Story/Chapter 29

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  • English
28:Restored Elrianode
29:Invasion of the Order
30:Henir's Passage

Chapter 29: Invasion of the Order

The group decides to meet with Glave, the administrator of Henir's Time and Space. He's the one who made the seed, and Add reveals the forbidden experiment was to open a path to the core of the Henir. While fending off against the endless wave of monsters, Solace comes to warm them about the enemy. After defeating the culprit, they meet the Wind Master, Ventus.

[Village] Seed of Life 1/2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Night Before the Storm story quest

What is turning these people into monsters? While talking to Denif, one Henir expert comes into mind.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Denif: ... How concerning.
  • Denif: I have no idea what that stone is for... nor what they could possibly use it for.
  • Denif: Are they truly the Henir Fanatics...?
  • Artea: Henir's Order... I've never heard of them in Elrios ever since the great explosion.
  • Denif: Yes. There were some fanatics who sought to overload the El in the past, but I never thought they would turn humans into monsters...
  • Ara: Did they wake up with Elrianode, too...?
  • Denif: The only ones that were sealed were us, the Masters, because we exhausted our energies into the shattered El. It's likely that they have been active since then.
  • Chung: ... If that is the case, why did they wait until now to show up? They must have had ample time...
  • Ciel: I am not certain what their plan is, but they may have figured out something that they couldn't in the past due to recent circumstances.
  • Ciel: ... Just like Henir's Barrier that appeared when Elrianode was restored.
  • Denif: ... It's possible. Since they worship Henir, they must need Henir's power.
  • Denif: ... I can't even imagine where they would need the enhanced power of Henir... This can't be good.
  • Denif: Using this suspicious object as well... They must have been plotting something for a very long time.
  • Artea: How could... this thing transform humans into monsters...?
  • Denif: I wish I knew, but I have no knowledge of how it can be accomplished.
  • Denif: I could probably get more information if there were other Masters around. Unfortunately, I am the only one left in Elrianode at the moment.
  • Denif: I wish there were someone that understood the power of Henir.
  • Elesis: That's right!!
  • Elesis: There IS someone, Master Denif!
  • Denif: There is? Who?
  • Elesis: Glave, the Administrator of Henir's Time and Space!
  • Chung: Ah..! I forgot about Glave!
  • Denif: Unbelievable...! Someone that travels in and out of Henir's Time and Space...? I can't believe it.
  • Rena: Ah... Ahaha... yes, unbelievable...
  • Denif: Then I have a request for you. Please go and identify this object.
  • Rena: Of couse! Consider it done, Master Denif!
  • Elesis: We'll be back!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Glave: Long time no see. Too busy to visit me these days?
  • Elsword: Whoa, Glave?! I didn't think you'd be in Elrianode... I still don't understand how he does that...
  • Glave: Kuhuhu... I'm everywhere but nowhere. Just look at the sky, isn't it a wondrous mess?
  • Glave: Henir's power leaking outside and mingling... Now that's something I've never seen before. Is this also your doing?
  • Aisha: N, no!! ... It was like that since Elrianode was restored.
  • Aisha: ... We did restore Elrianode, though...
  • Glave: Kuhuhu... You never disappoint, how amusing.
  • Chung: Glave, is it a dangerous sign that Henir is acting this way?
  • Glave: Hm, it's a sign that Henir's influence is getting larger and larger. It definitely isn't a positive sign.
  • Chung: What should we do...? Is there any way to stop it?
  • Glave: It's simply, find the cause and get rid of it.
  • Ara: ... You make it sound so easy...
  • Aisha: What would happen if Henir's influence grows larger?
  • Glave: You may think Henir is dangerous because it's the opposite of Elria, but it's actually not what you think.
  • Glave: Elria created this world using Henir's Chaos and chaos is an infinite source of energy. So, this world already contains some aspects of Henir.
  • Elesis: The world was made with Henir...?
  • Chung: I had no idea. What is the nature of Henir?
  • Glave: Extinction. Henir symbolizes infinity, but at the same time, the power to turn everything into nothing.
  • Glave: Your mortality is the very proof of Henir's influence.
  • Aisha: How strange. I've read every history book I've come across but I've never heard any of this. Does that mean any knowledge related to Henir is being controlled?
  • Glave: Anyways, it doesn't seem like you want to go in Henir's Time and Space. What do you want?
  • Rena: Ah, we wanted to ask you something.... Do you happen to know what this is, Glave?
  • Glave: Oho, it's... been a while since I last saw this. It's also been tinkered with.
  • Elsword: Been a while...? Do you know what this is, Glave?
  • Glave: Of course, I'm the one who invented it.
  • Chung: What?! Are you serious?!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Seed of Life 2/2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Seed of Life 1/2 story quest

The new information revealed by Glave was quite surprising.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Glave: I can't believe this monstrosity thing is just rolling about... Something interesting must be happening, Kuhuhu...
  • Glave: There is no way for you lot to know, this something that should have never been introduced to the outside world. Whoever had this must be having a blast... Kuhuhu.
  • Chung: That's... unsettling... What is this anyways, Glave?
  • Glave: This uses the concentrated power of Henir to reverse the nature of humans and transform them into monsters. I'm sure you've already witnessed it since you brought it here.
  • Chung: Ugh... y, yes.
  • Glave: I used to call this the 'Seed of Life', I'm not sure what it's called now.
  • Rena: The Seed of Life...? That's a really bad taste.
  • Glave: Well, it's true that it gives a new life after all. Kuhuhu.
  • Glave: That's why I was going to seal it, but somebody must have got a hold of it. They even tinkered with it...
  • Chung: Don't say that, it's really giving me the chills. Who could have brought this out to the world?
  • Glave: Well, I'm not sure exactly who, but it's probably one of the members of the Seven Tower.
  • Aisha: Ah, the Seven Tower... I've heard we, the Landar family, were once part of the Sever Tower.
  • Aisha: But I thought the Seven Tower was an ancient organization... Whoa, you really are an ancient man, Glave...
  • Glave: Oh? You're a Landar? What a surprise.
  • Glave: A long time ago, when the Seven Tower was first founded, the head of the Landar family was the first advisor of the Seven Tower. They were outstanding even among Elrians.
  • Glave: Well, they left the Seven Tower right before I got incarcerated. Kuhuhu...
  • Elsword: Eh? Why did they leave?
  • Glave: Because when Debrians joined, the Seven Tower was split into two opposing factions.
  • Add: ...
  • Glave: The ideological difference between the two could also be a reason.
  • Rena: What... kind of ideological difference?
  • Glave: Ha, I can't tell you that! It's forbidden. These locks aren't just for looks, you know. Heh.
  • Add: Hmpf, let's be honest here. It's not like you're actually scared. You face the terror of Henir every day.
  • Glave: Kuhuhu... What makes you say so?
  • Add: You can't just hint at something and not tell us, you twisted old man.
  • Aisha: ... You're the one to talk...
  • Add: If you won't speak, then I guess I will. By ideological differences, you mean Debrian's forbidden research, right?
  • Glave: ...... Go on.
  • Add: I was once trapped inside a ruin full of books. Some of those books happened to be written by Debrians.
  • Add: ... And there, I read the research files of the ones you mentioned. But it was well hidden that the materials I found barely even filled one book.
  • Glave: ...
  • Add: If you have SUCH a good reason to not tell us anything about it, why don't I just share what I know?
  • Add: Some researchers of the Seven Tower conducted a forbidden experiment, using highly sophisticated knowledge.
  • Add: The forbidden research involved Henir's power. They were interested in ways of obtaining highly concentrated El's power using the power of Henir.
  • Add: If that research was successful, it would have had a huge impact on Elrios.
  • Chung: What was it, Add?!
  • Add: ... Debrians opened a passage from Elrios to the core of Henir. Purely by accident.
  • Add: Were you part of the experiment? You caused a lot of chaos, didn't you? Kukuku.
  • Elesis: A passage to... the core... of Henir...? What's that?
  • Glave: ...
  • Glave: I thought you were all just a merry band of idiots, but as it turns out, one of you is a SMUG idiot!
  • Glave: Let me correct one thing. I was not part of the experiment. I just got to witness the unusual change as I'm Administrator of Henir's Time and Space.
  • Glave: If you knew all this, you couldn't have been clueless about the Seed of Life... Why did you even come to see me? Are you the type that likes wasting time?
  • Add: I'm a rude fool who likes to check the facts before believing them. Kukuku.
  • Aisha: Who would have thought those two would be so similar?
  • Elesis: I know... Is this how 'smart' people typically interact...?
  • Aisha: Uh... I don't...
  • Raven: So, is the Henir's Time and Space you manage now, the passage that was open back then?
  • Glave: No, the place you used is a fraction of the inner world of Henir. If the entrance to the core of Henir opened here... Elrios would have disappeared already.
  • Elesis: Elrios would have disappeared...?!
  • Glave: Like I said, the core of Henir radiates the energy of chaos and extinction. What do you think would happen if a passage to the core opens?
  • Rena: ... By the El, they opened such a dangerous passage?! Hold on, then what happened to the passage, Glave?
  • Glave: ..... I'm afraid I can't tell you. It really is a break of contract. I belong to Henir, so I'm no supposed to stop Henir's power.
  • Add: Are you kidding me? I thought it was your body that you left inside Henir, not your common sense. Cough it up before I make you!
  • Glave: Oh really? I'd like to see you try. Before you even begin, your very existence will be devoured by the chaos of Henir, huhu...
  • Elesis: Ugh... It feels like there are two Adds... This is giving me a headache...
  • Ara: Glave, please! Please tell us! If we don't find it now, Elrios will be...
  • Elsword: ... If you have to keep your word, we can't force you to talk. However, you wouldn't care if we find it ourselves, right?
  • Elesis: What?! Wait, Elsword!
  • Glave: Hu... Hahahahah. You're definitely amusing to watch.
  • Glave: I fancy your gut. Alright, I'll give you a hint.
  • Glave: Henir's Passage is under the Ancient Elrian Palace. It was a secret experiment conducted inside the palace.
  • Rena: But... the location of all the buildings in Elrianode must have changed... How are we supposed to find the palace?
  • Glave: That's your job. I'm not going to spoon feed you the answer, kuhuhu.
  • Elsword: Alright, Glave has helped us enough, now it's out turn! Thanks, Glave!
  • Elesis: Argh... I'm not sure if we were helped or teased... Regardless, thanks for the hint, Glave.
  • Glave: Tsk, get out of here already. If they are using the Seed of Life, then they definitely should know where the passage is.
  • Aisha: Sigh... You're right. They should know about it if they are related to the Seven Tower.
  • Chung: Let's hurry! We'll never know how long it would take to find the palace!

  • Glave: I'm helping them...? This is ridiculous.
  • Glave: I'm using her as an excuse...
  • Glave: ......
  • Glave: An excuse to make amends for my past deeds.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
An Unexpected Help
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Seed of Life 2/2 story quest

The El Search Party is exhausted from the endless horde of monsters. At the moment of crisis, an unexpected help arrives...

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Aisha: ...
  • Elesis: Aisha, you seem rather down. Is it because of the ring? Don't worry too much. We'll find it and get your magical powers back.
  • Aisha: Thanks, Elesis... But it's not about the magical power...
  • Elesis: Then what is it? Is there anything else that's bothering you?
  • Aisha: Mm... Actually, the Ring of Mimir is a very important relic that I must retrieve and protect. Though I assured grandpa I'll get it back in the Hall of El...
  • Aisha: ... I also promised my friend... but I lost that bastard who was right in front of me... Ah, it's frustrating...
  • Elsword: You look so depressed, it's no like you, Aisha!
  • Elsword: At least we found out that the one who stole your ring is here, right? So we'll find it soon. Stop worrying!
  • Aisha: Aww... Thanks. Wow... You suddenly look dependable...
  • Elesis: Huhu. Aisha, we'll also do our best, so cheer up and let's go get the ring back!
  • Aisha: Okay!
  • Ara: ... Hm? Rena, what's wrong...?
  • Rena: Huh? Ah, no, it's not a big deal....
  • Ara: What's the matter?
  • Rena: Mm... I thought I sensed someone familiar when we were in the Sanctum... I was wondering who that was...
  • Ara: Someone familiar? Perhaps another enemy from the past?
  • Rena: N, no~ It's nothing like that... Just someone that was closer... like...
  • Rena: ... Like the Wind Spirit...?
  • Ara: The Wind... Spirit? Aren't the spirits everywhere?
  • Ara: It's quite strange that a spirit would exist near Henir's Time and Space...
  • Rena: Maybe I was just imagining things. It doesn't make sense that a spirit would be in a place like this.
  • Rena: Let's report our findings to Master Denif.
  • Denif: The Seed of Life... I can't believe this is such a horrendous object...
  • Denif: The Seven Tower was known to be an organization that trained the top elites of the Elrian Kingdom...
  • Denif: I didn't suspect they were creating such a dangerous object there. ... Unbelievable.
  • Artea: Also, the fact that they have tinkered with the Seed of Life means it could eventually do more than just transforming humans into monsters.
  • Denif: That's a possibility... Even in the era of the Elrian Kingdom, Henir fanatics denied Elria and claimed that everything that Elria created should come to nothing.
  • Elesis: Are they... looking to destroy the world...?
  • Denif: Actually, they have invaded the El a few times before the Great Explosion.
  • Ara: They are trying to crumble the world by destroying the El...
  • Denif: That's right, I'm sure they are trying to throw the world into chaos and destroy it.
  • Ignia: Master Denif, we're in danger...!
  • Artea: Ignia? What's wrong?
  • Ignia: Monsters... Monsters are swarming Elrianode!
  • Denif: What?! Where are they coming from...?!
  • Eve: They are coming from... the outer district of the city. It seems like they are gushing out from the dark rift that suddenly appeared.
  • Rena: A dark rift..?
  • Ciel: Those creatures... They are giving off a bad vibe like the ones we saw in the Sanctum!
  • Denif: ... Strange, that rift is not deep enough for the monsters to access...
  • Eve: There's something else that's strange. The rift is growing bigger.
  • Denif: What?! The rift can't make itself grow!
  • Chung: This can't be... a coincidence, right...?
  • Aisha: ... Could it be related to the Order?
  • Elesis: We'd better defeat the monsters and find the cause.
  • Elesis: Everybody ready?!
  • Rena: Always.
  • Ara: I'll take the left side.
  • Lu: Let them come, I'll destroy every last one of them!
  • Add: Leave me some for lab samples.
  • Elesis: Alright! Here we go!!!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ara: Pant... Pant... Their numbers keep growing.
  • Chung: Damn it... I think they plan to keep attacking us until we're worn out.
  • Raven: If this keeps up, they'll take over the entire district of the city.
  • Rena: Also, it feels like these are a lot stronger than the ones we've fought in the Sanctum, how it this possible?
  • Add: ... It looks like the dark rift is empowering the monsters as they pass through.
  • Add: They must be using the Henir energy from the rift. Damn it...
  • Lu: Be careful, everyone! Another wave!!!
  • Ciel: Aargh, it's too much...!
  • Aisha: It's impossible, there are too many monsters!!!

  • Solace: Is everyone alright?
  • Elesis: ...!!
  • Elsword: Solace?!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Finding the Cause
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the An Unexpected Help story quest

According to Solace, the culprit who is creating the Henir rifts is somewhere within the Elrianode City. The city will be taken over soon if you don't defeat them.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Chung: Master Solace...! Why are you here...!
  • Solace: I sense an unusual change in Elrianode when I was collecting some information. I came here to warm all of you.
  • Rena: An unusual change?! What would that be?
  • Solace: Even though the Barrier of Henir was covering Elrianode, it wasn't a big threat since there weren't any fissures.
  • Solace: But I've found out that there are those tearing the fissures to use the power of Henir to mass produce these monsters.
  • Solace: Because of them, the fissures are increasing in numbers. It's apparent the monsters are coming from the deep rift of Henir.
  • Elesis: Solace, are the ones behind this...?
  • Solace: As you suspect, it's Henir's Order.
  • Aisha: By the El, then the Order is purposely increasing the number of fissures?
  • Chung: ...! So it was Henir's Order...!
  • Solace: But something's off. The monsters are increasing in numbers but they don't seem to have an actual purpose.
  • Solace: This is a rather wasteful tactic if their goal is to simply tire us out.
  • Solace: ... They must be scheming something.
  • Raven: ... Perhaps their plan is to keep us here, distracting us from something...
  • Solace: We can't completely rule out the possibility.
  • Elesis: Then we can't waste any more time here. We should stop whatever they're planning to do.
  • Chung: We got to defeat these monsters first... If we restore the fissure, would that stop the flow of monsters?
  • Solace: In order to mass produce these monsters, the source must be the fissure. It should be near the biggest fissure.
  • Rena: I'd be... somewhere deeper inside the city?
  • Eve: If we investigate the area, we may be able to find the cause of Henir's Rift.
  • Rena: But if we leave this area unprotected, the monsters will reach the El Tower...! There are just too many of them.
  • Raven: We need a solution...
  • Solace: I'll protect this area, the rest of you can go and find the one responsible for this and stop them.
  • Chung: By yourself, Master Solace...? That's too dangerous!
  • Solace: It shouldn't be a problem for a short duration. This is what we, the Masters were meant to do.
  • Solace: But the other Masters have fallen asleep pouring their energy into the shattered El. So their power may not have been recovered yet.
  • Solace: ... I'm leaving Denif and the Priestesses in your hand, El Search Party.
  • Chung: ... Got it! Don't worry, Master Solace.
  • Aisha: Um... don't you want to meet Master Denif?
  • Solace: It might be too soon...
  • Solace: I'll go see him if a full-scale war against the Order is required. Until then, keep this between us.
  • Raven: ... If you say so, Master Solace.
  • Solace: Good luck, then.
  • Solace: ...
  • Solace: I can't put Elrianode in danger again.
  • Solace: Now, go check the outskirts. The Order is increasing the number of fissures as we speak.
  • Elsword: Leave it to us, Solace! We will stop them no matter what!
  • Solace: Thank you.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Aisha: Ugh, it's full of monsters in the outskirts, too?
  • Eve: That's probably because they are crawling in through Henir's fissure.
  • Elesis: The one that makes the fissures is supposed to be around here, right? We must find him while Solace is buying us some time!
  • Raven: The outskirts is a vast area. Let's keep up the pace.
  • Chung: ... But where are the other Masters? It looks like Denif is having trouble by himself, too...
  • Chung: ... It also looks like it'd be hard for Master Solace to become free of guilt until all the Masters have gathered...
  • Chung: If they have been awakened at the outskirts of Elrianode, as Master Denif predicted, would they be beyond Henir's Barrier?
  • Ara: Ah! Monsters incoming...! Watch out, everyone!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Wind Master
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Finding the Cause story quest

With a new encounter that came with the wind, the story now turns to a new chapter.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Rena: If a massive number of monsters ambushed us as soon as we got here... Don't you think that means that there's something the Order wants to protect here!
  • Aisha: Then there must be the cause we're looking for somewhere nearby.
  • Elsword: These bastards... They have planned this for a long time.
  • Ain: It seems to have been meticulously planned.... As if they've been waiting for this exact moment.
  • Chung: ... These monsters must have been humans before, right...? I feel bad for them...
  • Add: The Seed of Life could only be used with the concentrated power of Henir... The restoration of Elrianode must have been their golden opportunity.
  • Add: Now that there are more than enough energy that could fulfill their long awaited plan...
  • Elesis: It's unbelievable that Henir's power could do this much by just being refined... If it's misused beyond this point, I can't even imagine how disastrous it would be to Elrios.
  • Chung: What is their goal? It makes me nervous that we don't know what they're planning.
  • Elesis: I know... But whatever they're planning, we'll put a stop to it.
  • Elesis: The Order must be abusing the loyalties of the fanatics and demanding their sacrifice. Otherwise, there's no way people would willingly turn into monsters themselves.
  • Elesis: They are using the innocents as a tool... I'll never forgive them.
  • Raven: You and me both. I'm not sure how they tricked them to become monsters, but I'm not going to stand by idly as innocent lives are killed..
  • Lu: You're all very peculiar. How interesting.
  • Rena: Huh? Which part?
  • Lu: That you want to become strong for the sake of others. Demons care about themselves the most. It's refreshing to see behaviors like yours.
  • Rena: But... you came here to protect people, too, Lu. Didn't you?
  • Add: Didn't you say you're going to retrieve your throne? Have you given it up already? Kuku.
  • Lu: I would never! I will get my throne back! But I just thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to go on an adventure while I recover my magical power. Ahem!
  • Ciel: Oh, Lu... you always have trouble being honest.
  • Ain: (... I still don't understand. Why is Elsword with a demon...?)
  • Lu: ...
  • Lu: I wouldn't have done this if it were in the past. But I may have started to grow human emotions, thanks to a certain someone.
  • Lu: ... I'm not sure if this is good or bad, but if it's because of Ciel, I can accept it without worry.
  • Ciel: ... Lu...
  • Elesis: Well, I think it's a good thing, because it means that you'll be more understanding of others.
  • Ain: (......)
  • Ain: (Nonsense. There's no way a demon can change.)
  • Ara: (... If Lu can change, maybe it means I can still save my brother...!)
  • Chung: (......)
  • Rena: !!
  • Rena: Hey, look! There is a huge monster.
  • Elsword: Whoa, what's that? There is a blade attached to its body!
  • Eve: It looks like it's tearing Time and Space apart using the blade on its body. The number of Henir's fissures are increasing because of that monster!
  • Raven: That monster must be responsible for the fissure increasing its size.
  • Rena: I think that monster might also be created from the Seed of Life.
  • Rena: Uggh... It also seems more evolved than the monsters we've fought before.
  • Elesis: Glave said that the Seed was tinkered with. Then they may have already found a way to improve it by now.
  • Aisha: Aargh, I hat playing along with their stupid schemes!
  • Elesis: Let's defeat the monster first, the fissures are increasing in numbers as we speak.
  • Elsword: Okay, everyone! Let's make this quick!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: Alright! We did it!
  • Eve: The fissures are diminishing fast. It seems Henir's influence is becoming stable again.
  • Rena: Phew, what a relief! The monsters won't come into the city anymore, right?
  • Chung: Ah...! Hold on, the monster is trying to self-destruct!
  • Ara: Rena! Careful!
  • Raven: What out! Rena!!

  • Rena: ...
  • Rena: ... Huh...?
  • ???: Phew, that was close. You shouldn't let your guard down just because you defeated your enemy.
  • Elsword: Rena! Are you okay?! Huh? Who is...
  • Raven: ... Who are you? Identify yourself.
  • ???: Whoa, you don't have to lash out like that, cut me some slack.
  • ???: Well, considering the status of Elrianode, it's understandable. Alright, I'll forgive you.
  • Rena: (An elf?...)
  • Rena: (But it's weird. I feel the familiar spirit energy from before...)
  • Rena: (Could it be...?)
  • Ventus: Anyways... I think the monsters here are too tough for you lot to handle. What do you say? Need a hand, lady?
  • Aisha: Gah! It's okay. We can manage just fine!
  • Ventus: Hmm, are you sure? If you're questioning my ability, you don't have to worry. After all, I was chosen as the Wind Master.
  • Aisha: What...?! W, Wind... Master...?!?!
  • Ventus: That's right, I'm Ventus, the Wind Master. Although, I'm not so sure this title does well with the ladies as it used to.
  • Ventus: Ah, and this is Lincy, my patner. Please be nice to her.
  • Lincy: ...
  • Lincy: ...
  • Ventus: Haha, she's usually not this shy. Well, she just met you all, give her time.
  • Rena: ......
  • Rena: ......!!
  • Rena: Ahhhh!! Y... you!!!!
  • Elesis: What is it, Rena, do you know him?!
  • Rena: N, no, not him, but that spirit...
  • Ventus: You recognize Lincy! I knew it, huhu. You're Rena, right? I've heard a lot about you.
  • Ventus: I've always wanted to meet you. You are very skilled as I imagined, and, most importantly, you're as if all the beauty of the world has gathered around you...
  • Ventus: Uh oh! Lincy, why are you mad at me? It's just a compliment.
  • Rena: ... Haha... What a guy...
  • Raven: ......
  • Aisha: ... It he really the Wind Master...? He's a little...
  • Elesis: Mm... mm...
  • Elesis: Master Denif would know... It also seems like Rena has met one of them.
  • Ventus: To celebrate our encounter, we'll need something to commemorate it.
  • Raven: ......
  • Ventus: Here, take this.
  • Rena: ...... Huh...?
  • Chung: Wait, that's...
  • Chung: The relic from the Sanctum!!
  • Aisha: Why is this here...?
  • Elesis: What, were you the one in the mask?
  • Ventus: Hm? Hahahaha. You think I was that creep? Come on, I'm better than that... I would never be so rude to ladies!
  • Elsword: Then how did yo come in possession of the relic?
  • Ventus: You all are a curious bunch, hm? I might have switched it while the creep in the mask was delivering his monologue.
  • Ventus: By now, he must be fuming with rage because he has a fake. Oops, hahaha.
  • Aisha: ... That doesn't sound so... fair...
  • Elesis: ... Whatever the process, thanks to you, we still have the relic. Thank you, and I apologize for being rude earlier.
  • Ventus: Not a problem, I don't mind.
  • Eve: This El energy I sense in this relic is not big.
  • Rena: That's probably why no one noticed it being switched...
  • Add: Well, there are many other fragments that contain more El energy than this.
  • Elesis: ... As expected, with just this object alone, it doesn't seem all that useful. Then why is the Order obsessing over this object?
  • Ventus: ...
  • Ventus: In fact, I actually wanted to talk about that! Can you take me to the old man?
  • Raven: Old man?
  • Ventus: Ah, sorry. I mean Denif. Master Denif.
  • Aisha: He knows Master Denif...? Is he seriously the Wind Master?!
  • Elesis: ... How did you know that we're with Master Denif?
  • Ventus: Well, because you talked about him at the Sanctum.
  • Rena: Right, you said you were watching us at the Sanctum.
  • Elesis: ... Okay, let's go back to Master Denif for now.
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ED 2,911,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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