advantage.)
  • Theodore: I wasn't going to ask for you to do it for free, anyways. What is it that you want?
  • Add: It seems the Nasod Birds were sent into the Fortress... He must know something, right?
  • Theodore: Haha, you're sharp. I can share information. Inside the Fortress... there's a strange device consisting of Diceon. Strangely, whenever my Nasod birds get close, all communication stops... as if it's absorbing their Nasod energy.
  • Elsword: A device... that absorbs the energy of Nasods?
  • Raven: Is it possible because of that device that Herbaon's army has stopped working.
  • Theodore: There are birds inside the Fortress. I'll get them to find the location of the device if you bring them back safely.
  • Add: That's easy. Alright, that concludes the deal!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ara: These aren't all the Nasod birds, but I hope we have enough.
  • Theodore: It's not all of them, but these are enough. You've gone through a lot finding them.
  • Eve: Has the location of the device been identified?
  • Theodore: Of course. I'll tell you the exact location. And this device... just know it's no ordinary device. I think it's best you visit Hugo and ask him about it.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 1,709,040 Advanced Magic Stone x 10 N/A
ED 0 Star Fruit Cookie x5 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Why They Are Strong
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Lost Birds story quest
  • Talk to Hugo

The El Search Party goes to an alchemist to find out more about this device. The alchemist listens to their story and explains to them that Solace's army gets their power from this device. He asks the group to destroy this device.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Hugo: Ah, we're acquaintances, right? It's nice to see you again! Okay-okay, what's the occasion? A fantastic invention... of mine... or perhaps you just want to see me? Haha, stop it! It's embarrassing.
  • Add: As usual, your babbling and gibberish. I came to ask something.
  • Hugo: Which... one?
  • Add: It's about the Diceon device found inside Solace's Fortress. Nasods using energy absorbed from Diceon.. There has to be more to it...
  • Hugo: Is... that true? Really? These situations happened as expected. I think I'm beginning to understand. How should I explain... That core...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Raven: Core? What is it being used for?
  • Hugo: I'm not entirely sure... but those monsters... the ones that use Diceon energy... are probably receiving energy from the core. Did you know? What Diceon is? It's amazing. To be able to store such an energy source... and as much as they wanted..! And the Diceon energy can be remotely supplied. It makes them revive after getting attacked, attacked, and attacked. Endlessly.
  • Add: What is that...?!
  • Elsword: Then... We can attack the core first once we locate it! We need to cut off their energy supply!
  • Hugo: Keep that in mind! For sure! The core should be shut down first to stop Solace's soldiers...
  • Elsword: Alright.. Everybody remembers the location, right? Let's go!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 1,709,040 Star Fruit Juice x5 N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Sub-core Destruction
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Why They Are Strong story quest

Let's go to the location that the accessory merchant told us, where the sub-core of the Diceon energy device should be. (Elsword feels something familiar) The party breaks two devices but the attacks don't seem to be weakening. The Party discovers there are other hidden devices, thus they ask for help form the accessory merchant again.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Chung: Haa.. Even though their energy source was destroyed, they don't seem to be stopping.
  • Ciel: Is there a hidden core somewhere?
  • Elsword: (Guardian of... the El... do you hear me?)
  • Elsword: ..?!
  • Elesis: Elsword, what's wrong?
  • Elsword: Something... Feels familiar... Ah, it's nothing.
  • Elesis: (Right now... something's strange. Elsword... is okay, right...?)
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Theodore: Ah~ There you are. So, have you destroyed the core?
  • Elsword: Yea, we did. But Solace's army is still on the offensive, what's going on?
  • Theodore: Hm.. really? I'm certain that device was the source of energy powering the soldiers... Does that mean there is an unknown core somewhere?
  • Elesis: That's why I need your help.
  • Theodore: Okay. I believe you need my help. I'll need to prepare something, will you wait here for me?

  • Elsword: (Strange.. The closer I get to Solace.. the clearer the voices are.. What was that?)

  • Rena: Um, over there.. I think Theodore has returned.
  • Theodore: Did I take too long? I have good news. Two more cores were discovered in the vicinity of the opposite end.
  • Ara: Two? Two of them?
  • Theodore: However don't be shocked, I also have some bad news. The previous two cores and the new ones we found are all connected to the center of the fortress. It's all very suspicious so I'll have to look into it more. There seems to be a large central core. Starting from the sub cores, they're all receiving an immense amount of energy.
  • Eve: The central core... Is it gathering Diceon energy?
  • Theodore: You think so? Minus the energy used to supply power to the fortress and soldiers.. there seems to be another unknown source of energy... I was able to feel it indirectly through my Nasod birds... That energy was similar to the power of the large El...
  • Elsword: The great... Strength of El...
  • Theodore: The situation doesn't look good. I can't tell what Solace is really trying to do...
  • Elsword: The strength of El... Solace...
  • Theodore: Are you heading out to destroy the remaining cores?
  • Elsword: Yup, of course.
  • Theodore: ... The central core. It's good to take note of it. Even though stopping Solace is the most urgent matter. The energy that the core emits... You can't ignore it.
  • Elesis: Shall we go destroy the remaining cores? Let's go, Elsword!
  • Elsword: Sis, are you sure you're okay?
  • Elesis: ...
  • Aisha: (What the... Those two...? What are they doing?)

  • Chung: I sense something different this time! Their attacks are weakening!
  • Raven: I see. Are we close to capturing the fortress?
  • Ciel: It's too early to come to a conclusion. Anything can happen at this point.
  • Elsword: (... Elsword, help them.)
  • Elsword: (What do you mean, help?! Who are you?!)
  • Elesis: .. Elsword! Elsword!
  • Elsword: Huh, Sis? Ah...
  • Aisha: Um... You guys don't have to be embarrassed about something like that, just tell the truth.
  • Elsword: What? What do you mean?
  • Rena: Yeah. Elsword... Elesis, you guys have been acting weird ever since we've gotten to Elysion. Are you guys really okay?
  • Ara: It's also been bothering me.
  • Elsword: N, no. Seriously...
  • Eve: Wait...! Everyone, stop.
  • Lu: ... I feel a slight vibration.
  • Add: ... I don't think it's too far.
  • Eve: The source of the vibration... is that way. Follow me.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 9,474,520 N/A N/A
ED 3,232,400 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Final Battle
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Sub-core Destruction story quest

As he gets nearer to the central core, Elsword once again feels something familiar. It's a familiar feeling, like the one you've know for a long time, but there's something else about it. When the Party arrive at at the central core, the surroundings change all of a sudden with huge tremors. Finally the shaking stops, and the Party sees a woman in front of them, sleeping in a capsule. Instantly noticing that the woman is the El Lady, Elesis suffers from a serious headache once more. Solace stares at Elesis, feeling sorry for her, and hands a sword to Elsword. Elesis and Elsword barely recover their senses, and the rest of the Party engages in a battle with Solace. When the battle comes to an end, the Party collapses by the force of Solace, and it was only Elsword who struggles to his feet. Upon looking at Elsword standing, Solace says that the time has come and starts the device. At the same time, the light beams through the device, and Solace and Elsword disappear into the light.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Chung: Have we arrived?
  • Ara: I think so...
  • Elsword: (That's really strange... Have I been here before? No, it can't be... But what is this feeling? Something feels familiar... And I feel a longing... This power... I'm sure I've felt it somewhere...)

  • Chung: This place. I feel massive energy...!
  • Add: That's right..! There's no doubt about it. This is..!
  • Eve: .. Central core!
  • Rena: Solace did that to create this..?
  • Eve: It probably is. This is... made up of massive Diceon. And... I sense a great power... That's beyond this world.
  • Elsword: It can't be.... This strength.. El?.. It's the El.. From the past..
  • Eve: Yes. It's showing similar wave forms like that of the previous El before it exploded. But, Elsword.. How did you?
  • Elsword: Huh..? Did I just...
  • Raven: Solace... He needed Diceon to recreate a power similar to the Large El from the past?
  • Elesis: A large El like the one from a long time ago...?
  • Aisha: What exactly is the plan for all this energy?
  • Rena: Probably with the El Lady... Ah...!
  • Raven: Everyone, be careful! The ground is shaking again!

  • Elsword: Urgh... This place is... Is everyone okay?
  • Aisha: Give me a break... Uh?
  • Lu: Aaah... Getting surprises like this is tiring!
  • Ciel: Lu, are you okay? This area is a lot different than before...
  • Aisha: Up there..!
  • Rena: Then that means... The person inside...
  • Elsword: The El Lady...?
  • Elesis: ... Ughhh...!!
  • Elsword: S- Sis!
  • Elesis: My head...
  • Solace: There was no choice. The El Lady is near, she's being naturally selected as the heir.
  • Elsword: Who are you?!
  • Solace: You've made it all the way here, Elsword... and the El Search Party.
  • Elsword: This voice is.. Are you... Solace?
  • Elesis: Aahhh..! My head... feels like it's splitting..!
  • Elsword: Elesis!!! Solace!! What did you do to my sister...?!
  • Solace: I already told you, didn't I? She has been chosen as the El Lady's heir, so naturally she's reacting to the El Lady's power. Elsword, I told you. Everything falls upon your decision. Is this the result of what you have accomplished this whole time? All you've done only slightly delayed the inevitable. Was the El Search Party fun? Let's end it now. This is the final test. How will you resist this power?
  • Elsword: What?
  • Solace: Show me the justice you speak of, and the true strength of you and your friends... Otherwise, you and your friends will... End your lives here.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: (Is this place...?... I don't see anything... What happened to everybody...? Solace... How did he... My body feels heavy.. It's hard to move...... The light... I see the light up ahead... Let's follow it.)

  • Elsword: (This place is...? I can't see anything... What happened to everyone...? Solace... How did he... My body feel heavy.. It's hard to move... A light... I see a light up ahead... I'll go there.)

  • The voice of Sigmund and his brothers: (Get lost, you bastard. You monster... You only possess abilities due to your bloodline. If it wasn't for you..!!)
  • Fenriart: (... Stop...!! How long are you going to torment me? I didn't choose to be born like this...... This isn't a problem I can solve. I don't want to think about mother... and the village people I couldn't save.)
  • Hernia: Sniff... Sniff...
  • Fenriart: What's that? (That kid... the girl that entered Solace's family a few days ago... Was her name Hernia? She was discovered on the battlefield and is said to possess a great El ability...) You, what are you doing here?
  • Hernia: Ah...! It's nothing. I-...
  • Fenriart: ... I don't know what's going on, but no one here is going to care that you're crying.
  • Hernia: No... I was just...
  • Fenriart: (She has scars all over her body.) That pendant is damaged. Where's the gem, and why's only the string left?
  • Hernia: ... This is just... I think I lost it when I fell down...! I have to hurry... and find it, sniff...
  • Fenriart: (These aren't scars from accidents... It looks like traces of torture..... There aren't many who would do this. It has to be them.)
  • Hernia: I'm, I'm okay! Thanks for worrying about me...
  • Fenriart: ... Wait. I think I know who did this.
  • Hernia: Ah..! W-Wait...!

  • Solace's Soldier: Kh...
  • Fenriart: Now you steal things from a little girl? Not only that, you even bullied her?
  • Solace's Soldier: We... We were just ordered..
  • Fenriart: I know. Go and tell my brothers that Fenriart is at it again.
  • Solace's Soldier: Kugh...! Yes, sir.
  • Fenriart: ......
  • Hernia: Ah! Thank you.. But won't Fenriart get in trouble...?
  • Fenriart: Don't worry about it. I never really liked those guys. And no need to call me Fenriart. I don't want to be treated like your brothers.
  • Hernia: ... O-... Okay, sorry. And... thanks.

  • Fenriart: Hernia! Hernia!! Is she not here? Were can she be...?
  • Hernia: Sniff....
  • Fenriart: ... Hernia?
  • Hernia: F-Fenriart...
  • Fenriart: What are you doing here? Also, what's with that scar...
  • Hernia: It's, it's nothing! The thing is... I was playing with the m-maids and... I fell!
  • Fenriart: Did my brother do this?
  • Hernia: No, this is..!
  • Fenriart: Don't beat around the bush. Those scars... You can't get those from simply falling down..!
  • Hernia: ... Fenriart, I'm fine.
  • Fenriart: Wait, I'll wrap it with this.
  • Hernia: I don't want you to get in trouble with Sigmund because of me.
  • Fenriart: I'm not being scolded because of you.
  • Hernia: But...!
  • Fenriart: ... That will do. Ask the maid to disinfect it. You don't want it to scar...
  • Hernia: Okay... Fenriart, promise me. Promise me you won't fight with Sigmund.
  • Fenriart: ... Alright. You can go.
  • Hernia: ...
  • Fenriart: ... If you don't trust me, I'll swear on this necklace. It's something my mother gave me before she passed away.
  • Hernia: .. Mother's?
  • Fenriart: Yeah, it's important to me. Do you trust me?
  • Hernia: Okay. I'll trust you, Fenriart! Don't fight, okay?
  • Fenriart: Alright, alright.. Get going.
  • Hernia: Okay.
  • Fenriart: (... Sorry, Hernia.)

  • Sigmund: Wh-, What are you doing?! Guard!!!! Guard!!!!!
  • Fenriart: I'll make my brother pay for what he did to you.
  • Sigmund: How dare you point your knife at me...?! You think you can get away with this?! Let go! Aaaahhh!!!!
  • Fenriart: ... Next time, it won't end like this.
  • Sigmund: You... You..!
  • Fenriart: The one my brother really hates is me. Leave Hernia alone!
  • Sigmund: Kugh...
  • Fenriart: Yeah, come find me anytime. Then...
  • Sigmund: Kuhahah, letting your guard down like that, how stupid!!
  • Fenriart: ?!!
  • Hernia: Fenriart!!
  • (Flash!!) (Hernia's El power strikes Sigmund.)
  • Fenriart: Hernia?!!
  • Sigmund: What is this? This light?!! Aaaah!!!
  • (Thump!!)
  • Sigmund: Eu... uuuk... You brat... You, you won't get away with this...!!
  • Hernia: Fenriart, are you okay?
  • Fenriart: Uh, yes...
  • (Shine...!!)
  • Hernia: Is this...?
  • Fenriart: Huh?
  • Hernia: My necklace and Fenriart's necklace... are shining... at the same time...
  • Fenriart: What...?
  • Fenriart's Mother: (Fenriart... This necklace is the Rubenian Resonance Stone. It is a magic stone that resonates with our El ability. It is a special stone that our ancestors wore to remember each other by... as they were spread throughout the continent...)
  • Fenriart: (Hernia... Were you a Rubenian like me...? The same as my mother and those villagers I couldn't protect...?!)
  • Hernia: Fenri... art?
  • Fenriart: No, it's nothing... It's late. Go and get some rest.
  • Hernia: ... You're always getting hurt because of me... I'm sorry...
  • Fenriart: You can stop apologizing now.
  • Hernia: ... Okay.
  • Fenriart: (I will protect you...!)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 9,474,520 Advanced Magic Stone x 10 N/A
ED 3,232,400 Star Fruit Cookie x10 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Chapter 25: ??? (07/08/2021 KR Patch)

Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the ??? story quest
Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the ??? story quest
Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the ??? story quest
Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the ??? story quest
Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

General Guides
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  • Lithia
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  • Region 7~12
  • Region 1~6
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  • Lithia
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