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  • English
42-1:True Strength

Chapter 42-1: True Strength

Elsword wants to get more power, so he seeks help from Solace, but doesn't get an answer, and learns that the Master's power is not something that can be passed down. Solace questions Raven's resolve that he calls, "self-atonement", and Raven says his body was made from the Nasod, although it is indeed taking away his lifeforce. Elsword can't stay still, and he knows what they're saying, but he is a bit worried about what is going on in the Demon Realm, but comes to term with his current strength, saying it's his friends that made it so far. After Solace finished discussing with Raven, Elsword reveals his feelings to him, and then spars with him. Solace reveals to him that he has talent comparable to the Elrians before the Explosion, and wonders why did he appear just now.

[Village] Power of the Sun
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Return to Elysion story quest

Elsword believes he needs to be stronger to protect his friends. He seeks answer from Solace, but Solace coldly refused.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Solace: You wished to speak to me?
  • Elsword: Solace, you need to be powerful in order to become a Master, right?
  • Solace: Of course. El masters, at the core, a group that focuses on power in order to protect the El and the El lady from various threats such as the Order. Why do you ask? Do you wish to become an El Master?
  • Elsword: I can't say I don't… But I can't exactly say that I do.
  • Raven: Elsword, you...
  • Elsword: I blamed Add for everything… But I did understand… That it was my stubbornness that could have led everyone into danger. That's why I'm here. I need power. Strong enough to keep me on my path.
  • Solace: You are not interested in the position of an El Master, yet you are interested in the power they hold?
  • Elsword: I finally realized what you meant back then, as we fought against Rosso in Varnimyr. Rosso… was extremely powerful even when he was unconscious. I would not have been able to handle him on my own.
  • Solace: The Fire El is the most destructive attribute... and I am no longer as powerful as I used to be. You could have asked the Fire Master if you wanted power… Why did you come to me?
  • Elsword: ... Because I thought you would have an answer.
  • Solace: What answer do you seek from me?
  • Elsword: You were able to protect what is important to you...
  • Solace: Absurd. Have you already forgotten what has transpired in it's place?
  • Elsword: I've seen your memory. I saw how angry you were… How much you were in pain... But you still wished to create a world where the El Lady could live, instead of cursing the world that sacrificed her.
  • Solace: .......
  • Elsword: In the Demon Realm, I met an enemy I met in the past, and lost before I could even lift my sword. If I were just a bit stronger, then I wouldn't have had to turn my back away from an enemy I knew would become a great threat to us. In order to protect my friends… and the El, I need to become stronger.
  • Solace: If you seek the power of a Master, you're in the wrong place. A Master's power is not something that can be passed down. Only the most powerful Elrians of their generation earn the right to become an El Master. And even then, there are many other qualifications one must have before they are elected. Once they are elected, they would receive an elemental attribute from the high priest. The 'power of a Master' you wish to obtain, is just an addition of an elemental attribute. My power is very much my own.
  • Solace: So I cannot grant you what you seek.
  • Elsword: No...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Raven: Incredible. I did not expect that outstanding power of the El Masters is in fact purely their own. But surely, that kind of power cannot be so common place? Were there more who held that kind of power in the past?
  • Solace: There were more before the Great Explosion, After that, there were barely any Elrians that had enough power to become an El Master.
  • Raven: Ah, because of the weakening of the El?
  • Solace: That is what I suspect........ I know why you continue to follow them on their journey. You are still shackled by the meaningless act of self-flagellation 'you call, atonement.'
  • Raven: What are you getting at? I did not make my decision only to be criticized by the likes of you.
  • Solace: Is that so? But even you must know that your body cannot hold on much longer.
  • CLANG!
  • Solace: .......
  • Elsword: Raven?
  • Raven: ... Watch your tongue.
  • Solace: Did you think you could hide it forever?
  • Raven: I would managed to hide it much longer if you don't blab.
  • Solace: Careless.
  • CLANG!
  • Raven: Kugh...!
  • Solace: If you must play the moth charging towards the flame, I will personally lend you my aid in incinerating you. Raise your sword. Both of you. No need to waste my time when I can handle the both of you at the same time.
  • Elsword: What?
  • Solace: I cannot give you the answer you desire. If you wish to find something, find it yourself.
  • Elsword: Tsk, Raven!
  • Raven: Understood!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Stronger than Power
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Power of the Sun story quest

Raven tells Elsword he has no reason to rush to become powerful, as his true strength lies else where.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Raven: Kugh, you've become stronger.
  • Solace: ... Is that your impression? How unfortunate.
  • Raven: What do you... Ah, so it isn't you who've become stronger. (... I'm still not fully healed from the damage I took in the Demon Realm. It seems I've become weaker.)
  • Solace: The Nasod parts that are transplanted in your body is not for your benefit. Its purpose is to use the human body in accordance to the convenience of the Nasods. You should know better than anyone.
  • Raven: ... You're correct. With many of my body parts replaced with a heavier machine counter parts, my whole body is unstable. Though I've gone through many repairs and adjustments to stabilize my body, the parts were never meant to be a part of me. I still feel severe pain on occasion. (And they continuously decrease my life span. Even if I return to a peaceful life style, I will not be able to live as long as others. Solace's assessment is not too far from the truth.)
  • Elsword: Raven! Watch out!
  • Raven: Kugh...!
  • Solace: Your mind is wandering. Now is not the time to be distracted.
  • Raven: ... I'll keep that in mind.
  • Elsword: Speak for yourself! Haa!
  • CLANG--!!
  • Elsword: Ugh... What is this...? Armor?
  • Raven: .......
  • CLING!!
  • Elsword: Gah...!
  • Solace: Do you still believe the path you have chosen is the right answer?
  • Elsword: Yes. I... I have something to protect. That's why I need to become stronger! So I can face whoever that comes in my way!
  • Solace: You wish to find the easy way. That wish will soon shatter your resolve.... I see no meaning in exchanging our swords like this. I will give you time to cool your head.
  • Elsword: No! I...!
  • Raven: Calm down, Elsword! You've been acting reckless all day. Remember what Eve told you. Right now, getting a grip of yourself is more important than training. You'll end up making more mistakes if you try to rush it.
  • Elsword: Tsk...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: ... Sorry Raven. I get all of that, but I can't help it. Even now, we don't know what's happening in the Demon Realm...! Berthe might already have a portal ready to invade Elrios any moment now. And... if Henir's Order finds the Dark El first... then the world will still be in danger even if we manage to stop the demon invasion! It'll be an even bigger threat to Elrios than the Great Explosion! We have to stop all of them! There's no time to lose! The reason why Winster's village is in danger, and why Ain is unconscious is all because... I... if only I...
  • Raven: Elsword. You ARE strong. There's no reason for you to feel pressured to become stronger.
  • Elsword: But... I'm nothing against Solace... and even Berthe.
  • Raven: Elsword, your strength doesn't come from physical strength or your ability to resonate with the El. The biggest asset you have is believing in your friends.
  • Elsword: ... But...... You saw me yelling at Add. Add only did what he could in that situation, but I accused him without understanding him.
  • Raven: See? Even now, when you don't understand his motives, you still believe in Add. You've always been that way. Even though demons invaded Elrios, and you yourself almost lost your life fighting against them, you accepted Lu and Ciel without a doubt.
  • Elsword: Yea, but Lu and Ciel are nice...
  • Raven: ... Yes, it's apparent now, but I can assure you, back then, there were many who didn't welcome the notion of demons traveling with us. In the end, it was thanks to Lu and Ciel traveling with us that we were able to stop the resurrection of the Demon God and receive information of Henir's Order, the Dark El, and the White-Ghost King.
  • Elsword: I still don't understand how that's my 'strength'.
  • Raven: It's the same when we first met Eve.... To tell you the truth, I was reluctant to have her join us.
  • Elsword: W, wait, really?
  • Raven: I've been experimented to become half-Nasod after all. But now, I'm glad. I trust her as a friend. To borrow her words, we are traveling together because our own individual goals are close to each other's, but this all wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for you.
  • Elsword: For me...?
  • Raven: Don't you understand? The reason why we can all work together as one team, when our goals, personalities, fighting style, and culture all differed from one another, is because of you. If it weren't for you as our center to ground us, we wouldn't have been able to stay together. So there's no reason to hurry. It'll help if you do become stronger, but we were able to achieve what we have, because we're all in this together.
  • Elsword: .......
  • Raven: (... I should let him think on this.)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Believe in Everyone
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Stronger than Power story quest

Elsword faced his uneasiness through his conversation with Raven and is resolved once more.
His steady sword is now directed at the Sun Master.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Elsword: Solace, what did you and Raven talk about?
  • Solace: Why do you ask?
  • Elsword: Because I don't get why you accepted to spar with us, after you told me you have no answer for me.
  • Solace: ... That has nothing to do with it.
  • Elsword: Really? Hm...... I've been thinking... About how I acted, and what you said... When I got out of the Large El... I was glad that everyone came to help me, but I also felt bad... Because I felt like I put an unnecessary burden on everyone else. The El was restored, but it's still unstable... Which means Elrios is still in danger. So in order to make up for everything, I thought I should help to completely restore the El and stop anything that threatens to harm it. That's why I wanted to become stronger. But... I did know... deep down... that this isn't something that has an easy fix. It's easy to think that everything will be fine as long as I become stronger. Instead, I was just ignoring other issues that were too complicated. That's what you meant by choosing the easy path, right?
  • Solace: ... Yes.
  • Elsword: ....... Raven told me that my strength isn't a physical one, but it's my ability to bring people together! I remember you saying similar things. You said what we achieved isn't something that could be done only with our strength. It's because everyone on our journey came together and fought with us that we came this far! Though you were talking about a world that doesn't require the El... What Raven told me, reminded me of that time.... You asked me if I still believe that path I chose is the right one.
  • Solace: Did you change your mind?
  • Elsword: No. I still believe the same. I just forgot for a moment that the reason why we were able to come all this way is not because any one of us is strong, but because we were all in this together. It's not just me who chose this path. My friends also chose this path together, and that's why we're here. That's why we'll stay. So I'm not gonna talk about 'what ifs' of 'if onlys' anymore! For me, and my friends, I will stand strong.
  • Solace: Is that so. That is an honest answer.
  • Elsword: Huh? Honest about what?
  • Solace: That is for you to figure out. What decision you made is not important to me. But... you finally look like a worthy opponent.
  • Elsword: Yeah. Now it's not about becoming stronger or getting the power of a Master. I just wanna fight, fair and square.
  • Solace: ... Alright.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Solace: That wasn't too bad.
  • Elsword: ... Thanks, Solace.
  • Solace: It's embarrassing to hear that from someone so exhausted that he's splayed out on the ground.
  • Elsword: Hey! No fair! Anyway, fighting really cleared my head, and now I'm more determined than ever! Even if I don't have the ability to, I won't stop trying to restore the El!
  • Solace: I never told you that you do not have the capability.
  • Elsword: What? But you said...
  • Solace: I only said that a Master's power is not something that can be passed down.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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