Story/Chapter 44

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  • English

Chapter 44: To White-Ghost Land

The El Search Party talks with Calonne about how to get back quickly to the Demon Realm.

[Village] Portal Engineer Calonne
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Entering Pruinaum story quest

The El Search Party meets up with Calonne, who was the White-Ghost King's portal engineer in the past, and ask for assistance.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rena: So many things happened... I'm just happy to see that everyone's safe and sound.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Elesis: The El Masters and the Priestesses have been informed of our departure. They looked busy, so I told them not to come. We can leave whenever we're ready.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Chung: You're... Calonne? I heard you live a secluded life in Northern Empire. We're glad you're here. We know it was a bit sudden...
  • Calonne: No, I'm pleased ot be of assistance. Laby helped us without question when we needed it most, after all. Besides... Once I heard what happened to Lord Aegirp and my comrades, I had to come to lend my hand.
  • Raven: You're the portal engineer Laby mentioned.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Laby: Uh huh! Calonne makes super cool things and makes portals! One time, this mean baldie tried to force him to make a portal, so Laby had to teach that baldie a lesson!
  • Calonne: Haha, yes, thank you for your marvelous introduction, Laby. However, let me properly introduce myself. My name is Calonne. I am the head of the R&D Branch of White-Ghost Army, and the official delegate of Elrios under Lord Aegirp.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Elesis: Official delegate? You're no ordinary portal engineer, are you?
  • Calonne: That was my title when I arrived in Elrios long, long time ago. The title lost its meaning when the connection between Northern Empire and the White-Ghost King's territory was severed. Now... Would you mind explaining, in detail, what is happening back home?

  • Elsword: ... That's all we know for now. Thankfully, Rigomor seems to be safe, based on the communication we've picked up.
  • Calonne: ... I was going to lend my hand regardless, but it seems that it is I, who should ask for your assistance. I will do everything I can to assist.
  • Raven: Alright, before we start, we need everyone on the same page regarding who Berthe is.
  • Rena: Agreed. Seeing that many of us have never encountered him before.
  • Elsword: I first encountered him when he was stealing the El Shard in Ruben. But Aisha, Rena, and I were able to put a stop to him.
  • Rena: We thought that would be the end of it, but he appeared again in Feita, in front of the portal that was opened with a corrupted El.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Ara: It was around that time that Ran stole the Moon El. It seems the demon have been preparing for an invasion for a very long time.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Laby: Why are they trying to inv... ade...? Elrios? Is it because they want all the El Shards?
  • Aisha: Acquiring the El Shard was actually just one of the means to invade Elrios. In order to create a portal large enough to pass battalions, an energy source like the El Shard is a must.
  • Raven: Though how they knew to use El Shards is still a mystery.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Eve: In any case, by corrupting the El Shards and turning them into Dark El, they were able to create portals in Velder, Hamel, Sander, and Lanox to invade with a sizable army.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Chung: They've kidnapped the priestesses, manipulated the Holy Beasts, and attempted to revive the Demon God. We've really been fighting against demons to protect Elrios for a long time now...
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Ain: No matter. They won't be able to use the same method anymore. With the restoration of the Large El and the rise of Elrianode, demons will no longer be able to invade Elrios using El Shards.
  • Aisha: I didn't think we'd ever see Berthe again, but to think he was just biding his time...
  • Elsword: Now he's planning to invade Elrios using the portal used by the White-Ghost King, with his newfound power when he absorbed the soul fragment.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Add: And that about covers everything. Now how about you fess up what you know?
  • Calonne: Hm, I see.... The White-Ghost King became out lord by defeating every pack in our land and subjugating them. Berthe was one of those who were defeated by the White-Ghost King. Though we served under the same lord... I must admit, he was always arrogant and... cruel. He did pledge loyalty to our lord, but he always showed dissent when it came to our efforts to trade with Elrios. Some of us believed his rebellious nature was cause for concern, but our lord insisted we should trust him.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Ciel: So there were signs from the start...
  • Calonne: Before your story, I thought the reason why the communication from my home was severed, was because of Ran, the commander of the Red Demon King army.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Rose: Red Demon...? Do you mean Stirbargen?
  • Calonne: Yes. They were the ones to invade Northern Empire. To think, Berthe was behind it all... Despire his nature, I never suspected his loyalties were not true...
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Lu: ... We gave our word to stop the oncoming tragedies and help Aegirp. We'll need all the help we can get to reach the White-Ghost territory.
  • Calonne: I see... That's why you need a portal engineer... First, I'll need to see the portal you mentioned can actually be used.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Repreparation
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Portal Engineer Calonne story quest

The El Search Party tries to reach the site of operation using the portal in Debrian Laboratory. When they hesitate, because they do not know the coordinates to the location, Calonne gives them unexpected information.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Calonne: I see... It's different from the portals I worked with, but the mechanics shouldn't be too different... I should be able to figure out a way to operate it in just a few moments.
  • Zero: Alright! Good to know we don't have to start from rock bottom.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Elesis: If you need anything else, please let us know.
  • Calonne: The portal seems to be in working order, however... The coordinates would provide a problem. The only coordinates I have is the one to the central portal, but that portal is likely occupied by Berthe and his army to invade Elrios. If I enter the coordinates to the central portal, you will be thrown in the midst of your enemies. That would be problematic, wouldn't you agree?
  • Rena: That would be too reckless. Is there any way we can find the coordinates to the site of operation?
  • Calonne: I do not know. The Nous Base that you speak of, was established after I settled in Elrios.
  • Elsword: Hm... What about the coordinates to Rigomor? Because Add knows them already, right Add? How about we meet Winster there, and then head to the site of operation?
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Add: ... I do know the coordinates, but let's not forget about the communication we've picked up. Rigomor is being monitored, remember?
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Ciel: He's right. Besides, even if we do manage to sneak past all the surveillance, we will end up wasting time climbing up the Deep-Sea Tunnel.
  • Aisha: Hmm... There must be a better way...
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Laby: Oh! Laby knows! Let's go to where all the baddies are just like Calonne said, and teach them all a lesson!
  • Calonne: Oh...?
  • Aisha: No! Nonononono... That's at least 30 times worse!
  • Zero: And why the heck are YOU reacting like it's a good idea?!
  • Calonne: Oh, pardon me. I just recalled something from your conversation. If I'm not mistaken, I believe I have an idea. Would you mind handing me a piece of paper? I will map our the basics for you.... The location of the soul fragment that Deborah and I share, is right here at the circle. And I believe this right here, just west of the sea, is where you've landed last time.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Rose: ... The Deep-Sea Tunnel?
  • Calonne: Precisely. The tunnel was originally built to trade with the Dark Elves in Varnimyr, long before we opened a portal to Northern Empire.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Ciel: It seems the White-Ghost territory was the center of all race, land, and worlds. The White-Ghost King must have been quite talented in diplomacy.
  • Rena: But Nichel mentioned that many didn't like trading with Elrios.
  • Calonne: Yes, despite the great benefits the exchange has brought, many believed the action was equivalent to fraternizing with the enemy. There were even talks of disguising the items we've exchanged as tributes or results of plunder.
  • Raven: Ah, you mean disguising them as 'tribute from Elrios to the mighty White-Ghost King'?
  • Calonne: Percisely. But our lord refused to do so. She emphasized multiple times that we were equals, and we were to mutually benefit each other as we move forward.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Elesis: Hm... That sounds ideal, but you cannot rule with justice and optimism alone...
  • Aisha: Then... do you think the reason why berthe ended up betraying the White-Ghost King was because of the friendly policies toward Elrios?
  • Calonne: That likely played a part, but I doubt it was the only reason.... There you go. The portal is ready to activate.
  • Rosso: What are you doing still lingering about? I thought you would have left already?
  • Ventus: Hello, El Search Party. I see you're getting ready to leave?
  • Elsword: Ventus, Rosso! Are you here to see us off?
  • Rosso: Wh, what are you talking about?! Hmph, I'm just here to relay a message from Old Man.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Rose: From Master Denif?
  • Rosso: ... 'I'm afraid something urgent came up, so I won't be able to see you off. I wish you success, and a safe journey.'... is what he said.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Chung: What is this urgent matter he mentioned?
  • Rosso: ... That's classified. We can't tell you yet.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Laby: Did Bellonde leave as soon as he came back because of this mission?
  • Rosso: Yes. And he bothered me endlessly to wish you a safe journey.
  • Elsword: Thanks, Rosso. For everything.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Laby: Hehee, me too! We'll be back real soon!
  • Rosso: ... Hmph, I'm telling you, I'm just playing the messenger.
  • Rena: You must be really busy. We're grateful you spared us your time. Ventus, what about you?
  • Ventus: Soon, we don't even have time to breathe, but how can I resist saying farewell to my favorite people? Besides... I'm here to give you a gift. Lincy was nagging me constantly to do something. She was really worried about you.
  • Rena: Is this... a Spirit Stone?
  • Aisha: It looks different from the one you gave us last time.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Elesis: Will we need this stone to return to Elrianode later?
  • Ventus: Ah, well... You really shouldn't use the passage under the El Tower anymore. Just think of this as a good luck charm. Something good might happen if you carry it around.
  • Rena: Thank you Ventus, Lincy. We'll make sure to stay safe.
  • Calonne: Everyone, before you leave, I must remind you one last time. The soul should be separated into 5 pieces. Lord Aegirp always said, only the worthy would be capable of absorbing the soul fragments. Please stop Berthe and prevent her soul from being used against her noble intention.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Lu: ... Do not worry. I give you my word.
  • Elsword: Then... let's go. Back to the Demon Realm. We'll settle things with Berthe once and for all!

  • Rosso: ... They're gone.
  • Ventus: Personally, I think you should have greeted them with a smile. Last thing they see and all that, don't you think, Rosso?
  • Rosso: Shut up.
  • Calonne: ... Are you the El Masters?
  • Rosso: And if we are? What do you want, Demon.
  • Ventus: The Earth Master that brought you here is a bit busy at the moment. You'll have to wait if you want to go back home.
  • Calonne: Oh no, I have a different request entirely. Would it be alright if I use this portal?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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  • Lithia
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  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
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