Story/Chapter 12: Difference between revisions

From Elwiki
Line 159: Line 159:
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''Oh, uh, hey! You're the knights from Velder!''
*{{StoryIcon|Chung}} '''Chung:''' ''...''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''My, did you actually manage to defeat that giant spider? Amazing. Ha, haha...''
*{{StoryIcon|Penensio}} '''Penensio:''' ''Lord Rod Ross, why did you run away?''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''Oh, I was... uh... startled! Yes, startled because of the spiders.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aisha}} '''Aisha:''' ''Do you know how much trouble you caused for everyone? I had to fight a spider!''
*{{StoryIcon|Add}} '''Add:''' ''Everyone is serious when he's acting like a nitwit.''
*{{StoryIcon|Raven}} '''Raven:''' ''... Agreed. To think that buffoon is the Lord of Hamel. Hamel is unfortunate to have him.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''I, uh... I'm glad you're here! I was just planning on going back, but these pesky spiders were getting in the way!''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''Now, escort me outside the cave at once! Since you've come all this way, it should be easy, shouldn't it? Let's return at once!''
*{{StoryIcon|Elesis}} '''Elesis:''' ''Don't you have something to say before that?''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''Ah, yes! Great job coming this far. I congratulate you.''
*{{StoryIcon|Elesis}} '''Elesis:''' ''Who said I wanted a cheap compliment?! I'm talking about my subordinates that almost died trying to protect you!''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''Ah, yes, yes. It was rather unfortunate... Their sacrifices will not be in vain.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''Hmm... I have an idea! I will order Daisy to build a memorial somewhere with a nice view.''
*{{StoryIcon|Elesis}} '''Elesis:''' ''No one's dead, you imbecile!''
*{{StoryIcon|Eve}} '''Eve:''' ''Sigh... was he worth saving?''
*{{StoryIcon|Rena}} '''Rena:''' ''I don't know. I can't bring myself to say yes.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chung}} '''Chung:''' ''... Lord Rod Ross.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chung}} '''Chung:''' ''Where is the Water Seal?''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''...''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''... Uh, er... why do you ask? You were the one who entrusted it to me.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chung}} '''Chung:''' ''Yes. That's why I was wondering where it is now. It doesn't seem like you have it.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''... Hm... Let's go back to Hamel to continue this conversation. It's going to be a long story...''
*{{StoryIcon|Chung}} '''Chung:''' ''Why? You just need to tell us where the Water Seal is. This shouldn't be a hard question.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''Er...''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''I, uh, lost it... on the way.''
*{{StoryIcon|Elsword}} '''Elsword:''' ''What?''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''Yes! I must have lost it when I was running away from the spiders! That's why I cam all the way here looking for it.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chung}} '''Chung:''' ''...''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''But we can ask for a search party once we go back. Let's go back to Hamel, shall we?''
*{{StoryIcon|Rena}} '''Rena:''' ''You're acting really suspicious... Is there any reason why we shouldn't go further in?''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''N... no! Why would you think that? There's nothing to see here, but spiders!''
*{{StoryIcon|Eve}} '''Eve:''' ''His heart rate is increasing, and he is having trouble making eye contact.''
*{{StoryIcon|Elesis}} '''Elesis:''' ''Penensio? I think we found our snitch. What do you think?''
*{{StoryIcon|Penensio}} '''Penensio:''' ''What a coincidence. I was just thinking the same thing.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''Oh... er... I have no idea what you are talking about.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chung}} '''Chung:''' ''The Water Seal...''
*{{StoryIcon|Chung}} '''Chung:''' ''Where is it?''
Line 169: Line 207:
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''Hey, now... Why the long face, everybody...''
*{{StoryIcon|Penensio}} '''Penensio:''' ''Lord Rod Ross. The Seal may be the fundamental reason the demons invaded Hamel.''
*{{StoryIcon|Penensio}} '''Penensio:''' ''Tell us the truth about the Seal! This is an urgent matter!''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''Eeek! There there's no need to worry about! I took care of it!''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''From now on, Senace ruled by me, Rod ROss, will be a beautiful, peaceful land untouched by demons. So rest ease...''
*{{StoryIcon|Elesis}} '''Elesis:''' ''Stop changing the subject and answer the damn question!''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''Gah! I'll talk! I'll talk! I'll talk for goodness sake!''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''Th, the demons have the Water Seal. B, but! They said they were going to retreat from Senace once they have the Water Seal, so it's all fine! Don't you see?''
*{{StoryIcon|Elsword}} '''Elsword:''' ''Nothing is fine! You were just fooled!''
*{{StoryIcon|Aisha}} '''Aisha:''' ''Sigh... I can't believe we had to go through all of that just to hear this answer. Forget it. Let's just hurry over to the Water Temple.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chung}} '''Chung:''' ''Wait. Lord Rod Ross.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chung}} '''Chung:''' ''Why didn't you have the Water Seal in the first place? The Water Seal is the symbol of the ruler of Hamel. But instead of you, the priest had it.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chung}} '''Chung:''' ''The priest is supposed to keep the Water Seal safe until the next ruler succeeds, but the last ruler, Lord Rod Gess passed away quite some time ago.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chung}} '''Chung:''' ''Yet, it was the priest that had the Water Seal.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''Well... you see... Father didn't really trust me to be the Lord of Hamel, so he never gave me the Water Seal.''
*{{StoryIcon|Penensio}} '''Penensio:''' ''Lord Rod Ross...? Then you've never had full authority over Senace?!''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''Wait, hear me out! When Senace was first invaded by strange beasts, I met a beautiful lady with crimson hair...''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''She told me that the demons attacked Senace because they were looking for something, and that nothing will be resolved until they find it.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''In order to resolve the issue, they needed the ruler of Hamel, but Hamel did not have one. And the old men of the senate showed no flexibility with those stiff necks of theirs.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''Which is why demons also had to do this the hard way.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''That's when I thought to myself, what does it matter that the symbol of a ruler is also the Water Seal and vice versa! What we needed was a ruler to solve all the problems at hand! Brilliant! If I say so myself.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''The lady agreed... That I should become the leader of Senace so I can resolve the issue with the demons and take care of my grieving people.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rod Ross}} '''Rod Ross:''' ''She told me, that someone named Ran will visit me soon, and as long as I cooperate, everything will turn out fine. That's why I decided to cooperate. Now, if you trust me...''
*{{StoryIcon|Raven}} '''Raven:''' ''You handed everything over to the demons.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chung}} '''Chung:''' ''Lord Rod Ross...! How could you! I won't forgive you!! Because of you... because of you... Father is...!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Elsword}} '''Elsword:''' ''Calm down, Chung! He's not worth it.''
*{{StoryIcon|Add}} '''Add:''' ''I was hoping for a novel excuse, but it was just a story of a twit, doing dimwitted things, like a true imbecile.''
*{{StoryIcon|Penensio}} '''Penensio:''' ''What was he... sigh... I suspect it will take days to uncover all his crimes.''
*{{StoryIcon|Penensio}} '''Penensio:''' ''But first, we must protect the Water El. You head to the Halls of Water at once!''

Revision as of 05:54, 11 August 2021

  • English

Chapter 12: Secrets of the Temple

[Village] Water Seal
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

Chung says he handed the Water Seal to Rod Ross. The El Search Party hurried to the Crystal Caves where Rod Ross headed before he is attacked by demons.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Chung: When I met the priest... I received the Water Seal with his message.
  • Chung: Because it's the symbol of a ruler, I gave it to Lord Rod Ross... But if demons learn about this...!
  • Raven: They will target Lord Rod Ross! Penensio, where was Lord Rod Ross last seen?
  • Penensio: I saw him at the office... But I can't confirm he'd still be there. He likes having the freedom to roam around...
  • Add: You mean he likes to wander around without telling anyone.
  • Rena: We should go back immediately! Let's leave at once!
  • Taranvash: ... I see. You have received the Water Seal.
  • Chung: Yes. But my failings have led Hamel into danger. Even though Priest Avalanche had entrusted it to me...
  • Chung: I still don't know where father is... That is my fault.
  • Taranvash: Do not blame yourself, Guardian. You have already proven your worth.
  • Taranvash: Now go. So you can protect your Hamel.
  • Chung: ...?

  • [Hamel Office]
  • (SLAM!)
  • Penensio: Lord Rod Ross! Are you here?!
  • Daisy: Goodness, gracious! Who is it?
  • Penensio: Miss. Daisy? Where is Lord Ross?
  • Daisy: As always, Lord Rod Ross is working day and night for the safety of Hamel as the rightful ruler of Senace. As you well know!
  • Daisy: Today, he decided to visit the Water Temple, to make sure that the El is safe. He left just a moment ago.
  • Penensio: We were too late...
  • Add: Safety of Hamel? He didn't seem like the type to care about that.
  • Aisha: Maybe he was deceived by demons?
  • Elsword: If he just left, we should be able to catch up. Which way did he go?
  • Daisy: Lord Rod Ross took the shortcut. He had the Red Knights guarding him, so he should have arrived at the temple by now.
  • Chung: A shortcut to the temple... There is the large crystal cave with a large flow of water. I will lead the way!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Advanced Magic Stone x10 N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Rod Ross Runs Away
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Water Seal story quest

The El Search Party rescues the Red Knights who were taken out by vicious spiders in the Crystal Caves. They have to see Rod Ross before they encounter Magmanta.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • (KEE-- KEE, KEEK!)
  • Aisha: Kyaaaa!!! Ew! Ew! Spiders, I hate this place!!
  • Eve: Don't be scared, Aisha. They're just spiders. They are enormous, with many eyes, with three pairs of legs, splits out secretion that's likely unsanitary, and venomous.
  • Aisha: Kyaaaa!! Gross! Gust! Stooorm!!
  • Rena: Hahaha... That fire pillar will probably take care of anything no matter what comes out. Chung, is this place always swarming with spiders?
  • Rena: Were they always this aggressive and big? Or is this also due to demon influence?
  • Chung: No. They were always large and vicious. Oh, they will also eat humans, so be careful.
  • Chung: I don't understand why Lord Rod Ross decided to take this route even with guards. The spiders are especially on edge this time of year because it's mating season.
  • Elsword: ... Temple... Temple...
  • Raven: Kugh, there are demons here, as well.
  • Elsword: I see demons. They must be up to no good at the temple.
  • Elsword: Anyway, what are these creepy cocoons.
  • Red Knight: ... Kugh! Cough, ugh!
  • Rena: Yikes? It's a person?!
  • Elesis: Wait... This uniform... He's a member of the Red Knights! Did the spiders get you?!
  • Red Knight: C, captain! Cough. We were ambushed by demons while we were escorting Lord Rod Ross!
  • Add: ... The spliders' secretion contained paralyzing components. If we didn't get him, he would have been made food for baby spiders.
  • Aisha: Eee... eeeee!
  • Elesis: Those demons... I can't let my men go down like this. Let's go!
  • Add: We'll have to open every cocoon that we see. I would rather not see people being eaten alive. Blood and gore isn't really to my taste.
  • Raven: I wonder if Lord Rod Ross is alright, seeing the Red Knights like this.
  • Chung: What should we do... If we go too deep, we might encounter Magmanta. I hope we would run into them before then...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Berserk Soldier: Gah... aack...!
  • (SWISH!)
  • Aisha: Hey! Wake up! We're allies!
  • Berserk Soldier: Gaaah... Get... out of my way!!
  • Elesis: Ah, this one isn't in his right state of mind...
  • (SMACK!)
  • Elsword: Did you take him out?
  • Elesis: Yeah. Do you think the venom had hallucinating effects? He's really out of it. He might hurt himself, so it was better to just take him out.
  • Add: There shouldn't be any hallucinatory effects. Perhaps he just drove himself mad with fear.
  • Elesis: ... Penensio! Let's get these guys we rescued from the spider cocoons back to Hamel.
  • Penensio: Understood.

  • Penensio: Oh, I see Lord Rod Ross over there! Lord Rod Ross! We have come to escort you!
  • Elsword: Is that Rod Ross?
  • Rod Ross: Ugh? N, no...!
  • (TATATATA...)
  • Raven: ... He's running away?
  • Elsword: What...? Hey! We're here to rescue you!
  • Rod Ross: Ha!
  • (CRASH!)
  • Chung: Lord Rod Ross! What are you doing! That's a spider's nest! It's too dangerous!
  • (... CRACK, CRACK, THUMP!)
  • Magmanta: ...!!!
  • Aisha: Gyaaa! Gi! Gi! Gi...!
  • Rena: Giant Spider.
  • Aisha: Giant Spider!!!!
  • Elesis: The scoundrel...! He pruposefully hit the spider's nest to summon it. What is he doing, when we've come to rescue him!
  • Magmanta: (RRROAAAAR--!)
  • Eve: Rod Ross escaped through the cave behind the spider's nest. First, we will have to eliminate that spider known as Magmanta.
  • Add: I can tell he won't get very far from the way he runs. I'll go get him. I don't like that he's using us on one of his schemes.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 3,049,650 [Ariel] Intermediate HP Potion x30 N/A
ED 3,504,700 [Ariel] Intermediate MP Potion x30 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Captured Rod Ross
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Rod Ross Runs Away story quest

They finally met Rod Ross after everything, but he seems suspicious. It seems they've found the culprit who handed over all the secrets to demons.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Rod Ross: Oh, uh, hey! You're the knights from Velder!
  • Chung: ...
  • Rod Ross: My, did you actually manage to defeat that giant spider? Amazing. Ha, haha...
  • Penensio: Lord Rod Ross, why did you run away?
  • Rod Ross: Oh, I was... uh... startled! Yes, startled because of the spiders.
  • Aisha: Do you know how much trouble you caused for everyone? I had to fight a spider!
  • Add: Everyone is serious when he's acting like a nitwit.
  • Raven: ... Agreed. To think that buffoon is the Lord of Hamel. Hamel is unfortunate to have him.
  • Rod Ross: I, uh... I'm glad you're here! I was just planning on going back, but these pesky spiders were getting in the way!
  • Rod Ross: Now, escort me outside the cave at once! Since you've come all this way, it should be easy, shouldn't it? Let's return at once!
  • Elesis: Don't you have something to say before that?
  • Rod Ross: Ah, yes! Great job coming this far. I congratulate you.
  • Elesis: Who said I wanted a cheap compliment?! I'm talking about my subordinates that almost died trying to protect you!
  • Rod Ross: Ah, yes, yes. It was rather unfortunate... Their sacrifices will not be in vain.
  • Rod Ross: Hmm... I have an idea! I will order Daisy to build a memorial somewhere with a nice view.
  • Elesis: No one's dead, you imbecile!
  • Eve: Sigh... was he worth saving?
  • Rena: I don't know. I can't bring myself to say yes.
  • Chung: ... Lord Rod Ross.
  • Chung: Where is the Water Seal?
  • Rod Ross: ...
  • Rod Ross: ... Uh, er... why do you ask? You were the one who entrusted it to me.
  • Chung: Yes. That's why I was wondering where it is now. It doesn't seem like you have it.
  • Rod Ross: ... Hm... Let's go back to Hamel to continue this conversation. It's going to be a long story...
  • Chung: Why? You just need to tell us where the Water Seal is. This shouldn't be a hard question.
  • Rod Ross: Er...
  • Rod Ross: I, uh, lost it... on the way.
  • Elsword: What?
  • Rod Ross: Yes! I must have lost it when I was running away from the spiders! That's why I cam all the way here looking for it.
  • Chung: ...
  • Rod Ross: But we can ask for a search party once we go back. Let's go back to Hamel, shall we?
  • Rena: You're acting really suspicious... Is there any reason why we shouldn't go further in?
  • Rod Ross: N... no! Why would you think that? There's nothing to see here, but spiders!
  • Eve: His heart rate is increasing, and he is having trouble making eye contact.
  • Elesis: Penensio? I think we found our snitch. What do you think?
  • Penensio: What a coincidence. I was just thinking the same thing.
  • Rod Ross: Oh... er... I have no idea what you are talking about.
  • Chung: The Water Seal...
  • Chung: Where is it?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rod Ross: Hey, now... Why the long face, everybody...
  • Penensio: Lord Rod Ross. The Seal may be the fundamental reason the demons invaded Hamel.
  • Penensio: Tell us the truth about the Seal! This is an urgent matter!
  • Rod Ross: Eeek! There there's no need to worry about! I took care of it!
  • Rod Ross: From now on, Senace ruled by me, Rod ROss, will be a beautiful, peaceful land untouched by demons. So rest ease...
  • Elesis: Stop changing the subject and answer the damn question!
  • Rod Ross: Gah! I'll talk! I'll talk! I'll talk for goodness sake!
  • Rod Ross: Th, the demons have the Water Seal. B, but! They said they were going to retreat from Senace once they have the Water Seal, so it's all fine! Don't you see?
  • Elsword: Nothing is fine! You were just fooled!
  • Aisha: Sigh... I can't believe we had to go through all of that just to hear this answer. Forget it. Let's just hurry over to the Water Temple.
  • Chung: Wait. Lord Rod Ross.
  • Chung: Why didn't you have the Water Seal in the first place? The Water Seal is the symbol of the ruler of Hamel. But instead of you, the priest had it.
  • Chung: The priest is supposed to keep the Water Seal safe until the next ruler succeeds, but the last ruler, Lord Rod Gess passed away quite some time ago.
  • Chung: Yet, it was the priest that had the Water Seal.
  • Rod Ross: Well... you see... Father didn't really trust me to be the Lord of Hamel, so he never gave me the Water Seal.
  • Penensio: Lord Rod Ross...? Then you've never had full authority over Senace?!
  • Rod Ross: Wait, hear me out! When Senace was first invaded by strange beasts, I met a beautiful lady with crimson hair...
  • Rod Ross: She told me that the demons attacked Senace because they were looking for something, and that nothing will be resolved until they find it.
  • Rod Ross: In order to resolve the issue, they needed the ruler of Hamel, but Hamel did not have one. And the old men of the senate showed no flexibility with those stiff necks of theirs.
  • Rod Ross: Which is why demons also had to do this the hard way.
  • Rod Ross: That's when I thought to myself, what does it matter that the symbol of a ruler is also the Water Seal and vice versa! What we needed was a ruler to solve all the problems at hand! Brilliant! If I say so myself.
  • Rod Ross: The lady agreed... That I should become the leader of Senace so I can resolve the issue with the demons and take care of my grieving people.
  • Rod Ross: She told me, that someone named Ran will visit me soon, and as long as I cooperate, everything will turn out fine. That's why I decided to cooperate. Now, if you trust me...
  • Raven: You handed everything over to the demons.
  • Chung: Lord Rod Ross...! How could you! I won't forgive you!! Because of you... because of you... Father is...!!
  • Elsword: Calm down, Chung! He's not worth it.
  • Add: I was hoping for a novel excuse, but it was just a story of a twit, doing dimwitted things, like a true imbecile.
  • Penensio: What was he... sigh... I suspect it will take days to uncover all his crimes.
  • Penensio: But first, we must protect the Water El. You head to the Halls of Water at once!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 [Ariel] Grilled Fish x30 [Ariel] Spirit Water x30
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Rescuing the Water Priestess
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Captured Rod Ross story quest

When the El Search Party faces the demon who kidnapped the Water Priestess, the corrupted White Colossus Helputt is the one who stood in their way.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,668,820 File:Blessed Enhacment Stone.png Blessed Enhancement Stone x10 N/A
ED 2,722,400 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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