Story/Chapter 56

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56:Entrance to Abyss
56-1:Split Path

Chapter 56: Entrance to Abyss

Abyss Worshiper
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • -


Quest Completion Dialogue
  • (STEP, STEP, STEP....)
  • Laby: Laby smells something burning.
  • Aisha: It's pretty deep. There might be boiling lava beneath us.
  • Elesis: Trail... Trail... Oh, found it! Everyone, this way!
  • Rena: So this is the mark left by Vasili? All we have to do is follow this, right?
  • Elesis: Yes. If you see this mark, just holler.
  • Add: Hm...
  • Elsword: I feel... on edge. It's like something's watching us.
  • Raven: Hm...
  • Lu: How do you feel? You look uncomfortable.
  • Raven: It is. My Nasod Arm also doesn't feel right...
  • Ara: You too? I find it more difficult to breathe.
  • Elesis: My body feels heavy. Everyone, be on guard.
  • Aisha: Is this what they meant by Abyss distortion?
  • Eve: I'm still in optimal condition. Currently, everyone displays minor symptoms, but it's possible the symptoms would grow worse as we move further down.
  • Rena: And we are receiving protection from the eye. I wonder if it was wise to send Vasili without any assistance.
  • Chung: .......
  • Ciel: Now we have one more reason to hurry.

  • (STEP, STEP, STEP...)
  • Ara: Aisha, it's slippery over there. Here, hold my hand.
  • Aisha: Thank you, Ara. Mm, are we on the right track? It's so dark, I can barely see anything.
  • Rose: Yes. We are following the marks on the wall and the floor.
  • Ciel: Is it possible to make it brighter? I can barely see the marks arond us.
  • Rena: Yeah. There's not enough light penetrating from above... Soon, your magic will be our only light source.
  • Aisha: It's possible... But didn't they say there are demons that get entranced by Abyss? They might notice us if the light's too bright.
  • Raven: With this many people, we'll be noticed no matter what. It's more effective to speed the process.
  • Aisha: Ah... alright. I'll make it brighter.
  • (SHIIING!)
  • Aisha: .......
  • Red Demon King's Eye: Oh?
  • Ara: Ah, much better.
  • Elsword: I didn't notice all these buildings before. They're all broken down and empty.
  • Elsword: Come to think of it, Lu. What happens to the demons that get caught by an Abyss?
  • Lu: Hm... There are demons who get caught when an Abyss expands too quickly, or when they don't evacuate soon enough. Of course, there's always those who willingly walk inside because they are entranced by the demonic energy.
  • Laby: Oh! Laby heard about that at the vill... Whoa!
  • Rena: Yikes... That one was a big one. Something must have collapsed again.
  • Raven: It's a sign that the Abyss is expanding even in this moment. Anyway, go on.
  • Laby: Uh huh! When everyone was out scouting, Laby asked around.
  • Rose: Being cursed for escaping the beginning, will one day return back to the beginning'. ... There was also a legend that claimed demons originated from Abyss.
  • Rose: Then is returning to Abyss like going back to your place of birth? How chilling.
  • Lu: How chilling indeed. Back to the question. Most demons won't be able to handle the demonic energy of Abyss and lose their lives.
  • Lu: Some become wraiths of Abyss. Those who adapt will become part of it and will have their fates intertwined to its existence.
  • Ciel: You mean Abyss Fanatics. Victoria mentioned they are those who pledge to become one with Abyss.
  • Elesis: I wonder what makes them devoted to Abyss?
  • Lu: No idea. It's difficult to gain anything from those who transformed like that.
  • Rena: Uhh, that spooky story along with the strange distortion is giving me the chills! I hope we don't end up like that!
  • Raven: Lu. Those things eaten by Abyss... Do they appear even in newly formed Abyss?
  • Lu: Yes. It's a strange phenomenon that defines Abyss.
  • Raven: Then I might actually be sensing someone following us?
  • Elesis: ... What?! Something's following us?
  • Chung: Where? Which way?
  • Aisha: ... I... I didn't see anything.
  • Elsword: ... You definitely did, didn't you?!
  • Ain: (So I wasn't just seeing things...)
  • Ara: C, come to think of it... I think I saw something retreat to the shadow when Aisha brightened the lights...
  • Elesis: What? Why didn't you say anything!
  • Ara: I thought I was mistaken! I thought the light was playing tricks on my eyes!
  • Aisha: Stop shouting! What if it attacks us...!
  • Elsword: Where? Where is it? How long has it been following us?
  • Add: Kugh...
  • Add: ... Hey, magician. Spread out the light source.
  • Aisha: We can't do that!! What if it's the ghost of Abyss!
  • Add: Or it can be a monster. It's better to face it and destroy everything than to be scared.
  • Aisha: Ugh... Uuuhhh... Alright. Then... I'll do it.
  • Aisha: I can make sure we can see further, but it will take time to get used to the brightness. Stay on guard so we're not ambushed during that time.
  • Elesis: Alright, then let's circle around with our backs to Aisha. ... Ready? Alright Aisha, on your mark.
  • Aisha: Ok, on three then. One, two, three...!
  • Abyss Worshiper: .......
  • Abyss Worshiper: ....... .......
  • Abyss Worshiper: .......
  • Eve: ... Lu. Is that what you were talking about?
  • Lu: Yes. Those who've been slumbering in the dark. It seems they woke up with the Abyss.
  • Lu: They are the Abyss Worshipers.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Tragedy of Blind Faith
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Abyss Worshiper story quest
  • -


Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Abyss Worshiper: ....... ... ....... .......
  • Lu: Only one of them is charging at us, while the rest of them are watching. I wonder why?
  • Aisha: Isn't that more scary? They can some at any moment.
  • Ciel: Perhaps they're waiting for us to fall in exhaustion...
  • Aisha: Gyaa! Don't say that! It's creepy!
  • Ain: .......
  • Ain: (There's an altar. It must have collapsed and fallen from above when the Abyss appeared.)
  • Ain: (There must have worshipped something once.)
  • Abyss Worshiper: [kees... uoy od... tahw... ssyba... fo... redurtni]
  • Chung: Is it... saying something?
  • Elesis: I was listening to see if it were some kind of code, but it doesn't seem like it.
  • Elsword: Those creeps...!
  • Red Demon King's Eye: Hm? Do you notice anything about the altar?
  • Lu: Shush, you menace! Can't you at least shut up when you don't have a mouth.
  • Red Demon King's Eye: Now now, Luciela. Good communication is key to good teamwork. Never mind that though, check out that altar over there.
  • Red Demon King's Eye: The demonic energy of Abyss is gathering to that later. I can block almost anything with my eye, but a condensed demonic energy like that is dangerous. Take care of it, will you?
  • Elesis: I'll go! I need some of you to back me up!
  • Abyss Worshiper: [f emac... redurtni... tsri]
  • Abyss Worshiper: [iw deerg... dna htarw ni depparw... dees nwonknu ht]

  • Abyss Worshiper: [wod traeh eht ot n]
  • Ain: (I see more of them, and the numbers keep increasing.)
  • Abyss Worshiper: [oces redurtni dn]
  • Ain: (I sense aura flowing like wisps from the cracks on the wall. Disgusting... Is that their true form?)
  • Ain: (They may look like humans, but it's merely an outer shell...)
  • Chung: Ugh... Stand back! Haaa!
  • (BANG--!)
  • Abyss Worshiper: (FLINCH)
  • Ain: (They despite light.)
  • Ain: (... Sigh... The demonic energy of Abyss is giving me a headache. The strange odor they emit might also affect me negatively. I have to be careful.)
  • Ain: (The blasphemous altar... covered by demonic energy...)
  • Ain: (That altar is collecting demonic energy. Not good. We have to stop it.)
  • Abyss Worshiper: [a ekil tnew eh ssyba eht nwod worra n]
  • Ain: (Those in the back started moving. They're slow, but I can't let them slip. I don't know what you're up to, but I won't let you get away with it...)
  • Abyss Worshiper: ....... ... ..... .......
  • Ain: (They weren't coming this way. Are they headed towards the altar...?)
  • Abyss Worshiper: [niwonk sruo htiw sngila etaf sih g]
  • Abyss Worshiper: [ni driht kees uoy tahw taht si redurt]
  • Ain: (What... They're holding hands, as if they're praying...)
  • Ain: (Ridiculous. Do they even know what they are doing? It's offensive.)
  • Ain: (... Strange. Their movements are especially offensive.)
  • Ain: (Not only because they're demons... Their action, their being... is bothering me in some way.)
  • Ain: (Sigh... I must calm down. Demonic energy is dangerous. I may react to it more than others.)
  • Ain: (It makes me doubt and lose myself... I have already experienced something like this before.)
  • Laby: Look! Laby found it!
  • Elsword: Ain! Are you okay?
  • Ain: Elsword... You... What happened?
  • Rena: That's what we should say. You know how scared we were when you just disappeared?
  • Elsword: We came back because you seemed to fall behind the range of the eye. Are you sure you're alright? Are you feeling sick?
  • Ain: Ah... No, it's nothing. I was so on edge, I didn't even realize I was falling behind.
  • Ain: You brought the eye because of me? I'm sorry.
  • Laby: Laby's glad you're ok. Oh! We saw a strange altar on the way.
  • Elsword: It looked different from others. Can you check it for us, Ain?
  • Ain: A strange altar?

  • ... ... ... ...
  • Ain: This altar... is not affected by demonic energy. How, in this environment...?
  • Elsword: It's different, right? But it doesn't seem to be working.
  • Ain: It's broken. Let me take a look.
  • Laby: Whoa... ah? Something was happening, but went shhhh again.
  • Rena: Maybe it already happened! Hmmm, see? The air is slightly more refreshing.
  • Laby: Oooh? You're right! There's less demonic energy. What happened?
  • Rena: This could be the intended function of this altar...
  • Laby: Huh? Rena, did you figure it out?
  • Rena: I'm just taking a wild guess. This altar must have fell down from above when the Abyss appeared, right?
  • Rena: When you look at it, it's old. It seems it was finally uncovered after a long time when the Abyss appeared.
  • Ain: Can you tell all that just from a glance?
  • Rena: Huhu, I saw a lot of ruins back in my day. This is a piece of cake.
  • Rena: And... Abyss is terrifying, isn't it? I can't imagine worshipping something like this.
  • Elsword: Me neither. I'd be annoyed if something like Abyss appeared where I live.
  • Laby: Maybe everyone who lived here also prayed Abyss will not appear at this altar?
  • Rena: With how it was able to purify the demonic energy, the purpose of this altar might have been to subdue or get rid of Abyss.
  • Rena: Anyway, I just thought Abyss Worshipers might not have started out worshipping Abyss.
  • Ain: (... But it's weak. Even with the power of purification, inside an Abyss, it's power would have been like a candle light before a moonless night.)
  • Elsword: ... Hey, a worshipper is coming this way. Let's get out of the way.
  • Laby: Is it fine to let it go to the altar?
  • Elsword: I think it's fine. Other than the one that's overly aggressive, none of them tried to harm us.
  • Abyss Worshiper: .......
  • Rena: ... This one's not praying unlike the others.
  • Ain: (It probably can't.)
  • Ain: (Too afraid that a prayer from a corrupted being like them... flicker out the one remaining light.)
  • Ain: (... Ahh. I see now why I found them especially offensive.)
  • Ain: (I saw myself through them. If I failed my mission, if I met another fate...)
  • Ain: (An apprehension that I might end that way if I lose god, the El, and my friends...)
  • Elsword: Maybe it enjoys looking at it.
  • Elsword: Since when you pray, you can't look at the altar with your head down.
  • Ain: ... You might be right.
  • Ain: (That's right. This too, is just my suspicion. If those Abyss Worshipers are priests, if Demon God exist, if they transform when they lose their god...)
  • Ain: (There's no way of knowing any of that. But...)
  • Ain: ... How pitiful.
  • Ain: Shall we go join the others?
  • Ain: I have an idea how to leave this place. We'll need the others to try it out.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Distorted Senses
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Tragedy of Blind Faith story quest
  • -


Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Hide and Seek
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Distorted Senses story quest
  • -


Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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