Story/Chapter 39 Haivan

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39:Haivan <Middle Level>

Chapter 39: Haivan <Middle Level>

Elsword, Aisha, Raven, Ara and Add decide to head to the middle level with Haivan, although Haivan is really suspicious. However, they have their troubles, as Ara worries about Eun.

Operating Icerite Refiner
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

Elsword, Aisha, Raven, Ara, Add are headed to the center of the plant with Haivan to operate the refiner.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Haivan: Here! This is the center of the Abandoned Icerite Plant.
  • Haivan: We can make highly concentrated icerite capsules using the refiner here! It's the key part of this plant!
  • Haivan: We'll be collecting the parts and repair the refiner. It's not that difficult so just follow my lead! Easy, right?
  • Add: He doesn't take anything seriously. Are we sure we can trust this guy?
  • Haivan: Huhuhu, I can't take anything seriously from an ignorant ordinary man!
  • Add: What did you say?!
  • Aisha: They sure can't get along, can they?
  • Elsword: No, looks like they can't.
  • Ara: Oh! Over there...!
  • Elsword: Ara? What's wrong?!
  • Ara: Oh... Sorry! I was surprised to see the machines we saw earlier, but it doesn't look like its' working.
  • Elsword: You're right! It's exactly like the ones we've seen at the tunnel!
  • Raven: I see, so the machines we've fought were made here.
  • Haivan: Yup! And we bring it here to fix it if it's broken beyond simple repairs.
  • Haivan: Thanks to you all, we need to bring a looooot of them back here.
  • Elsword: I... Err... Sorry...
  • Haivan: No worries, I break them quite often tweaking the machines here and there without father's knowledge.
  • Ara: Uuuh... But... We've completely destroyed most of them...
  • Haivan: I'm telling you, it's fine! They're designed to attack indiscriminately if they sense any life form within a certain vicinity.
  • Haivan: See? Just like those ones.
  • Ara: ... Huh?
  • Elsword: The machines are moving!
  • Haivan: So I'll be under your care again, good luck!
  • Add: Damn it, why are the machines here as well. Hey!!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: Is that all of it?
  • Aisha: Phew, I was surprised because they swarmed us out of nowhere!
  • Haivan: Oh, you really are strong! I thought it was an exaggeration when father told me you've defeated the machines in the tunnel.
  • Haivan: No wonder father put his faith in you! So how about it? Wanna fight together of our side?
  • Add: Never mind that, why don't you explain this situation instead.
  • Add: Explain why they are crawling around this plant!
  • Raven: Add might be acting too emotionally, but I'd like to know the reason as well.
  • Raven: You said you come to this plant regularly. Then why did those machines attack us?
  • Ara: Are you saying this was all a trap?
  • Add: We'll know once he answers our question. Now, explain.
  • Haivan: ... Sigh.
  • Haivan: ... You're more perceptive than I thought. You leave me no choice. You are interfering with my plan.
  • Haivan: I can no longer let you roam around causing trouble.
  • Haivan: Now, it's time I remove you all for good.
  • Haivan: ... Is that what you expected me to say?
  • Ara: Add! Please! Please calm down!
  • Add: Let me... Go...!
  • Elsword: ... What was that about?
  • Haivan: I just thought you wanted some drama, so I played the part.
  • Aisha: I really can't tell if he hates us or not...
  • Haivan: I'm not really sure why... But the machines here are brought here because they need repairs, or to discard them after extracting useful parts.
  • Haivan: So... Maybe it's just a simple malfunction?
  • Raven: Isn't that too many for a simple malfunction?
  • Haivan: Hm... If the problem was providing enough energy, then it might be because of the monsters that feed on icerites that it began moving again.
  • Aisha: So you don't know the exact reason.
  • Haivan: Nope! But it's great! At least now I know that those ones still have working parts!
  • Haivan: We can take the parts from the ones that move to fix the refiner! All according to plan!
  • Add: Easier said than done. It's not like you're the one fighting.
  • Haivan: But I'm the one fixing, aren't I?
  • Add: Why you...
  • Haivan: Amazing! Your expression of distrust is almost perfect! But I'm an expert.
  • Ara: Then... Do we just keep fighting those machines? I can't tell if this is a good thing, or a bad thing.
  • Aisha: Considering how many machines that are piled around here... It might actually be faster to take them from machines that still operate.
  • Haivan: You think so too? So how about it, you fight the machines, and I collect the parts!
  • Haivan: It's perfect teamwork! Are you sure you don't want to fight on our side? Huh? Huh?
  • Raven: ... We refuse.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 1,350,000 N/A N/A
EP 15 N/A N/A
AP 0
Remains of Military Facilities
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Operating Icerite Refiner story quest

Even in front of a swarm of machines, he is smiling without care.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Raven: There's too many machines here for security purposes.
  • Aisha: Maybe they need a lot of replacements because of the machine's life expectancy?
  • Elsword: Even so, there's too many of them. Do you remember the Nasod Foundry in Altera?
  • Haivan: ... What's that?
  • Elsword: Huh? Oh there was a factory that created battle nasods.
  • Haivan: What are nasods?
  • Elsword: Nasods? Um... So...
  • Add: Don't reply to everything he says. You're falling for his scheme. Why are YOU asking?
  • Haivan: Oh, I was just surprised how similar it was to here. This used to be an armaments plant too.
  • Aisha: You mean, it used to produce weapons?
  • Haivan: Yeah? We're not super-powered like you guys, so we needed something to fight against Garens.
  • Ara: ... War.
  • Haivan: It was more of a resistance than a war. But, whatever suits your boat.
  • Raven: ......
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: But... You said this plant is no longer in use. Does that mean you're no longer planning on war?
  • Haivan: Hm? No, not at all. You heard how toxic gas is formed when we use icerites as an energy source?
  • Haivan: There was someone who collapsed due to the gas. So we've closed down the factory and decided to find another way to fight the Garens.
  • Raven: So you've only closed down the plant. Even so, it couldn't have been an easy decision.
  • Ara: Are you alright? You had to come here because of us...
  • Haivan: Me? Of course I'm not ok!
  • Ara: I see... Huh?! Sorry!
  • Haivan: All that wasted research! Don't you think it's a shame?
  • Ara: Oh, that's what you mean.
  • Haivan: They would have been really useful against the Garens. Such a shame, stopping the production after one incident. What about the greater good and all, you know?
  • Raven: ... You speak too lightly considering there's life at stake.
  • Haivan: Heh, if you're going to nag, I'd have to refuse. My life is already half filled with father's nagging and lecturing.
  • Aisha: (He seemed smart, but he's still immature.)
  • Elsword: ... Are there a lot of people who wish for revenge at the village?
  • Haivan: Of course. That's what they're living for. It's so barren here, you need something to hang on to, you know?
  • Raven: ... I've been thinking, what reason do you have to revenge? You mention the war, but you weren't even born during that period.
  • Haivan: Yeah, but I grew up listening to the unfairness of it all. The golden days when the White-Ghost King was alive!
  • Haivan: The adults won't stop talking about it. Really, they have no sense of progress.
  • Haivan: If they're stuck on the good ole days, how are you going to move forward?
  • Add: Everything's easy for you, isn't it. So what, you think you'll be happy if you abandon your past and move forward? What, with the future full of sunshine and roses?
  • Haivan: Of course there's no guarantee, but let's think about it the other way. If the White-Ghost King is back, just like the adults dream, will we be happy?
  • Haivan: If we are, how long would that last? Doesn't the White-Ghost King already have a history of losing?
  • Elsword: A history...
  • Haivan: Even if everything falls right in to place, it's not going to be the same as before.
  • Haivan: Do you understand? The White-Ghost King is stopping everyone from moving forward. But you can't have that. You need to build everything with your own two hands.
  • Haivan: You can't just wait for a savior to come along and perform miracles.
  • Add: ......
  • Haivan: ... Mm... What's up? Nothing left to say?
  • Add: I'm no longer interested. This conversation is over.
  • Haivan: What? But I was prepared to say something really cool! Can't we continue?
  • Add: Shut up!
  • Aisha: Sigh, what are they doing?
  • Ara: (With my own two hands...)
  • Ara: (He's right. Especially if it's something you must accomplish on your own.)
  • Eun: ......
  • Ara: Eun?
  • Ara: Eun... Are you alright? You've been acting strangely since Winster's story.
  • Ara: You said demons were among those who sealed you. Since the White-Ghost King traded with the Northern Empire for a long time...
  • Ara: Do you think the White-Ghost King or her allies are among those who've sealed you?
  • Eun: ... I cannot say for sure. The portal is not the only way between Elrios and the demon realm. And this is the first time I've heard of the trade as well.
  • Ara: But...
  • Eun: ... No, it's nothing. You have no need to fret.
  • Ara: ... I understand.
  • Ara: (Eun... It seems she wishes to stay away away from this topic. Lu said it would be nice if we have the White-Ghost King as one of our allies...)
  • Ara: (But if the White-Ghost King was involved in Eun's sealing, and Eun wants to take revenge...)
  • Ara: (What should I do?)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 1,350,000 N/A N/A
EP 15 N/A N/A
AP 0
Something that Never Happened
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Remains of Military Facilities story quest

Even in desperate situations, there are those who strive to survive. Raven reflects as he looks at the remains of an aircraft.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Elsword: ......
  • Aisha: Elsword.
  • Elsword: Huh?! Wa, What?
  • Aisha: What are you thinking about? Is it because of what Haivan said earlier?
  • Elsword: Yeah... He said something like what happened before, can happen again, right? So I was thinking...
  • Elsword: Even if we do manage to safely restore the El, one day, it might be in danger again, right?
  • Raven: ... Elsword, I know you feel responsible for everything related to the El, but you don't have to worry about something that's yet to happen.
  • Raven: And remember that we're not the only ones working to make sure something like that never happens again.
  • Aisha: Yeah. Even when the El was separated, there were many people protecting the El, remember?
  • Aisha: The priestesses, Velder knights, Hamel knights, Caluso tribe members, people from Lanox, oh! And you can't forget the El Search Party of Ruben!
  • Elsword: You're so positive today. Aren't you the one who's always worrying about everything?
  • Aisha: What? I'm always positive! Anyway, what I mean is, we'll always find a way, no matter what!
  • Aisha: Look, there's no El, or magic stones here, but they're still living their own way.
  • Elsword: I guess...? You have a lot of insight, Aisha.
  • Aisha: Of course, I'm a genius, remember?
  • Elsword: Ugh. I shouldn't have said that.
  • Raven: (I can see that the demons here lived with hatred in their hearts.)
  • Raven: (But it's still amazing how they've managed to find a compromise in technology even with rage in the background.)
  • Raven: (It can't be easy waiting for the right opportunity when the enemy is right in front of them.
  • Raven: (In the past... I thought the only way to live was to destroy myself in the name of revenge. That was the only way I knew how.
  • Raven: (I thought that was my path to redemption. I still stand by that belief but...
  • Raven: (... If I just had one ally who survived, perhaps this was the kind of path I would have found as well...)
  • Elsword: Um... Thanks for the concern. I'm still a little worried, but I feel much better now.
  • Aisha: Huhu, Elsword finally matured. I feel so proud.
  • Elsword: Ugh... Stop treating me like a kid!
  • Aisha: Then stop acting like one! Making us worried like that, hm?
  • Aisha: Oh, Raven, what are you thinking about?
  • Raven: ... Ah, I was thinking that these machines should have enough parts to fix the refiner.
  • Elsword: Yeah. This should be enough, right? Let's go!

  • Elsword: Haivan! Here...
  • Add: And that's what I mean by amateur! You're never going to step foot on land that way!
  • Ara: Please stop fighting...
  • Haivan: Hmph, just you wait! And I don't know why you're acting like your life is already over, when you're not even that much older than me.
  • Haivan: But if you like the past so much, why don't you go back and stay there!
  • Ara: Would you please stop? This is not the time to fight amongst ourselves!
  • Raven: ... Are they still fighting?
  • Aisha: Sigh... I thought their personalities clashed, but now, I think maybe they match too well.
  • Elsword: And he said not to reply to everything he said...
  • Raven: I can't believe they're doing all their work, fighting like that. Looks like they're at the last stage of repairs.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Haivan: Good, now let's check if it operates properly.
  • Elsword: I'm glad we found a way, since we might have been stuck even if we made it back to Varnimyr.
  • Haivan: Anyway, are you guys really planning to save the White-Ghost King? I know my father asked... But your goal is the portal.
  • Haivan: Once you go back... You don't really have to fulfill the promise, you know?
  • Ara: How could you say that! A promise made is a promise kept!
  • Add: What is your motive asking that question?
  • Elsword: Add stop... I think it's time we trust him.
  • Haivan: Yeah! Stop questioning my every motive! I was just... Checking in case you join with the Garens next time we meet!
  • Add: How can I not find him suspicious when he acts like that?!
  • Elsword: Alright, alright. Haivan, is the refiner good to go?
  • Haivan: Oomph! Now, if I just close the case... There you go! Let's run it!
  • Clack Clack
  • Add: Are you sure it's working?
  • Haivan: Of course! Just watch my masterful work!
  • Aisha: That kind of bravado reminds me of Elsword when we first me.
  • Elsword: What? When was I ever like that?
  • Crash!! Grrr Crack!
  • Raven: Ugh...! What's that sound?
  • Aisha: A problem with the refiner?
  • Haivan: No, I think... It came form downstairs?
  • Rena: Is everyone alright?
  • Aisha: Rena! What's going on?
  • Rena: I'm not sure, I think something went wrong in the lower levels.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 1,350,000 N/A N/A
EP 15 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Something that Never Happened story quest

The disturbance of the lower area of the abandoned factory cause the El Search Party to reassemble.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: I thought this was like the machines we saw in the tunnel, but it was a creature!
  • Ara: I thought so too, since we were fighting machines all this time, and it carries a large machine.
  • Elesis: The center had moving machines?
  • Elsword: It's a long story. What was it like up there?
  • Rena: Well, let' just say we learned Elesis's genuine side.
  • Elsword: Huh? What about my sis?
  • Elesis: It's nothing!
  • Rena: Huhuhu... What about the lower levels?
  • Ain: Nothing much. I did receive an important life lesson though.
  • Elsword: ... Just what were everyone up to?
  • Ciel: Anyway, it seems we've collected enough icerite, but I wonder if the machines are still safe after the mess.
  • Ara: I believe so, since the machines at the center were fine? Oh! Where is Haivan?
  • Ciel: Speaking of, I don't see him. How long was he gone?
  • Winster: No... Did he get tangled up in the battle earlier...?!
  • Haivan: What's up? Everyone ticking?
  • Add: You act like you didn't run away as soon as everything happened.
  • Haivan: Awww, what's that for? After all the time we've spent together!
  • Ain: Haha, I suppose Mr. Kid's time run differently from ours?
  • Haivan: I just thought it was best to create the energy capsules right away with the ground shaking like that.
  • Haivan: If the refiner is broken, we have to stay here until we fix it, or build a new one, and we can't have that, can we?
  • Winster: ... You are right. Good job, Haivan. But don't worry us.
  • Winster: Now we can head to the portal. It's not that far, so let us hurry.
  • Lu: ......
  • Haivan: Father, I'll handle everything from here, so you should go back and rest. I just need to have them check, right?
  • Winster: I will rest once everything's done.
  • Haivan: ... Don't you trust me?
  • Winster: That's not it. I've already told you how important this is to all of us.
  • Haivan: ......
  • Lu: ... Everyone listen.
  • Lu: Once the portal is running, you should return to Elrios. I will stay here.
  • Haivan: ... What?
  • Elsword: What are you talking about Lu? I thought we already agreed not to do that.
  • Lu: ... I'm sorry to go back on everyone's decison. But I didn't make this decision lightly. I've thought it over since I've suspected Aegirp's situation.
  • Raven: Why did you make such a decision?
  • Lu: Where do you think my home is? The demon realm is my home. I've already reached my destination.
  • Lu: Since my goal was to reclaim my throne and punish Barkat, I have no reason to return to Elrianode.
  • Add: So you're leaving since you've got everything you wanted?
  • Lu: It seems that way. I'm suprised you're still here. I always thought you would be the first one to leave.
  • Add: ... Hmph.
  • Lu: So... I will help the villagers here, and revive the White-Ghost King. Then, I will go reclaim my throne.
  • Lu: Since I have no idea how long this might take, I do not wish to involve you with my troubles.
  • Lu: And I'm sure you've already felt this, but the demon realm is vast, and we have too little information. We can't always rely on luck to be on our side.
  • Lu: So, doesn't it make sense that I, as someone who knows the demon realm best, act as your link to the demon realm?
  • Ara: Lu... But it's so sudden.
  • Haivan: Yeah, it's really sudden. Plus, we don't know what will happen when we operate the portal. We also need to move the White-King's soul some place safe...
  • Lu: Hm? Why are you startled? It's not like I'm parting with you. And I'll take care of the soul. That's what we initially agreed on, anyway.
  • Elsword: ... You agree too, Ciel?
  • Ciel: No need to feel so sad. You're going to come back to the demon realm to find the Dark El, right?
  • Lu: Don't worry, it's just a short farewell. When you come back, finding the Dark El will be like going on a picnic.
  • Ciel: We're not saying goodbye forever. We'll meet again soon.
  • Elsword: In that case... Alright.
  • Elsword: I've never had to do anything like this, so I'm not sure what to say.
  • Lu: We don't need to say anything. When you come back, you'll be stuck with us again.
  • Eve: Both of you... Ugh... This noise...
  • Elsword: Eve?! Are you alright?
  • Chung: Were you injured?
  • Eve: I'm fine. I wasn't injured in battle. I must have overexerted myself.
  • Raven: ... We didn't have any opportunity to rest since we've come to the demon realm. With the environment changing so quickly, it's understandable that you're exhausted.
  • Ciel: I guess this wasn't the right time to idly exchange goodbyes. You should return to Elrianode immediately.
  • Haivan: ... Give me the gem.
  • Haivan: You're in a hurry, right? I'll activate the power system so you can check right away.
  • Aisha: (He's so cooperative all of a sudden. I thought he was going to object earlier.)
  • Eve: I'm fine. There's no need to do this for my sake...
  • Haivan: It's going to take forever and a half to explain how the portal works. It's faster if I do it myself.
  • Haivan: I did say it might be dangerous, but it should work properly. You just need to come and check. Wouldn't this be easier for you as well?
  • Elsword: Alright. If that's fine with you.
  • Haivan: Leave it to me, I'm an expert!
  • Haivan: Father, I'll take care of everything, so you go back and rest. Nichel? Take him back, ok?
  • Winster: Haivan?
  • Haivan: I'm leaving him in your care, ok?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 1,350,000 N/A N/A
EP 15 N/A N/A
AP 0

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