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In the last chapter, the Party had talked with the Masters, to prepare themselves again after having returned wounded.

Chapter 44: To White-Ghost Land

The El Search Party talks with Calonne about how to get back quickly to the Demon Realm.

[Village] Portal Engineer Calonne
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Entering Pruinaum story quest

The El Search Party meets up with Calonne, who was the White-Ghost King's portal engineer in the past, and ask for assistance.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rena: So many things happened... I'm just happy to see that everyone's safe and sound.
  • Elesis: The El Masters and the Priestesses have been informed of our departure. They looked busy, so I told them not to come. We can leave whenever we're ready.
  • Chung: You're... Calonne? I heard you live a secluded life in Northern Empire. We're glad you're here. We know it was a bit sudden...
  • Calonne: No, I'm pleased ot be of assistance. Laby helped us without question when we needed it most, after all. Besides... Once I heard what happened to Lord Aegirp and my comrades, I had to come to lend my hand.
  • Raven: You're the portal engineer Laby mentioned.
  • Laby: Uh huh! Calonne makes super cool things and makes portals! One time, this mean baldie tried to force him to make a portal, so Laby had to teach that baldie a lesson!
  • Calonne: Haha, yes, thank you for your marvelous introduction, Laby. However, let me properly introduce myself. My name is Calonne. I am the head of the R&D Branch of White-Ghost Army, and the official delegate of Elrios under Lord Aegirp.
  • Elesis: Official delegate? You're no ordinary portal engineer, are you?
  • Calonne: That was my title when I arrived in Elrios long, long time ago. The title lost its meaning when the connection between Northern Empire and the White-Ghost King's territory was severed. Now... Would you mind explaining, in detail, what is happening back home?

  • Elsword: ... That's all we know for now. Thankfully, Rigomor seems to be safe, based on the communication we've picked up.
  • Calonne: ... I was going to lend my hand regardless, but it seems that it is I, who should ask for your assistance. I will do everything I can to assist.
  • Raven: Alright, before we start, we need everyone on the same page regarding who Berthe is.
  • Rena: Agreed. Seeing that many of us have never encountered him before.
  • Elsword: I first encountered him when he was stealing the El Shard in Ruben. But Aisha, Rena, and I were able to put a stop to him.
  • Rena: We thought that would be the end of it, but he appeared again in Feita, in front of the portal that was opened with a corrupted El.
  • Ara: It was around that time that Ran stole the Moon El. It seems the demon have been preparing for an invasion for a very long time.
  • Laby: Why are they trying to inv... ade...? Elrios? Is it because they want all the El Shards?
  • Aisha: Acquiring the El Shard was actually just one of the means to invade Elrios. In order to create a portal large enough to pass battalions, an energy source like the El Shard is a must.
  • Raven: Though how they knew to use El Shards is still a mystery.
  • Eve: In any case, by corrupting the El Shards and turning them into Dark El, they were able to create portals in Velder, Hamel, Sander, and Lanox to invade with a sizable army.
  • Chung: They've kidnapped the priestesses, manipulated the Holy Beasts, and attempted to revive the Demon God. We've really been fighting against demons to protect Elrios for a long time now...
  • Ain: No matter. They won't be able to use the same method anymore. With the restoration of the Large El and the rise of Elrianode, demons will no longer be able to invade Elrios using El Shards.
  • Aisha: I didn't think we'd ever see Berthe again, but to think he was just biding his time...
  • Elsword: Now he's planning to invade Elrios using the portal used by the White-Ghost King, with his newfound power when he absorbed the soul fragment.
  • Add: And that about covers everything. Now how about you fess up what you know?
  • Calonne: Hm, I see.... The White-Ghost King became out lord by defeating every pack in our land and subjugating them. Berthe was one of those who were defeated by the White-Ghost King. Though we served under the same lord... I must admit, he was always arrogant and... cruel. He did pledge loyalty to our lord, but he always showed dissent when it came to our efforts to trade with Elrios. Some of us believed his rebellious nature was cause for concern, but our lord insisted we should trust him.
  • Ciel: So there were signs from the start...
  • Calonne: Before your story, I thought the reason why the communication from my home was severed, was because of Ran, the commander of the Red Demon King army.
  • Rose: Red Demon...? Do you mean Stirbargen?
  • Calonne: Yes. They were the ones to invade Northern Empire. To think, Berthe was behind it all... Despire his nature, I never suspected his loyalties were not true...
  • Lu: ... We gave our word to stop the oncoming tragedies and help Aegirp. We'll need all the help we can get to reach the White-Ghost territory.
  • Calonne: I see... That's why you need a portal engineer... First, I'll need to see the portal you mentioned can actually be used.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Repreparation
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Portal Engineer Calonne story quest

The El Search Party tries to reach the site of operation using the portal in Debrian Laboratory. When they hesitate, because they do not know the coordinates to the location, Calonne gives them unexpected information.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Calonne: I see... It's different from the portals I worked with, but the mechanics shouldn't be too different... I should be able to figure out a way to operate it in just a few moments.
  • Zero: Alright! Good to know we don't have to start from rock bottom.
  • Elesis: If you need anything else, please let us know.
  • Calonne: The portal seems to be in working order, however... The coordinates would provide a problem. The only coordinates I have is the one to the central portal, but that portal is likely occupied by Berthe and his army to invade Elrios. If I enter the coordinates to the central portal, you will be thrown in the midst of your enemies. That would be problematic, wouldn't you agree?
  • Rena: That would be too reckless. Is there any way we can find the coordinates to the site of operation?
  • Calonne: I do not know. The Nous Base that you speak of, was established after I settled in Elrios.
  • Elsword: Hm... What about the coordinates to Rigomor? Because Add knows them already, right Add? How about we meet Winster there, and then head to the site of operation?
  • Add: ... I do know the coordinates, but let's not forget about the communication we've picked up. Rigomor is being monitored, remember?
  • Ciel: He's right. Besides, even if we do manage to sneak past all the surveillance, we will end up wasting time climbing up the Deep-Sea Tunnel.
  • Aisha: Hmm... There must be a better way...
  • Laby: Oh! Laby knows! Let's go to where all the baddies are just like Calonne said, and teach them all a lesson!
  • Calonne: Oh...?
  • Aisha: No! Nonononono... That's at least 30 times worse!
  • Zero: And why the heck are YOU reacting like it's a good idea?!
  • Calonne: Oh, pardon me. I just recalled something from your conversation. If I'm not mistaken, I believe I have an idea. Would you mind handing me a piece of paper? I will map our the basics for you.... The location of the soul fragment that Deborah and I share, is right here at the circle. And I believe this right here, just west of the sea, is where you've landed last time.
  • Rose: ... The Deep-Sea Tunnel?
  • Calonne: Precisely. The tunnel was originally built to trade with the Dark Elves in Varnimyr, long before we opened a portal to Northern Empire.
  • Ciel: It seems the White-Ghost territory was the center of all race, land, and worlds. The White-Ghost King must have been quite talented in diplomacy.
  • Rena: But Nichel mentioned that many didn't like trading with Elrios.
  • Calonne: Yes, despite the great benefits the exchange has brought, many believed the action was equivalent to fraternizing with the enemy. There were even talks of disguising the items we've exchanged as tributes or results of plunder.
  • Raven: Ah, you mean disguising them as 'tribute from Elrios to the mighty White-Ghost King'?
  • Calonne: Percisely. But our lord refused to do so. She emphasized multiple times that we were equals, and we were to mutually benefit each other as we move forward.
  • Elesis: Hm... That sounds ideal, but you cannot rule with justice and optimism alone...
  • Aisha: Then... do you think the reason why berthe ended up betraying the White-Ghost King was because of the friendly policies toward Elrios?
  • Calonne: That likely played a part, but I doubt it was the only reason.... There you go. The portal is ready to activate.
  • Rosso: What are you doing still lingering about? I thought you would have left already?
  • Ventus: Hello, El Search Party. I see you're getting ready to leave?
  • Elsword: Ventus, Rosso! Are you here to see us off?
  • Rosso: Wh, what are you talking about?! Hmph, I'm just here to relay a message from Old Man.
  • Rose: From Master Denif?
  • Rosso: ... 'I'm afraid something urgent came up, so I won't be able to see you off. I wish you success, and a safe journey.'... is what he said.
  • Chung: What is this urgent matter he mentioned?
  • Rosso: ... That's classified. We can't tell you yet.
  • Laby: Did Bellonde leave as soon as he came back because of this mission?
  • Rosso: Yes. And he bothered me endlessly to wish you a safe journey.
  • Elsword: Thanks, Rosso. For everything.
  • Laby: Hehee, me too! We'll be back real soon!
  • Rosso: ... Hmph, I'm telling you, I'm just playing the messenger.
  • Rena: You must be really busy. We're grateful you spared us your time. Ventus, what about you?
  • Ventus: Soon, we don't even have time to breathe, but how can I resist saying farewell to my favorite people? Besides... I'm here to give you a gift. Lincy was nagging me constantly to do something. She was really worried about you.
  • Rena: Is this... a Spirit Stone?
  • Aisha: It looks different from the one you gave us last time.
  • Elesis: Will we need this stone to return to Elrianode later?
  • Ventus: Ah, well... You really shouldn't use the passage under the El Tower anymore. Just think of this as a good luck charm. Something good might happen if you carry it around.
  • Rena: Thank you Ventus, Lincy. We'll make sure to stay safe.
  • Calonne: Everyone, before you leave, I must remind you one last time. The soul should be separated into 5 pieces. Lord Aegirp always said, only the worthy would be capable of absorbing the soul fragments. Please stop Berthe and prevent her soul from being used against her noble intention.
  • Lu: ... Do not worry. I give you my word.
  • Elsword: Then... let's go. Back to the Demon Realm. We'll settle things with Berthe once and for all!

  • Rosso: ... They're gone.
  • Ventus: Personally, I think you should have greeted them with a smile. Last thing they see and all that, don't you think, Rosso?
  • Rosso: Shut up.
  • Calonne: ... Are you the El Masters?
  • Rosso: And if we are? What do you want, Demon.
  • Ventus: The Earth Master that brought you here is a bit busy at the moment. You'll have to wait if you want to go back home.
  • Calonne: Oh no, I have a different request entirely. Would it be alright if I use this portal?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Chapter 45: First Soul Fragment

After arriving in Pruinaum, the group decides to head for the Aurora camp. While at it, they also attempt to locate the first Soul Fragment in order to help Aegirp.

Finding Aurora
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Repreparation story quest

The El Search Party arrives at the west of the White-Ghost Land using the portal. They must find some way to find Aurora in this strange land covered with icebergs that seem to keep intruders out.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Whoooosh...
  • Laby: Ugh...! The wind is super duper cold!
  • Rena: Look below! Everything is frozen solid! Thought it looks like it snowed recently. Amazing!
  • Ara: A, Achoo! The wind makes it seem much colder here than in Rigomor!
  • Add: Pathetic. This is nothing.
  • Elsword: Whoa! It's really warm around Add! Is this because of your dynamo?
  • Laby: Whoa! So warm!
  • Add: Grrr... Stop clinging on me!
  • Rose: Amazing! Zero, it's time to prove your usefulness! Heat up, so you can provide warmth.
  • Zero: Dammit Rose! I'm an AI, not a heater!
  • Aisha: Sigh... They never get tired of quarreling...
  • Ara: Huh? Raven, why are you starring at the ground no intently?
  • Raven: Ah... It looks like we're on ice. I was just thinking, it would be problematic if we end up in water due to the ice melting from the heat.
  • Elsword: What?!
  • Laby: Whoa!
  • Add: Harsh. Clinging for warmth one moment, only to treat me like a pariah the next.
  • Elsword: Says the guy who jumped on a dynamo and abandoned the rest on the ground!
  • Raven: ... Don't worry. The snow on top melted a bit, but the heat didn't make a dent on the ice. The ice must have frozen solid over a long period of time.
  • Ara: What a relief! Still, we should be careful. With everything covered in snow, we won't know where the ice thins out.
  • Ain: I see steel gates. That must be the entrance to the Deep-Sea Tunnel the demon engineer mentioned. I wonder where Aurora is located?
  • Chung: I think beyond the gates is the sea. Let's advance carefully.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rena: Hmmmm... Hey everyone, is it me? Or do these look like footprints to you?
  • Elesis: If these are footprints, they must be the weirdest footprints in the universe.
  • Rena: Sigh... I guess. I'm keeping an eye out for anything that might serve as a lead, but I don't see anything.
  • Zero: Hey, check this out! It looks suspicious, like it was poked by something small and narrow! We should analyze it!
  • Aisha: How strange! If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say that mark was left with a staff! Maybe because someone wanted to catch a breath after walking for so long!
  • Elsword: ... Is this your staff mark?
  • Aisha: ... I was exhausted because it's so slippery here! Sigh. I didn't think it would be easy to find, since it's a secret base and all. I mean, it's not like they're going to have a secret base out in the open!
  • Rose: Since it's a secret base, perhaps it will be below ground, like Rigomor.
  • Elesis: It's a bit discerning. A situation like in Varnimyr when we were ambushed by Dark Elves is not ideal, but being out here with nothing in sight doesn't seem much better...
  • Add: We're just wasting time here with no lead. Do we ever need to find this 'Aurora' thing?
  • Eve: Do you have another idea?
  • Add: I'm saying there's no purpose in us going around in circles when our final goal is to stop Berthe. We can just go directly to the location we got from the demon engineer to obtain the soul fragment, then head directly to the capital and take the fragment from Berthe.
  • Ciel: Since we have the map drawn by Calonne, I suppose we can make do.
  • Ara: But is that really ok? It's likely that the landscape changed since Calonne was in Elrios. He even said that it'll be better if we find help rather than relying on the map.
  • Elesis: Ara is right. It's dangerous to move about this snowy mountain when the only information we have is centuries old. Plus, even if we do manage to find the soul fragment, that in and of itself would prove problematic.
  • Eve: They may think we are Berthe's subordinates, or a 3rd party seeking to control the White-Ghost King's soul. We are not of this world, after all.
  • Add: If there's a misunderstanding, we can just clear it.
  • Lu: Oh? I believe that's the first sensible thing I heard you say! I'm proud of you.
  • Add: If they don't listen to us, we just beat them all up and be on our merry way.
  • Lu: ... I take back what I said.
  • Ciel: I don't know, I see a lot of merit in his method.
  • Lu: No Ciel. Don't let him rub off on you.
  • Ciel: But Lu, remember what Winster said? He said, 'we do not know the 'precise' location of the other fragments,' implying that they still have a vague idea of where they are.
  • Laby: Ooh! Nichel also said they look for soul fragments above ground!
  • Ciel: Since the site of operation exists to seek out the soul fragments on land, those at the site should have clues as to where the other fragments are.
  • Rena: True. Maybe they're searching them out even at this moment.
  • Ciel: At the very least, they should have eyes on the suspected location in case Berthe seeks them out. Rather than us trying to seek them out, we can force them to seek us out.
  • Rose: Ah... You mean we should act as bait to lure them out...... since they will be on high altert to stop anyone approaching the soul fragments.
  • Elsword: And in that process, risk a little fight?
  • Elesis: Ughh... I guess that's one way...
  • Ain: If we manage to communicate with the demons from Rigomor, it won't be too bad. Mr. Dog should be able to clear any misunderstandings. So don't worry too much, Ms. Knight-Captain. You'll lose hair if you stress all the time.
  • Elesis: Sigh... Fine, fine. The plan relies too much on luck for my taste, but it's not like I have any better idea.
  • Laby: Hehee! Let's go real carefully. We don't want Elesis to lose all her hair.
  • Elesis: Will you stop teasing about my hair?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Unfamiliar Encounter
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Finding Aurora story quest

The El Search Party treks the icy fields as tey wait for contact with Aurora. Will they be able to find those willing to help them where those from Elrios are not welcome?

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Ara: Um, about that misunderstanding... Do you think those at the site even know of our existence?
  • Zero: No clue. There was no mention of us in the message. It is possible they communicated about us separately though.
  • Ciel: If they never received a message about us, then I guess we'll just look like ordinary folks from Elrios.
  • Ain: No, we'll look like 'suspicious' folks from Elrios. This IS the Demon Realm, after all.
  • Chung: I don't know if they'll even listen to us. Demons, as a nature, seem to be hostile toward Elrios.
  • Elesis: We do not have much time to sort this out with Berthe, or with the Dark El. We have no other choice but to make this work.
  • Raven: ... And how will we 'make this work'?
  • Elesis: Ah! We should decide on that soon...... But I guess that 'soon' is now.
  • Eve: Yes. I sense multiple vital signs following us from a distance. I thought they may be wild animals... but their movement seems to suggest otherwise.
  • Elsword: Oh... Do you think they're from Rigomor? Or maybe they're Berthe's men?
  • Eve: There's no way to tell. But I think they know we've noticed them. They're approaching rapidly!
  • Ara: Over there! They have their weapons out!
  • Lu: There's no avoiding it now. Everyone, get ready for battle!
  • Elsword: Make sure to hold back! They could be from Rigomor!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: Who are you! Who sent you here?!
  • Rena: Look! A Nous!
  • Elsword: Wait, then they're not the enemy! Everyone, stop! Stand back!
  • Add: Idiot! There's no space to stand back!
  • ???: Speak! Are you one of Berthe's dogs? Or perhaps come from Red Demon's territory?
  • Aisha: Wait, we're not your enemy! We're here to help you with Winster's...
  • ???: ...! Winster? You're... a strange group. Demons, humans, and... is that an elf?
  • Elsword: Yes. We're from Elrios.
  • ???: Why are you here? How do you know Winster!
  • Ciel: That's a long story. Look, we're just here to keep our promise. Winster should be able to vouch for us, so let us through.
  • ???: He's... no present. We can't just take your word.
  • Ara: ... He's not... here? You mean...
  • Chung: Something went wrong...
  • Click
  • ???: You will tell us everything you know, even if we have to force them out of you! Men! Capture them!
  • Raven: We have no desire to fight. Drop your weapons!
  • ???: If you thought we'll let anyone from Elrios leave unscathed, you're delusional. Go! Take them down! We'll only need three at most for interrogation!
  • Aisha: Just three?
  • Laby: Awww.. Why can't you take all 14 of us...?
  • Add: Tsk, are we really doing this?
  • ???: Stop! They're no our enemies!
  • Laby: Huh? This voice...
  • Nichel: These are the ones that came by Rigomor.... Hey, El Search Party. Are you alright?
  • Rena: Nichel! You're safe! I'm so happy to see you!
  • Nichel: I'm happy too. But what are you doing here? Did you fail to return to Elrios?
  • Eve: No, thanks to your assistance, we were able to safely arrive in Elrios. We're back to fulfill the promise we made and stop Berthe.
  • Nichel: Oh, the promise... I'm really grateful...
  • Elesis: Anyway, it seems Winster is now here. Could you tell us what's going on?
  • Nichel: Actually, that's exactly why I'm here.
  • Nichel: Asella, I've handled everything in Rigomor. The White-Ghost Army retreated.
  • Asella: You mean these reffians really were in Rigomor?
  • Nichel: Yes. I just haven't managed to report on this matter with everything going on. I will give you the full report on everything that happened after this.
  • Asella: ... Understood. We'll talk more later. Hey you! Follow me!
  • Aisha: (Looks like Nichel was able to clear the misunderstanding. Thank goodness. I guess she is well trusted here.)
  • Nichel: Are you alright? Sorry if we startled you. So many things happened after you've left.
  • Ain: It seems that way. You said you managed to 'handle' everything. Does that mean Rigomor is safe now?
  • Nichel: Yes... For now. It's a little complicated. Well, you should come with us for now. The base I've mentioned is really close by.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Help from Aurora
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Unfamiliar Encounter story quest

Once the misunderstanding has been cleared, the El Search Party finally learns what happened in Rigomor.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Asella: So... The El Search Party, you say? Nichel just gave me a full report. I would have never guessed you'd actually know, not only Winster, but Calonne and Deborah as well... I apologize for my rudeness earlier. You may stay here in Aurora however long you'd like. I will personally make sure you are safe within these walls.
  • Eve: Thank you. May we call you Asella? First, we would like a brief account on what is happening right now.
  • Lu: You asked if we were with the Red Demon King earlier. Are they somehow involved in the current affairs?
  • Asella: We've yet to find crucial evidence that they're together with Berthe, but we were on high-altert due to a recent report of their officer entering the central area. Appearances like your are hard to come by in these areas, which is why I suspected as such, Steel Queen.
  • Lu: Alright. But the White-Ghost Army? Hmph, how lazy of him. I can't believe he's using the same military structure build by Aegirp.
  • Ara: Is Winster alright?
  • Nichel: Winster was taken hostage by Berthe after you left for Elrios.
  • Asella: But worry not. We confirmed his safety. He occasionally relays us information he gains through his communication device.
  • Chung: I'm glad he's safe... But as hostage? He're really in a precarious situation.
  • Aisha: We should be extra careful. If berthe finds out we're back, Winster might end up in danger.
  • Ciel: He's sending information even as a hostage? I don't know if that's brave or foolish. I assume you checked for the integrity of the information?
  • Asella: Yes. He knew information that was only shared by a trusted few. But the biggest assurance was his knowledge of Aurora's location. If Berthe knew of our location, he would have already sent his army. He doesn't need a justifiable cause to send in an army...... because Berthe has the ground completely under his control. The message was definitely sent by an ally.
  • Ciel: I see... an ally.
  • Asella: Moving on, according to the information sent by Winster, the White-Ghost Army has been acting suspiciously for the past several days. That, along with the reports we've received from our agent in the White-Ghost Army, seems to suggest that the White-Ghost Army has found a way to find the soul fragments and begun a full-scale search.
  • Rose: A way to find the soul fragments...? How did they find out?
  • Asella: That, we do not know. But Winster warned us to cease all our activities, as the White-Ghost Army will be nearby.
  • Nichel: It's... and uncharacteristically adamant response from him.
  • Asella: We are following his suggestion for now. Since Rigomor has already been compromised, if they know the location of this place, they'll surely do everything they can to crush us.
  • Elsword: Yeah, I can definitely see that happening.
  • Asella: Plus, if Aurora is discovered, it will be dangerous for Winster and Haivan as the hostages.
  • Add: (Is Haivan known as a hostage here?)
  • Chung: Then... Is the soul fragment in this area already in Berthe's hands?
  • Asella: No, The path to the soul fragment is heavily guarded. There's no report of anybody approaching the area.
  • Ain: I thought you ceased all activities under Mr. Dog's suggestion?
  • Asella: That doesn't mean we'll just stand idle. The soul fragment is too important to leave unguarded. As long as we're not discovered, I don't see a problem.
  • Aisha: (Whoa... I'm not sure why, but her stubbornness reminds me of Haivan somehow.)
  • Asella: We were going to continue searching for soul fragments as well, just in smaller numbers. It would have been easy to disguise ourselves as hunters, even if we were discovered.
  • Elsword: There's no need for that. We got the location.
  • Laby: Here! Calonne and Furry told us.
  • Asella: A map? Hm, mmhm... I see...! We were also aware of the vague location after years of searching, but as expected for those responsible for hiding this fragment! he location in this map is much more precise.
  • Raven: Then will you allow us to handle this?
  • Asella: Sure. But this is not enough. Although the location is clearly marked in this map... The path shown in this map can't be used. It's too outdated.
  • Ara: That's what Calonne told us. He said we'll have a hard time finding the soul fragment when we don't know the area that well.
  • Asella: Yes. Earlier, I noticed you were walking without care, even though the ground can collapse at any moment, while leaving trails left and right.
  • Zero: Wha...? I though we were being really careful!
  • Asella: Not careful enough. If you walk around like that, you'll end up being swallowed up by the land itself before you could even get a glimpse of the soul fragment. Huhu, unless you plan on making this your grave, it would be wise of you to accept more of our assistance. We will provide you with a guide.
  • Nichel: I'll go.
  • Asella: If you are willing...?
  • Nichel: I was planning on doing so from the start. That's what Winster wanted me to do. El Search Party, I will lead you to the location of the soul fragment.
  • Eve: We're glad to accept your help, Nichel.
  • Asella: Steel Queen, I apologize for not being able to show you the proper courtesy you deserve due to the circumstances, while still asking you to lend us your assistance. While you are searching for the soul fragment, we will stay here, watching for the White-Ghost Army. We will have Nichel carry a communication device.
  • Lu: Alright. When do you think we should leave?
  • Asella: Right now is fine.
  • Lu: Huhu, I like how you handle things efficiently. Alright then, we will prepare to depart.
  • Asella: Then, I will inform Nichel the path to the soul fragment.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Heart Bared
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Help from Aurora story quest

When they hear there are vicious monsters where the first soul fragment is located, the El Search Party move carefully.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Nichel: I'll lead the way from here. It's dangerous around here due to vicious wild animals and cliffs covered by snow.
  • Rose: You seem wery aware of this place. Is it because you've searched this area for so long looking for the soul fragment?
  • Nichel: Mmhm. Not only that, we take note of the basic geography, creatures living in this area, and any monsters that could provide a threat since we never know who'd pass by.
  • Elesis: That would be useful. Can you tell us what monsters are especially dangerous around here?
  • Nichel: Around this area is the yeti's habitat. They're very vicious, so you must be careful. Plus... There are plenty of trap plants, so approach suspicious looking plants with caution.
  • Rose: Yeti? What is a yeti?
  • Nichel: Yetis are aggressive monsters covered in fur. They're quite intelligent, so it'll be troublesome if we end up encountering one. There are not that many of them, but... They have a habit of roaring to call their allies whenever they find other life forms that intrude on their territory.
  • Zero: Yikes... If that's no trouble, I don't know what is. I hope we managed to avoid them.
  • Nichel: Agreed. Plus, we might encounter their new leader, which is worrisome.
  • Eve: A leader of the yetis?
  • Nichel: Mmhm. The previous leader was 'Meson'. We used to block this entire area because of his notoriety. But it's been a while since anyone's seen him. We suspect that he died or was defeated in a fight for dominance...
  • Raven: If he was replaced by another alpha, it means the current leader must be stronger than him.
  • Nichel: Yeah. So we should be careful. Especially since if there was a new leader, we don't know much about him. Oh, we should turn this way here.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rena: Nichel, I wanted to ask something, about what we heard in Aurora. It seems that the situation is different from what we know.
  • Aisha: Asella was talking as if Haivan is also a hostage, but we know that's not true. Was that information not delivered properly?
  • Nichel: Well... not exactly. I told Asella everything I know. Asella was the one who decided to announce that Haivan is a hostage.
  • Laby: Ehhh? Does that mean Asella lied?
  • Add: If it goes out that there's a traitor, the son of a leader at that, the situation could get out of hand in a second. Since there's no eyewitness, it makes sense that she'd want to keep it under wraps as the one in command.
  • Nichel: You're not wrong... But that's not the only reason. The situation became quite... complicated after you left.
  • Chung: You mean after we left for Elrios.
  • Nichel: You know I've just returned after handling the situation in Rigomor, right? After you left, Rigomor was under tight surveillance under the White-Ghost Army.
  • Rose: ('Being monitored'... was it?)
  • Rena: Looks like you were under a lot of pressure. They didn't do anything to harm you guys, did they?
  • Nichel: Thankfully, no. Plus, it didn't seem like those watching us were particularly enthusiastic about their job either. They kept Rigomor under watch for a while, then one day just retreated after telling us they'd 'allow us to live down here as long as we stay there'.
  • Ciel: What? That's unexpected. I thought they were holding the whole village as their hostage. What changed their minds?
  • Chung: Does Asella think Haivan was somehow involved behind the soldiers retreating?
  • Nichel: ... We have two reasons to suspect that way. First, the soldiers that left Rigomor were immediately placed to look for portals.
  • Ain: And they wouldn't have prioritized looking for portals unless they had someone who knew the location of the soul fragments like us.
  • Raven: And it was after Haivan joined the White-Ghost Army, that they began searching for the soul fragments, full-swing.
  • Nichel: It think he secretly studied the relation between the soul fragment and the portal without us knowing. He might have figured out how to find the location of the soul fragments. Second, the White-Ghost Arm is still not aware of Aurora's existence.
  • Ciel: They don't know of its existence? Not just the location? Are you sure?
  • Nichel:' Yes. Because we have several Garens from Rigomor working as spied within White-Ghost Army. If they knew of Aurora, they would have started on singling out the spies, but there's no sign of that happening yet.
  • Elesis: Haivan... Just what is he thinking?
  • Nichel: That's why Asella thinks it's too early to judge. Thought it looks like he betrayed us... There are still signs that he hasn't... Not completely. Our leader, Winster was captured, and the location of Rigomor was revealed. I think she thought sharing uncertain information amongst the chaos might not be a good idea. If people think we'll be attacked at any moment, they may start to think that an all-out war is the only choice we have, despite our clear disadvantage.
  • Ara: I understand. Because desperate time always calls for desperate measures.
  • Nichel: If that happens, Asella would have a hard time handling the situation, and we won't be able to guarantee Winsters's safety.
  • Add: A worst case scenario.
  • Elsword: But even if you're not discovered yet, aren't you still in a delicate situation?
  • Nichel: ... Yeah.
  • Rena: Do you still trust Haivan?
  • Nichel: ... I don't know. I think... it's more like I want to trust him at this point. Because when I heard Asella's decision, I was glad there was still a place for him to return.
  • Raven: ... We don't really know him. There's no doubt you know about Haivan much more than any of us. Just as you wish, Haivan might not be a traitor. However, no matter what reason he has, as long as he's under Berthe... We will have to face him as an enemy. You should decide now how you want to react when that happens, if you don't want to make a decison you'd regret at a spur of the moment.
  • Nichel: I... trust him. We're basically family. Haivan always said the White-Ghost King shouldn't be the solution. He always insisted that we have to open a new era, instead of having the strongest always rule over us all. I doesn't make sense to me that someone like Haivan would follow Berthe.
  • ???: A new... era... I, longed.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Voice of Remorse
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Heart Bared story quest

When they hear a mysterious voice, Nichel and the El Search Party is on guard, yet still decide to follow the voice. However, Aisha and Add oppose vehemently, claiming it's a trap.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Nichel: ! Who's there?
  • Eve: An enemy? Moby! Remy! Cover for us.
  • Aisha: ... Hm? ...? I don't sense anything. What's wrong, Nichel?
  • Nichel: Didn't you hear a voice?
  • Ain: Hm... I think you're the only one who heard a voice, Ms. Dog.
  • ???: Cold... Barren land... Seeds do no sprout, and even the most fertile trees can only be used to fuel a burning fire. One by one, people learn that it is easier to take from others.
  • Nichel: I... still hear it.
  • Elesis: I don't hear anything. Maybe it's too faint for us? Rena, can you hear anything?
  • Rena: Not at all. I don't even sense a presence...
  • Chung: Are you sure you hear a voice? Can you understand what it's saying?
  • Nichel: Yeah, hold on... If god exists, why did god make us beasts that slander, plunder, and murder others.
  • Elesis: ... That's bleak.
  • Aisha: S, s, sc...
  • Add: S, stop fooling around! Saying something terrifying with such a straight face! It's not funny!
  • Aisha: Yeah! It's sc, scary!
  • Add: Are you sure you're not hallucinating? Maybe you were attacked without your knowledge?!
  • Aisha: That could be it. Maybe? No, that must be it! Why else would Nichel be the only one who's hearing voices? It almost sounds like a... a...
  • Add: Stop! Don't finish that sentence!
  • Aisha: Like a ghost...!
  • Add: Gaahh...! I told you not to finish that sentence! Did you have to do it? Huh? Did you just have to finish that sentence!!
  • Elsword: ... Both of you, calm down.
  • Ara: Yes, there's no reason to be afraid of ghosts. Ghosts are merely unfortunate souls who, due to unfulfilling or unfair circumstances in their past lives, failed to pass on and thus linger in this world.
  • Aisha: Gyaaaa!!
  • Add: That description makes it even more terrifying!
  • ???: Is this the only life permitted to us? Life is too long to be tainted with the stench of blood... Thre must be another way. I searched for so long to find my answer.
  • Chung: Is this...!
  • Laby: Oh! Laby can hear it, too! Not sure who's saying it... But the voice sounds sad and heartbroken...
  • Zero: Though, I don't know why we can hear it all of a sudden.
  • Rena: The sound is moving further away in that direction. The direction we were headed towards.
  • Elsword: Let's follow it.
  • Add: No! Are you crazy?! What voice are you even talking about?
  • Aisha: Yeah! I don't hear anything! It has to be a trap!
  • Elsword: If that's a trap, that's more the reason you should come with us, because you're the only ones who didn't fall for it, right?
  • Ain: If it's a trap, or we've all fallen under a specll, you two are the only ones who can save us.
  • Raven: The direction of the voice is the direction we were headed to anyway. But... if you're scared, you two can stay here until we come back. Is that acceptable?
  • Aisha: ... Just us two? Alone?
  • Add: ...
  • Chung: I'll cover your back, don't worry. Just follow their lead.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: I didn't think everyone would just follow my lead when I argued for this never-ending war to stop. But... when even my most trusted claimed that my dreams were like a mirage, my heart ached ever more.
  • Lu: This sounds familiar.
  • Ciel: Is that where the voice is coming from? That foggy thing over there.
  • Chung: I think so. I don't think it was visible earlier. It seems like it's becoming clearer by the moment.
  • Add: I... don't get... what... they're talking about...
  • Aisha: Oh! Maybe it's like the spirit we saw in Varnimyr? Like, they have unique abilities that only allow certain people to see or hear them!
  • Rena: That thought crossed my mind too, so I was observing it carefully, but I don't think they're like that.
  • Aisha: Uuuuh...
  • Calonne: Lord Aegirp, I may be too forward in saying this, but I don't think you understand the fear we carry every day.
  • ???: (I will not fault your flaw. However, your words caused resentment to swell within me. You do not understand that it is I, who understand that fear the most.) We did not walk the same path. They were just seeking the safety that came from staying under my shadow. I was powerful. As such, those with me could secure a semblance of safety. This never-ending war... For those who had to hunt today to eat tomorrow, a better future was an unrealistic dream. You must move forward to escape this horrid life. But hunger and fear drag your feet. A dreadful irony. I was starting to feel helpless. Are we fated to fight in an endless, barbaric cycle until we fade away? But I still had faith. I had faith that this barbaric form we hold when we are cold, hungry, threatened, and scared, does not reflect our true form.... Then one day, the Demon King appeared before me.
  • Lu: Now I see why it sounded so familiar. This is Aegirp's memory.
  • Rose: The White-Ghost King's?
  • Lu: Yes. Don't worry, it's not a ghost. I believe we are witnessing her memory due to our close proximity to the soul fragment.
  • Add: Ha! So it was nothing! Is that it? I see it now.
  • Rose: Everyone is able to perceive it at different times. Do you think it's due to some kind of device protecting the soul?
  • Ain: It could be magic that prevents cowards from seeing it.
  • Laby: Calonne said only those worthy can take the soul. Do you think that's why?
  • Ain: I'm not sure. Let's continue following it for now.
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: The Demon King told me, 'Join me, and I will end the tragic cycle of hatred and pillage your kind inflict upon each other.' I thought you didn't play fair. I wonder if you knew I would be unable to refuse you with such an offer...? Of course I followed your lead, with hopes to open a new era by your side. But... when you disappeared, everything crumbled. I didn't know what to think. Did something happen? Did you have a reason to hid away? ... Or perhaps... You never intended to keep your promise.
  • Nichel: If I may ask, what was the Demon King like? Nobody every told me anything about the Demon King.
  • Lu: That's to be expected. It's a long time ago... Not many would remember. The Demon King... was someone who appeared out of nowhere when the Demon Realm was under chaos. With power and charisma, the Demon King unified the Demon Realm that was divided into many factions and created structure.
  • Laby: Fac.... tion?
  • Raven: So there weren't any kingdoms or countries like Elrios?
  • Lu: There were those who called themselves kings, but that was it. It was a time of anarchy.
  • Ara: Barbaric life... A lawless time...
  • Lu: Precisely. The Demon King defeated the strongest leaders one by one, taking those deemed useful along the way, until the entire Demon Realm was conquered. Afer that, the Demon Realm was divided into four, with each land given to the four lords, and then, the Demon King disappeared without a trace.
  • Elesis: The White-Ghost King mentioned the disappearance as well. Is that the last that anyone saw of the Demon King?
  • Lu: Yes, nobody even knows if the Demon King is dead or alive. There's really no way for us to tell. Even now, I don't really understand why the Demon King wanted to unite the Demon Realm.
  • Zero: How mysterious...
  • Laby: What about you, Lu? Did the Demon King promise you something, too?
  • Lu: ... Yes. We also had an agreement.
  • Ciel: ... Lu.
  • Lu: Huhu, let's go now. The soul is moving further away.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
What the White-Ghost King Saw
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Voice of Remorse story quest

The memory shown by the White-Ghost King's soul leaves many questions for the El Search Party.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: The Demon King's disappearance was just the beginning of the problem. From then on, the earth became more barren, and the temperature dropped even further, forcing many to leave their homes to move east. The unbearable climate change and the lack of food and resources led to mass exodus, causing an even bigger rift between the two races within my territory. This was no time to worry about the whereabouts of the Demon King. I was the ruler of my land, and I had to find a solution.
  • Lu: I remember. When the Demon King disappeared, so many things changed...
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: While I was searching for a way to fix the resource problem with my subordinates, I found a strange device between the cliffs in the Deep-Sea.
  • Eve: Cliffs in the Deep-Sea... Does she mean the laboratory in Rigomor?
  • Ciel: So she happened to come across the portal when she was suffering from a shortage of resources, and began trading with Northern Empire?
  • Ara: But how was it possible? Even back then, it couldn't have been easy for demons to start trade with those from Elrios.
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: The result of our investigation was interesting. The device allowed us to teleport instantly, no matter the distance, as long as we had sufficient energy. I activated the device, as if I was led to do so my a divine power, and soon, a strange new world presented itself to me. We were no longer in the Demon Realm! We have stepped our foot in Elrios. We began investigating, preparing for a fight that could happen at any moment. Surprisingly, they didn't attack us, nor were they hostile toward us. In fact, they welcomed us and treated us well. Everything was... groundbreaking. Was the hostility we held for Elrios one-sided? Did they not see us as enemies? ... I have yet to learn of the whereabouts of the Demon King. But this, this gave me hope that my long standing dream could finally come true.
  • Nichel: I... heard this story before. But, it was more... glorified.
  • Elsword: Glorified? How so?
  • Nichel: Something like, when everything started to go downhill, the White-Ghost King rose with dignity, and single-handedly saved the people. It's... quite different from her perspective. She seems... burdened... from responsibilities. She always sounded like the perfect ruler from the way the elders portrayed her.... Like she was born to be a ruler.
  • Chung: It couldn't have been easy. Even when Hamel faced unforeseen problems, my father never betrayed his feelings to those under his command. He believed that if those in command faltered, those who follow would also falter. He seemed undaunted. Even though inside, he was the one that was most conflicted when the people of Hamel were in pain...
  • Rena: I suppose the story Nichel heard of the White-Ghost King, was a side she portrayed as the leader of her people.
  • Whhhoooossssh...
  • Ciel: Look, there's white smoke rising. That must be the White-Ghost King's...
  • Meson: Grrrrrrr...
  • Ciel: The White-Ghost King's... What is that?
  • Nichel: That's Meson...! I thought he was dead! If he was alive all this time, why did he hide himself away?
  • Ain: I can see why. From the looks of it, it seems he was staying low to absorb all the energy that's leaking from the soul fragment.
  • Meson: ROOOAAAR!
  • Lu: Give up. That soul belongs to someone else.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Aisha: We should be able to retrieve the soul fragment now.
  • Zero: I think that yeti was here because he wanted to monopolize the soul fragment.
  • Rena: It must have been desirable with how much it amplifies power.
  • Add: Idiot. Well, we won't be seeing him again.
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: ......
  • Nichel: ...? Here, your highness.
  • Lu: Thank you. But why don't you keep it? It seemed to gravitate towards you.
  • Nichel: I think that's because I was standing nearby. Since Winster entrusted this to you, you should keep it. We trust you.
  • Rena: You know, I'm kind of curious. Why do you think the people of Northern Empire welcomed the White-Ghost King? Maybe they weren't aware they were demons?
  • Elesis: Even so, they would have looked different. It is strange that they were welcomed so readily.
  • Elsword: Maybe they thought they were like, phorus or something?
  • Aisha: A phoru? Really?
  • Ara: Huhu, maybe there's some truth to it. Northern Empire treasured holy beasts and believed them to be good luck. They might have through the White-Ghost King was a powerful holy beast, rather than a demon.
  • Elsword: See?
  • Aisha: Heh! You just got lucky! Besides, I still think a phoru is stretching it.
  • Ciel: In any case, now we have a soul fragment, and learned how she came to trade with Northern Empire. Everything worked out unexpectedly.
  • Chung: Since we've arrived in the Demon Realm, my impression of demons keep changing.
  • Add: I just want to know what that device was. The Demons from Rigomor also said they 'found' the portal... But we still don't know who put the device there, why, or even what the device is for.
  • Elesis: Hm... Maybe we'll find out when we find the other fragments. Let's rest here, then head for the next soul fragment.
  • Eun: .......
  • Ara: It seems the White-Ghost King was very careful in Elrios. She had an amicable relationship with the people, and likely wished to keep it that way to gain what she wanted.
  • Eun: I know what you are trying to say. It looks unlikely that the White-Ghost King, who was focused on trading with the people of Northern Empire, tried to harm the holy spirits of Elrios.
  • Ara: Eun... Do you remember anything about the White-Ghost King?
  • Nichel: Oh? Are there still remains of the soul fragment here?
  • Ara: N, no! I was just talking to Eun.
  • Nichel: Eun?
  • Ara: Oh! You won't be able to see her even if you look around like that. Eun is a fox spirit who travels with me in spirit form. She always lends me strength and wisdom.
  • Nichel: In spirit form...? Hm...
  • Ara: Ah... I understand it's hard to believe. It probably sounds like I'm just spinning wild tales.
  • Nichel: Oh, sorry. I wasn't trying to give you that impression. It's just, I was thinking... That's kind of like possession, right? If two souls could exist in one body, I thought, it might have been better for the White-Ghost King to possess one of her most trusted followers instead of splitting up her soul.
  • Ara: Oh...? That's a possibility.
  • Nichel: Ah, don't take me too seriously. It's not like I'm an expert on souls. There's probably a reason why the White-Ghost King didn't use that method.
  • Ara: True. While Eun and I were together for a while now and trust each other implicitly, it might not always work out this way.
  • Nichel: Yeah. It's hard to even imagine.... Oh, we just went off on a tangent. I was just about to report to Asella that we retrieved the soul fragment, and was making sure there weren't any more remaining in this area.
  • Ara: I see. That conversation I had with eun was on a different topic altogether. Don't mind us.
  • Aisha: Phew. I'm glad that was just a soul fragment. If it actually were a ghost, I would have wanted to go back to Elrios.
  • Elesis: Haha. I'm glad you've settled down.
  • Ain: The next soul fragment could work similarly. Won't it be unfortunate if you get scared every time?
  • Aisha: Ugh... Do we have to see that again...?
  • Zero: Uh... so, how did the soul fragment show us memories? Is that something demons can do?
  • Lu: It has nothing to do with being a demon. It's actually Aegirp's innate ability. A unique ability, just like my ability to form a spiritual contract with Ciel, or Stirbargen's ability to shift forms.
  • Raven: Is that so? There were demons that controlled souls or revived the dead in Feita and Velder, so I thought it was quite common amongst demons.
  • Lu: Huhu, of course, there are those with the ability to control souls, but there's are nothing compared to Aegirp's. The reason why we were able to listen to Aegirp's old memories is probably related to her ability somehow.
  • Ain: I only heard the voice after Ms. Dog mentioned it. It didn't hear anything before that.
  • Elsword: Me too. But how come Add and Aisha didn't hear the voice earlier? They were crying that they didn't want to hear anything, only to hear it the moment Lu told them it was the soul fragment of the White-Ghost King.
  • Add: I did not cry!
  • Chung: Maybe there's some kind of magic, that allows you to sense the presence only after you've acknowledged its existence?
  • Lu: I can't say for sure. Whatever the case may be, it will help us immensely in finding the soul fragments as long as we're guided like this.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Chapter 46: Second Soul Fragment

With nary a break, the El Search Party depart to track down the next Soul Fragment. After returning to Aurora, the group learn they are being tracked and decide to take their fight straight to the White-Ghost Land's capital.

The Most Important Thing
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the What the White-Ghost King Saw story quest

Nichel reports to Asella after retrieving the first soul fragment. Asella tells Nichel, who is burdened with responsibility, something unexcepted.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Nichel: Asella, we've safely retrieved the soul fragment.
  • Asell: Good work! It's good that we've managed to move faster than the White-Ghost Army. Did you encounter any problems while retrieving the soul fragment?
  • Nichel: Actually... We've got a glimpse of the past through the soul fragment... when the White-Ghost King first found the way to Elrios.
  • Asella: Memory of our lord...? Ah well, I suppose it's not too strange, considering her ability. So, what did you think?
  • Nichel: It was... awe inspiring. She didn't have much choice, but I don't think I could have made the same decison to go to another world if I were in her shoes. In the end, everything turned out fine, but... I thought it must have been difficult, and scary for her.
  • Asella: Nichel.
  • Nichel: Oh! Sorry... Uh... Don't worry about me. I'm determined to give my life to complete this mission.
  • Asella: I'm sorry I always put you on missions on ground, despite knowing your wish to remain in Rigomor. But if you ever wish to go back out, Nichel, I won't stop you. The mission is not that important.
  • Nichel: Do you mean that? But...
  • Asella: Oh course, reviving the White-Ghost King will always be our main priority, but doing so with blind obsession will cost us our future.
  • Nichel: What do you mean...? What kind of future?
  • Asella: I believe the revival of our lord is the only way to resolve the current situation peacefully. But, if we depend on it too much, we will never be able to stand on our own two feet if this plan fails.
  • Nichel: If reviving the White-Ghost King is not that important, why are we focusing all our efforts to do just that?
  • Asella: Hope.
  • Nichel: ......
  • Asella: Hope that one day, the two races can come together in peace without conflict... a day when we embrace each other with mutual love and respect. So if you get too scared, just run away. We may be short on numbers, but there's still enough of us to cover each other's back. Don't throw away your life on this mission. We'll never reach our goal if we pave our road with sacrifice.
  • Nichel: ... Alright. I think I understand. I'll contemplate more on what to do.
  • Asella: Ah, I didn't mean to burden you. I'm sure you'll be fine.
  • Nichel: ... Oh! I almost forgot! The El Search Party is planning to head straight to the next location without stopping by Aurora.
  • Asella: Ah... Understood. Be careful out there. The White-Ghost Army arrived while you were seeking out the soul fragment. I will provide you with the details later. Stay safe.
  • Nichel: Mmhm, will do.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: Nichel, did you manage to contact Asella? Shall we head to the next soul fragment, now?
  • Nichel: Wait, I have a message from Asella. She said the White-Ghost Army is already patrolling the area we're headed towards. It seems they've arrived just as we were leaving Aurora. According to the one on watch, there's not that many of them. Plus, they haven't attempted to take the soul fragment yet.
  • Ciel: They may be guarding, until Berthe comes to retrieve it personally.
  • Rena: That's not good... We have no choice but to fight the soldiers if we want to retrieve the soul fragment. I mean, it shouldn't be difficult, but...
  • Raven: It will alert Berthe that we're back in the Demon Realm.
  • Elesis: Thankfully, we're still at an advantage. Berthe's soldiers won't expect an ambush right now.
  • Ciel: We'll just have to make sure to capture every last one of them. That way, they won't be able to report back to Berthe.
  • Ara: Shouldn't we consult Asella if we're planning on an ambush?
  • Nichel: It's fine. I'm sure she expected this when she gave us the information.
  • Ain: Then let us discuss the specifics. Where is the next soul fragment?
  • Nichel: The next soul fragment is not that far, in a village located in the highlands. It's no longer inhabited, because the villagers moved out when the grounds became too unstable, with high risk of collapse.
  • Add: Good. We' don't have to hold back, then.
  • Elesis: For now, let's make sure we approach carefully while remaining out of their sight. It'll be best if we manage to retrieve the soul fragment without being detected, but we'll be prepared even if we are discovered. Don't forget. If we are discovered, we have to capture every single one of them. Don't let them get away!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
What the White-Ghost King Wanted
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the The Most Important Thing story quest

The White-Ghost Army is guarding near where the soul fragment lies dormant. As the El Search Party carefully approach them, they see another past of the White-Ghost King.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: The abundant resources brought from trade with Northern Empire instigated many changes in our own land.
  • Aisha: Gah! Oh, it's the soul we saw earlier.
  • Lu: Huhu, it's nice to see it again.
  • Ara: Its form is more distinct than earlier. It looks more like... a person. Is she a Nous?
  • Ciel: It must be the spell that protects the soul fragment. It should guide us to where the soul fragment is located, just like before.
  • Elsword: Now that it's taken shape, do you think it can understand us? Will you take us to the soul fragment?
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: ......
  • Raven: There's no way to tell if it does, but it's headed that way. Let's follow it.
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: With the resources from Northern Empire and the knowledge we've gained from the laboratory, we were able to build the central portal. It naturally became the hub for everything in our land. The portal required a lot of manpower, which led to the two opposing races to cooperate. They shared technology and strength with each other in order to build their new homes. It wasn't perfect. There were still conflicts, big and small. But I thought it was just a natural stage in progress, like how a newborn pup trips and stumbles before it learns how to run. The two races began to learn how to get along and cooperate with each other.
  • Eve: I can relate. Once she had a glimpse of the two races coming together, she wouldn't have been able to let that dream go.
  • Elsword: Huh? What makes you say that?
  • Eve: Huhu, that's a secret.
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: This is what I wanted. The fear of the unknown, and hatred that stems from prejudice, all receding as we come to understand one another... If we can ally ourselves with enemies from another world, there was no reason that the two races, different yet similar, cannot come together in complete harmony.... Then the day might come, when I finally reveal that I am of mixed heritage.
  • Nichel: The White-Ghost King is mixed-blood?
  • Lu: Hm? You didn't know?
  • Laby: She's mixed-blood?! ... What is mixed-blood?
  • Add: If you don't know, why are you acting so surprised...?
  • Nichel: Mixed-blood refers to those who were born between two races.
  • Chung: From the White-Ghost King's memories, I assume they weren't treated well?
  • Nichel: It's not just that. Most mixed-bloods are often called something much worse, such as half-breeds, or mutts. They're basically taboo.
  • Rose: Taboo? That bad?
  • Nichel: The two races really hated each other back then. It's wrong, but I heard mixed-bloods were considered inferior, and were scorned by both races. Because of the perception, now, they're treated as if they don't even exist.
  • Lu: I had no idea those of mixed-blood were treated so poorly, even though I knew Aegirp for so long...
  • Ain: She must have presented herself as a Garen, hiding her true form.
  • Rena: ... Though, I think her most trusted followers knew that she was mixed-blood. I got the impression that Calonne knew why Berthe betrayed the White-Ghost King, though he didn't say anything to us.
  • Elesis: Didn't you say something along that vein, Nichel? That you think Winster knows why Berthe attacked the White-Ghost King?
  • Aisha: If that's true, that's really tragic. For her heritage to work against her like that... even though she was one of the four Demon Lords...
  • Ciel: Oh. Were we following the White-Ghost King all this time?
  • Lu: Of course! What did you think it was?
  • Laby: Ooh! Laby knows! A spell that protects the soul fragment!
  • Elsword: That's what I thought, too.
  • Lu: Sigh... I suppose it's understandable why you thought that way. Aegirp was always able to shift between two forms: a beast form, and a humanoid form. I don't know why I thought it would be commonplace to have two forms. It should have been obvious, that if everyone could just shift forms like that, the two races wouldn't have been so antagonistic towards each other.
  • Nichel: ....
  • Laby: Nichel? Why did you stop moving? Whatcha thinking?
  • Nichel: Huh? Oh, it's nothing. I was just... thinking about my old friend.

  • Raven: Stop, everyone hold your place.
  • Ain: I see that the soldiers of the White-Ghost Army are already settled in their positions. There are quite many of them. And unlike the previous soul fragment... This one is out in the open.
  • Rose: Earlier, Nichel mentioned that the grounds here are unstable. I suppose the soul fragment could have been revealed due to a change in geography.
  • Chung: That seems likely. It don't think the White-Ghost Army was led by the soul like we were.
  • Raven: The situation isn't that bad. The enemies seem to have their guards down, so we will start closing in on them from all sides.
  • Elesis: Agreed. Everyone! To your positons. On my mark, we will attack as one.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Unexpected Information
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the What the White-Ghost King Wanted story quest

After defeating the White-Ghost Army soldiers and safely retrieving the soul fragment, the El Search Party receives an unexpected offer from their leader.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • CLANG!
  • Elsword: Everything under control here. What's your status, everyone?
  • Rena: All good here!
  • Laby: Laby in Nisha are done too!
  • Ciel: 5, 10, 15, 20... Yup, that's all of them. No runaways. Good work everyone.
  • Rena: Hm... Is it me, or was that too easy?
  • Eve: Is that so? I didn't think they were easy opponents...
  • Rena: Oh, I didn't mean they were weak or anything... They're individually strong, and they seem like seasoned fighters. It's just...
  • Rose: They didn't seem like they were trained in battle tactics as soldier despite being strong warriors.
  • Rena: Yes! That's what I was getting at!
  • Ring
  • Nichel: We've finished retrieving the soul fragment. Here, your highness.
  • Lu: Alright. I'm glad everything seems to be falling in place.
  • Elsword: We already have two soul fragments in our hands. Haha, I bet Berthe didn't expect that coming.
  • Aisha: Since this is the last location we got from Calonne, we'll need to find the rest relying on Aurora's intelligence. I hope we can find them before Berthe.
  • Baryon: ...... Hey, you.
  • Lu: ... Are you referring to me?
  • Baryon: Yeah, I'm talking 'bout you, runt. You act all hoity toity, I bet you're the leader. Am I right?
  • Lu: R, runt...! How rude!
  • Baryon: Ack...! Whatcha screamin' for! I just wanted to know what you're gonna do with us now.
  • Chung: What we're going to do...? We're just making sure you don't contact Berthe.
  • Baryon: Is that it? No torture, no interrogation, no nothing? Well then... How 'bout a trade? We surrender, and you don't harm us, yeah?
  • Elsword: ... What?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Baryon: You're looking for the soul fragment, right? We'll give you the information. We searched all over the place under Berthe's orders, but didn't manage to do squat. Not until a Nous brat told us there should be one around here. That brat went to the capital to fix... whatchamacallit... the thing that can move people to far places. Said they're gonna use it to invade Elrios.
  • Ciel: (He must be talking about Haivan. Looks like Haivan is actively getting involved.)
  • Aisha: (Assuming that he's speaking the truth, that is.)
  • Rena: (I'm not sure why they're so cooperative all of a sudden, but it should work in our favor. Maybe we can gain some inside information.)
  • Add: Hey, you're not just making stuff up to get out of this situation, are you?
  • Baryon: No way! If you want, you can ask anything until you believe me.
  • Raven: Hm... Alright........ Berthe must have found many of the soul fragments. How many of the '8 pieces' did he find?
  • Elsword: Eh...?
  • Rena: (Aha, baiting with false information?)
  • Aisha: (Elsword! Laby! Watch your expression! They're going to catch onto us if you stare at Raven like that!)
  • Rose: (... You both have a terrible poker face. You don't have to frown.)
  • Baryon: Eh? Oh, oh yeah! I think he found six...? And he's still searching for the rest.
  • Laby: (He just hesitated!)
  • Zero: (Ah... The specific number just put him in a bind. Really? Six? We know there's only five in total!)
  • Add: You THINK he found six? Is that how you want to play this? Do you want this trade or not? You think we're going to spare your life with that scrap of information? If you want to live, you'll tell us exactly how many soul fragments Berthe found without holding back!
  • Elesis: (Whoa...! Add, calm down!)
  • Ain: (Just let him be. Mr. Ancient seems to be in his element for once.)
  • Baryon: Ack! I don't know... I DON'T KNOW!! When Berthe left, that brat said 'there's two remaining,' so he gotta have six, right? I'm just a grunt! Berthe's not going to sit me down and feed me information! I'm giving the best I can!
  • Add: Hmph, so you don't even know much. Just tell us what you know. If you don't know, don't take a wild guess. You understand?! Your life is in our hands. If you deceive us, you're a dead man!
  • Baryon: Alright! Alright...!
  • Add: (I don't think he's lying. He's telling us everything he knows.)
  • Elsword: (Oh... Um... Good job...?)
  • Eve: (Sometimes, it's hard to tell who the true villain is...)
  • Rena: ... Tell us about the plan to invade Elrios.
  • Baryon: We haven't got specifics order yet, just that we're going to do it. Though, I think he's real serious about it this time 'round. Last time, there weren't enough Garen support, so he had to enlist the Glitter guards.
  • Chung: Does that mean there are more Garens that are taking a more active role this time?
  • Baryon: No, it's Berthe who's conscripting like crazy. He's scraping every able-bodied Garen in this land. There are some wackadoos who actually want to fight, but most of us would rather not. The elders said we used to get along pretty well with Elrios, so it doesn't even make sense why we should fight now, you know what I mean? Besides, we grew up on horror stories of demons who went to Elrios, never to come back. That's creepy man. And I'm not the only one who thinks that way.
  • Laby: (Oh! He's talking about Calonne and Furry!)
  • Raven: (It seems the stories of demons remaining in Northern Empire evolved into something of an urban legend.)
  • Baryon: But what can you do? We gotta follow orders. Whatever happens, once we find all the soul fragments, the White-Ghost Army is going to rally with the Glitter Alliance for an all-out-attack against Elrios.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Betrayal Without Loyalty
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Unexpected Information story quest

Baryon reveals part of Berthe's plan while informing the El Search Party that he had no plans to participate in the war.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Raven: ... And why are you telling us all of this?
  • Baryon: I told you! To save our behinds! Once Berthe finds out we failed our mission, we're all going to be goners anyway. So, might as well we bet our lives on you.
  • Add: Idiot. What bet? You've spilled everything you know already.
  • Baryon: What choice have we got? We lost, and got tied up. The least we can do is show that we're serious about this. We never wanted to be soldiers to begin with. We were all regular folks just a few months back. I just want to live a long life, peaceful life, somewhere safe with my family.
  • Nichel: Wait, I don't understand. I thought Berthe is your leader? He won't actually take your life, would he?
  • Baryon: What, I expected that question from them, but were you living under a rock as well? Don't you know what he's like? Who are you calling a leader? He's more of a tyrant, and even that is too much of a compliment.
  • Ain: You couldn't have said it any better. Not bad for a demon.
  • Elesis: I suppose Berthe doesn't treat his subordinates fairly...
  • Chung: What will you do if we let you go?
  • Baryon: Run away from Berthe, probably. They might track us down, but we might be able to slip away... what with his head being full of invading Elrios and the soul fragments at the moment. Who knows! If we're lucky, he might forget that there were some nameless deserters and head straight to Elrios!
  • Raven: ... Hold on, we'll need to discuss amongst ourselves before we make a decision.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: So? Do you think he's telling the truth?
  • Raven: His answers were swift and consistent. There were no signs of deception, like fidgeting or avoiding eye contact.
  • Rena: Plus, the information he gave aligns pretty well with the events we know.
  • Elesis: If we assume he speaks the truth, the consequence of our failure would be an all-out demon invasion even bigger than the one before.
  • Eve: Elesis, didn't you already warn the Velder Kingdom of the possibility of an invasion? Elrios should be prepared this time.
  • Elesis: Yes, but Velder is still recovering from the last invasion. We can't really expect them to have enough troops to be prepared for a full-scale war in such short notice.
  • Aisha: I guess our silver lining is that the portal doesn't seem complete yet.
  • Add: So what do we do with those guys? I don't think we should just accept their surrender. They may be cooperating now, but they might turn on us the moment they spot an opportunity.
  • Raven: ... I don't think we need to worry about that. I've been keeping an eye on the group. It's obvious that the one talking to us is the leader, and none of the others seem to object to his words. In fact, some of them looked relieved when their leader said he wanted to surrender.
  • Ain: What did he say? 'All goners if we fail'?
  • Elesis: When discipline is too rigid with severe consequences, it weakens solidarity and morale. In other words, people are more likely to desert. If Berthe doesn't show mercy to those who fail like he says, it's understandable why they have little to no loyalty, and would rather surrender.
  • Rena: Is that why I got the impression they weren't well trained?
  • Chung: What do you think, Nichel? I don't think this is something we should decide on our own. If we accept their surrender, we'll need a place and those who would keep an eye on them. That's not something we can offer as outsiders.
  • Ara: Plus, it might put Aurora in danger. I also believe this should be up to your decision.
  • Nichel: This won't be the first time we had soldiers of the White-Ghost Army turn over and join Rigomor. I think it would be fine to accept their surrender, provided that they return with us to Aurora.
  • Elsword: If that's what you want, we'll follow your lead.

  • Nichel: We accept your surrender.
  • Baryon: You were discussing for a while there. You got conditions right?
  • Nichel: Yes. Please tell us everything you know about the White-Ghost Army.
  • Baryon: ... Please? Why are you acting all polite? Just give us an order. It's you who have leverage over us.
  • Nichel: That's not necessary. If you don't want to talk, I won't force you.
  • Baryon: ... Man, you're soft.
  • Nichel: ...? Anyway... I'm sorry to inconvenience you, but you'll have to cover your eyes before we take you to our base.
  • Baryon: You actually have a bona fide base? ... Come to think of it, there were several deserters while back. We were ordered to search for them. It was like they disappeared in thin air though... as if they already knew where to go to avoid detection. Was that also your doing?
  • Nichel: I can neither confirm, nor deny that question. What if it is?
  • Baryon: That it's good for us, since we need to get away from Berthe. Hey, I know we're in no position to make demands, but lemme just say one thing. As long as you guarantee our safety, we'll tell you everything we know.
  • Nichel: Is that all?
  • Baryon: That is all.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Warning Message
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Betrayal Without Loyalty story quest

Once the El Search Party arrives back in Aurora, they discuss a plan to stop Berthe's plan based on the information they gathered. However, their meeting is cut short.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Asella: Welcome, everyone. Good work.
  • Lu: The surrendered White-Ghost Army soldiers informed us about a plan to invade Elrios. We'll need to discuss on this matter promptly amongst ourselves.
  • Asella: Understood, your highness. I will deal with the soldiers and leave you alone.
  • Ara: The central portal in the capital is probably linked to Northern Empire, right? Since they traded with Northern Empire when the White-Ghost King was alive? Should we warn them?
  • Add: It's most likely, but who knows. Maybe they have another coordinate to Elrios.
  • Laby: Where to?
  • Add: That, we can't tell.
  • Ain: The pattern of the last demon invasion was simple, because the demons created a dimensional gate using El Shards. Since the demons needed the El Shards, we were easily able to predict where they would attack.
  • Elesis: This time, it's different. We don't know when, where, or how they would attack us. If only that soldier, Baryon knew that information...
  • Chung: One thing for sure, if we fail to prevent Berthe, Elrios will face the biggest threat to this date...
  • Elsword: Do you think Ran using... what's his name, Nero? to collect the gems in Varnimyr is somehow related to this invasion?
  • Nichel: ... Huh? Did you say Nero?
  • Asella: You! Where did you get that! You better speak the truth!
  • Rena: Yikes! What's going on?
  • Baryon: I didn't do anything, I swear! I just saw it drop, so I picked it up.
  • Asella: If you just picked it up, why is it broken? You knew this was our communication device, didn't you? You broke it on purpose!
  • Baryon: I didn't even know what it was until just now!
  • Asella: So you say, but it still stands that the device stopped working after you touched it!
  • Baryon: Grrr... Just fix it! Aren't you a Nous?
  • Asella: Not all Nous are adept at handling technology! You...
  • Eve: Asella, may I take a look? Hm...
  • ... CLICK!
  • Eve: The power was off. I believe it hit the switch as it fell on the ground. I should operate properly now.
  • Baryon: ......
  • Asella: ... Ha! Ha! Ha! Thank you for fixing the problem! Ha! Ha! Ha!
  • Chung: I've seen this device in the Deep-Sea tunnel. Did Winster send this?
  • Asella: Yes. He occasionally sends us inside information of the White-Ghost Army. Let's see now...
  • Communication Device: ZZT... ZZZZT... I am unharmed. Berthe managed to acquire a third soul fragment. Also, the soldiers sensed movement of the other soul fragments. Did you managed to secure one? Be careful. They are tracking the location of the soul fragments. Aurora may be exposed. Do not act rashly.
  • Nichel: Winster...
  • Ciel: The soul fragment is being tracked... Then Berthe may already be aware of our course.
  • Rena: If we don't leave, Berthe may learn the location of Aurora...
  • Baryon: ... What?! I thought you said this place is safe!
  • Elesis: Ah... This is not good. We should leave as soon as possible.
  • Aisha: A third soul fragment... I thought it was weird he didn't personally show up. He must have been acquiring other soul fragments. I guess it's a good thing we didn't have to face him.
  • Elsword: We need to get the soul fragment that Berthe has in order to revive the White-Ghost King. We really have no choice but to face him now.
  • Lu: Let us hurry to the capital. Nichel, Asella, how long does it take to get to the capital?
  • Asella: It's quite far. We can send our fastest to aid you, but it will still take at least two days.
  • Nichel: Plus, the closer we get to the capital, the harder it would be to advance, due to the White-Ghost Army that's stationed everywhere.
  • Ara: Since we have the other soul fragments, maybe we can lure Berthe out instead?
  • Eve: In normal circumstances, that could work, but we shouldn't risk it since they have the portal. With the portal, they are essentially holding Elrios hostage, which is non-negotiable for us.
  • Raven: I agree. If Berthe realizes we're trying to lure him out, he could turn his focus to invading Elrios immediately. Then it will be us that end up being lured in.
  • Rena: Yeah, we must do something about the portal. Let's figure out a way to quickly or covertly infiltrate the capital.
  • Baryon: ... Hey, are you guys good with machines?
  • Add: Why do you ask?
  • Baryon: Cuz there IS a way to enter the capital wicked fast...
  • Communication Device: BEEP-
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Warning Message 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Warning Message story quest

At the location of the other soul fragment, a secret conversation is had.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Haivan: .......
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: [... So I have divided my soul into multiple pieces. Hoping, that one day, the two races will truly come together. Of course, I don't oppose to being awakened before that day. When my power is needed, I trust that those who are loyal to me, will come together to awaken me.]
  • Haivan: You should have picked better people to trust.
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: [I have but one concern. I worry that the portal I leave will be used as a way to instigate conflict and war.]
  • Haivan: What did you expect, leaving this kind of power?
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: [Technology that can connect different worlds must only be used for peace... so that we may extend our hand to someone different from us in another world.]
  • Haivan: You probably left your soul in case of your death, so you can ensure you stay in power for a very long time. I get that you led your people to prosperity... But to be so assured of yourself that you become blind to the possibility of betrayal... How does it feel to be overthrown because of your own stupidity?
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: [I do not regret my decision to create the portal. I know that the only escape from unfathomable despair is faith and kindness from others. Just like the Demon King showed me, and I, in turn, showed my people.]
  • Haivan: ... I studied your soul for a very long time. I know you still have some conscience, even though you're just a fragment. I bet you even understand my words.
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: [Yes. That's the path I longed for.]
  • Haivan: Your biggest mistake is that your entire legacy only depended on you. That's why after your unexpected death, the entire structure fell apart. Technically, your people only lost their ruler, but it was like they lost their entire foundation. I'm not saying you should have had a successor. No. It was wrong from the start to have the entire land depending on just one ruler. If you want to stop Berthe from destroying your life long wish, you only get one chance.
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: [.......]
  • Haivan: When all the soul fragments merge, and you are finally whole... You just need to hold him back for a moment. Then...
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: [So I hope my concerns do not become a reality.]
  • Haivan: ... That will stop anyone from invading Elrios.
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: [.......]
  • Berthe: What are you mumbling about?
  • Haivan: ... Oh, I don't know- Maybe I was just having fun because my boss never showed up, even though I told him I found the soul fragment a loooong time ago. Wait, you didn't hear anyone else?
  • Berthe: There's no one else here. Stop fooling around.
  • Haivan: Hmm...? I see- Well, let's stop with the chitchat then. There's two soul fragments left. Are you excited? The day to invade Elrios is finally upon us, after all.
  • Berthe: As long as you take this seriously, everything will proceed as planned. How is the portal.
  • Haivan: Everything is coming along fine! I mean, it wasn't well-maintained, so I'll need to check it a couple of more times... but we're at the final stage. In any case, since we found the fragment, I can go, right? Oh yeah! I found the other two fragments too! It was somewhere interesting. I set the trap already to secure them. We just need to wait for them to fall right into it. I'll go retrieve it personally.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
To the Capital
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Warning Message 2 story quest

Now that the enemy knows their location, there's no time t lose. The El Search Party plans to head to the capital using the abandoned train that was used when trading with Northern Empire.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Zero: There's a train? Is that true, Asella?
  • Asella: Ah... Come to think of it... The White-Ghost King had a train made to transport the traded goods from Northern Empire around.
  • Baryon: I know because I'd pass by whenever I had business around there. It's a good place to chill. Also it's a nice hiding place. If you can activate it, it should be able to take you to the capital in a jiffy.
  • Raven: If it was used to transport goods, it should definitely be connected to the capital.
  • Rena: But wouldn't it be too... conspicuous? Having a train that was out of order for a while to barge into the capital like that...
  • Add: We'll stick out like a sore thumb. But who's going to be stupid enough to step in front of a train running in full-speed?
  • Elesis: I like that we can enter the capital without having to battle anyone, as long as we get the train to move. We can't avoid fighting after we enter the capital anyway. Best we make the most out of it.
  • Chung: Plus, by having their attention on us, we can help keep Aurora stay under wraps.
  • Baryon: Just one thing. You'll have to defeat the soldiers that are stationed around the train.
  • Nichel: Is there no way to avoid fighting completely? They were your allies... Could we persuade them? Or somehow use a diversion tactic...
  • Baryon: Allies? Me and them? Not even close. I don't even know the guys.
  • Chung: How many soldiers are stationed around the train?
  • Baryon: More than us earlier, that's for sure. It won't be easy.
  • Asella: We'll create a diversion. We can't hold them for long, since we can't be exposed, but it should be enough time to get you on the train.
  • Laby: Thanks! We'll make sure to get on quickly so they don't see us!
  • Baryon: If you're grateful, leave already. The soul is being tracked for crying out loud! This place is becoming less safe every second!
  • Asella: We'll take care of it, so shut your mouth! Sigh... Well, I must say, El Search Party, thank you for protecting Aurora. I apologize this is the only aid we can provide, despite you risking your lives to face the White-Ghost Army head on.
  • Elsword: No problem. We'll head to the train right away.
  • Asella: We'll head... here, a bit further up. We'll cause a commotion so they'll be distracted. You can then repair the train and head to the capital immediately. Good luck.
  • Communication Device: ... BEEP
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ain: Didn't he say the train is here...? I only see empty tracks.
  • Aisha: Did he trick us? Is there going to be an ambush?
  • Chung: No, look! I see the train over there! He must have gotten the tracks wrong.
  • Add: Why couldn't he tell us the right one in the first place...

  • Rena: How is it? Do you think you can fix it?
  • Add: I can't say for sure before checking the engine room... But it looks good considering how long it was abandoned.
  • Eve: It's strange. It's too well-kept despite being out of order for a long time.
  • Ara: Perhaps the soldier tidied up the place after their use? They did say the soldier sometimes rest here.
  • Ciel: That could be possible. Anyway, we should head to the cockpit. That should be up ahead.
  • Rena: Be careful. I sense monsters in other compartments.
  • Ain: It was abandoned for a long time. There could be wild animals that settled in.
  • Elsword: Is this the door to the next compartment? It's kind of stuck... Maybe it's rusted? Oof!
  • Lu: Hm? Did you hear something?
  • Laby: Whoa! The train is moving! We're leaving already?
  • Eve: We didn't do anything yet. What did you do, Elsword?
  • Elsword: I uh, I tried to open the door...?
  • Raven: It's not us. Somebody is controlling the train.
  • ???: ZZZT- ZZZZT- Ahem, Mic check. Hello, passengers! Welcome to White-Ghost Express.
  • Laby: Gah! Laby hears a voice! But it's different from the voice that goes 'ring'!
  • Elesis: Where is her! Where's the voice coming from?
  • Ara: Over there! The voice is coming from the gap on the wall!
  • ???: Unfortunately, there's been a sudden change in destination. We apologize for the inconvenience... But have a nice trip!
  • Zero: Huh? A change in destination? To where?
  • Raven: This voice... It sounds familiar...
  • Haivan: Oh! I almost forgot! I'll take the soul fragments as fee for your lovely train ride!
  • Elsword: Grr...! Haivan!
  • Rose: ... It was a trap.
  • Add: Damn it! Everyone move forward! We need to catch him!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the To the Capital story quest

The El Search Party falls into a trap. Regardless of their unfortunate situation, the train continues to run the tracks.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Elsword: Ugh, the exploding plants we saw earlier are all over the train! It's getting in our way!
  • Ara: It's hard to fight because it's a confined space. At least it's spacious. Do you think it's to make it convenient for Garens who are larger?
  • Laby: Oooh! It's that why the windows are so big? Oh! Look outside!
  • Chung: So that's the capital! Wow, it's really big!
  • Laby: Laby didn't know there are huuuuuge villages like that in the Demon Realm too! So cool!
  • Nichel: It's the first time I've seen it as well. Amazing! The buildings are so big! It's really incredible! But...... Doesn't it seem like we're heading further away from the capital?
  • Elesis: Wait, why do we see the capital through the window on the side? Where are we headed to?
  • Eve: According to the map... We're headed to the outskirts. Do you think Baryon tricked us?
  • Zero: I don't think so. The train wasn't on the track he told us in the first place. It's probably all Haivan's doing.
  • Add: This is not the time to discuss the details. If we arrive somewhere else, we'll have to do this all over again. Damn it! Why isn't it possible to skip compartments? We're never going to reach the first compartment at this rate!
  • Elesis: Let's get on the roof! Someone lift me, so I can open the door on the ceiling!
  • Haivan: Hey! You shouldn't create a ruckus inside a train! You're passengers! You should sit down and relax.
  • Elesis: Oof, alright! I got it! Now, let's head... Huh?
  • Ciel: Well? Should we head up?
  • Elesis: WHAA!! Get me down right now! We're about to enter a tunnel!
  • Ara: Everything's shaking! Everyone be careful!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Haivan: Long time no see, everyone! But you really should have stayed in Elrios. Since, you know, you only managed to escape by a thread last time. Well, I guess you made my job much easier! I'm flattered! To think you'll collect the rest of the soul fragments for me!
  • Elsword: We didn't do it for you!
  • Lu: He's right! We will never hand you Aegirp's soul!
  • Haivan: Ha! I should remind you, conflict of interest IS a thing. Did you ask for her opinion? You know, the actual opinion of the soul?
  • Lu: What are you talking about? There's no way Aeigrp will wish to be in Berthe's hand!
  • White-Ghost King's Soul: Ring
  • Ara: Oh...! Lu! The soul fragments are slipping away!
  • Lu: What...? It's not me! They're moving by themselves...! You! What did you do to Aegirp's soul!
  • Haivan: Aww... It's really not my fault! What can I say? This is the White-Ghost King's decision.
  • Raven: The White-Ghost King's decision...?
  • Haivan: Yup! I found out due to all the alone time we had together, thanks to the secret laboratory being restricted 'to pay proper respect to the mighty soul of the White-Ghost King' and all.
  • Ain: You must have been preparing this for a very long time. Are you frustrated that we keep getting in your way?
  • Haivan: Not at all! How could I be, when you got me two soul fragments as a gift! I'm so grateful that I could give you a hug! How about it? Hm?
  • Elsword: We're not here to fool around! Hand us the soul fragments!
  • Nichel: Haivan, stop! I don't believe you actually mean that. You're planning something, aren't you? You're acting like you betrayed us, but I know you didn't! That's why you didn't tell Berthe, Aurora's location!
  • Haivan: ......
  • Nichel: I know you always disapproved of reviving the White-Ghost King. I'm not sure why that leads to talking Berthe's side... But I'll help you. If you just tell me why you are doing this...
  • Haivan: ... I don't need your help.
  • Nichel: What?
  • Haivan: I just wanted to escape that wretched sea instead of waiting aimlessly for someone to come and save us. The reason why I didn't tell anyone about Aurora was because I didn't need to. It's not like a group of cowards would ever pose a threat. I didn't care as long as I could get out of that place. Siding with Berthe is not ideal, but you learn to compromise.
  • Nichel: You...!
  • Elsword: What do you want? Whatever it is, do you really think Berthe is going to uphold his end of the deal?
  • Haivan: You won't understand even if I tell you... Bethe has no choice but to give me what I want.
  • Haivan: In any case... I'm glad you're the ones that made it all the way here.
  • Add: Damn it, where are you running off to?
  • Haivan: So long! Oh, I almost forgot! There should be someone waiting for you at the destination. Have fun!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Escaped Hostage
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Sidetracked story quest

After Haivan leaves, silence befalls the dark tunnel. El Search Party encounters Winster, who they thought was still held captive by Berthe.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Elesis: Again, with the annoying machines... Anyway, everything is taken care of. Add! When is the train going to stop?
  • Add: The train is programmed to decelerate when it reaches its destination. It should come to full stop soon even without my input.

  • Aisha: Ugh... It's really dark here! We must be deep inside the tunnel. Everyone watch your step.
  • Elsword: You know you're stepping on my foot, right?
  • Aisha: It's to keep you still, since you always run into trouble. Hold on, I'll use an illuminating spell.
  • Lu: We're very deep inside this tunnel. The train was running for a long time... Do you think it would take long for us to get our of here?
  • Eve: Most certainly. Since this looks like a terminal, it might be better for us to find another path that leads outside.
  • Rose: Hm? I think there's someone around that corner. I saw a shift in the shadow.
  • Aisha: Yikes! There's someone else in the tunnel other than us...?
  • Zero: ... Is it Haivan? He could have pretended that he was leaving, only to hide himself so he could watch what we're doing?
  • Rena: I don't think it's Haivan. He did say, there should be someone waiting for us at the destination.
  • Winster: ... It's you.
  • Ain: Oh, so Mr. Kid's surprise was Mr. Dog!
  • Chung: Winster! You're safe!
  • Raven: How did you get here? We heard you were held hostage by Berthe.
  • Winster: I managed to find an opening and took my chance... How did you... Did you arrive here by train?
  • Lu: Yes. We hurried because you seemed to be in a dire situation from the communication you sent.
  • Laby: We heard we can come real quick if we get on a train, so we did!
  • Winster: Communication...?
  • Aisha: Errr... You know... The octopus shaped machine that you sent to Aurora...?
  • Winster: I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about. I was under heavy scrutiny. It wouldn't have been possible to send anything.
  • Rose: In that case, who sent the communication device?
  • Ain: Ah... I suspect it was Mr. Kid's doing. That's probably why he knew we were going to take the train.
  • Ciel: The communication device was likely bugged. We essentially fed him our plan.
  • Nichel: That's why the message kept telling us to lie low... He didn't want us to leave Aurora so he could easily track us.
  • Winster: ... Did you meet Haivan?
  • Zero: Haivan was the one who lured us here. He's probably headed to the capital to Berthe and the portal as we speak.
  • Ciel: He lured us here, took the soul fragments and fled. From the looks of it, he probably knew of your escape as well.
  • Winster: Then... he must have been the reason why there were less guards on that day. And the reason why the door hinges came loose.
  • Ain: We should still be able to catch up to him. Do you know the way out?
  • Winster: Follow me. There's a path that leads straight to the capital.
  • Lu: Are you alright? There's no need to overexert yourself by coming with us. You were held in captivity for a very long time.
  • Winster: I overheard that the central portal repairs are at its final stage while I was imprisoned. The only thing they are waiting on, is probably the soul fragments. This is the last chance we have to stop him. If we can manage to neutralize the portal... Then we can at least prevent Berthe from invading Elrios.
  • Rose: ... We understand.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Winster: ... I can't even begin to tell you how remorseful I am.
  • Lu: What do you mean?
  • Winster: All this time, I never even suspected that Haivan was planning something like this. Even now... I just don't understand what he's thinking.
  • Nichel: Winster...
  • Chung: I understand your guilt, but this really isn't your fault at all.
  • Winster: ... I'm not sure if I can escape the blame. It is clear that the path he has chosen will be laden with many sacrifices. And in part, it started with my own judgment that we need some kind of force to combat the Garen on land. The sense of betrayal, rage, and hatred that I felt... I see it reflected in Haivan's own actions. And I cannot just standby and watch him walk down that path. If it's too late to stop him, then I...
  • Rena: Winster...
  • Nichel: But we still don't know why he's doing all this. Not even you, Winster. When we see him... We should listen to what he's got to say. That has to come first.
  • Winster: ......
  • Nichel: And... If he truly betrayed us, you will have to wait for your turn. Because I will tell him where to shove it.
  • Lu: Well said, Nichel. That brat needs to good bang on the head to see some sense!
  • Ciel: Lu...
  • Lu: So don't give up. You've survived all these years after being chased to the ocean. It will be a shame if you give up now. Let's go. The soul fragments are moving further away as we speak. We should hurry if we want to catch up.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Chapter 47: End of Long Standing Enmity

Following Winster's lead back to the White-Ghost Castle, the race to stop the invasion of Elrios and save Aegirp's soul from Berthe commences. The long standing rivalry between the Red-Headed Boy and the Ice Demon finally meets its conclusion.

No Understanding
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Escaped Hostage story quest

When the El Search Party finally arrive at the capital, they try to convince Haivan one last time.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Haivan: Ugh... Are you still following me? I hoped that you'd leave me be, after saving Father.
  • Winster: ...
  • Lu: Not until you give back the soul fragments!
  • Ciel: If you return them now, we'll forgive you... after a few smacks on the head of course.
  • Haivan: Stop treating me like a kid! Are you insane? You're in the middle of enemy territory. Why are you so desperate to take back the soul anyway? I get that Steel Queen was a fellow demon lord, but the White-Ghost King had nothing to do with the rest of you!
  • Elsword: But Elrios will be in danger when the portal is complete! You know what it's like to have your home devastated!
  • Haivan: What? But...
  • Raven: You are right. We have nothing to do with the White-Ghost King. But it became our problem the moment Berthe targeted Elrios.
  • Chung: Elrios has yet to recover from the last demon invasion. We won't let a tragedy like that strike Elrios again!
  • Haivan: You don't get it! Damn! How stupid...
  • Nichel: Haivan, I know you weren't being truthful earlier. You said the reason why you didn't inform Berthe of Aurora was because you forgot. If so, how are you going to explain helping Winster escape? Please, just tell us the reason. You don't have to carry this burden alone. Let me help you.
  • Elsword: If Berthe is threatening you or if you are being forced in anyway, we can protect you like Winster. I promise to give it our all. So please, hand us the soul fragments. We do not want to fight you.
  • Haivan: You make me laugh! You think you're such a hero. I... I'm not risking my life for such stupid reasons!
  • Winster: Haivan.
  • Haivan: What, you want to lecture me again? I mean, you only told me that you're disappointed in me, like, a thousand times.
  • Winster: I... still don't understand why you are doing this. It can't be helped, since I always insisted, you follow my path...
  • Haivan: ...?!
  • Winster: You were always clever. I'm sure you already know that Berthe, who betrayed his lord, has no intention of keeping his word. Even knowing that, you must have felt that you still had a better chance of achieving something you wanted under him than me.
  • Haivan: ... What?
  • Winster: I thought you understood... That even without words, you would know because we are family. However... I can't help but think it was my own obstinacy that drove you away.... I'm sorry I never listened to what you had to say. So please... It's not too late to stop.
  • Haivan: Why... are you apologizing?
  • Winster: Haivan...?
  • Haivan: ... Tsk, stand back!
  • Ciel: Kugh! What's he up to now?!
  • Haivan: I'd really love to play with you more, but you really caught me at a bad time. We can hang out afterwards... if you manage to defeat the White-Ghost Army that is!
  • Winster: No, don't go! I cannot bear to lose you too...!
  • Ara: Winster, no! It's too dangerous! We understand how you feel, but you must stay with us!
  • Raven: The White-Ghost Army is coming! Stay in formation and prepare for an attack!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Aisha: Is Haivan beyond this door?
  • Winster: Yes. The portal is located beyond the castle, so he most likely went that way.
  • Lu: It's as if Berthe is flaunting his complete control over the castle...
  • Raven: We managed to defeat the gatekeeper, but the White-Ghost Army is headed this way because of the device Haivan activated.
  • Elesis: Berthe in the front, White-Ghost soldiers in the back? We should handle them first if we don't want to be surrounded...
  • Ain: I don't think we have time to handle all of them.
  • Rose: But if we don't, they'll eventually storm the castle. We'll essentially be handing Berthe his entire army on a silver platter!
  • Asella: Don't bother. We'll stop the soldiers here!
  • Ara: Asella?!
  • Winster: Asella?! How did you get here?
  • Asella: Hey, brother-in-law! You look better than expected! Nichel kept us updated with her communication device. We managed to reach the central area easily thanks to someone who is very familiar with the current situation here.
  • Chung: Will you be alright? If Berthe finds out you're here...
  • Asella: We decided, now is not the time to think about such matters. With how the situation is currently panning out, you are the ones most likely to stop Berthe and revive the White-Ghost King. And if we miss this opportunity, we'll likely never get another one. So we will do everything we can to help. Everyone, get to your positions! Stop the White-Ghost Army so the El Search Party can enter the castle! Leave this place to us, and go!
  • Lu: Alright, we will leave this to you.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Back Home
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the No Understanding story quest

The El Search Party defeats the gatekeeper and enters the White-Ghost Castle, but the enemy stops them once more.
As they face the enemy, Calonne's reinforcement arrives at just the right time...

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Elsword: This place is huge! Much bigger than expected. Which way do we go?
  • Hadron: You... Stop right there!
  • Ciel: Ah, looks like we failed to completely take him out.
  • Winster: Hm? That voice...!
  • Hadron: Hahaha! Not bad, for a bunch of humans... But you will go no further!

  • Elsword: What is up with this guy? We knock him down, but he keeps getting back up! He was slow, but getting faster... and now he's flying over our heads... So annoying!
  • Rena: Thankfully, Asella seems to be stopping any other reinforcements from coming... We just need to take him down!
  • Elesis: ... If we catch him, that is. He's a bit tricky for me to catch him with my sword.
  • Hadron: Hahahaha! You think land crawlers like you can take me on?!!
  • Elsword: Grrr...! Stop flying around like a coward and fight us fair and square!
  • Winster: ... He seems familiar.
  • Ain: Was he one of the White-Ghost King's as well?
  • Winster: He wasn't one of the engineers, but if I remember correctly, then...
  • Deborah: He was one of mine. Kuhuhu... Finally! After years of waiting! I finally set foot on my homeland!
  • Aisha: Another Garen?! When did she get so close?
  • Add: Damn it, another reinforcement?!
  • Laby: Oh! Furry!!
  • Elsword: Fu, Furry?
  • Winster: Deborah...!
  • Aisha: Wait... Do you all know each other? Then...
  • Calonne: At last, the White-Ghost King's most loyal are finally gathered in one place. It's been too long. The wait was long and arduous, but now, it seems the everlasting yearning has been washed away with joy.
  • Winster: That voice... Calonne? Is that you, Calonne?
  • Calonne: Hahaha, yes, but I'm still in Elrios, in front of the machine we used, to send the El Search Party to the White-Ghost Land. I'm speaking through a communication device. The connection is surprisingly good, considering we're in different worlds, but I suspect it's because I'm standing right by the portal.
  • Winster: How did you know we'd be here, right at this moment?
  • Calonne: Ah, it was a pleasant surprise for us as well. The moment I informed Deborah we could go back, she insisted on leaving immediately and wouldn't relent. I told her the castle would be too dangerous, but she refused to listen, so I had to let her through. Good timing though, I didn't expect you would also be there. Now, are you in need of assistance?
  • Laby: Uh huh! We're stuck 'cuz this flying guy is keep running away from us!
  • Deborah: He's my subordinate. I felt him here, because he was too weak to go to Elrios. He became strong while I was gone. But to use that strength to ally himself with that betrayer of our lord? Hey, you! Human pups! Leave this one to me!
  • Add: If you wish.
  • Raven: Fine. We'll just lure him down here one more time!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ain: We can leave the rest, to the demon over there. Did you find the way to the central portal?
  • Winster: The portal is located at the castle dungeon. If we were to follow the proper procedures, the gamekeepers would open the gate after giving it a clear...
  • Eve: Wait, it's activating.
  • Whirrrr
  • Nichel: Why is the elevator moving by itself?
  • Elsword: Looks like somebody if finally ready to play with us.
  • Winster: ...

  • Ain: This is the second time we're facing off like this.
  • Winster: These machines were in Iserlohn...!
  • Elesis: War machines? There are so many of them... Don't tell me they were planning to take them all to Elrios?
  • Haivan: That was the plan! At least my boss's anyway... But I have no intention to act out Berthe's plan. So don't worry about it. These machines will never reach Elrios, and neither will Berthe.
  • Ara: Neither will Berthe? What do you mean?
  • Haivan: You want to know what my plan is? I intend to give all the soul fragments to Berthe for a full awakening. The portal is just a distraction. Now that you know my true purpose, will you give up? Didn't think so. Because you're here to revive the White-Ghost King.
  • Lu: I don't understand. What do you gain from this?
  • Haivan: The absolute end of the White-Ghost King's era.
  • Lu: You must be blind if you think Aegirp will cause as much harm as Berthe.
  • Haivan: Of course not. Berthe has got nothing on her. The White-Ghost King is too powerful. So powerful that everyone wants to rely on her, and seeks her power.
  • Elsword: ...
  • Solace: A power without a price that's well within reach.... It's only natural to react in some way, when you are well within the influence of the El.
  • Haivan: But power we cannot control will inevitably bring disaster, and another just like Berthe will appear down the line. All these machines were built in Rigomor. What do you think? Do you still think we need the White-Ghost King ever with all this power?
  • Eve: That is beside the point. Your family and friends wish to revive the White-Ghost King in hopes of a better future, not because they seek her power like Berthe. Your intentions to attack us with these machines show you are no different from him.
  • Winster: Haivan, I wished for revenge against Berthe and other traitors. However, I was well aware that I wasn't on the righteous path. But that was the path I decided to placate my brethren. We would have all drowned in overwhelming despair otherwise. I for one, felt it acutely. I am not trying to justify my actions. But with everyone drowning in despair, uniting under a common enemy, preparing for war and reviving Lord Aegirp...... were the only things I could do within my capabilities.
  • Haivan: ...
  • Winster: I understand it must have been confusing and hard to accept my contradicting behavior. I can't help but think my actions have forced you on this path. But please, believe me when I say Lord Aegirp's true power does not stem from brute strength. Her true power is her ability to unite people under one cause. Only she can reunite the divided people. Even now, her vision to have everyone come together peacefully resulted in many, gathering here today, across different worlds.
  • Haivan: That's what you're getting at? You still don't understand, do you, Father? Do you think they all gathered here because of the White-Ghost King's vision? Don't make me laugh! This is your accomplishment!
  • Winster: What...?
  • Haivan: It's because you dedicated your life to revive her. Because you yearned so desperately that you would seek help from strangers from another world! You were the one who consoled those in despair, showing them hope that one day, everything could go back to the way it was before... Why... Why must all your efforts be lumped together under the White-Ghost King's Accomplishments...!
  • Chung: ...
  • Haivan: The White-Ghost King is merely a wraith from a bygone era. I just believe you...... That we, have to forge a greater path on our own. A path we can build with our strength alone, without being swayed by a greater power such as the White-Ghost King. To do that, the White-Ghost King's reign must remain as a thing of the past.
  • Eve: Is your wish, for your people to become completely independent of the influence of the White-Ghost King? To forge one's path... I can relate to that desire, but your decision to side with Berthe still does not make sense.
  • Elsword: You're still hiding something, aren't you?
  • Haivan: ... You want to know? I am going to take back our potential that the White-Ghost King has taken. In order to do that, I also need that damn soul.
  • Ain: You are finally facing us seriously.
  • Haivan: You want to save the White-Ghost King? Then you'll have to defeat me first!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Back Home story quest

The El Search Party ask Haivan about his plan and a way to save the White-Ghost King.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Raven: ... I hope this managed to cool your head.
  • Haivan: ... Ugh, I think you broke a couple of my ribs.
  • Ciel: You're lucky that's all that's broken after that battle.
  • Elesis: Now tell us, what's the plan? Is it true that the portal is not linked to Elrios?
  • Haivan: Is Elrios all you ever think about? If your home is so precious to you, why couldn't you just leave me alone?
  • Elesis: ...
  • Haivan: ... I guess I can tell you, as a thanks for no breaking all my bones. The portal will activate, but it's very unlikely to be linked to Elrios. It's a waste of time worrying about it.
  • Aisha: How do you know? The old coordinates they used before might still be in the system!
  • Haivan: If it were, it isn't anymore. I entered random numbers as coordinates when I repaired the portal.
  • Chung: Huh...?! Then where is the portal linked to?
  • Haivan: How should I know? It could open up thousands of miles above land, causing those that used the portal to plunge to the ground. Or, it could open underground. Then when they teleport they will end up smooshed like so!
  • Aisha: Gah...! Do you have to use your hands to describe in such graphic details?
  • Haivan: If they're really, really, REALLY lucky, then it COULD open if Elrios on land. But the likelihood is so low, that is might as well be 0.
  • Lu: What were you going to do with Aegirp's soul?
  • Haivan: ...
  • Nichel: We were able to read more memories as we approached closer to the soul fragments. Does that have anything to do with it?
  • Haivan: Oh, so you heard it too? Yeah, that memory? It's the White-Ghost King that's showing us her memory.
  • Rena: The White-Ghost King is attempting to communicate with us?
  • Haivan: ... Despite the White-Ghost King's soul being split into several fragments, her conscience still remains in each of her soul fragments, unlike other souls. To be precise, they are part of her conscience. In any case... when all the soul fragments merge together into one soul, that soul becomes the White-Ghost King. Do you understand?
  • Elsword: Yeah, but what happens when Berthe absorbs the soul?
  • Eun: ... There will be two souls in one body.
  • Ara: Wait! Does that mean... that when Berthe swallows the entire soul, the White-Ghost King will be able to take over Berthe's control of the body?
  • Haivan: So you understand! That's right. Thought Berthe seems to think he could just absorb them to make himself more powerful.
  • Ara: But in actuality, he is giving the White-Ghost King partial control over his body.
  • Aisha: Yikes... That's really dangerous! I'm not exactly an expert on that field... But there are many records of people losing their humanity after attempting to control souls.
  • Chung: Losing their humanity...
  • Aisha: It's the natural outcome of those who lose the battle to control the body.
  • Haivan: When two souls disagree, it leads to a fight to take control of the body. Of course, most will be swallowed up instantly by the White-Ghost King... But Berthe will not go away that easily. It'll be a fierce battle. They will have to fight to the end, until they both cease to exist.
  • Raven: You sound confident that there won't be a clear winner, but what happens when one becomes the victor and is able to take complete control of the body?
  • Haivan: The result will be the same. When the soul takes damage, the body will take damage as well. Whoever takes over the body will still crumble, due to the sustained damage. The White-Ghost King won't even have time to leave a message.
  • Ciel: In other words, your method will kill Berthe, while removing any chance of the White-Ghost King's revival.
  • Haivan: Precisely. How else am I supposed to get rid of both of them, if not for petty tricks like these?
  • Lu: I cannot find holes in your plan. You're likely right. An unstable soul loses power and disappears if it doesn't find another host.
  • Haivan: ... Suppose the White-Ghost King is a great ruler. But for how long? Power is power. It does not discriminate between good and evil. In that aspect, the White-Ghost King's soul is trouble just waiting to happen. That's why it should be split into tiny pieces so even the weakest can utilize its power, or get rid of it completely.
  • Eve: Isn't that what the White-Ghost King has done?
  • Haivan: Huh? What do you mean?
  • Eve: Don't you see? The White-Ghost King has already done exactly as you said. She split her soul and scattered them across her land. If she wished to revive, even after her death, to rule over her land in all eternity, splitting her soul is not the most efficient method. I suspect she did not leave her soul to live an eternal life.
  • Haivan: ... But if that's the case... Why did she announce the possibility to return?
  • Eve: Only the White-Ghost King would know the actual reason, but... perhaps she meant it as a gift for the future generation. Plus... This is only my speculation... But I think she wished to see the future that unfolds, created by her people...
  • Haivan: ...
  • Nichel: Haivan, I think the world you dream of, could be better ultimately, than the world the White-Ghost King wished to build.
  • Haivan: ... I heard a big 'but' in your words. Are you about to scold me?
  • Nichel: Haha. Yeah. I have some choice words to say to the prodigal son. On our way here, we encountered White-Ghost soldiers. The captain wished to surrender to guarantee their safety. They didn't want, nor expect anything more. I felt that we were very different from the short conversation I had with him. We were different because fundamentally, we were raised differently. It's something you and I, and those from Elrios understood, but the Garens from this land didn't.
  • Laby: Something we understand, too?
  • Nichel: We know how to get along with others. It comes to us natrually because that's how we were raised. But the world the White-Ghost Army lived in, must have been vastly different from ours.
  • Chung: Berthe was never a ruler, not even an incompetent one.
  • Nichel: You always said that everything accomplished in the past were actually done by our own hands. I agree. We grew up in a world, built by those who aspired for such a world. But I don't think those who lived under Berthe's rule will be able to accept that immediately. Once Berthe and the White-Ghost King are gone, will the people realize their own potential and live in conjunction? Or will a second, a thrid Berthe appear and rip apart the White-Ghost Land?
  • Haivan: ... Do you want the White-Ghost King to return as well?
  • Nichel: Not because she's the ruler, but because she had a vision... long before she came to rule. I believe she is needed as a well-respected pioneer who gathered the people and ended a long-standing conflict. Who knows? With her insight and knowledge, we might be able to create the world we wanted without having to fight like today.
  • Haivan: ...
  • Lu: The world Aegirp wished to build was not the kind that could be built alone. That's why she needed help from her allies such as Winster. The reason why she revealed her weakness and told you about her soul was likely in the same vein, because she trusted you all. That's why I ask you, please open the path so we may save Aegirp.
  • Haivan: ... Hmph! So you say. Fine, go save her for all I care.
  • Lu: Hm?
  • Haivan: I shoved all the soul fragments into his greedy maw, so the fight for control should begin soon... But if you manage to defeat Berthe before the fight intensifies, perhaps she'll have just enough power left to leave a message.
  • Winster: Haivan...
  • Haivan: Ugh...! What are you staring at? You better leave now, lest you blame me later for not making it in time!
  • Lu: Huhu, alright. We will leave you two to have a heart-to-heart between father and son.
  • Haivan: Tsk, you're really not the sort I wish to befriend.
  • Lu: Is that so? I, for one, am just about to get used to your bratty behavior.
  • Elsword: At last, it's time for the final showdown with Berthe!
  • Rena: With Elrios' safety confirmed, I feel much lighter! We can face Berthe without worries!
  • Add: Hmph, you'd think we've won already from the way you act.
  • Ain: It's understandable. We faced against him for a long time.
  • Elsword: Let's go! Berthe and the White-Ghost King.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Your own Downfall
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Surrender story quest

They finally face Berthe.
The final battle is finally here.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Elsword: I'm just sick of having to see his ugly mug.
  • Ain: Looks like he was waiting for us.
  • Berthe: ... You went against me for far too long. I find this long standing enmity between us amusing. You were there to stop me every step of the way in Elrios. The first time it happened, I didn't mind. There were many other methods other than that El Shard, and I managed to gain something unexpected. The second time my plan was foiled. I was assured of my success, yet, I had to retreat after a humiliating defeat... That was the moment I felt a strange sense of destiny. And when other commanders fell one by one, I was certain... That unless we defeat you, the red-headed boy... this cycle would never end.
  • Elsword: Is that your final will? What is up with all this sentimental talk?
  • Berthe: Kuhuhu... But the third time... The third time we met, you ran for your lives with your tail between your legs. I knew that it wouldn't be long until I would have to search all of Elrios to chase you down. But I did not expect you to come crawling back this perfect moment, when I finally acquire this great power. Interesting...
  • Lu: That power is not yours to have! It is Aegirp's, you foul beast!
  • Berthe: Ah... You mean that mutt? Kuhuhu... Yes, for a mongrel, her power is useful. If I have acquired it sooner, it would have been much easier to take over Elrios... But that is precisely the reason why I feel a strange fondness of this enmity. If it weren't for you getting in my way, I would have devastated Elrios without fail. Of course, that would have been enjoyable in and of itself. However...... If I had... I wouldn't have obtained this power.
  • Aisha: You dare...!
  • Raven: If you think we're just some trial, arranged for you by fate, you better think again!
  • Eve: You are just a despicable monster seeking carnage and destruction. Nothing more, nothing less.
  • Elsword: We faced each other four times. That's enough, don't you think? Need I say more? Let's fight! We'll settle this for good!
  • Berthe: You take the words out of my mouth! This time, I will defeat you and end this once and for all. Kuhahahaha...!!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Berthe: Hahahaha! I feel power coursing through my veins...! This is what I wanted, an absolute power without compare! Now, face me. What happened? You seemed so confident earlier.
  • Aisha: Ugh... I don't want to admit it, but he's scarily strong now... Just a brush of his attack will be fatal for us...!
  • Eve: But his attack patterns are more or less the same as before.
  • Rena: Mmhm. Still basic and transparent.
  • Elsword: Hmph! But he's so much stronger, which is the problem.
  • Raven: ... Elsword, watch carefully.
  • Elsword: Huh?
  • Raven: His attacks are becoming messy. It's barely noticeable at the moment... But his balance is off.
  • Chung: ... Is it starting?
  • Raven: Probably.
  • Ara: Yes... I notice a foreign energy that is now his.
  • BANG!
  • Berthe: Gaa... ack! What is...!
  • Ain: It's happening quicker than expected. His overwhelming ego helped us greatly...
  • Lu: You see, you greedy beast. That power was never something you could handle.
  • Berthe: Kugh...! Power... I can't handle...?!
  • Lu: No matter what you do, you will never be a suitable vessel for Aegirp's soul. Give up!
  • Berthe: Grrrr... Silence...! I will not yield. Not until I shred your world to pieces...!
  • Eve: How ignorant. He isn't aware that it's the hatred that's eating away his life. I can understand the sense of cynicism the White-Ghost King felt before meeting the Demon King.
  • Elsword: Do you even know why you hate Elrios? Can you really say that feeling it wholly yours?
  • Berthe: Kuhuhu... Elrios is a mere stepping stone. It's a way to commence the fall of Heaven.
  • Ain: The fall... of Heaven?
  • Zero: (Rose! Does this mean...)
  • Rose: (... He is not talking about our world. But it's strange. It almost sounds like...)
  • Elsword: Heaven...? What are you talking about? Elrios is not the final objective?
  • Berthe: Kuhuhu... Yes, and it has already begun. Are you still unaware of the truth? The boy who resonates with the El...! Your existence itself, is evidence of a flaw.
  • Elsword: ...!!
  • Solace: Other than the El Lady... a being who resonates with the El to the point they could restore the El. What are you?
  • Elsword: You... What...? You... know something...! Tell me! What am I!
  • Berthe: Ku... ugh, Kuuuuaaaaahhh!!!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Your own Downfall story quest

As the El Search Party face Berthe, Winster, Nichel, and Haivan, who were resting, notices a strange phenomenon surrounding the castle.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Asella: The El Search Party must be handling Berthe right now. Are you with the troublesome duo?
  • Nichel: Yes, I'm with Winster and Haivan at the castle, since we won't be able to help out in battle. How is it over there, Asella? How are others doing?
  • Asella: We're doing well. The White-Ghost Army was visibly startled by the disturbance created by your fight. Some of them deserted the fight after that thunderous sound. It's giving us some relief.
  • Nichel: Are you going to track them down? I personally think it would be better to leave the deserters be.
  • Asella: I agree. Grr... It seems Berthe was only interested in quashing any discontent with brute force. There's no sign of proper training in any of them. The deserting White-Ghost soldiers actually look relieved. They seem to think they can run without Berthe's notice in the midst of the chaos.
  • Deborah: I suppose not many of them agree to the invasion. Are you doing to retreat?
  • Asella: No, Deborah. We are going to use this opportunity to encourage more soldiers to run away.
  • Nichel: That sounds good. Thought most of them are running away now, we don't know when the tide will turn the other way. We should go along with Asella's plan and completely disintegrate the army while the El Search Party is handling Berthe.
  • Winster: ... Deborah, will you assist Asella? There may be other soldiers that were under Lord Aegirp who were directly transferred to Berthe's army like Hadron.
  • Calonne: Deborah's presence should help spread the bewilderment among the White-Ghost Army.
  • Deborah: Alright. I'll be on my way.
  • Winster: ... Nichel, let us move somewhere safer and avoid the mayhem.
  • Nichel: Is there any way we can help the El Search Party? Use the machines?
  • Winster: I don't think they'd be enough to handle Berthe with Lord Aegirp's power. The El Search Party will be fine. Let us have faith... But, perhaps we can help in disintegrating the White-Ghost Army.
  • Haivan: ... Something's not right.
  • Nichel: What?
  • Asella: ZZZT--- ZZZZZT---- --chel, Nichel!
  • Nichel: Ugh?! Asella? What is all this static?
  • Asella: Wha--t is ha--- ening---- castle------
  • Nichel: Asella? I cannot hear you, the connection is poor! Is everything alright?
  • Asella: It's-- not-- --- us! Go--- -----
  • Winster: Nichel! Look outside! The entire area is fogging over with some kind of barrier!
  • Haivan: ... Why? Why would she choose such an extreme method? I didn't mean for...
  • Winster: That... That is Lord Aegirp's ability. But such an ominous aura... Haivan! What is going on down there?
  • Haivan: This can't... If this continues, we'll all...!
  • Nichel: Haivan! Get it together! What exactly is going on?!
  • Winster: Haivan, do you know what's going on? Tell us. You're the only one that can give us an answer. What can we do?
  • Haivan: Father...... Help me up. We need to find the El Search Party, before it's too late!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Berthe: Kugh... Kuuuuaaaaahhh...!!!
  • Elesis: Ugh... I don't feel bad for him, but that's a gruesome sight. His whole body is contorting out of control...
  • Chung: ... What exactly is going on?
  • Lu: It's the clash of two souls. Aegirp and Berthe are rejecting each other.
  • Elsword: Clash of souls...?
  • Lu: Yes. They are clashing with each other. Imagine two people standing with a door between them. If one pushes while the other pulls simultaneously, the door will not move in either direction. Instead, their action will likely cause the doorknob to break.
  • Eun: Self-contradiction.
  • Ara: Because the two egos within one body do not agree... The body is harmed instead.
  • Haivan: Ironic, isn't it? There isn't a more extreme, awful display of self-denial.
  • Elesis: Haivan? Nichel and Winster too... Why are you all here?! It's dangerous!
  • Haivan: Ugh... Can you not shout? My head is ringing. Hey, your highness? We don't have much time, so let's make this quick. First of all, this is really not the outcome I intended.
  • Lu: ... Explain.
  • Haivan: As I explained earlier, my purpose was to instigate a fight over the control of Berthe's body. In order to do that, I planted suggestions to the White-Ghost King's soul. I told her that all her achievements will fall apart if she doesn't stop Berthe.
  • Elsword: Isn't that... right? Berthe is in pain because the White-Ghost King is going against him, right?
  • Haivan: No. What she's doing is not fighting for control over his body. You understand, your highness? The White-Ghost King created a barrier surrounding this area and is letting her power go out of control without concern for her own safety.
  • Lu: Wait... You mean...!
  • Haivan: The White-Ghost King would rather destroy everything at the cost of her own life, than have her power and the portal used to destroy Elrios.
  • BANG!
  • Elesis: Ugh! Berthe is thrashing more violently!
  • Aisha: Not only that, I sense a raging wave of magic!
  • Raven: She won't stop until complete annihilation...! At this rate, we won't be able to guarantee our own lives. Let's retreat!
  • Haivan: We can't. We're already within the barrier casted by the White-Ghost King's soul.
  • Elsword: What?!
  • Haivan: Calm down. It took longer than I thought to explain everything. Anyway, that's why I'm here. I know a way to have her reel back.
  • Add: Why should we trust you?
  • Haivan: I planned this to happen. Of course I'll make sure to have a fallback plan. We'll be safe as long as you do exactly as I tell you.
  • Zero: ... Alright, what is this plan?
  • Haivan: Simple. Right now, the White-Ghost King's and Berthe's soul, and Berthe's body that's acting as a vessel, are very unstable due to the clash between two souls. So in order to stabilize the soul, we need to have the soul transported to a new vessel. Help me get in contact with the soul. Then everything will fall into place.
  • Nichel: ... How?
  • Haivan: Is my explanation too hard? I tried to make it as simple as possible. Then...
  • Nichel: I'm not talking about the plan. You said earlier that Berthe and the White-Ghost King were going to fight each other to gain control of the body. I'm asking you what will happen to you, if the White-Ghost King's soul is transported to you after you come in contact with the soul.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Persuading the King
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Self-Contradiction story quest

The battle, tainted with greed and regret, spirals down uncontrollably. But an answer must be found. Who will persuade the king away from sure destruction?

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Haivan: ... Damn it. You're usually so clueless... Why are you so quick to catch on in these kinds of situations?
  • Winster: Haivan! Is that true?
  • Haivan: ... Will you let me finish? besides... this method will guarantee the White-Ghost King's revival. I'm not exactly fond of this situation, but...
  • Winster: Nonsense! I won't allow it!
  • Haivan: Calm down. Think positively! Your long wish of the White-Ghost King's revival will finally be realized. Though, she wouldn't look like the old White-Ghost King that you know.
  • Winster: Don't be foolish! I... How could you think I'd be willing to give you up...!
  • Elsword: You're going to kill yourself! What's so positive about that?
  • Haivan: Sorry, this is the best possible outcome in this situation. Actually, well... I deliberated for a long time to make sure no one else will be tangled in this mess, but everything kind of spiraled out of control... B, but some of this is your fault for meddling! ... So just help me sort this out for this, yeah?
  • Chung: But... but... this...
  • Haivan: Aww, why the long face? We fought each other just moments ago. Besides, Berthe and the White-Ghost King clashed because of their differences. And... that might not happen with me. Well, I guess I could be swallowed up by her overwhelming power. If I'm lucky, we will coexist. I mean, it's just a theory, but it seemed feasible! So...
  • Nichel: ... Alright. Thank you Haivan. El Search Party, please, carry out according to Haivan's plan.
  • Rena: Nichel...!
  • Haivan: Sigh... Thanks for the understanding.
  • Nichel: Don't get me wrong, I'm thanking you for telling me the method. I'm going to be the one to make contact with the soul.
  • Haivan: Wait, what?!
  • Nichel: Didn't you tell the El Search Party to stop acting like a hero? Well right now, you're the one that's acting like you have a hero complex. Those who sacrifice themselves are no hero. They're just casualties. If you want to be a hero so much, grow up. Really, you may have gotten taller, but you're still such a kid. You can't do whatever you want and expect the rest of us to just follow you.
  • Haivan: You're the one doing whatever you want right now! Why are you jumping into my mess! There's no way you can survive slashing with the White-Ghost King! I didn't do all this just to lose you!
  • Winster: Yes, Nichel, don't do it. I can't let you do this... There must be another way. So...!
  • Nichel: Winster, I'm not trying to sacrifice myself. I have a plan. I'm going to convince the White-Ghost King. El Search Party! Will you trust me and open the path?
  • Elsword: ... Nichel, are you sure? You're really going to be fine?
  • Elesis: Elsword?!
  • Elsword: Nichel was the first one to hear the White-Ghost King, and the first to be led by the soul... If something doesn't seem right, we're going to drag you out no matter what happens. So I'll ask this one last time. Nichel, are you sure?
  • Nichel: ... Yah! I can do this! As long as the White-Ghost King didn't completely lose herself, she will be compelled to respond to my request, just like she did with the Demon King.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ara: Oh...! Look at the sky. The white barrier that surrounded the area is rescinding!
  • Raven: The violent energy is calming down... Did she succeed?
  • Chung: Is this a good sign? I can't see anything because of the fog. Is Nichel alright?
  • Rena: I don't think it's safe to approach her yet. Let's have faith and wait a little longer.
  • Deborah: You! What is going on?
  • Laby: Oh, hey Furry! Did you come after the fog disappeared?
  • Asella: Yes, is everyone alright? Something here stopped us from approaching any closer. The communication device wasn't working as well. Was it Berthe's doing?
  • Haivan: Nichel...! Let me go! Nichel! Nichel!!!
  • Asella: Nichel? Is Nichel over there? Would somebody please explain what's going on right now!
  • Lu: Shhh, look over there.
  • White-Ghost King (Nichel): ... My arrogance is what has caused all of this.
  • Deborah: White-Ghost King... Lord Aegirp!
  • Elsword: Huh? But she sounds like Nichel...?
  • White-Ghost King (Nichel): ... As I witnessed my land flourish, I foolheartedly believed that I was walking the right path. I was blinded by my pride of what I have managed to accomplish. I believed that as long as I show good faith, the others would follow. Even though I knew that people did no change easily... My hasty decision and arrogance led to losing a treasured subordinate today.
  • Chung: White-Ghost King...!
  • Calonne: But you still have us.
  • White-Ghost King (Nichel): ... I can only thank you for your loyalty, Calonne. And... Luciela.
  • Lu: Long time no see, Aegirp.
  • White-Ghost King (Nichel): You've changed... since we last saw each other.
  • Lu: Huhu, I could say the same for you. What happened?
  • Ara: The White-Ghost King is back. But that must mean...
  • Eun: I feel a familiar presence within the White-Ghost King. Pay close attention, Ara.
  • Ara: Huh? Oh... That means...!
  • Winster: Lord Aegirp... Your presence...
  • White-Ghost King (Nichel): I am aware of what you fear. Do not worry. This child is merely stepping aside momentarily to allow me to say my piece.
  • Haivan: Nichel! What happened to Nichel?!
  • Ara: Right now, the two souls within Nichel are at a balance. We won't have to worry about her losing control of one of their souls being destroyed.
  • Haivan: She didn't... disappear? They are existing together...? Truly?
  • Ain: So... like Ms. Fox.
  • Rena: Huh? What did you say?
  • Ain: It's nothing. Anyway, it seems Ms. Dog's gamble paid off.
  • Laby: Haivan! Nichel is ok! So don't cry!
  • Haivan: Wh, who's crying?! And you, if you're done talking, get out of Nichel's body, you wraith!
  • Elesis: Sigh... the way he changes his tune...!
  • White-Ghost King (Nichel): I'm sorry, but I must decline. I cannot help but look forward to see the world this child is dreaming of.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470 N/A N/A
ED 2002200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Peace Returned
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Persuading the King story quest

The El Search Party ask the White-Ghost King about the Dark El.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Haivan: Ah, owowowow, Father! I'm injured! And see? Everything turned out fine!
  • Winster: You still haven't learned! Give up your life?? How could you say such a thing in front of your father! Haivan! Don't run away while I'm still talking to you!
  • Haivan: OW! Pulling my tail is cheating! You can't do that to your kid!
  • Asella: Stop it! You two are exactly the same! We can't talk with you both acting like children!
  • Deborah: And so... we had to remain in Northern Empire while you were asleep.
  • White-Ghost King (Nichel): It must have been difficult, thank you for your perseverance. Now, you can return home. Calonne, when do you expect to come back?
  • Calonne: Haha, I have made myself a home here, so I don't think I will come back anytime soon. Please, let me continue my duty from here.
  • White-Ghost King (Nichel): Your duty? Do you mean as the delegate? Is that still feasible? Do humans also live as long as demons do when they are a lord?
  • Calonne: The lifespan of a human still remains the same. However, the current lord is quite open-minded. He is still treating us fairly even with the knowledge that we are demons. I suspect he is a descendant of the Lord you interacted with, far down the line.
  • Laby: Oh yeah! Laby heard that Mao is now going to school because Lod helped!
  • White-Ghost King (Nichel): Oh, you're... the El Search Party? I apologize, you must have been waiting for me to finish. I heard that you have something to ask?
  • Elesis: I understand your need to catch up.
  • Elsword: We came to the Demon Realm to find the Dark El. Do you know anything about it?
  • White-Ghost King (Nichel): Dark El...? I do not recall anything of that name. What is it like?
  • Lu: It's a very large gem. It has the power to spout life in its surrounding area just with its existence.
  • White-Ghost King (Nichel): Hm... I cannot say I've heard of it. Is it in the Demon Realm? If so, it will be useful in calming the lands that have gone barren since the Demon King's disappearance... I can only tell you that it is not in my land.
  • Elesis: Mm... I see. It makes sense. If you had something like it, you wouldn't have needed to trade with Northern Empire.
  • White-Ghost King (Nichel): I expect you would continue your journey in the Demon Realm? I would love to help in any way I can... But I cannot spare much at the moment.
  • Lu: Understandable. It will take a long time to get everything back on track after Berthe made a mess of it.
  • White-Ghost King (Nichel): Yes, in addition, I would have to ask for Nichel's opinion as the owner of this body. I cannot help you at the moment. I was gone for a long time. As such, I know little of the current situation in the Demon Realm. Please understand. But I will never forget your assistance.

  • Ciel: ... For the White-Ghost King to not know of the Dark El when even Berthe knows, the Dark El might have appeared relatively recently.
  • Eve: Or, it might be very ancient. I don't think Berthe was particularly knowledgeable on the subject.
  • Ain: I concur. He contaminated El shards to use them as Dark El, which isn't the true Dark El.
  • Rena: Since the El is a gift from the goddess to Elrios, maybe the Dark El was a gift from the Demon God, in ancient times.
  • Add: We can only speculate, since we still don't know anything about it.
  • Aisha: There must be some kind of information on it. The demons wouldn't have decided to contaminate the El shards to create Dark Els out of nowhere. Somebody in the Demon Realm spread that information around.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Danger That Doesn't End
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Peace Returned story quest

Though Berthe is defeated, the army in Red Demon Land is still looking for a way to invade Elrios.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Nichel: Thank you, El Search Party. I know I asked a lot, but you risked your lives to fulfill my request anyway.
  • Rose: Are you now Nichel?
  • Nichel: Yeah. Strange, right?
  • Elesis: It was surprising at first, but you look fine... I'm surprised your deal with the White-Ghost King was a success.
  • Rena: Yeah, what made you do it? It could have been dangerous for you if you failed.
  • Nichel: I felt something, whenever we encountered the soul fragments. When Haivan told us about the White-Ghost King's soul, I realized what that strange familiar feeling meant. And that the one worthy of absorbing the soul didn't mean one with power.
  • Raven: That one worthy... We subconsciously believed that the one to hold the White-Ghost King's soul, must be powerful enough to wield it.
  • Nichel: Yeah, but she wasn't talking about physical strength. That's why I thought I could try and talk to her. Since she longed for her people and land to flourish more than anyone else, I told her I will let her continue the work she had left unfinished. Hahaha. After all, I could relate very well. I think that's why she listened. Besides... I already knew that two souls could co-exist in one body.
  • Ara: Huhu, indeed. (Oh, Eun. Is the White-Ghost King...?)
  • Eun: (She is not the one. Now that I've seen her, I can tell them apart.)
  • Ara: (I see! Thank goodness!)
  • Eun: (Hmph, why are you so happy? We still don't know who sealed me.)
  • Ara: (Aww, Eun! Don't be upset. I'm just happy we can be together a bit longer!)
  • Haivan: Hey, let me ask you something.
  • Elsword: Are you done being grounded? What's up?
  • Haivan: I heard you met Nero. Is that true?
  • Aisha: The self-proclaimed Ran's right-hand man? Yeah, we saw him in Varnimyr. Why ask?
  • Haivan: ... I see! That's why I couldn't find him in White-Ghost Land! He's in Red Demon King's territory...? Hm...
  • Chung: Do you know him?
  • Haivan: Yeah. Let's see... Listen carefully, alright? Besides the White-Ghost Army, most demons planning to invade Elrios should be gathered in Red Demon territory. Berthe's plan was to signal everyone on standby in the Red Demon Land to come over, once the portal is complete.
  • Elesis: Ah... I see. No wonder Ran and his henchmen weren't here. They were waiting for the completion of the portal.
  • Nichel: Don't worry, the portal is now completely under our supervision.
  • Haivan: But I heard they used something else to jump dimensions before, instead of the portal?
  • Rena: ... You're right. Since Ran has the Moon El... He might try to find another way, once he finds out that the portal is not a viable option for him.
  • Elsword: That's fine though, right? Since the Moon El should just be a shell after the restoration of the Large El.
  • Rena: You're not wrong... But the Moon El used to contain the power of an element. Something just feels fishy...
  • Ain: Oh, come to think about it, they also took a lot of gems from Varnimyr, but I don't think any of them ended up here.
  • Zero: That's suspicious. We should find out what they are planning to do with the gems.
  • Add: Why are you giving us all this information we didn't even ask for? You have a favor to ask?
  • Haivan: Of course! Give and take! If you're going to Red Demon King's territory, can I ask you a favor?
  • Elsword: What can we do?
  • Haivan: ... When you meet Nero...... Tell him I'm not angry.
  • Elsword: ... Huh? Is that it? Just that?
  • Haivan: Yeah, that's it. And don't bully him too much ok? He's a good kid, not like me.
  • Aisha: I'm glad you're aware of your own rotten personality.
  • Eve: Now then... It seems we decided on our next destination?
  • Elesis: Ran is a cunning sort. He must have other tricks under his sleeves other than Berthe. Something other than the Army on standby in Red Demon Land.
  • Raven: The looming threat of a demon invasion still remains. We will need to face them sooner or later.
  • Ara: We'll finally see them.
  • Chung: Yes, soon...
  • Ain: (The hatred demons naturally harbor against Elrios... But if the demon commanders' final objective was actually Heaven... Then the hatred demons have for Elrios, may actually be towards all worlds protected by god, rather than just Elrios. This problem is not just between Elrios and the Demon Realm. I'll have to observe what happens more carefully for now.)
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