Story/Chapter 9

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9:Velder is in Danger

Chapter 9: Velder is in Danger

Velder, the Capital City, has fallen under the Demon Forces who have been hiding the stolen El Shards. Residents have set up a station on the outskirts of Velder so that they can have better access to the Kingdom. They planned to attack from the residential areas first. When Elsword and his Party reached the Kingdom, it was already burning, and the Evil Forces and the Dark Elves were to blame.

[Village] Fall of Velder
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

The El Search Party receives a message that an unidentified horde of monsters appeared from inside Velder Castle and decided to head directly to Velder Outskirts.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • [Velder Outskirts]
  • Raven: (I didn't think I would return so soon...)
  • Aisha: Are we at the right place? Even if this is just a temporary base, it seems too unorganized...
  • Rena: I sense a sharp gaze... They seem stressed.
  • Eve: It seems they all got out in a hurry. Most of them look like refugees. Where are the Velder Guards...?
  • Vanessa: Hello, I am Vanessa, Squad Captain of the Velder Guards. Thank you for coming to our aid, but...
  • Noel: You don't look like soldiers from Feita. Who are you?
  • Elsword: I'm a member of the El Search Party. These are my friends. We helped reclaim Feita's Shrine and heard you guys needed help.
  • Noel: Is that so? You just remind me a lot of someone I know. My name is Noel. I'm a civilian.
  • Raven: What's the current situation? We heard an unidentified army appeared within the palace. Did the nobles and the palace guards manage to escape?
  • Vanessa: ... Velder Palace housed the largest El shard of Elrios, the Earth El.
  • Vanessa: The report states that demons suddenly spilled out from the room that housed the Earth El. Right now, we have no way to know what's happening at the capital or the palace.
  • Vanessa: About his majesty and others... I'm sorry. Only a few guards managed to escape the palace.
  • Raven: ...
  • Aisha: Were you not at the palace at the time?
  • Vanessa: ... I'm shameful to admit, but I wasn't in Velder at the time because I was in a mission elsewhere.
  • Elsword: An invasion form within... it's similar to the situation that happened in Feita. I wonder if they are the same ones from Feita?
  • Rena: What happened to the Priestess? I heard there's a Priestess that protects the El in Velder.
  • Vanessa: The Earth Priestess was not here at the time of the invasion. That's all I can say on the matter.
  • Rena: You mean they might have used the El while the Priestess was gone...
  • Aisha: As Vanessa mentioned, the Earth El is the biggest, most powerful El among the El shards that scattered across Elrios during the El Explosion.
  • Aisha: If this El turns into a Dark El... I bet demonic energy of unimaginable power will exude from it.
  • Noel: A Dark El? There's fire and smoke everywhere but no demonic energy, so I guess we're fine for now. Not that the situation is all fine and dandy.
  • Vanessa: We must enter the palace.
  • Eve: ... Isn't that too reckless? There should be enough demon troops to occupy the capital.
  • Vanessa: Indeed, you are correct, but this is not a matter of choice. Just last night, Velder Guards fired a flare signal from the palace.
  • Elsword: A flare signal? That means there are still people alive at the palace!
  • Aisha: We have to rescue them at once!
  • Elsword: Alright. So our mission is to find out what's happening with the Earth El, the capital, and the palace, and rescue any survivors, right? How do we approach the capital?
  • Vanessa: Hope Bridge should be the closest way in. Currently, we placed the combined forces of the Velder Guards and reinforcements from all over Velder at the outskirts.
  • Vanessa: Once the advance squad manage to open up a path against the demons, the troops I command should be able to reach the palace.
  • Raven: We will act as the advance squad. We need enough troops to protect the outskirts and the civilians.
  • Vanessa: Noel will be in charge of the outskirts.
  • Noel: Who, me? I'm just a lowly bard who plays the strings all day.
  • Raven: Heh, a lowly bard?
  • Vanessa: Noel, anyone who saw you during your mercenary days butchering your enemies with your sword would say otherwise.
  • Noel: Alright, alright. Sigh, you guys just won't let a man retire from the field.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Blessed Enhancement Stone x10 N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Rediscovery of Hope
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Fall of Velder story quest

Hope Bridge, the fastest route to the Castle, is taken over by countless demons. Worried about the state of the capital, the El Search Party decides to hurry.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • [Residential Area Near Hope Bridge]
  • Rena: There's too many demons!
  • Raven: It seems nimble Glitters were placed in an assassin squad. If we're not careful, we'll be down before we can react.
  • Raven: As the advance squad, we need to take care of them. We have to keep the soldiers' spirits high as they enter the palace.
  • Eve: ... There's no sign of life nearby other than demons. Aisha, there's no need to hold back your magic.
  • Aisha: Oh, uh that's good. I was worried about hitting a civilian.
  • Aisha: ... I'll just assume anything that moves is an enemy. How did the capital turn out like this...
  • Elsword: ... The people here... They must have escaped, right?
  • Raven: ...
  • Elsword: ... Let's hurry!
  • Aisha: Hey! Don't go running off on your own! What has gotten into him?
  • Raven: ... He's likely anxious, which is understandable.
  • Raven: (My Nasod arm is acting up again... I just hope it doesn't get in the way.)
  • Chloe: ...
  • (WHHEE! ... THWACK!)
  • Eve: Watch out! There's a sniper.
  • Rena: ...! They are cursed Ancient Elves! They must be the reason I felt a sharp gaze when we arrived!
  • Rena: How could you side with demons? Have you lost all pride as an Elf?!
  • Raven: ... It seems Glitter assassins were not the only ones with fast feet. The Dark Elves and the Glitters must be the reason why the demons were able to form their initial line of defense.
  • Raven: They are highly trained. Nothing like the ones that appeared in Feita.
  • Raven: If the bridge that leads to the capital is like this... We can expect the capital is completely isolated. Hopefully the palace guards are managing well on their own.
  • Rena: Hmph! But they weren't too quick. We can easily get rid of this flimsy fence and join with the soldiers from the capital!
  • Raven: Aisha, follow Elsword. Take down the fence and open a path for us. We will take care of the agile Dark Elves and Glitter Assassins.
  • Aisha: Leave it to me. I was worried about the dummy anyway.
  • Eve: I will accompany them. The panzer might pose a problem.
  • Rena: Don't push yourself too hard, ok? We'll leave the two of them in your care, Eve.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • [Hope Bridge]
  • Elsword: ... Hope Bridge, secured!
  • Eve: We can now enter the palace. I will shoot the flare signal to inform the Velder troops following us.
  • Elsword: Phew... What a relief! Those Glitters moved more efficiently than the ones we encountered in Feita. They were actually moving like a proper military unit.
  • Aisha: Even though you knew that, you still ran off? You only have one life! If it weren't for Eve, you would have been in big trouble.
  • Eve: I'm glad I was able to help.
  • Raven: They weren't easy opponents, but thankfully, this bridge wasn't guarded as heavily as other entry points. We were lucky.

  • (... WHOOSH-!)
  • Aisha: Look! A signal flare from the palace!
  • Raven: It seems the survivors at the palace saw our signal to the troops.
  • Elsword: They are still holding strong! We can save them...!
  • Rena: We should watch out. The smoke from the palace is thicker now. And I feel something... unpleasant. Almost like Feita.
  • Raven: Yes. It's too early to celebrate. Right now, the capital is swarming with demons.
  • Rena: The real battle starts after entering the palace.
  • Eve: ... I sense high head beyond the palace gates.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 968,160 Intermediate Titanium Weapon Cube x1 N/A
ED 215,700 Intermediate Titanium Battle Armor Cube x1 N/A
EP 12 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Palace Under Fire
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Rediscovery of Hope story quest

When Velder Knights see the capital in flames, they are greatly shaken. However, everyone must hold on and focus on rescuing the remaining survivors.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • (FLARE...!)
  • Aisha: No...! The whole capital is like a sea of fire!
  • Elsword: Damn it, I knew something was wrong from the looks of things...
  • Rena: It looks like the Dark Elves summoned Fire Spirits. It's difficult to take out this kind of fire!
  • Vanessa: This can't be... The guards barracks should have been right here... I don't even see a trace.
  • Eve: ... Not good. The soldiers are clearly shaken. We must calm them down.
  • Raven: ... Most of the soldiers are from the capital. Some of them might be friends with the palace guards. Of course they are shaken...
  • Eve: ...
  • Vanessa: ... I apologize! I will compose myself. I should have led with a good example...
  • Aisha: The Fire Spirits from the Demon Realm... I saw them in Allegro's book! If I remember correctly, they're called Kenaz. They cause chain explosions.
  • Vanessa: We should be able to stop the spread of fire once we defeat the spirits... But we don't have time. We must rescue the survivors trapped in the palace first.
  • Vanessa: Everyone, head to the palace! Be careful! The Glitter troops' tank is there!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • [Palace Entrance]
  • Elsword: Damn it, you demons! Come and fight me! I will defeat every last one of you and get Velder back!
  • Raven: Elsword, calm down. It's dangerous to charge ahead on your own and move out of formation!
  • Rena: Cough! Cough! My ears are ringing from the explosions and the earth shaking.
  • Eve: A large object is approaching fast!
  • (TDDDDDDD--!)
  • Vanessa: It's the tank! Everyone, move out of it's track and follow the plan!
  • Eve: It's shape is specialized in battling in the city. This must be the tank that destroyed the buildings to block the entrance to the palace.
  • Vanessa: Assault squad! Lure the tank within range of the cannons!
  • Vanessa: Aim! Fire!
  • (BOOM-)
  • (...)
  • Elsword: ?!
  • (AAACK!!)
  • Rena: This isn't the cannons! What's causing the explosion...?
  • Eve: ... Chain explosions...! The demons filled the tank with Fire Spirits!
  • Aisha: Did they read our moves?!
  • Elsword: Assault squad! Retreat! No, we have to help them get away...!
  • Raven: It's too late! Considering the size of the tank, and how many spirits they can fit in, the explosions are not over!

  • Eve: Abnormal activity detected. Wait, that Glitter Soldier... went up the palace wall. What is it trying to do...?
  • (CLICK)

  • Rena: The... The signal...
  • Raven: Damn it, they were playing with us all along!
  • Vanessa: Retreat! Everyone retreat!!
  • Elsword: What? But the soldiers...!!
  • Raven: If we do not retreat right now, there will be more causalities. We have to follow Vanessa's orders for now!
  • Eve: Hope Bridge is that way!
  • (KABOOM!!)
  • Rena: Kyaah!?
  • Aisha: Are you alright, Rena?!
  • Rena: Yes! But the soldiers...
  • Elsword: They... couldn't dodge it... I won't forgive them...! Demon scum! Let go of me Raven! I'll kill them all!!
  • Raven: Elsword, clear your head. Don't mistake stupidity with bravery. Clear way for the troops!
  • Eve: ...! Moby, Remy, secure an escape route.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 1,865,980 Advanced Magic Stone x10 N/A
ED 241,100 N/A N/A
EP 13 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Remaining Escape Route
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the The Palace Under Fire story quest

The El Search Party falls into demons' trap and the Hope Bridge is taken by demons again. Though there's danger of ambush, there's only one way to retreat. The commercial district.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Vanessa: ... I have bad news. The bridge entrance has been taken again by the demon army.
  • Rena: The first flare signal was a trap to lure us in...
  • Aisha: ... There were no survivors at all...
  • Elsword: (... Right is right. If only I kept a clear mind, I could have prevented this from happening.)
  • Elsword: (Big Sis wouldn't have made a rookie mistake like this. She would have...)
  • Raven: (It seems they know all our moves. I hate to admit it, but the demons in Velder seem to understand their enemies much more than we anticipated.)
  • Rena: I wonder how they knew Velder's communication system... It's terrifying.
  • Aisha: There was no helping it. With his Majesty missing, we had to charge in for even a sliver of hope of saving him.
  • Rena: The demons... They weren't just evil monsters that appeared in old legends. Perhaps they have a more advanced system than we thought.
  • Vanessa: ... Your majesty...
  • Vanessa: ... We should hurry and retreat. Let us make way back to the camp against these demons!
  • (BOOM! CRASH!)
  • Vanessa: Prioritize neutralizing the siege tower!
  • Eve: ... Our retreat is being delayed. We have already exceeded the expected time to retreat.)
  • Aisha: The soldiers are exhausted. Though Vanessa is trying to encourage them... And we lost a lot of men...
  • Elsword: ...
  • (BOOM-!)
  • Aisha: ! That didn't come from the palace! Where's the sound coming from?
  • Vanessa: ... The demons exploded Hope Bridge! We won't be able to retreat...!
  • Vanessa: After all this, damn it...! Eve please search for another retreat route immediately!
  • Eve: Residential Area 3 is nearby. We can use that path to move to the commercial district, then retreat to the outskirts.
  • Raven: That's too obvious. They'll surely be waiting for us. Is there no other way?
  • Eve: Unfortunately, no.
  • Raven: ... If that is our best chance... Alright. We will just have to stay alert. Vanessa, I will take care of the ambush. I will charge ahead and open a path.
  • Eve: I will help. I will secure the shortest path and guide you to the base at the outskirts.
  • Vanessa: Thank you. Raven, Eve, and the assault squad at the front, everyone else, come to the rear.
  • Vanessa: Men, we will retreat through the commercial district. Be aware of an ambush!
  • Elsword: ...
  • Aisha: Let's go, Elsword! I know you're exhausted, but you have to stay focused!
  • Elsword: ... Yeah. I know.
  • Aisha: ...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • (VWOOOO---)
  • Rena: The demons' signal! They must have noticed us entering the residential district.
  • Vanessa: The assassins will be the first one to chase us! Relay the message to the back so they'll be prepared.
  • Raven: Facing the demon elites are forcing us to slow down. We will be caught up at this rate.
  • Vanessa: ... There's a gate at the commercial district. As soon as we pass, the rear should close the gates! That should buy us some time!
  • Rena: Glitter assassins and Dark Elves approaching! There's too close to lose them!
  • Aisha: Hiyaa... Meteor Call! Take that! You're not the only ones that can use fire!
  • Aisha: Ugh... It's pretty weak. I think I'm running out of mana...
  • Aisha: Grrr... If it weren't for the ring... If only my mana wasn't stolen...! I could have taken care of them easily...!
  • Elsword: ... I should have known.
  • Aisha: Huh? What?
  • Elsword: I'm not my sister. I can't be a hero like her. But I can...
  • Aisha: ... What are you doing? Why are you stopping?
  • Elsword: You go follow the others!

  • (CLANG-!)
  • Rena: The sound... The game is closed?! Aisha! Elsword! Did you succeed?!

  • Aisha: No, that dummy! What is he thinking! Elsword is at the other side of the gate!
  • Raven: What...!

  • Chloe: ... Hmph, you have some nerve...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 1,512,490 [Ariel] Intermediate HP Potion x30 N/A
ED 267,800 [Ariel] Intermediate MP Potion x30 N/A
EP 15 N/A N/A
AP 0


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